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Alliances Throughout the Years


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Ok, let's give this a go.

[b]Ascended Coalition of Liberty (Feb -May 2008): [/b]What can I say. I was a clueless newbie making my nation, and these ACL guys made a cool recruitment message and offered my $1 Million. Who was I to say no? Most of the time I spent there was actually away from the forums (I couldn't be bothered to sign up, etc.), but I started to make friends and get into the alliance culture when we disbanded and merged into Ragnarok. I remember being devastated, for reasons I can't exactly explain. Was a fun time, and I met a lot of people who I was close with for a long time (including Joe Stupid, who is without a doubt my oldest friend in this game).

[b]Ragnarok (May-June 2008): [/b]ACL had merged into Ragnarok in order to help them gain sanction, and in response to growing inactivity. Ragnarok was cool, but when the major members of ACL approached me to found a successor alliance, I was thrilled.

[b]Ascended Republic of Elite States (June 2008-January 2009)[/b]:[b] [/b]Initially, ARES was exactly what I had always wanted ACL to be. Great group of people, good foreign relations (RoK and Vanguard initially), and fun times all around. I bounced around a bunch of government positions, serving in Foreign Affairs, Econ (bleh) and Internal Affairs. At the end of my tenure, we faced a lot of stress over a merger with another alliance and the placement of government positions that caused a lot of prominent members to leave. I believe I was President for maybe a few hours or so due to chain of succession, but resigned without actually using any high leadership ability.

[b]Nemesis (January 2009-November 2010):[/b] One of my favorite times in an alliance was the first few months in Nemesis. The alliance was composed of some of the most capable players from around the game, and it was a total pleasure being just on the forums and IRC with these guys. I was Minister of Internal Affairs for a while, then switched to Foreign Affairs and stuck there. Ultimately, I was made a Triumvir of Nemesis and worked hard to help secure our position in an ever changing world, but the "elite" status of Nemesis was a system that was destined to fail, and eventually inactivity overcame the alliance. I made the decision to merge Nemesis into Ragnarok in November. Wasn't a good day.

[b]Ragnarok (November 2010-January 2012): [/b]This was a fun one. Coming into the alliance was a fresh start. New people, new culture, etc. I worked in the Foreign Affairs department, quickly making my way up to Lord (Minister) of Foreign Affairs. A few months after joining, I was elevated to the Ruling Council, the high positions of leadership, despite not having the year of membership that was necessary for being in the Council. There, I worked my way up the positions, eventually becoming Regent (second in command) in the summer. As Regent, I looked over the alliance as acting Emperor as KaitlinK dealt with her pregnancy, and ruled over large growth in membership and NS, a new direction for the alliance with our allies in NSO and MJ, and good times all around. I served as Regent for Rampage as well, before becoming Emperor in January. I made a few, ahem, [i]controversial[/i] decisions that caused significant uproar in the alliance, and I was soon shown the door. Ragnarok had a pretty monumental collapse shortly after, and I've always had the belief that I was shown the short of the stick a little early. But, I digress.

[b]The Order of the Paradox (January 2011-Present): [/b]Came here after Ragnarok, as I was always friendly with people here and had friends. Took a liking to it immediately and have called it home since.

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CDS - trolled NPO and company from here and fought them in GW2.

Legion - Was here for a short time because I expected since they sat out GW2 they would be the next target. Left pretty quick when I found out Legions military made CDS look elite.

CDS - tried to change CDS FA but failed. Left to form

COLD - formed COLD with some other ex CDS. Later merged with TF! to form

TPF - From its creation, to joining WuT, getting santioned, forming OPP, joining Q and trolling everyone and fighting many wars. Left my leadership spot and retired sometime before the end of Q. Gave away my money and tech and as I waited for my nation to delete Karma started and I went off to war on my own against... VE maybe? Nationed deleted soon after.

Returned to Bob and was recruited into IAA right away did some FA with old buddy VooDoo Nova. Fun place but, lots of drama so I retired into TSI. Until nation deleted again.

Returned to Bob again and was recruited into forming Exodus. Took the FA spot, fought in some big war and when Exodus merged into NSO I left for my old home in TPF, nation deleted.

Returned to Bob and TPF yet again.

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Ordinary Men Fighting Giants 2009 - Was a noob, didn't know I was doing :P Didn't follow guides and that ultimately led to me wandering around :P

The New Empire Early 2010 - Was invited by Mack, jd, and allot of other peeps that are no longer active :(

The Order of Justice Mid 2010 - Was recruited by erikjsch, had a blast here and finally got the hang of things :P

The Indigo Plateau Late 2010 to Early 2011 - Tarikmo, Gairyuki, and all the other folks invited me to TIP and was disbanded because no one had the time

World Federation Mid 2011 - Learned everything I needed to know here :D One of the best, if not the best alliances I've been in. Sad to see everyone go inactive/leave in the end :(

Mortal Wombat Late 2011 - wF and DoA merged to form Mortal Wombat. Left because I felt it was time for me to move on.

Oceania Early 2012 - I was poached by ADude to join and I am still here :P

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NAAC - June 06 to about the end of December.
FIRE - Not the ones you're thinking of, small white alliance, R stood for the letter R, literally.
NAAC - From right before they entered GW2 until disbandment, Jan 07 through April 07
ODN - April 07 - Around October 07.
FIST - Around October 07 until they merged with Darkfall to form Dark Fist
Dark Fist - Formation until Jan 09.
Echelon - Jan 09 through Jan 10.
TPF - for about three weeks in January 2010.
Echelon - January 2010 - March 28, 2010
Sanitarium (first) - March 28, 2010 through May 31st, 2011.
TPF - May 31st, 2011 to April 13th, 2012.
Sanitarium (reformed) - April 13th, 2012 to present.

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[*][b]2007 June - August[/b] - Unaligned
[*][b]2007 August - 2008 May[/b] - AHEAD (formerly RPA and TUPA)
AHEAD was an orange neutral alliance, for some time (six months?) an IRON Protectorate. We didn't do much, save have me running my mouth on the OWF. I left to facilitate AHEAD in obtaining peace from the aggressors, in the LoFN War.
[*][b]2008 June - 2010 April[/b] - MHA
Bob Janova advised me to join the Hitchhikers (after three other alliances had rejected my application: the fools! :P) I never had to regret that, as the MHA was an awesome community (and I don't doubt that they still are). Luckily for them, I never had a top government role there.
I left to go into semi-retirement in (what at the time I thought would have been) a much less active alliance.
[*][b]2010 April - today[/b] - GPA
A 100% classy community, where mutual help is always taken for granted and intelligence and sensibility abund. Your friendly Neutrals.
I am mostly inactive now, anyway: I randomly post here and there and I just managed to avoid deletion this far. Wish me good luck! :)

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09 recruited by NPO didn't like test
09 went to the World Task Force
Very small stint in NPL\o
Back where I belong The World Task Force

By the way we aren't neutral we don't like any of you.

J/K not really though

Edited by Vukland
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2006-2007--Most Holy Order of the Moose. Yea. You never heard of it. It was a group of folks who came from an offsite. We taught ourselves the game and never wanted to be involved in politics. Folks left one by one and we got into the range where we were tasty to raiders.
2007 GPA. Pansy suggested joining GPA to avoid the raids. But I only made one friend in my whole time there ( <3 prob). Not their fault, I was even more shy back then. Left because some ooc stuff made it impossible to stay. So I headed to where Pansy was
2007-2008 NATO. First people who pushed me into gov. (forced, really). Left because I needed to.
2008-2012--Olympus. My dream alliance. Sharing a vision and an alliance with good friends and awesome allies who were friends, too. Merged with some of those friends to form:
Present: Anarchy Inc. Because I don't like big alliances. Oh. Well, size doesn't matter as long as you're with friends and you don't act like a big alliance :P

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[size=4]ZYX August 2009- February 2010 Deleted due to boredom

Peoples Order of Truth[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=#3A3A3A] July 27, 2010- April 2010[/color][/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=#3A3A3A]Europa April 2010- August 2011[/color][/font]
[color=#3A3A3A][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Tetris August 2011 - June 2012[/font][/color]
New Sakura Order June 2012- October 2012
Shangri-La October 2012- now[/size]

Edited by Wingedwolfmgless
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MCXA 2009 - 2011: supercoolyellow took all of the fun out of it for me
Deinos: good group of guys, again their leader (Cheyenne) took away the fun
Native: micro, disbanded
GLOF: good people but wanted my own alliance
Bull Moose: micro, better than Native, but eventually it collapsed
Anarchy Inc.: present, best alliance yet, amazing group of people there, I fit right in and plan to stay!!!

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Early 06 I joined [b]GATO[/b]. After realizing they are terrible I moved on to [b]Oasis[/b]. Stayed there and became alumni council (triumvirate). We hit SOUL for trying to recruit from us when they first formed. A month or so later SOUL/MCXA came to roll us, so I chilled on 'none' for a week or two. Ended up joining [b]New Order of Independence[/b] for like two weeks and hated it. Talked to the leaders at SOUL, they agreed to let me join since I was in Oasis with most of them. So, I was in [b]SOUL[/b]. Stayed there for a while. Got talked into leaving there to form [b]Obsidian[/b] and be the MoIA. Stayed there for about a month. Went back to [b]SOUL[/b]. SOUL decided to merge with The Phoenix Collective to form [b]SOLID[/b]. After realizing that alliance was a trainwreck waiting to happen, Supa, PuLsE, DEATHSMILE and I decided to form [b]The Dark Templar[/b]. I have been there since August 2008, except for fighting with Poison Clan a couple of times in war.

DT 4 Lyfe, bro!

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(previous IGN: The Larch [which is now taken by someone else... KEEP IT CLASSY!])
Unaligned from September '06
Joined [b]ACiD[/b] in November of '06
Left [b]ACiD [/b]after the League/GOONS skirmishes gutted our alliance in early/mid '07
Joined (insert name of some rinky-dink alliance) and went Diplomacy crazy
Watched as (rinky-dink alliance) folded into [b]ODN[/b]
Left the game around January '08 due to life getting in the way

...time passed...

Started up my new nation the other day
Joined [b]MHA[/b]!
Couldn't be happier...

Edited by Torgus Valderon
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