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a one man show

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Backstory I was working on

Basically, the plotline was going to be I was pouring my soul out to a bar maiden, hence spacing of paragraphs, I was telling her a bit more in between customers, that kinda thing. anyway, any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve the story, or merely any random things I could add, feel free to let me know, high fantasy world, dragons, magic, the whole sword and sorcery thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Some OOC thoughts

After the recent events with tito, I'd like to take a podium to sit and talk about how we interact with each other on a regular basis in this world, I've learned through the years in this world to become friends with even those I considered complete enemies, I hope that we can all at least turn this tragedy that affects quite literally thousands of people into something to learn from, take a minute and step back and ask yourself if how you treat someone on IRC is really what you want their last



What makes Mogar tick?

after 2 conversations on irc earlier today, I figured I should make a blog about the subject, I have been asked this question ever since I became active on the forums, and what makes me act the way I do, so here goes a wall of text rant. Before I played Cybernations, I had an ego already, I tend to get what I want when I put forth all the effort I can, and since high school have tended to do whatever I want without thinking about what would happen afterwards, and generally was an incredibly sel



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