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Blog Comments posted by Kzoppistan

  1. Good piece.

    I'd say that now you are beginning to learn the meaning behind the phrase 'perpetual revolution'.

    Somethings never really change, the underdog gains popular support by cultivating the image of being the torch bearer for the disenfranchised masses, and then when the old power is unseated, they take the throne and begin their own reign. Some are harsher than others, but for the most part, the maneuvers necessary to stave off your rivals (which are usually your old allies) and retain your grip of power inherently corrupts any ideals the naive believers once had and shatters the illusion that the propagandists wove while plotting their rise to power.

    Really, once you get into a position of power, your days are numbered. The common people will pull you down with the mistaken belief that anything will change for them, while in fact, it's only those closest to the top that will benefit and swiftly take their turn in the throne.

    That some alliances are now performing the same actions that were perpetrated upon them is no surprise, as we all learn and mimic from those around us. Few people can actually step outside the cycle.

  2. I never said anything about original sin. I don’t believe that God holds us guilty for crimes our parents and/or ancestors commit.

    I see.

    Wrong on both counts, I’m afraid. I was indeed brought up as a Christian, but fell away from Christianity a couple of years ago and stopped attending church. I reconverted as a result of my own realisation of my own wretchedness and need for forgiveness. After that, I didn’t attend church for about three years, because I found it boring and unhelpful. Recently I have started to meet up with a group of Christians on Sunday nights for dinner and discussion, but that’s not a conventional church by any means, and our pastor hasn’t even discussed homosexuality.

    You can take the wolf out of the wild but you can't the wild out of the wolf, as the saying goes. My point is that, despite your falling away and recent guilt wracked conversion, that you haven't provided any thoughts original to the subject and are only thinking inside the paradigm provided from your upbringing. No surprise, really, considering that the majority of people given the information you have would come to the same conclusion. We are remarkably good machines in that respects. The fact that you fell away and returned to a comfortably familiar dogma is a frequently related story.

    Congratulations on urging love to everyone, but perhaps you should spend more time thinking about what really is a sin and why it is so, and see if what to consenting adults do actually falls into that category. Then ask yourself what justification or reasoning would ancient jews have for making such a pronouncement.

  3. Even if homosexuality is a sin, it doesn’t really make much difference, because ultimately everyone is equally filthy in God’s sight, and in equal need of forgiveness.

    Ha ha ha, oh jeez. Original sin? What a perfect way to corral the ignorant into celestial debt before they are even born. What a fantastically effective scam. I can't believe this is still official doctrine.

    There is no sin, only social mores masquerading as divine instruction.

    While I commend you on putting thought into this, it seems that the conclusion you came to was one preordained by your upbringing, probably the same pronouncement your parents or preacher would have come to, and so not actually an original thought at all. Keep searching. Try outside of your community.

  4. I turned to the bosom of Linux after a particularly bad bout of Microsoft frustration. Unfortunately, it was such a tangled cluster$%&@ of updates and versions, without even basic help files to aid a newb, that only a person who has put several months into figuring it out would get anywhere. Plus, installing anything without internet access was a laughable excursion into stupidity. I'm pretty tech savvy (well, once a long time ago, at least. QBasic, ftw), but trying to figure out the prompt scripts was excruciating. The platform of security locks was just was teeth gnashing as MS and it didn't run any faster than windows.

    I wanted nothing more than to drink wine rather than use in on my computer.

    I finally concluded that Linux was greatly overrated and basically sucked donkey balls.

    *Edit: I think, with both operating systems, the issue revolves around the fact that the more brilliant the designing engineers are, the more hopeless incompetent they are at explain how their system works to anyone but other designing nerds.

  5. The vagaries of one's ever shifting political opinion, buffeted about by their particular bio-chemical state at the time, could never be so succinctly described in a simple X/Y chart. It lacks any nuance or context.

    I view any and all tests that claim to summarize one's abilities or personalities in a single report with deep suspicion. Myers-Briggs, IQs, political spectrum, ect, all !@#$%^&*.

    To complicate matters, few people really understand themselves and what they really want should they find themselves in a particular situation, instead of what they think they want as dictated by their environment.

    Compound that by pushing this fuzzy, greatly inter-related matrix of if/then and situational considerations (whose values are often spoon fed to the subject) through a two-bit chart like the political compass, and you get crap as the output which in no way illuminates the subject and which is likely to change day to day.

    People tho look at their compass report and say "hey, that's me!" are also the same people who look at their horoscopic descriptors and say "hey, that's me, too!"

  6. Ah, so if this the state of things, a state that suggests degeneracy, and one were an enemy of MK and their side, then what would be the most prudent course to take?

    Organize a strong new order out of the vacuum, one that threatens the current status quo? (A task that could be rather easily done at this point) Engage is a military struggle while trying to out-maneuver the other through the treaty web? Or simply provide no shape or target and watch as the current power slowly dissolves, strangles itself with missteps and apathy, having no clear target to focus on....?

    Oh, is it a faux pas to highlight the implied? Vulgar to state the subtle with bluntness, or should I just read these nice posts with a silent smirk? :lol1:

    I've often said that NPO ultimately lost the Karma war because they first lost the more peripheral PR skirmishes. Now that NPO is not viewing things from the uppermost seats of power, perhaps they can appreciate how easy it is to send such a tall tower a-sway simply by subtly goading and waiting for the missteps to accumulate. The perception of being at the top is a limited time offer. The public likes to switch out their heroes and villains after a while or else risk being bored by the stale.

    Entertain us or die, it seems.

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