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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1325564569' post='2891225']
i believe he's referencing that you only fought girls and there's probly some sexist remark behind it all :rolleyes:
lol, ah, I see! Well, then I'm afraid he's referring to something that's completely false! Both on the "only girls" part and the assumption I picked the fights! Just so happened, only those three opponents were gracious and challenge enough to be worth noting!

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1325557193' post='2891126']
Probably because they fought hard and with honor. Fighting like MHA did is a lot more respectable than hiding in peace mode and hoping everything turns out well in the end.
An alliance being commended for not running in to peace mode [i]en masse[/i] is rather pathetic, really. We may as well start handing out little ribbons to everyone for 'participation'.

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[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1325571339' post='2891322']
Occam's razor.


Our reputation is one of purity and grace.

Edited by nippy
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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1325578358' post='2891373']
An alliance being commended for not running in to peace mode [i]en masse[/i] is rather pathetic, really. We may as well start handing out little ribbons to everyone for 'participation'.

I probably have a Level 9 planes badge floating around if you want.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1325540305' post='2890833']
2 weeks of war, MHA? You brave souls

harmless indeed

This, pathetic. I cant believe the hype that surrounded your bloc when sparta and mha are known cowards and lightweights. mha run at first opportunity and spartas tactic is to hide for the duration of the war and try to take no damage. You are not fit to be associated with FARK who has more balls that the rest of XX combined and has shamed you both through their bravery.

Congrats on the victory.

Edited by Alterego
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I think I must agree with Alterego. FARK were dicks before to us and they really deserved this beat down but they actually earned my respect in taking it from behind and keeping a straight face. I can't say the same for the rest of XX.

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[quote name='KodaHack' timestamp='1325544079' post='2890921']
Have you ever tried getting 400+ people doing the exact same thing? While some are on the worst side of the earth for update? If you have than thank you for lying to the OWF.


Also, good game, MHA and Aparatus

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1325568785' post='2891288']
Oh wow, look at all of those potential targets. You're right. They must have actually been in war mode. They did have like 30 over 100K, right? Now just 3.

I bet your war was actually [i]fun[/i], as opposed to some of ours. <_<

Hey don't be hating. I didn't chose the target. :P

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I don't see the point of harassing MHA about leaving the war so early. They lost more score in this war than the vast majority of alliances possess. They were in the war for only a short time, but they actually fought as opposed to sitting in peace mode waiting for war to end like many large alliances do when the war hammer falls. If more alliances followed this example, leaving after 3 weeks of war would be acceptable practice.

Their real problem is that I am using the term 'fighting' very loosely. We have had a LOT of members whom after attacked respond with "Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you!", who clearly weren't even aware a war was going on. Add to that the general lack of aptitude (hi there, let's send 15-50 bombers on one aircraft attack), and coordination among the membership, and you have an alliance whose fighting capabilities are so amazingly laughable we will be joking about this for years to come.

tl;dr: Focus on how bad MHA was, not how long they stayed in the war. They took more damage in their 3 weeks than most alliances do in 3 months, I figure they deserve the out, but that just highlights how unbelievably terrible they are.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1325613667' post='2891558']
I don't see the point of harassing MHA about leaving the war so early. They lost more score in this war than the vast majority of alliances possess. They were in the war for only a short time, but they actually fought as opposed to sitting in peace mode waiting for war to end like many large alliances do when the war hammer falls. If more alliances followed this example, leaving after 3 weeks of war would be acceptable practice.

Their real problem is that I am using the term 'fighting' very loosely. We have had a LOT of members whom after attacked respond with "Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you!", who clearly weren't even aware a war was going on. Add to that the general lack of aptitude (hi there, let's send 15-50 bombers on one aircraft attack), and coordination among the membership, and you have an alliance whose fighting capabilities are so amazingly laughable we will be joking about this for years to come.

tl;dr: Focus on how bad MHA was, not how long they stayed in the war. They took more damage in their 3 weeks than most alliances do in 3 months, I figure they deserve the out, but that just highlights how unbelievably terrible they are.
A lot of those begging, were ghosts, they did not know anything was happening, because they were not part of the alliance. Admittedly some of those were probably real members, but hey, whatever. Fact is this war has rid us of a lot of hangers-on and leaches, leaving us with those that actually want to be a part of MHA. Add to this fact that it makes people want to listen what our military has to say, we may not have the NS as before, but we will have a better organised, more coherent and inter-acting membership because of this war.

So I only have this to say. Thank you Mushroom Kingdom for your help in strengthening our resolve and making it possible to make the changes we could not make before, now move along please, there is nothing more to see here.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1325613667' post='2891558']
I don't see the point of harassing MHA about leaving the war so early. They lost more score in this war than the vast majority of alliances possess. They were in the war for only a short time, but they actually fought as opposed to sitting in peace mode waiting for war to end like many large alliances do when the war hammer falls. If more alliances followed this example, leaving after 3 weeks of war would be acceptable practice.

Their real problem is that I am using the term 'fighting' very loosely. We have had a LOT of members whom after attacked respond with "Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you!", who clearly weren't even aware a war was going on. Add to that the general lack of aptitude (hi there, let's send 15-50 bombers on one aircraft attack), and coordination among the membership, and you have an alliance whose fighting capabilities are so amazingly laughable we will be joking about this for years to come.

tl;dr: Focus on how bad MHA was, not how long they stayed in the war. They took more damage in their 3 weeks than most alliances do in 3 months, I figure they deserve the out, but that just highlights how unbelievably terrible they are.

I have to agree with this. I'm looking forward to a more organized and perhaps even influential future from you MHA, don't continue to be a Legion.

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[quote name='CnaedmacAilpn' timestamp='1325614841' post='2891563']
A lot of those begging, were ghosts, they did not know anything was happening, because they were not part of the alliance. Admittedly some of those were probably real members, but hey, whatever. Fact is this war has rid us of a lot of hangers-on and leaches, leaving us with those that actually want to be a part of MHA. Add to this fact that it makes people want to listen what our military has to say, we may not have the NS as before, but we will have a better organised, more coherent and inter-acting membership because of this war.

So I only have this to say. Thank you Mushroom Kingdom for your help in strengthening our resolve and making it possible to make the changes we could not make before, now move along please, there is nothing more to see here.

I hope you do keep up this positive momentum with regards to cutting the loose weight by stepping up your internal programs/standards. I wish you the best of luck moving forward, the war was never meant to be of a personal nature. Aside from a few funny complaints found here, you guys held a pretty fantastic attitude this war, unlike your pouting blocmate. Feel free to stop by our place sometime, we re-opened up our embassy with you guys after that hilarious closure of it by Myth.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1325556971' post='2891121']
being the last sanctioned alliance in and the first ones out, how does that gain respect ?
Simple. I compared them to Sparta.

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o/ The Network
o/ CnG

Big thanks to MK for coming in right at the end and taking all of our credit.

Thanks to my ODN brethren, as well as the GATO/MK bros who coordinated with me through these 3 rounds of war.

Thanks to MHA for the fun, particularly my last two opponents, who actually fought back and raised my casuality counts :)

o/ peace.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1325613667' post='2891558']Their real problem is that I am using the term 'fighting' very loosely. We have had a LOT of members whom after attacked respond with "Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you!", who clearly weren't even aware a war was going on. Add to that the general lack of aptitude (hi there, let's send 15-50 bombers on one aircraft attack), and coordination among the membership, and you have an alliance whose fighting capabilities are so amazingly laughable we will be joking about this for years to come.[/quote]
But have you really fought against MHA? The declaration was about ghostbusting, and it seems many of you did exactly that. Therefore, you missed out on the fun, the real members were on the playground with ODN and allies. It might be worth considering the possibility that you are forming an image of MHA based on a flawed research. You were late to the party, the fun folks were drunk already.

Sure, we are not an incredible war machine. But the accumulated damage done to the 11 vs our 5 shows that this wasn't the walkover some here like to believe it was. Yes, you won the war. Clearly. Most of my opponents, ODN & MK, have been classy and respectfull. Thumbs up for them. It is such a shame that this isn't always reflected in the comments made over here.

To improve your research, ask about the experiences of your members who were declared upon by MHA members. If that still shows we were nothing but punching balls, then I will shut up.

Edited by total perspective vortex
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[quote name='total perspective vortex' timestamp='1325623862' post='2891627']
But have you really fought against MHA? The declaration was about ghostbusting, and it seems many of you did exactly that. Therefore, you missed out on the fun, the real members were on the playground with ODN and allies. It might be worth considering the possibility that you are forming an image of MHA based on a flawed research. You were late to the party, the fun folks were drunk already.

Sure, we are not an incredible war machine. But the accumulated damage done to the 11 vs our 5 shows that this wasn't the walkover some here like to believe it was. Yes, you won the war. Clearly. Most of my opponents, ODN & MK, have been classy and respectfull. Thumbs up for them. It is such a shame that this isn't always reflected in the comments made over here.

To improve your research, ask about the experiences of your members who were declared upon by MHA members. If that still shows we were nothing but punching balls, then I will shut up.

As far as my research can tell, there were under a dozen real MHA members. If there were in fact more, they were indistinguishable from the ghosts in terms of fighting ability.

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[quote name='total perspective vortex' timestamp='1325623862' post='2891627']
But have you really fought against MHA? The declaration was about ghostbusting, and it seems many of you did exactly that. Therefore, you missed out on the fun, the real members were on the playground with ODN and allies. It might be worth considering the possibility that you are forming an image of MHA based on a flawed research. You were late to the party, the fun folks were drunk already.

Sure, we are not an incredible war machine. But the accumulated damage done to the 11 vs our 5 shows that this wasn't the walkover some here like to believe it was. Yes, you won the war. Clearly. Most of my opponents, ODN & MK, have been classy and respectfull. Thumbs up for them. It is such a shame that this isn't always reflected in the comments made over here.

If you honestly believe everything you said here, I'd love to continue our "research."

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Like someone else said, ive plenty of respect for MHA. I'm not too concerned with how long people fight. But MHA cheerfully went toe-to-toe with us, kept a positive attitude throughout, and were un-afraid to take major damage for their cause.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1325588353' post='2891402']
I think I must agree with Alterego. FARK were dicks before to us and they really deserved this beat down but they actually earned my respect in [b]taking it from behind[/b] and keeping a [b]straight[/b] face. I can't say the same for the rest of XX.

Fark has in fact suffered some pretty horrendous damage, but as a rule they don't complain that much about anything. Whether it is because they are just stoic that way, or because Krack complains enough for them and half of Planet Bob, or because they are convinced we're all idiots and don't deserve their bandwidth, I'll leave to others to speculate about.

However, the text I bolded above did make me LOL a bit. Nice pun, or were you going for that one? ;)

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[quote name='total perspective vortex' timestamp='1325623862' post='2891627']
But have you really fought against MHA?[/quote]Yes.

[quote]The declaration was about ghostbusting, and it seems many of you did exactly that.[/quote]Yep, we declared on any nation under your AA, and scores of them turned out to be ghosts.

[quote]Therefore, you missed out on the fun, the real members were on the playground with ODN and allies.[/quote]But how would we tell the difference?

[quote]It might be worth considering the possibility that you are forming an image of MHA based on a flawed research.[/quote]I'm in milcom - we had a pretty big sample size.

[quote]Sure, we are not an incredible war machine.[/quote]This comment stands alone.

[quote]But the accumulated damage done to the 11 vs our 5 shows that this wasn't the walkover some here like to believe it was. Yes, you won the war. Clearly.[/quote]It was exactly a walkover. I don't think any CnG alliance made it into the top 5 losses at any point, and the cutoff was pretty low most of the time.

[quote]To improve your research, ask about the experiences of your members who were declared upon by MHA members.[/quote]This almost literally never happened.

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