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TPF Declaration of War

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I am well aware you wont ever do anything of your own accord.


You caught us. STA are total lapdogs. All we've ever done is wait for someone to say jump. Darn that STA. Followers, the lot of them. 


Ill see what I can do Pez for old time sake.  Wow STA with TPF and NPO and Val with NpO never would have called that LOL. 


I know! It's nuts. I'll point out that we're allied to UPN too, and neither UPN nor TPF have been hit yet, and we don't know what we're doing. 


If it doesn't work out this war, we should coordinate next time so we can finally get the big scary STA/VAL war done. 

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Ill see what I can do Pez for old time sake.  Wow STA with TPF and NPO and Val with NpO never would have called that LOL. 


I will send you 100 tech and a haiku if you do. Nothing works out the past like a good war. I call it Martial therapy.

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well Judge ill put a bug in CJs ear and see what we can do.  Honestly I hold little beef with TPF anymore from a personal standpoint now that Slayer is gone.  I know many in Val would find it hard to hit old friends but then again whats a few casualties between friends. :)

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TPF vs MI6.  This will be a fun war for both sides.  Having been a member of both I can honestly say both groups are full of good people and jackhole free.  Good luck to both of you.  I know in the cluster frack that this war is, this will be a well fought battle between to honorable foes.    

Jackhole free? MI6? Invalid post, try again.
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I am well aware you wont ever do anything of your own accord.


This is particularly disheartening considering everything STA has gone through on your behalf. I said it before in Rok, you guys are just shitty allies. Keep turning on the ones who went to bat for you i'm sure it will work out for the best.

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This is particularly disheartening considering everything STA has gone through on your behalf. I said it before in Rok, you guys are just shitty allies. Keep turning on the ones who went to bat for you i'm sure it will work out for the best.

It's just grub and maybe Random. We in the STA know how the BR in NpO feels towards us, the feeling is reciprocated with two notable exceptions. Also, I personally have a ton of respect for Dajobo and consider him a close friend. :)

Edited by conistonslim
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This is particularly disheartening considering everything STA has gone through on your behalf. I said it before in Rok, you guys are just shitty allies. Keep turning on the ones who went to bat for you i'm sure it will work out for the best.


Stop with these mass generalisations. Conistonslim hit the nail on the head with his post.

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indeed, if there's two things ever constant in CN alliances: Chim alliances always dies, and NSO never does ;)


but i'm feeling pretty old these days. At least I get to spend the last of 'em plotwatching MI6's next disbandment  :ph34r:

where do i sign up to NSO? sounds like a wonderful place

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so what just happened to MI6's shit-eating grin now?




Still there mate.




IAA is 2-0 for disbandment in wars directly involved with NPO and NSO, so 3 in a row shouldn't be too hard ;)



and lol @ MI6; and here they thought they and TOP wouldn't be left holding the bag from their ambition.


You realize that IAA disbanded after fighting beside NSO... 


My bag has diamonds in it mate. DIAMONDS!!!!


indeed, if there's two things ever constant in CN alliances: Chim alliances always dies, and NSO never does ;)


but i'm feeling pretty old these days. At least I get to spend the last of 'em plotwatching MI6's next disbandment  :ph34r:


I would say this is the first global war NSO fought in several years. So yeah. First global war y'all could not dodge and you are getting kind of crushed. 


And next? When the fuck was the first mate?

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indeed, if there's two things ever constant in CN alliances: Chim alliances always dies, and NSO never does ;)


So, basically, you are being proud of having become a walking joke for years and still refusing to throw the failure to the dustbin and start over.

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You realize that IAA disbanded after fighting beside NSO... 


My bag has diamonds in it mate. DIAMONDS!!!!



I would say this is the first global war NSO fought in several years. So yeah. First global war y'all could not dodge and you are getting kind of crushed. 


And next? When the fuck was the first mate?


Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 


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Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 



If you say something enough, surely it becomes true eventually.

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Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 


I'm not sure if you guys have noticed or not, but MI6 is not IAA and we don't want to be. I'd normally be insulted, but considering NSO has a collective IQ of a pigeon, I'm more looking to help you guys understand this. 

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I'm proud of you, TPF, for making the tough decisions, and doing what you know is the right thing, even if it's not necessarily the best thing for you. Good for you guys. I love you.


Please Valhalla, will you counter? We really only need you to declare one little war on them. I'll give you cookies. 


You should have offered up a giant, delicious slurpee!

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This is particularly disheartening considering everything STA has gone through on your behalf. I said it before in Rok, you guys are just shitty allies. Keep turning on the ones who went to bat for you i'm sure it will work out for the best.


There are many things you said while in RoK, yet very few of them proved truthful. Having been allied to both RoK under your leadership and Polar now, I'd rather have Polar at my side any day of the week.

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This is particularly disheartening considering everything STA has gone through on your behalf. I said it before in Rok, you guys are just shitty allies. Keep turning on the ones who went to bat for you i'm sure it will work out for the best.


If they didn't listen to you then, why would they listen to you now when you've become even worse.

Edited by Rotavele
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Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 



Where did I comment on IAA's fight during that war? I said specifically that they fought at NSO's side prior to disbanding. I may be wrong but considering you are lumping yourselves in with NPO when discussing IAA's two disbandments, it seems that you are insinuating that NSO warred IAA until they disbanded (which is what NPO did). That is as far from the truth as anything gets. 


As for TPF, I am having some pleasant chats with the two who hit me and as for getting shafted, MI6 wanted to be countered mate. We are celebrating that we got hit by TPF. So I am not sure what you are going on about. As far as anything else, war is war. We will fight where needed and whoever we need to. We are ripping through NPO quite well despite being countered and we are now starting to do more damage to TPF than the first day, thanks mostly to nukes. 


NSO has passed the 1 million damage marker. We are closing in but are still a bit of a ways off. The counters that have come from your side are on TOP leaving Polaris and Fark to continue to ravage y'all. Fark has no one but NSO to focus on, while Polaris is also hitting NPO. What is amusing is US picked an alliance they probably thought was a weak link and ended up choosing wrong. MI6 was thought to be a weak link and wow, did y'all end up wrong. 


But please continue on with your current thought process. MI6 is here to win and here to stay.

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Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 



I suppose your assumptions are based upon your permanent novitiate status.

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Yes Doch, IAA fought valiantly in Legion, fighting all 12 of their declared wars (6 of which were by Taget), and disbanded afterwards despite being untouched by counters.


Don't get me wrong, i just love seeing MI6 getting shafted in their own coalition they helped build, and lurking in your public chan confirms that you know you're getting shafted too, and that's probably not going to change :P. Bravo to TPF for taking advantage of this, as it's unlikely they'll face too much resistance. I know NSO and TPF have had their share of disagreements (especially between leaders, to say the least, heheh), but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy watching TPF having its way with MI6 or recognizing the difficult spot they were put in.




Also, the butthurt is so evident it's delicious. 



A few things I'd like to clarify though we're getting perilously off topic.


IAA was dead before that last war.  The outside world didn't know it.  But most of us did.  It was a hollow shell incapable of much.  A leadership change was needed to finally put it to sleep.  You're probably familiar with the internals and why our involvement was a bluff that never should've been called.  If not I can discuss it with you privately.  I won't say there weren't elements that annoyed the hell out of me that were cowardly, overly pedantic, or even overtly supported Legion.  But almost none of those folks are in MI6.   And that is a good thing.


Second I like NSO.  They fought well in that war.  I am sure they are fighting well in this war.  They have a good war culture.  And hopefully we can get some of that in MI6.  I am sad in the months I was away from things that the relationship between the two alliances got so bad.  On the other hand this world does need drama to help it stay exciting.  So in that regard it is not that bad of a thing.


Third.  While of course there are frustrations and occasional point of venting compared to the last half dozen wars or so I have been in there is actually at least internally very little drama.  The complaint level is low and people are on the whole pleased with the war and enjoying their various fights.  That is always subject to change as a few weeks pass.

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