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Blog Comments posted by Kzoppistan

  1. Well actually, while the process to generate electricity from combining the two isn't as exciting as a combustion motor, it is, perhaps, more interesting at an electrochemical level. The platinum breaks apart the pairs of hydrogen molecules into positive and negative ions at one of the electrodes, repelling the positive ones while attracting the negative ones to the surface, due to what is happening at the other electrode. While at the other, oxygen, seeking to recombine, pulls electrons from that electrode and then combines with the hydrogen to create water. Having lost those electrons to the oxygen molecule, it then draws the ones from the other side through the wire, as metal is more conductive than water. Thus you have a charge for which to do work.

    *Edit: Thanks for the tip, though I did know that they contained graphite rods (not that I'm that smart, I just read about it a few days ago. XD), but I don't have any spare batteries to destroy. Very poor. :(

  2. Young Man.... it's time to consider http://www.tripoli.org/

    As soon as I opened the link, I felt a shiver race down my spine.

    The scars from the magnesium go very well with the various scars I have from trying to cut bagels while they were frozen. (Knife slips, blade skids across knuckle, and owie owie owie owie owie.)The most fun I've ever had with chemicals was building fertilizer bombs. (This was c. 1984, before Tim McVeigh added a certain stigma to it.) A friend and I mixed up the ingredients in a batch that we thought would be sufficient to blast a picnic table into splinters.Let's just say that our math was, er, 'off'.

    Holy cow... How did you ever get to work next to the government? Sounds reminiscent of the time my friend and I built a catapult out of a shopping cart. Our math was close to non-existent. (hey, what did we know about projectory?) Not nearly as explosive. But it still ended in shared horrified looks and a quick beating of feet.

  3. Well for an 'uneducated' guy you've always seemed pretty smart to me.

    That's... very kind of you to say. I appreciate it. Just because one might be an ignoramus, doesn't mean they have to sound like one.

    You could be like a Doctor of Literature or something, just start using the Dr. title and soon enough it'll stick. Think of the cash you will save and the BS you won't have to put up with.

    I like the cut of your jib. I wonder if I could bring Esquire back?

  4. Easier to steal soap from a religious institution or the local homeless shelter, or a quick half-day job at the local car wash, you're putting too much effort into the easy stuff.

    Science is fun!

    Congratulations you have made soap.

    Close, but not quite yet. The addition of rendered fat is required to make soap.

    buy a pH meter
    I intend to, but the cheapest I found online is about 50 bucks while the most expensive is up in 1,000+ dollar range. Got bills to pay first.

    Dont you have any soapnut trees in your area? too much effort for soap you cant use to bathe with.

    Wow, ironically, I just learned what soapnuts are yesterday. And, no, we don't have any in the area, though it be cool if we did.

  5. Some good advice, guys, thanks.

    I plan on making a lot of this stuff. While soap will be one of the end products, NaOH has many uses. Though, really, I just wanted my own vial of corrosive liquid. He he he

    Edit: Oh, also, lye is used in the soap making process to separate the soap from the glycerol. There shouldn't be any, or very little, actual lye in the end product. Soap works its magic not by the addition or subtraction of hydrogen, like with an acid or base, but by lowering the viscosity of water, which makes it better at removing grime and as an antibacterial agent also permeates the cells which weakens the membranes and causing them to rupture.

  6. It should be illegal to put children in commercials. It's pretty much parents prostituting their childrens' looks to make themselves money. Kids don't have money, so it's all targeted towards parents anyway.

    They only commercials that should feature children would be promos for the anniversary reprint of "A Modest Proposal."

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