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GOD Declaration of War

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[quote name='Unkajo' timestamp='1340597642' post='2995218']
From artigo, minister of aesthetics:


He should send you more aid so you aren't in bill lock anymore.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1340596349' post='2995030']
[b]That[/b] the Mushroom Kingdom, Non Grata, and their allies have engaged in causeless wars with no real objective other than the fleeting personal amusement of their leaders and the worst elements of the mob they call a membership.

Hit the nail squarely on the head.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1340599100' post='2995328']
Never thought I'd see the day Xiph would be lecturing [i]anyone[/i] on class, and actually be taken seriously by even the smallest portion of CN. Think what you will about NG and MK but this is too rich.

Well, you know, when the whole world has gone mad, the insane become the voice of reason. ;>.>

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1340596349' post='2995030']
Ardus, 1337, Arexes and others have taken great pains to level a multitude of charges over the past year against us, most ranging from the blatantly false to the cleverly disguised, well spun false. I'd like to level some back that I don't think are so easily refuted:[/quote]

Oh, this should be good in a 'fish in a barrel' sense.

[quote][b]That[/b] the Mushroom Kingdom, Non Grata, and their allies have engaged in causeless wars with no real objective other than the fleeting personal amusement of their leaders and the worst elements of the mob they call a membership. Wars that do significant damage to many nations, inevitably lead to the loss of nations as rulers on all sides step out after damaging wars that no one can understand the reason for having, and that this tangibly leads to the further shrinkage and destruction of a world community that's shrinking and destroying itself pretty well without the Mushroom Kingdom throwing gasoline into the furnace to help it along.[/quote]

Here's the problem with sweeping statements: they're stupid. Especially so when uttered by someone who has tried and failed to 'shrink' the world's population in the past.


Nordreich is currently in a war not of its own making.

Strike one.

[quote][b]That[/b] a concerted effort has been made by them to denigrate the level of professionalism and class with which the individuals on this game treat one another, both publicly and privately, because it's easier for them to swim in the muck than learn how to properly wear a suit and tie and say thank you.[/quote]

Wow, that you have the gall to type this out is simply incredible. Pot, kettle, black, etc.

Strike two.

[quote][b]That[/b] their effect has been well felt by all members of the community, and that bluntly speaking – no one, on any side, much appreciates what they're doing with the place.[/quote]

Oops. Sweeping statement again.

FAN created a thread where they made it clear they supported at least one facet of the current climate. That's just one example. No matter, one is all it takes.

Strike three.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1340599100' post='2995328']
when we want to plot your destruction in other alliance embassies it's ok, but if you don't like the fact we're plotting to kill you, we're gonna roll you and claim the moral high ground
you made a few typos, I fixed them for you.

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[quote name='kingzog' timestamp='1340599432' post='2995348']
Oh, this should be good in a 'fish in a barrel' sense.

Here's the problem with sweeping statements: they're stupid. Especially so when uttered by someone who has tried and failed to 'shrink' the world's population in the past.
Nordreich is currently in a war not of its own making.
Strike one.

Wow, that you have the gall to type this out is simply incredible. Pot, kettle, black, etc.
Strike two.

Oops. Sweeping statement again.
FAN created a thread where they made it clear they supported at least one facet of the current climate. That's just one example. No matter, one is all it takes.
Strike three.

This isn't about you man, not everything is about NoR :wacko:

Edited by Ogaden
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[quote name='Great Lord Moth' timestamp='1340599240' post='2995336']
Well, you know, when the whole world has gone mad, the insane become the voice of reason. ;>.>
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Pity Xiphosis went blind ages ago.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1340599100' post='2995328']
Never thought I'd see the day Xiph would be lecturing [i]anyone[/i] on class, and actually be taken seriously by even the smallest portion of CN. Think what you will about NG and MK but this is too rich.
You have indeed lowered the bar to the point where Xiphosis is a paragon of virtue in comparison. I thought you were proud of this?

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