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Unknown Smurf

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1354479075' post='3059612']
I was referring to the one tagged Nov. 26 2011 when mentioning that "I should have been studying." The 2012 one is a different exam entirely and not really a part of any of the other logs. I do not understand what purpose it serves, other than perhaps an attempt at legitimization.

I needed it to reiterate how smart MK leadership is and to prove once again that [i]they [/i]stand no chance against us.

[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1354479977' post='3059617']
Same can be said about his dozen line DarkArmy spy log. That's an almost daily line in there, "spy!"/"spai!"/"zomg spai !!11!"/etc .. Especially if there happens to be a active discussion thread on the OWF or our own forums discussing a [any] spy; or if someone comes to our alliance from another 'odd' alliance [ie. members like Smurf and SonicPluto coming to us from Legion] -- we currently have a member claiming to be a spy from the defunct CD to spy on us.

If that inclusion was just to provide legitimization to the fact he was accepted by us after, well, don't need logs for it when it's already well known he was a member with us.

Thought it was hilarious that you thought I was spying on behalf of the Legion. As if. Still do, in fact.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354480702' post='3059624']
Thought it was hilarious that you thought I was spying on behalf of the Legion. As if. Still do, in fact.

.... Yes. We think you're [i]still[/i] spying for the Legion.

Legion, round 2. :psyduck:

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354473886' post='3059579']
Is that the same kind of commitment you gave LSF? Or is it a different kind of commitment?

About as much commitment as you have to joining terrible alliances. :P

Anyways, logs look bogus. Parts of them, anyways.

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1354482870' post='3059638']
About as much commitment as you have to joining terrible alliances. :P

Anyways, logs look bogus. Parts of them, anyways.

You heard it here first, TLR member hate their ally Hooligans. At least they know how you feel about them now.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354483880' post='3059643']
You heard it here first, TLR member hate their ally Hooligans. At least they know how you feel about them now.

[b]Alliance Name:[/b]Kaskus

Maybe, just maybe, he was taking that at face value...

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354480702' post='3059624']
I needed it to reiterate how smart MK leadership is and to prove once again that [i]they [/i]stand no chance against us.
Since we're clear into OOC territory, I'm almost obligated to contest this. I don't think I'm all that smart, nor do I believe anything I do in real life or in this game is beyond the ability of the great majority of people. Anybody could beat anybody in this game at any time given a little bit of effort, an upbeat attitude, and a whole lotta luck.

IC: You're a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity. Farewell!

Edited by Ardus
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[quote name='Master Hakai' timestamp='1354432368' post='3059442']
Just wanted to point out how true the things said in this post are.

Seems like the OP is calling for things to go from boring to boring AND stagnant. Nice.

Also, Starfox, seems to me like you're in NpO.
Yes, I am. And that should be more of a relection of modern day politics than anything. I sit with my historical allies who have now become friends. People change over time, and I can't fault them for their previous crusades against us.

Also, I see a soccer player in your sig. :x

Also, HAKAI! What's up man!

[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354462052' post='3059504']
Seriously though. It's not like anything is going to come for the MK/DH crew. As stated Umbrella is the only competent ones barring trillions of DONGS being thrown into the GOONS and that too implies numbers. When they don't have insurmaountable odds in their favor the $#!+ will get a little too real. Everyone out there does not want to be their lap dogs. Many want to forge an independent path. Stir stuff up a little on their own and maybe have MK/DH get their back. We know that will never be the plan. Just ask Dave. They will always look first to be the center of attention. Isn't that always the case with perpetual 12 year olds?
Well played sir.

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Kind of ironic to hear the "Just be truthful about your shenanigans," brigade now passively attempting to pretend these logs don't exist despite saying they feel betrayed and that they will not confirm or deny their existence.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1354485689' post='3059654']
Kind of ironic to hear the "Just be truthful about your shenanigans," brigade now passively attempting to pretend these logs don't exist despite saying they feel betrayed and that they will not confirm or deny their existence.
[/quote]Wait what, both OS and Ardus claimed they don't recall the conversations taking place and couldn't find the logs on their PCs.

Edited by Drai
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Session Start: Sat Nov 26 17:22:09 2011
Session Ident: Ardus[MK]
[17:23] <UnknownSmurf> I thought you said I could go back to ODN after this war -.-
[17:23] <Ardus[MK]> Well things don't always work out as planned
[18:02] <Ardus[MK]> Legion kicking you out works out great though
[18:04] <UnknownSmurf> ??
[18:04] <UnknownSmurf> how
[18:04] <Ardus[MK]> Well you said Chron was recruiting you, I think you should take his offer
[18:05] <Ardus[MK]> Because of this war NSO has enough sellers to build up an ally like TPF via tech deals
[18:05] <Ardus[MK]> Obviously we don't want that happening since we will probably go to war with TPF at some point in the future
[18:05] <Ardus[MK]> Which is why we would like you to join them and sabotage their ability to do so
[18:58] <UnknownSmurf> ..why the hell would nso take me after all the !@#$%^&* I said about them on CN forums?
[18:59] <Ardus[MK]> [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106896"][color="#0f72da"]http://forums.cybern...howtopic=106896[/color][/url]
Session Close: Sat Nov 26 20:18:17 2011

It's ok TPF we'll sell you some tech if you need it :awesome:

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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1354486313' post='3059660']
Wait what, both OS and Ardus claimed they don't recall the conversations taking place and couldn't find the logs on their PCs.

Actually Os states [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=80"]here[/url] that the conversation likely did take place, despite not remembering the context in which it did and then spends the rest of the post explaining why the action would be redundant if it did occur.

Ardus' first reaction is that he can't "confirm or deny," that they took place [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=100#entry3059460"]here[/url], while like Os taking a good bulk of the rest of his post to demonstrate that he we would not have use of anything that would've come from the efforts implied to be directed to Smurf by his surrogates, which is debatable and I'm sure a good deal of people disagree with. To your point -- Ardus states that he can't find the logs but also indicates that he would have to go through multiple hard drives to find them -- which is not a discredit to the implication of Smurf.

I personally would tend to agree with Os and Ardus on the point that any effort Smurf could've provided would have been secondary to their efforts concentrated elsewhere. What I do disagree with is multiple individuals jumping up and down to attempt to discredit Smurf when it is pretty plain that the events as stated likely did occur, within a different context. The problem with flippantly claiming Smurf fabricated the logs despite the two other parties not flatly denying their existence with one party implicitly confirming they happened in some context is that it gives more credibility to Smurf despite the possibility there isn't any at all.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1354491574' post='3059691']
Actually Os states [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=80"]here[/url] that the conversation likely did take place, despite not remembering the context in which it did and then spends the rest of the post explaining why the action would be redundant if it did occur.

You will note that the logs supposedly from Os don't actually contain anything other than his opinion about Legion. What exactly does that have to do with anything? I'm sure there are logs of almost everybody talking about alliance XYZ.

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[quote name='itseZe' timestamp='1354493393' post='3059713']
You will note that the logs supposedly from Os don't actually contain anything other than his opinion about Legion. What exactly does that have to do with anything? I'm sure there are logs of almost everybody talking about alliance XYZ.

The point is that by implicating all of the logs are forged while it seems to be they are the very least credible in existence if not context, by emphasizing a weaker argument against the allegations some people are giving the individual credibility despite the reasonable chance there is nothing to it at all.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1354491574' post='3059691']
Actually Os states [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=80"]here[/url] that the conversation likely did take place, despite not remembering the context in which it did and then spends the rest of the post explaining why the action would be redundant if it did occur.

Ardus' first reaction is that he can't "confirm or deny," that they took place [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=100#entry3059460"]here[/url], while like Os taking a good bulk of the rest of his post to demonstrate that he we would not have use of anything that would've come from the efforts implied to be directed to Smurf by his surrogates, which is debatable and I'm sure a good deal of people disagree with. To your point -- Ardus states that he can't find the logs but also indicates that he would have to go through multiple hard drives to find them -- which is not a discredit to the implication of Smurf.

I personally would tend to agree with Os and Ardus on the point that any effort Smurf could've provided would have been secondary to their efforts concentrated elsewhere. What I do disagree with is multiple individuals jumping up and down to attempt to discredit Smurf when it is pretty plain that the events as stated likely did occur, within a different context. The problem with flippantly claiming Smurf fabricated the logs despite the two other parties not flatly denying their existence with one party implicitly confirming they happened in some context is that it gives more credibility to Smurf despite the possibility there isn't any at all.
It's exceedingly difficult to prove a negative. I downloaded some software earlier (Windows Grep), collected all of my scattered logs into one file, and scoured the whole thing. I do not possess any of the posted logs on my end, save the last one I already confirmed. Since I can't remember what all I was doing over a year ago, I can't affirmatively state, 100% that the logs are entirely fabricated. Since I can't find any record of the conversations, I can't discover if they're real logs with removed context, or whether lines were rearranged to create a wholly different narrative. I don't know where these logs came from or in what manner they are false, only that my memory fails me, that these logs don't mesh with my present logic, and that I believe they are unreal or misleading either in whole or part.

Both have large gaps in the timestamps. Both imply scheming of a type that is out of my typical manner; I think even people who don't like me know I avoid anything involving the manipulation or management of actual nation mechanics. I don't scheme with people I just met. I talk about truly sensitive issues with very, very few people. There's the litany of issues I mentioned in the earlier post. The whole thing makes about as much sense as a mule with a spinning wheel.

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What eze said. The issue for me isnt whether those logs are accurate or tweaked. Honestly, I consider it mostly irrelivant at this point (and my saying i 'dont remember' isnt a dodge, its that I dont remember every inane conversation I had 14 months ago. Especially when you consider that durring a 'crisis' like the legion-tetris war everyone and their uncle jumps you asking your opinion). What gets me, is that people are using this log to imply something not said/done (in either the logs themselves or anywhere else) by me. I dont even see anything *in* the log that looks like me telling smurf to spy. So, I mean, what the hell?

Lets also stop tip-toeing around here. I get people want to make a big deal of this BS in order to 'score points' against DH or whatever. But if anyone with half a brain actually thinks I sent Smurf to spy/infiltrate whatever on anyone (based on these logs or anything else) step up and share why and based on what.

Otherwise, as I pointed out I said the same thing in that log about legion TO legion. Its maybe not very 'polite' to have it thrown around in public, but its hardly some dark secret. At around the time of the Tetris-Legion war crisis (when those logs seem to date from) I said the same thing in multiple places... including directly to Legion when Legion asked me why I felt they had PR problems and were a wreck. Ironically I actually think Legion has fixed many of the issues I saw in 2011. But thats neither here nor there. The point is, thinking legion was screwed up does not equate to me doing anything sleazy (not that I was even leading ODN at that time ironicaly),

In any event, if you have a question about what I did or did not do or, intend or don't intend to do, just ask and Ill give you an answer. Unless the point of this whole thread is vauge accusations and mud slinging, in which case by all means carry on.

Edited by OsRavan
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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1354472316' post='3059556']

Right. Smurf didn't even join Legion until after the war had started. I'm going to go ahead and call all of this fake based on that and a lot of other inconsistencies with how things went down.

Pretty much this.

Edit: in light of smurf's applicatio screenies, I guess not. Still doesn't add up in some ways though.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1354491574' post='3059691']
Actually Os states [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=80"]here[/url] that the conversation likely did take place, despite not remembering the context in which it did and then spends the rest of the post explaining why the action would be redundant if it did occur.

Ardus' first reaction is that he can't "confirm or deny," that they took place [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=100#entry3059460"]here[/url], while like Os taking a good bulk of the rest of his post to demonstrate that he we would not have use of anything that would've come from the efforts implied to be directed to Smurf by his surrogates, which is debatable and I'm sure a good deal of people disagree with. To your point -- Ardus states that he can't find the logs but also indicates that he would have to go through multiple hard drives to find them -- which is not a discredit to the implication of Smurf.

I personally would tend to agree with Os and Ardus on the point that any effort Smurf could've provided would have been secondary to their efforts concentrated elsewhere. What I do disagree with is multiple individuals jumping up and down to attempt to discredit Smurf when it is pretty plain that the events as stated likely did occur, within a different context. The problem with flippantly claiming Smurf fabricated the logs despite the two other parties not flatly denying their existence with one party implicitly confirming they happened in some context is that it gives more credibility to Smurf despite the possibility there isn't any at all.
[/quote]WRT Ardus: What he said was as close to a denial as possible while still leaving room for human error in memory. You're trying to take that (very) small chance and use it as the assumed truth.

WRT OS: Even if they are accurate, they have no relevance. I'll go ahead and concede the argument and we'll assume they're real. Does that conversation have any significance now? No

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