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Just because you believe something doesn't mean it is correct, nor does it mean that everyone else should accept it.
As far as the rest of the world is concerned, this is a declaration from GOONS on R&R. TIO and NATO are welcome to defend R&R via their treaty, but it is not an attack on all of you. This is simply a situation where your opinion on your bloc matters far less then interpretation by others.

It was DH's interpretation for a long time. I didn't see any of its allies object to it.
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Umm, TOP had like 5 offensive wars on NPO when they hit NATO and triggered R&R's MD, not sure what world you live on but that's not exactly hampering the NPO front.   I understand coalition warfare and all that jazz, I just haven't gotten one satisfactory answer as to why R&R somehow has to be the focus now, considering NPO "hasn't taken enough damage" apparently.
Nobody expected kid gloves and if you think Usual Suspects is upset about getting to fight GOONS you have no idea what goes on in our AA's.  There is a huge gap between being handled with kid gloves and becoming the object of the majority of offensive declarations.  This whole shorten the war argument isn't going to fly, because I guarantee you GOONS coming in on this front did nothing to shorten this war.


And right here is why outlying fronts don't want to give peace, because of all this "Pacifica will get theirs when the war de-escalates" talk.


There is absolutely no reason to continue this travesty of a war to get the terms suggested unless Platysphere has their eye on a target already and they want to make sure there is no significant NS reserve in another sphere that could complicate the next war for them.  Which by the way is the same logic used when your predecessor sphere forced NPO to the terms in the DH-NPO war and we all know what the results of that were for those ex-coalition mates.


There have been plenty of satisfactory answers, you just don't like them. Yes, Platysphere has its eye on many things. 


You realize NPO also used the same exact strategy. You could say NPO invented the strategy of depleting the NS reserves of any potential threat (even allies). 


People are trying way too hard, on both sides.


NpO/TOP believe they can put more pressure on us (US) by throwing GOONS in, and why wouldn't they? It is a completely legit tactic, time will tell whether it will succeed or not. 


See, this man gets it Berbers. 


Like being a meat shield for TOP/NpO? I suspect the AAs that oA'd in on an aggressive war for someone else will tap out over unnecessary damage due to punitive reps before our side.


I suspect that MI6 will disband due to being shamed by you. Also, what reps?


While true, it didn't make sense for US to tag themselves like that given the damage ratios on the front at the time.


You mean TIO having a shit ratio and only NATO having done anything remotely considered good by anyone standards? Sparta was at war with 3 alliances, while NATO/TIO jumped on Sparta (while Sparta fought NPO). And even then, TIO was taking more damage the entire war than they were dishing out. So.... 





Why we need to declare war on GOONs i'd love to know....


Do you lot not read bloc treaties, exact same reason as per TOP just in this case cba posting a recognition of hostilities.


GOONs declares war on both TIO and NATO when declaring war on R&R.


So by this standard MI6 is at war with TIO and NATO? Same with Umbrella, and anyone else who hit R&R? Oh and Sparta is at war with R&R... Okay gotcha. Think it is time to oA some people on the rest of US since we are technically at war. 

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Hey, it's not our fault this is happening. I guess GOD got so used to losing wars that they actually began to enjoy it.

actually I'd probably let you guys shoulder a good deal of the blame as you knew the consequence of having GOONS hit. Edited by Neo Uruk
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