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Obvious announcement from STA regarding AAs and obviousness

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Remarkable, given that you had the wherewithal to use your full alliance name in the cadet AA...using an acronym seems to add an insurmountable layer of confusion, but you'd think even those with a steady diet of lead paint could figure out the connection between "Siberian Tiger Alliance" and "Siberian Tiger Alliance Cadet". Good luck with this; pretty sure that every alliance with an applicant/noob AA feels your pain here.

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[quote name='xoindotnler' date='17 June 2010 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1276820553' post='2341233']
Force them to put "Protected by STA" in there bio.

When there is still some one stupid enough to raid, roll there entire alliance.
That's a tad unnecessary when it's an isolated incident/someone who doesn't know any better. Some people think this game is meant to be [i]total[/i] war and complete chaos, you know.

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It would be nice to see a less friendly solution to this problem. Good luck trying to grow brains in skulls of those that apparently lack them, STA.

Maybe the raiders could use transplants?


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[quote name='Schad' date='17 June 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1276826422' post='2341344']
Remarkable, given that you had the wherewithal to use your full alliance name in the cadet AA...using an acronym seems to add an insurmountable layer of confusion, but you'd think even those with a steady diet of lead paint could figure out the connection between "Siberian Tiger Alliance" and "Siberian Tiger Alliance Cadet". Good luck with this; pretty sure that every alliance with an applicant/noob AA feels your pain here.

The original reason for the full use of the alliance's name in the applicant and cadet AA's was to allow for ease of war monitoring.

(OOC) If you go to go to STA's alliance display page and then click on the war display, the game displays all wars with anyone having "Siberian Tiger Alliance" in their AA. This includes the applicant and cadet AA's since the full name is used. Makes it really easy to see all in-game wars concerning all three of STA's AA's :) (/OOC)

But yeah, you would think it would be instantly clear to everyone that it's STA's cadet AA and thus a no-no for raiding.

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='17 June 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1276840974' post='2341640']
And a ton of blood thirsty aztecs as well. The blood God hungers.
Can't fight without the shroooms

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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' date='17 June 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1276809640' post='2341002']
What genius would actually say that they could raid a protected AA because their charter allows it. :facepalm:[/quote]

I don't remember who told me this before, but I have had this argument used against me before in a similiar situation. I told the person that the Athens charter allows me absolute power over military operations, linked him to our stats, and asked him if he wanted me to wipe him off the planet. He relented quickly. :v

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='18 June 2010 - 03:16 AM' timestamp='1276845396' post='2341696']
I don't remember who told me this before, but I have had this argument used against me before in a similiar situation. I told the person that the Athens charter allows me absolute power over military operations, linked him to our stats, and asked him if he wanted me to wipe him off the planet. He relented quickly. :v

You're such a badass Londo.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='17 June 2010 - 04:09 PM' timestamp='1276808960' post='2340985']

I'm getting pretty tired of spending hours trying to peacefully resolve these issues over and over again. Yeah, yeah. It's my job. I get that. I'm lazy. And they're being stupid. [/quote]

I found this funny. I'm noth the only one who drinks any posts hahahahaha

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It is good to see NpO and NV rallying to STAs cause here. Obviously they need help dealing with these little nations hitting them and the best way to do it is to display an enormous show of force against nations with a few thousand-ish NSs. Bound to work. Especially as little nations like this often read the charter of the alliance they are in and the boards here.

Since the demise of Tygas state of the alliance missive is this the only way STA can think of to create attention?

Also loving the hatred towards newer nations, (2 + stagger, roll 'em etc). A great way to promote diversity and dynamism.

A better responce would be to send them to \m/ so they can learn to raid properly. Education > violence. Good to see the moralists appreciate this.


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This is highly amusing and entirely foreseeable given recent history. :lol1:

What is the excuse that is given on OWF regarding "tech raids" recently by the larger alliances when it's brought up? Exactly the one mentioned by the OP above :excl: And what happens after it is given? Nothing, as long as it is indeed within the large alliance's charter.

Inexperienced leaders of small alliances who want to tech raid are only following what they see as being accepted as justification for raiding. Apparently they are missing the "fine print" of this unwritten "international law." :P

(fine print: might makes right. Small alliances should simply not tech raid until they are big enough to enforce it upon others and/or pay 3 million to the raid victim's alliance every time someone makes a judgment error on who they raid.)

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