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Unknown Smurf

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1354532040' post='3059957']
you've already thrown in your lot this time around, the question is more of, will you actually learn something from this or are you content to be lapdogs forever, 3 out of 4 of you I expect to say yes, INT is the only one I have hope for eventually realizing they chose the wrong clique.

To be fair to airme he has publicly said he is trying to distance himself from them. Words count as much as actions in my book.

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Even if these logs were true, I still don't understand what's so heinous about wanting to roll The Legion? I mean at least 95% of CN has wanted to do it two or three times throughout their past/current careers. *shrugs*

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354542904' post='3059976']
Again for the slow witted, when you're making a comment on someone to insult them, to save actually looking like a mong, put the leg work in and make sure the basics are there first, like AA.

If I'm going to rip into your AA, then I'll at least have the common sense to check you're a part of that alliance. Pretty simple stuff really, or maybe not for some ;)

Considering many would place you in the group of "OWF Detractor" and how many times that you've alliance hop, the amount of your credibility is generally viewed to be very low. In addition to what your logic is based off of, you are saying that people need to place the effort in checking other people's credibility. Now I find this funny because you are basically reaffirming that you don't have any credibility and people should realize this. So, then by your logic, I suppose you are correct and that Trotsky should have realized that your reputation isn't even worth a dirty shoe and everything that has to do with you should come under question.

At least you have come to terms with who you really are.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354516331' post='3059894']
That treaty was never going to happen. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Maybe it was promised so that you would commit to defending Tetris? Maybe not. Believe what you wish.

That's not true, MK was pretty high on NSO during that time. I wasn't royalty then, so I'm not sure if a treaty was offered/declined or the reasoning behind it. I will say that they have had one of the more active non allied embassies on our fourms and aren't viewed in a bad light by most of my membership.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354542904' post='3059976']
Was I the one trying to use a crap retort without making sure i was correct? Nope. I never knew the onus was on me to make it easier for people to try and insult me. Great logic.

I do when I'm trying to insult that persons AA. :facepalm:

It's honestly just not that serious to bother double checking your AA. If you think you're being clever or something by having the wrong AA listed... well, damn did I underestimate you.

[quote]I love the MK rush and lacky rush on my comments though, It's nice to know I can envoke such actions. Thanks.[/quote]

Lol wait, since when am I a lackey?

Edited by Gibsonator21
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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1354532040' post='3059957']
you've already thrown in your lot this time around, the question is more of, will you actually learn something from this or are you content to be lapdogs forever, 3 out of 4 of you I expect to say yes, INT is the only one I have hope for eventually realizing they chose the wrong clique.
It's funny how alliances are lapdogs when they are on the other side of the war as you.

Also, "Know Fear", lol.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1354521567' post='3059932']
The sad factor here is how someone's alliance determines whether their comment is retarded or not.

The only MK poster who isn't terrible is Ardus. You are probably one of the dumber ones.

Speaking of pot/kettle......

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1354559144' post='3060038']
It's honestly just not that serious to bother double checking your AA. If you think you're being clever or something by having the wrong AA listed... well, damn did I underestimate you.


Lol wait, since when am I a lackey?

You're right, i shouldn't call you a lackey. I apologize.

As for the AA thing, I didn't take the guys comment seriously when he said it about joining terrible alliances, he's is correct about that, I joined GOONS and m.

Had he commented about my response directly instead of the mouth breathers that did, I'd have laughed with him. But I'm not one to waste a baited line when I have a fish on the end.

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[quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1354537999' post='3059966']
The assumption underpinning the OP and many posts by DH-aligned members seems to be that there is some loosely aligned coalition that is slowly forming for the sole purpose of taking down DH. But this says as much about the projection bias of those posters as it does about any material changes that have occurred to the political status quo.

If [url= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113982&st=300#entry3055745]Ardus[/url] is to be believed, MK is determined not to initiate a conflict, to prevent any opportunity that this hypothetical coalition might have to attack it. But if many alliances consider their own security to be a key objective of their political strategy, and they no longer have to fear an aggressive protagonist in MK, then the hypothetical war does not need to be fought because the objective has already been achieved.
It appears both sides are planning a defensive war, my guess is this one will stew in the kettle until some 3rd party of knuckles heads inadvertently kick the kettle over.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1354494387' post='3059719']
This thread really delivered since my last visit, though MK and Co supporting/planning this kind of stuff doesn't surprise me anymore, but I still laugh when I see how they are hypocrites.
tbh everyone talks as if they innocent but everyone is a hypocrite, that includes myself tbh. sometimes you do it but just dont notice, also d34th better see some good graphics :P

Edited by Amossio
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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1354562090' post='3060054']
It appears both sides are planning a defensive war, my guess is this one will stew in the kettle until some 3rd party of knuckles heads inadvertently kick the kettle over.
Show me the kettle, and I will show you a knucklehead. :smug:

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1354562090' post='3060054']
It appears both sides are planning a defensive war, my guess is this one will stew in the kettle until some 3rd party of knuckles heads inadvertently kick the kettle over.

This gentlemen gets it. I doubt we'll be seeing our annual winter war, but one can always hope. :P

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1354565336' post='3060060']
This gentlemen gets it. I doubt we'll be seeing our annual winter war, but one can always hope. :P

I certainly hope so, otherwise I'll need a new signature.

Edited by Ogaden
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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354541547' post='3059970']
Ahh. nothing like knowing you've gotten under peoples skin when all the post is, "your a $#!+ poster!". You might as well have just posted, "No U!!1!1!" and called it a day. What's happened to MK/DH/TOP? I thought you guys had "huevos" aplenty. This proves that it was always a numerical herculean strength that went along with your talk. I'm not insinuating that all of you are crap. By no means, but the very, very few are swallowed up in the sea of turds. Nothing is going to happen because, "WE. DID. NOT. DIE." and we never will.

You're not exactly getting under anyone's skin. At least that I know of. I can't check every household, nor do I care to do so. What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF, especially when its head honcho is thumping its own chest like that. Maybe it has to do with some backroom dealing. Maybe it has to do with your balls suddenly dropping. Who knows? Who cares? The fact remains: TPF was relatively calm lately and, all of a sudden, you come in unprovoked and make thinly veiled threats.

As for TPF, I don't think anyone worth its salt would seriously say you were scared of a fight. You've proved it before. Props to you for that. As for your performance, I -personally- wasn't too impressed last time we fought. Roadie, iirc, was good but the rest? Not so much. But that was just my own experience and it doesn't really matter in the end.

Oh and for the record, while you're not our favourite alliance, you're certainly not at the top of our "To Kill" list. If you want a fight, go ahead and do your thing. But we don't really want to kill you and I'm not sure we ever did.

PS: bragging about the number of responses you elicit isn't something to be proud of, tbh. It makes you know better than Hiro Nakara, Ogaden, Mogar and the rest of the attention whores and usually means you made a post so dumb everyone is mocking you.

Edited by potato
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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1354566130' post='3060065']
I certainly hope so, otherwise I'll need a new signature.

Nah, just edit it to say 2013.

Also, thanks for this thread guys, it has been well worth the read. It really toyed with my emotions. 1st, I was all :popcorn:. And then :facepalm:. Then back to :popcorn:. Rinse, lather, repeat. 8.956/9 on the would read again scale.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1354567154' post='3060067']
You're not exactly getting under anyone's skin. At least that I know of. I can't check every household, nor do I care to do so. What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF, especially when its head honcho is thumping its own chest like that. Maybe it has to do with some backroom dealing. Maybe it has to do with your balls suddenly dropping. Who knows? Who cares? The fact remains: TPF was relatively calm lately and, all of a sudden, you come in unprovoked and make thinly veiled threats.

As for TPF, I don't think anyone worth its salt would seriously say you were scared of a fight. You've proved it before. Props to you for that. As for your performance, I -personally- wasn't too impressed last time we fought. Roadie, iirc, was good but the rest? Not so much. But that was just my own experience and it doesn't really matter in the end.

Oh and for the record, while you're not our favourite alliance, you're certainly not at the top of our "To Kill" list. If you want a fight, go ahead and do your thing. But we don't really want to kill you and I'm not sure we ever did.

PS: bragging about the number of responses you elicit isn't something to be proud of, tbh. It makes you know better than Hiro Nakara, Ogaden, Mogar and the rest of the attention whores and usually means you made a post so dumb everyone is mocking you.

God, you're as !@#$ as that other muppet. I like the ensemble of MK posters in this thread, keep up the good work.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1354567154' post='3060067']

You're not exactly getting under anyone's skin. At least that I know of. I can't check every household, nor do I care to do so. What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF, especially when its head honcho is thumping its own chest like that. Maybe it has to do with some backroom dealing. Maybe it has to do with your balls suddenly dropping. Who knows? Who cares? The fact remains: TPF was relatively calm lately and, all of a sudden, you come in unprovoked and make thinly veiled threats.

As for TPF, I don't think anyone worth its salt would seriously say you were scared of a fight. You've proved it before. Props to you for that. As for your performance, I -personally- wasn't too impressed last time we fought. Roadie, iirc, was good but the rest? Not so much. But that was just my own experience and it doesn't really matter in the end.

Oh and for the record, while you're not our favourite alliance, you're certainly not at the top of our "To Kill" list. If you want a fight, go ahead and do your thing. But we don't really want to kill you and I'm not sure we ever did.

PS: bragging about the number of responses you elicit isn't something to be proud of, tbh. It makes you know better than Hiro Nakara, Ogaden, Mogar and the rest of the attention whores and usually means you made a post so dumb everyone is mocking you.

Wow. What rock did you crawl out from under? Where were you for the last 3-4 years? As for your, "What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF," comment. Where the hell have you been for the last 3 years, again?

If you want to look into backroom dealings you should look to your own people. I'll reiterate. Only fear is keeping TPF from being attacked.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354516331' post='3059894']
Well thats the point isn't it?

terrible jedi mind tricks, you have.

[quote]i was accepted well before war started; screenshots earlier in thread.[/quote]

They can be faked just as easily as the logs were.

[quote]That treaty was never going to happen. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Maybe it was promised so that you would commit to defending Tetris? Maybe not. Believe what you wish.[/quote]

Hey, it's possible that it may've not happened, just like the MDoAP with TLR failed via a membership vote. But treaty talks were pretty serious at that point, at least among leet and some other top MKers like Azaghul, Drai, etc. I'm not saying there was no malfeasance on MK's part during the war (I mean, look how it ended), but you're claiming to know more about MK-NSO relations at that time than someone who was directly involved with them?

Go home.

[quote]Heh, great dodge. If you want to be GOD to my vlad, please do arrange so. Otherwise continue digging a hole.

ITT Smurf claims to be a vlad. Nice way of showing your stupidity.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1354424587' post='3059409']
GOONS and I assume MK were setting NSO up along with MJ the whole war. They changed their mind at the last minute hence why invicta and I think it was europa not attacking after going to the trouble of making target lists.

MK was trying to start a war that ended up happening in the form of the Winter War. Mjolnir was a beneficiary of said war, and it is a virtual certainty that Mjolnir would have ended up a PB-created crater long before if not for MK's efforts to the contrary.

[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354568186' post='3060073']
Wow. What rock did you crawl out from under? Where were you for the last 3-4 years? As for your, "What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF," comment. Where the hell have you been for the last 3 years, again?

If you want to look into backroom dealings you should look to your own people. I'll reiterate. Only fear is keeping TPF from being attacked.

Rest assured that I [i]have[/i] been around the last 3-4 years, and indeed for the entirety of TPF's existence. This is the first time since Slayer's tenure as leader (this is not a knock against Slayer, as he was a friend of mine) that I've seen members of TPF act in an aggressive manner. Most likely this is because (while we're on the subject of fear) this is the first time since before said war that you feel your alliance is in a sufficiently comfortable position for you to do so. Your alliance had been generally quiet since the Karma War. There was nothing wrong with that. I preferred it to the overbearing manner in which you and your compatriots are currently behaving.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1354569467' post='3060079']
MK was trying to start a war that ended up happening in the form of the Winter War. Mjolnir was a beneficiary of said war, and it is a virtual certainty that Mjolnir would have ended up a PB-created crater long before if not for MK's efforts to the contrary.

Rest assured that I [i]have[/i] been around the last 3-4 years, and indeed for the entirety of TPF's existence. This is the first time since Slayer's tenure as leader (this is not a knock against Slayer, as he was a friend of mine) that I've seen members of TPF act in an aggressive manner. Most likely this is because this is the first time since before said war that you feel your alliance is in a sufficiently comfortable position for you to do so (speaking of fear!). Your alliance had been quiet since the Karma War. There was nothing wrong with that. I prefer it to the overbearing manner in which you and your compatriots are currently behaving.

Have you entirely forgotten the mhawk era? When noWedge was around and for awhile after he left, TPF was pretty threatening.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1354569296' post='3060078']
They can be faked just as easily as the logs were.[/quote]

... wow. :rolleyes:

Go check CN forums DoW (linked in this thread wiht that screen shot) and the public part of legions boards (or ask them) if you wanna verify.

And I thought I made myself look stupid with this thread... :facepalm:

ITT Smurf claims to be a vlad. Nice way of showing your stupidity.

Good dodge. Lettme know if you wanna back up your earlier words ever.

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