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What Haflinger/MVP/Alterego just don't get

I'm only doing this because it's so painful to see them flailing around desperate to score a hit against MK. Listen up, guys: You need credibility. And if you keep complaining about MK's every mundane action, you're going to lose what little credibility you hold on the OWF, not gain it. If you accuse the other side of 'bawwwing' when they're simply debating an issue you're going to lose credibility, not gain it. If you're going to make a callout thread, make damn sure you have all your !@#$ line



Sup VA

It happens again. Soon. It will be much, much larger than last time. Have a great Thanksgiving!



25 Times Than Quit update

Hi all! Just a few quick updates! First, I'd like to address the war in general. So far, 10 members have left Veritas Aequitas, and another eight have fled to peace mode. No offensive wars have been declared by VA; rather, they have asked their treaty partners (especially WFF) to fight for them. And that brings us to our next point: Lies and Liars. Veritas Aequitas is in this war because of lies, specifically JWConner's lies. Those lies continued when he denied VA needed to call in allies to a



Requesting a new flag

As you may know, I am attempting to turn around OO's public image. As such, I intend to rebrand the alliance. The first step is a new flag. If anyone would like to make a submission, please simply reply to this post with your concept. All entries will be considered. You will be doing a good service to help out the premiere alliance in CyberNations. -Penkala



A Declaration of War

The alliance of "25 nukes than quit" hereby declares on Veritas Aequitas for breaking surrender terms. Some time ago, several nations attacked VA for past transgressions. VA agreed to surrender to end the war, and we demanded an apology and a promise to leave us alone. VA accepted the terms, and we walked away. Imagine our surprise when several months later, JWConner, the main instigator of problems, began following Penkala around and making snarky comments at him. It was quite frankly shocking.



Uhh, UPN, what is going on?

So, UPN, why did a member of your high government (in fact, your acting leader) come to #CSN and recommend an alliance (and gov official of another alliance) for me to go rogue on? 20:05:01 • Joins: WANA (xxxxxx.com) 20:05:01 [ø] ChanMode: WickedJ[CSN] sets mode [+v] WANA 20:05:02 [+WANA] Penkala[CSN] 20:05:05 [+WANA] rouge VA 20:05:06 [+WANA] that is all 20:05:29 [+WANA] in fact 20:05:32 [+WANA] i'd pay to see that 20:06:32 (+Penkala[CSN]) how much would y



Victory announcement

I am once again victorious. My opponent, The Aut, has left in disgrace, having balked when I accepted his duel. I claim my victory over the forces of the nation of Under the Sun. You tried your best, but you were always outmatched, Aut. Good bye.



Aut Callout

In April, Aut called me out for a fight. I agreed, and he attacked. And my alliance cut me off. I gave Aut white peace and promised him I would duel him some time down the road. Today, I offered Aut a duel in CN:TE (something that hadn't even occurred to me). Aut declined. I suspect it is because, in TE, he will no longer have his tech advantage (he had over 20x my tech) and he will no longer have his wonder advantage (he has 9x the wonders I do, including a Pentagon, MP, and FAFB.) Aut, I pro



How to: do an AUT callout

Aut is an amazing man who has a way with words. I undertook the incredible task of sitting down and analyzing how he operates to find out why he's so successful at things like callouts. From that research, I came up with the formula to a callout, Aut style. Headline: <name> callout. Body: I don't like <a> (where <a> is a nation at most 50% of your size. Make sure <a> can not kick your $@! at this second, preferably waiting until they've decommed and returned to a peacef



Final round of Worst Hegemon Poster

Left a few names off the old list and brought the 2 finalists from the old survey back to decide who truly is the worst Hegemon poster. May the worst poster on earth win!



Peace Mode Warriors: IRON

182/443 IRON nations are cowering in peace mode (no BAWWW IT'S A TACTIC; they've been HIDING THERE, not cycling in and out. There's a difference between utilizing peace mode to re-arm and come out fighting and using peace mode to cower after you attack an uninvolved bloc.) 3,322,512 of IRON's 5,000,000 NS is cowering in peace mode, leaving 1.68 million NS in war mode. el oh el.



Examining the brilliant Alterego: Part 1

Starting off slow. OK. So we're bad for extracting reps based on NPO's actions. "2 wrongs don't make a right." Yet because of our 'wrongs', the Hegemony is entitled to extract reps based on our actions. Awesome double standard! Clearly TOOL was mugged. I mean, TOOL didn't come in on the mugging side or anything. Just because you come in offensively and get your butt handed to you does not mean you were mugged. It just means you suck at anticipating the fight your victims will put up. You st



A quick note

Hi. Taking small amounts of reparations when you're on the defensive side of a war, or even the offensive side of a war, isn't that bad. Attacking alliances over flimsy CBs (really just to take them out as potential enemies), beating them to a pulp with 5v1 odds or worse, scaring them into not using nukes, taking minimal damages and then making them pay for the pleasure of it all - that's bad. There's a difference, and calling token reps a Hegemonic action is ridiculous. That is all.



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