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GOONS break agreement

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Just what exactly does equilibrium have to do with a raid gone bad?  This has nothing to do with the past war which is now over and as far as I know, all terms have been fulfilled.  I'll echo others and say get a better protector if you feel you aren't getting enough support.  


Also, if you are such a great "warrior", then why are you whining and crying all over the OWF???

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I hope errbody criticizing and condemning GOONS here understands how dull the game would be without them. What would you do then?


Yeah, what would we do without threads like this every other month? :rolleyes:

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I fail to see the intensity here. GOONs has very distinct rules about how they do their raiding


* Only raid unaligned nations; if you can't do that:
1) The AA must have 14 members or less.
2) There must not be any "protected by" notes in any bios; if there are, you check each claim (IRC/email).
3) Search for them on THE WIKI. If they have any protection, they are off limits. DoE is irrelevant on its own.
4) Search for them on THE FORUMS. If they have any protection, they are off limits. DoE is irrelevant on its own.
5) Check MY LIST of nations and alliances that are off limits.
6) Do a simple Google search for "cybernations _____" where the blank is the alliance you want.
7) Or ASK A ****ING GOV IF YOU AREN'T SURE, even though we'll just do the above shit.


I'm not an alliance leader and it took me 5 seconds to find these rules on their forum. If you are an alliance leader and get upset about their raiding practices then perhaps you should not be an alliance leader.


It's not rocket science. A GOONs member violated the rules of raiding practice dictated by the GOONs government and instead of contacting them, Zulu decided to turn it into propaganda at the whim of Equilibrium in hopes of starting a world war all over again likely because he just wants a little more attention.


I've never played soft ball and I won't start now. I'm not a friend of GOONs but let's be serious about this ... they are not the only ones at fault here. Let this die and pass on as it should.

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I hope errbody criticizing and condemning GOONS here understands how dull the game would be without them. What would you do then?

longer nicer peaces and more tactical wars? I don't see the problem.

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Oh man, Zulu was a real alliance, I thought there were just like the Sword Alliance but less egregiously incompetent.


e9ztb5.jpg Sorry Bill.

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Zulu decided to turn it into propaganda at the whim of Equilibrium in hopes of starting a world war all over again likely because he just wants a little more attention.

Doubt he was as calculating as this. Anyways cheers to another GOONS raid gone wrong.
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Yeah, what would we do without threads like this every other month? :rolleyes:


One would think the inferior quality, and stupidity of this thread reflects more on its creator than on its subject.

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I fail to see the intensity here. GOONs has very distinct rules about how they do their raiding




I'm not an alliance leader and it took me 5 seconds to find these rules on their forum. If you are an alliance leader and get upset about their raiding practices then perhaps you should not be an alliance leader.


It's not rocket science. A GOONs member violated the rules of raiding practice dictated by the GOONs government and instead of contacting them, Zulu decided to turn it into propaganda at the whim of Equilibrium in hopes of starting a world war all over again likely because he just wants a little more attention.


I've never played soft ball and I won't start now. I'm not a friend of GOONs but let's be serious about this ... they are not the only ones at fault here. Let this die and pass on as it should.



Actually as it turns out, there was no posted protection for Zulu at the time of the raid. The raid being approved wasn't against any of our rules being that Zulu wasn't a publicly protected alliance. TTK came to us after the raid to inform us that they hadn't posted that notice yet but they were protecting Zulu. If somebody had not mentioned it in this thread, I wouldn't have remembered that they were added to the signatures for each coalition in the last war. Admittedly even if I had remembered, it would not have mattered.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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I can confirm Zulu was a TTK protectorate pre-raid, but no idea if it was on the wiki or publicly announced


When one of our councilors spoke with TTK about this previously, the representative from TTK admitted that they had been slow to get the notice out into the public eye (either via the Wiki or the OWF). It's a common mistake I run into fairly often when it comes to goons raiding micros. And just like all of those previous cases they're settled quickly and amicably between ourselves and the protector. Only a handful turn into a spectacle driven by the micro in question and the usual talking heads. This just happens to be one of those cases. TTK's Grandmaster was a pleasant individual to talk to about resolving this problem. I hope they will be able to teach Zulu the fundamentals of inter-alliance politics.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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When one of our councilors spoke with TTK about this previously, the representative from TTK admitted that they had been slow to get the notice out into the public eye (either via the Wiki or the OWF). It's a common mistake I run into fairly often when it comes to goons raiding micros. And just like all of those previous cases they're settled quickly and amicably between ourselves and the protector. Only a handful turn into a spectacle driven by the micro in question and the usual talking heads. This just happens to be one of those cases. TTK's Grandmaster was a pleasant individual to talk to about resolving this problem. I hope they will be able to teach Zulu the fundamentals of inter-alliance politics.


It was on the owf.  http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/114446-zulu-empire-ready-to-consider-treaties/?hl=zulu

Looks like it still isn't on ttk's wiki page http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Templar_Knights



Carry on.

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It was on the owf.  http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/114446-zulu-empire-ready-to-consider-treaties/?hl=zulu

Looks like it still isn't on ttk's wiki page http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Templar_Knights



Carry on.


With all due respect, that looks like a joke of a post, and not something even I would consider an "official announcement."

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