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Announcement from the New Sith Order


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[quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1284322670' post='2451333']
Now. It seems IRON and NSO are both winners. For one, IRON no longer has to worry about NSO's incompetence that almost got them rolled twice within the span of a single month. On the other hand, you have NSO getting rid of [i]"weasels"[/i] in IRON. It seems to me that both alliances are happy with this treaty coming to a close.
Wait... after IRON's actions in Bipolar and the effects they had on NSO, you have the gall to claim that IRON are lucky to be free of NSO's incompetence? :unsure:

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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1284322400' post='2451323']
While it's refreshing to see a treaty cancellation where the two parties don't claim they're still going to be best friends forever, you seem to be going a little overboard. Is it just cognitive dissonance or was the relationship really that far gone?
Sometimes my Sithies can be a little passionate. That said, I'm not IRON's biggest fan either.

Edited by heggo
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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1284321302' post='2451297']
The treaty did not wreck Frostbite. Frostbite was a highly dysfunctional bloc that collapsed due to internal conflict. NSO signed the treaty with IRON only after it became apparent that the bloc was going to dissolve (whether this was their intent or not I have no idea). The collapse itself was catalyzed by the TPF war where NSO was not a fan of siding with Athens, while Polar and STA ended up on the C&G/SF side given the treaties they held. At the time of STA's withdrawal from Frostbite, Pezstar [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77424&view=findpost&p=2076104"]said[/url] quite clearly that it had nothing to do with the IRON treaty, a statement later backed up by Tyga and Uhtred.

More or less this. I thought NSO's issue in that war was specifically siding with Superfriends though. Not to say they loved Athens or anything mind you. That was so long ago though and I no longer have access to those discussions so I could be misremembering. Either way like Moridin said, the treaty with IRON had nothing to do with Frostbite's dissolution.

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[quote name='Jaymjaym' timestamp='1284322900' post='2451338']
I was expecting to see this go, but would have figured it'd be IRON to drop the treaty.
[color="#0000FF"]Well, in our talk with them they found it difficult whether or not they wanted to. While they were quick to inform that that their members thought us a liability, they made sure that we understand that that was not the feelings of the IRON representatives, but still that some in their alliance did feel that way, although that didn't necessarily mean they felt that way, but they would still probably vote yes to cancel the treaty, but they did comfort us with the knowledge that some of them might not vote no, and so on and on and on some more for about an hour. It turns out none of their representatives had the power to speak for the council or for the membership of IRON, making them about the most impotent representatives I've ever spoken with, but remarkably they did have the power to void the cancellation period when we said we wanted the treaty done with. Amazing how IRON works isn't it?

That said, that more or less is just about how every meeting we've ever had with IRON has gone down since we signed the treaty, and before even. I'm glad we're done with them.[/color]

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[quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1284323130' post='2451345']
More or less this. I thought NSO's issue in that war was specifically siding with Superfriends though.
Worth quoting. I think this is about accurate.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284323244' post='2451347']
Not surprised at all to see R&R mixed up in this.

I am, after all wasn't it NSO that kept claiming we would be more visible and usefull if we just disbanded?

Again we had zero contact with IRON prior to the war until we had already declared. But hey, I'll take the credit for it!

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[quote name='Jaymjaym' timestamp='1284322900' post='2451338']
I was expecting to see this go, but would have figured it'd be IRON to drop the treaty.
likewise, id heard from several people IRON wasnt too pleased with NSO's shens that led to the recent stomping and coupled with the aiding of Methrage i wouldve almost placed money that said IRON sent NSO packing

Anyway, IRON got their ass handed to them TWICE by Fark which makes me happy and NSO...well if you live to see 2011 you can consider it a miracle overall you can both disband :)

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[quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1284323130' post='2451345']
More or less this. I thought NSO's issue in that war was specifically siding with Superfriends though. Not to say they loved Athens or anything mind you. That was so long ago though and I no longer have access to those discussions so I could be misremembering. Either way like Moridin said, the treaty with IRON had nothing to do with Frostbite's dissolution.

You're right, I was probably projecting there. Looking over my logs, Ivan's concern seems to have been about siding with Ragnarok and SF.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1284322532' post='2451329']
I'm not going to discuss if DVD actually said that or not and to who... But we (R&R) did NOT get any requests from IRON to attack you guys. Trust me, if we had I would be the first one to post it on the OWF and rub it in your face.

Anyway, my apologies to IRON for any part we played in this but i'm not gonna pretend i'll lose sleep over this cancellation.

o/ IRON!
I'll believe this man before any NSOer.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1284322621' post='2451331']
[color="#0000FF"]It may just be me, but I've had strong hatred of IRON for many months now. A few other allies too, but I'll hold my tongue on them. For now at least anyway.[/color]
Hydra, Invicta, NATO if I recall correctly...

RV, you should implement your one treaty policy and just cancel all. Any allies NSO and NPO share cancel them as you said and just keep NPO.

IRON has a great opportunity here and I hope they take advantage of it.

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Wow. It is amazing to see hatred displayed openly by NSO for IRON. If that is the case, why do you bother to keep the treaty? Considering this cancellation looks like one of those posted with notification shortly before... I'd say NSO acted like they normally do.

IRON is better off. Have you ever heard of trying to talk to an ally about concerns before canceling? That is what IRON was trying to do. You know - they actually value the treaty (shocking I know!) and are trying to address their membership's concerns. It doesn't sound like they walked into the meeting with the intentions of canceling but of trying to fix things. That is what a MdoAP ally does.. at least one that still cares and tries to repair things. Sounds like it went wrong and NSO had pented up feelings.

So IRON - I'm sorry you lost one of your allies but in this case, it seems like it was better for both of you.

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[quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1284323130' post='2451345']
More or less this. I thought NSO's issue in that war was specifically siding with Superfriends though. Not to say they loved Athens or anything mind you. That was so long ago though and I no longer have access to those discussions so I could be misremembering. Either way like Moridin said, the treaty with IRON had nothing to do with Frostbite's dissolution.

This is truth. We didn't even know about the IRON treaty. NSO was considering it. Once Frostbite fell, they pushed it through.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1284324651' post='2451382']
Wow. It is amazing to see hatred displayed openly by NSO for IRON. If that is the case, why do you bother to keep the treaty? Considering this cancellation looks like one of those posted with notification shortly before... I'd say NSO acted like they normally do.


This is not the case. NSO discussed their desire to cancel this treaty with me awhile ago. It was right after they found out that IRON had actively assisted in plotting the war against NSO. I don't think canceling a treaty in that situation is unwarranted.

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