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Reformation of TBBAF and DoW

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='11 May 2010 - 03:01 AM' timestamp='1273546848' post='2294367']
wait, so, let me get this right.... He's been saying all along that he is being attacked because of going it alone and declaring war on Gramlins. Now you are saying it has nothing to do with Gramlins aside from him going it alone and declaring war on Gramlins?

Did I miss something? cause i am honestly confused.
It is really quite simple, not much more than a year ago TBB used to run around bullying people and spouting "Do something about it!" More than a few people made note of it and waited for the day. TBB went on vacation when the world unraveled, when he got back he was to itty bitty to hit. Then he had a AA, so the waiting continued. Then, just a few short days ago everything fell into place and you get what we have here today.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='11 May 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1273549890' post='2294429']
Wow, and some people say [i]I[/i] won't let go of a grudge.

Oh well. TBB knew what he was getting himself into.

If I've learned anything about this game it's that grudges die hard.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 08:15 PM' timestamp='1273540502' post='2294231']
Self-proclaimed? :smug:

Also, I posted that in regards to the quoted comment. Also, if I were on your side you'd be praising me right now. I've seen you do it numerous times before. So, just be quiet.[/quote]

when have i praised anyone for hitting a rogue that was not an ally? for that matter, i tend not to care much about rogues so usually never bother. for that matter again, most alliances do not tend to post they are hitting a rogue for me to praise to begin with.

so when exactly have you seen me praise someone on my side for doing this?

also, just wanted to comment on the fact that someone on my side tends to be allied to the alliance i am in. also, since this is again, the only time i have ever seen a third uninvolved party deal with a rogue for someone not allied or even friendly with them. so again, when have you seen praise someone on my side for doing this?

[quote]They lost multiple millions of NS and were at the top of the most lost NS list for the entire war. Did you forget that or just think we forgot?[/quote]

iirc, they were at 16(?) million NS at the start of the \m/ war and by the end of the TOP-CnG war they were at 8 million. now iirc, the TOP-CnG war lasted far longer than the \m/ war, so i doubt that \m/ caused any significant amount of damage to Polaris.

[quote]Why you and Doch can't seem to grasp that I've stated it's a tech raid simply amazes me.

actually i never stated it was not a tech raid. so how about you throw that one to TBB who is the one who keeps stating it is a war. i simply asked Caliph, why \m/ got involved with hitting a rogue, since Caliph stated that was the reason for the wars. since others came in and stated it was a tech raid, i have simply asked, why it matters if TBB is a rogue and why \m/ seems to care enough to label a victim as a rogue?

how come you can't seem to grasp that simply amazes me.

[quote name='King Wally' date='10 May 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1273544602' post='2294326']
Admit it... you'd all be bored and lost without \m/... hell they just gave us the only interesting story of the week here. Big Bad goes rogue... \m/ cleans him up...pfft whatever did he expect to see happen? Fruit basket and box of chocolates for his good work?

honestly not really. i survived the time in between without being bored.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='11 May 2010 - 04:47 AM' timestamp='1273549628' post='2294426']
It is really quite simple, not much more than a year ago TBB used to run around bullying people and spouting "Do something about it!" More than a few people made note of it and waited for the day. TBB went on vacation when the world unraveled, when he got back he was to itty bitty to hit. Then he had a AA, so the waiting continued. Then, just a few short days ago everything fell into place and you get what we have here today.

Ah, I follow you now. I have been away from planet bob for far too long.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='10 May 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1273549628' post='2294426']
It is really quite simple, not much more than a year ago TBB used to run around bullying people and spouting "Do something about it!" More than a few people made note of it and waited for the day. TBB went on vacation when the world unraveled, when he got back he was to itty bitty to hit. Then he had a AA, so the waiting continued. Then, just a few short days ago everything fell into place and you get what we have here today.
[color="#0000FF"]So, \m/ is now the world's dispenser of justice? I can't wait until I go unaligned then. I'd just love to see what you have in store for me.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 May 2010 - 01:07 AM' timestamp='1273554455' post='2294488']
[color="#0000FF"]So, \m/ is now the world's dispenser of justice? I can't wait until I go unaligned then. I'd just love to see what you have in store for me.[/color]

Do something about it.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1273540502' post='2294231']
RV, it's already been stated by me and acknowledged by yourself that it IS a tech raid. You keep jumping back to that in an attempt to make an argument when all you need to do is read.

Why you and Doch can't seem to grasp that I've stated it's a tech raid simply amazes me.[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]I've been remarkably consistent. Your alliance is the one that keeps bringing up the fact that TBB is a rogue, as if that somehow matters.[/color]

[quote name='Biazt' date='11 May 2010 - 01:10 AM' timestamp='1273554601' post='2294491']
Do something about it.
[color="#0000FF"]I would, but I really don't care. Besides, Bad can handle himself and I have other things to do. I am simply asking if \m/ feels the need to see that justice is served to all past war criminals. I know I've done my share of wrong many years ago and am curious if \m/ will be merciful.[/color]

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='10 May 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1273549628' post='2294426']
It is really quite simple, not much more than a year ago TBB used to run around bullying people and spouting "Do something about it!" More than a few people made note of it and waited for the day. TBB went on vacation when the world unraveled, when he got back he was to itty bitty to hit. Then he had a AA, so the waiting continued. Then, just a few short days ago everything fell into place and you get what we have here today.

Except of course your wrong. It does not suprise me of course you all have bumbled your way through this from the start. You would be hard pressed to ever find me bully anyone outside of those that bullied others. And the "do something about it" people were on the other side of most wars I fought in. Of course I was not happy about some of the dirt bag allies we had who were bullies. They attacked others and hid behind allies. What were the names of those alliances again? \m/ and GOONs, yeah that was them. Real scum. But then they just kept pushing the line and Planet Bob turned on them and they ran away and cried about it over and over again. Then one day they came back. Surely they had learned their lesson. Sadly not, they returned to their old ways even faster then before. People began plotting on them. People close to them. But those people needed some stuff to show others so that when the time came these alliances would be not as secure as they thought. So when my new alliance formed and began our crusade again Gramlins and Uncondional Surrender suddenly one of those alliance came charging to Gramlins aid. This alliance changed its reason for war a half dozen times. And eveytime they were revealed as lies they came up with another. It got so bad that this alliance suggested a valid CB on an alliance would be that sometime in its past before it disbanded and reformed it had made someone angry. Now why an alliance with such a terrible history would suggest a thing is beyone me. However add that to their war in support of unconditional surrender and you sure have some interesting things to think about. Everytime you guys speak its like a gift from Admin himself.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='10 May 2010 - 10:47 PM' timestamp='1273549628' post='2294426']
It is really quite simple, not much more than a year ago TBB used to run around bullying people and spouting "Do something about it!" More than a few people made note of it and waited for the day. TBB went on vacation when the world unraveled, when he got back he was to itty bitty to hit. Then he had a AA, so the waiting continued. Then, just a few short days ago everything fell into place and you get what we have here today.
You plan to setup TBB has succeeded?

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Would you not have had more impact by joining IRON/DAWN and aiding them, rather than open yourself up to getting smacked down, by creating a 1 man "crusade" your words not mine.

Similar situation to these guys

1. Astronaught Jones
2. Methrage

1 man crusade with little or no impact on anything. Not that I'm trying to put a down feeling on your effort.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 05:26 PM' timestamp='1273537562' post='2294158']
Well its really very simple. \m/ changed their alliances policy to go to war with my alliance. You can clearly see it is not a tech raid. Unless you think tech raids are conduted with nukes against nations with no tech. You can read \m/'s own words. They are going to destroy me, aiding me is an act of war. They have from the moment of my DoE and DoW on Gramlins attempted to remove attention from Gramlins by yelling, screaming and crying at every chance. Now I ask you does that sound like just a tech raid? You know it is not and so does eveyone else. By their desperate attempts to hault my actions against Gramlins they have made it very clear they support them. Their feeble attempts to claim they do not come off as desperate. I do not expect them to man up to it but, its pretty clear what they stand for and support.
Okay then. It's not a tech raid, it's them beating you down. I don't see how this in any way shows their support of Gramlins. All you are doing is creating false dichotomies to try and prove your point.

1. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they oppose your cause
2. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they support Gramlins
3. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they support Unconditional Surrender
4. \m/ "changing their story", as you say, doesn't necessarily mean their true intention is the one you say it is
5. \m/ posting in this thread doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to divert attention

I'm not saying that these things are necessarily untrue, but as the accuser, the onus is on [b]you[/b] to provide reasonable proof to support your accusations. From what I have seen so far you have provided nothing substantial, but simply asserted that the claims I listed above are true.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='11 May 2010 - 05:10 AM' timestamp='1273551040' post='2294442']
when have i praised anyone for hitting a rogue that was not an ally? for that matter, i tend not to care much about rogues so usually never bother. for that matter again, most alliances do not tend to post they are hitting a rogue for me to praise to begin with.

so when exactly have you seen me praise someone on my side for doing this?

also, just wanted to comment on the fact that someone on my side tends to be allied to the alliance i am in. also, since this is again, the only time i have ever seen a third uninvolved party deal with a rogue for someone not allied or even friendly with them. so again, when have you seen praise someone on my side for doing this?

iirc, they were at 16(?) million NS at the start of the \m/ war and by the end of the TOP-CnG war they were at 8 million. now iirc, the TOP-CnG war lasted far longer than the \m/ war, so i doubt that \m/ caused any significant amount of damage to Polaris.

actually i never stated it was not a tech raid. so how about you throw that one to TBB who is the one who keeps stating it is a war. i simply asked Caliph, why \m/ got involved with hitting a rogue, since Caliph stated that was the reason for the wars. since others came in and stated it was a tech raid, i have simply asked, why it matters if TBB is a rogue and why \m/ seems to care enough to label a victim as a rogue?

how come you can't seem to grasp that simply amazes me.

honestly not really. i survived the time in between without being bored.
I don't recall stating anything about support for rogues, I am just pointing that in the past I have enjoyed your support. For someone as bad as I am, I shouldn't have had your support. I also seem to recall you once stating you were excited to work with me. Perhaps, this was due to sides, and you, as a member of DAWN, are against me. Why, I don't know. We don't support Gramlins, yet we are not against Gramlins.

You're also accounting far too much damage to their second war. The NpO was at around 11 million ns when our one week war ended if my memory serves correctly. They bounced back up, then dropped again upon reentering. Give us some credit and stop diverting the damage to others.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 May 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1273554455' post='2294488']
[color="#0000FF"]So, \m/ is now the world's dispenser of justice? I can't wait until I go unaligned then. I'd just love to see what you have in store for me.[/color]
Well, you weren't a member of TPF's government when \m/ was betrayed, were you? I don't think you have too many worries.

I personally attacked the big bad because he was a jerk while in power, and escaped paying for his crimes. As the whole world should know by now, I hold grudges. Why on earth would anyone think I was doing it for any other reason?

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='11 May 2010 - 03:42 AM' timestamp='1273563717' post='2294565']
Okay then. It's not a tech raid, it's them beating you down. I don't see how this in any way shows their support of Gramlins. All you are doing is creating false dichotomies to try and prove your point.

1. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they oppose your cause
2. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they support Gramlins
3. \m/ attacking you doesn't necessarily mean they support Unconditional Surrender
4. \m/ "changing their story", as you say, doesn't necessarily mean their true intention is the one you say it is
5. \m/ posting in this thread doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to divert attention

I'm not saying that these things are necessarily untrue, but as the accuser, the onus is on [b]you[/b] to provide reasonable proof to support your accusations. From what I have seen so far you have provided nothing substantial, but simply asserted that the claims I listed above are true.

I am not the accuser and TBBAF's reformation and war had nothing to with \m/. This has everything to do with Gramlins and the fooish policy of unconditional surrender. That is why I am here. That is what this is all about. Why would \m/ choose to make themselves a part of it if they did not support Grams and uncontional surrender? First it was a tech raid but, they just could not stop running their yaps and then made it clear it was not. Then it was a war because of something a nation that deleted long ago might have done, they are just not sure what or when. This of course they are wisely running away from because it gives everyone on Planet Bob a CB for anything any of the did as a prior nation or even what the old \m/ might have done. Now its just because I am a jerk. They will leave this one as well because they pride themselves on being bullies and jerks and again have just given a valid \m/ supported CB to anyone who wants to roll them. So see this has been all about Gramlins. \m/ injecting themselves into the war with Grams and then being unable to come up with a reason leads to only one conclusion, they support Grams and unconditional surrender.

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='10 May 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1273523852' post='2293869']
Woah, I am seriously having a case of deja vu here. Didn't someone already do this?

Has the verb "methraging" entered the political vocabulary of Bob yet? I think we could need such a phrase to define certain actions in these troublous times.

(Also hello, Hal :) )

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='11 May 2010 - 04:15 AM' timestamp='1273569284' post='2294613']
I don't recall stating anything about support for rogues, I am just pointing that in the past I have enjoyed your support. For someone as bad as I am, I shouldn't have had your support. I also seem to recall you once stating you were excited to work with me. Perhaps, this was due to sides, and you, as a member of DAWN, are against me. Why, I don't know. We don't support Gramlins, yet we are not against Gramlins.[/quote]

i rate things action by action. yes, you have enjoyed my support in the past. i never said you were bad but since Vox, you did take on a Martyr complex for a while and when you joined \m/ you took on a loud-mouthed braggart. but nowhere did i state you were bad. just that you posting that you nuked him was not as cool as you thought it was. see, the key to that first statement of mine towards you was sarcasm at how ridiculous it was to think you were kewl because you nuked TBB.

now, where does that get to where you have it? that statement was not Stretch Armstrong, its reach was not nearly as long as you keep attempting to pull it.

i also never said you did support Grämlins either. that is some made up bs you just threw in there. read my very first statement in this thread calling TBB stupid for doing a 1 man crusade instead of joining IRON or DAWN. then maybe you will actually figure out that i do not care about \m/ hitting TBB just Caliph's statement that \m/ hit TBB because he was a rogue.

then, instead of putting words in my mouth like you are doing, you may understand where i am coming from. heck read the few posts between me and Gerald and maybe that will finally clue you in.

[quote]You're also accounting far too much damage to their second war. The NpO was at around 11 million ns when our one week war ended if my memory serves correctly. They bounced back up, then dropped again upon reentering. Give us some credit and stop diverting the damage to others.[/quote]

actually, i was never sure how much damage they took from either wars. i knew where they started and where they ended. i knew they grew in the middle. i also stated that \m/'s damage to them was not significant. i know FOK hurt them hard. as for PC i couldn't tell ya. but if i recall correctly, it was not until FOK hit them that their starts started declining significantly.

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[quote name='Millencolin' date='10 May 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1273545441' post='2294342']
Think what you wish about \m/'s intentions here, but it's merely \m/ tech raiding an unprotected nation who they happen to dislike. Nothing more.

You should consult your leadership it appears. They've already made noises about revenge for events in 2007 being a motivation.

But ask yourself this...I've come to \m/'s defense in the past regarding a variety of issues and even I'm calling "foul". What does that say about what others think? I don't suppose you personally care, but there it is.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 05:41 AM' timestamp='1273581680' post='2294677']
I am not the accuser and TBBAF's reformation and war had nothing to with \m/. This has everything to do with Gramlins and the fooish policy of unconditional surrender. That is why I am here. That is what this is all about. Why would \m/ choose to make themselves a part of it if they did not support Grams and uncontional surrender? First it was a tech raid but, they just could not stop running their yaps and then made it clear it was not. Then it was a war because of something a nation that deleted long ago might have done, they are just not sure what or when. This of course they are wisely running away from because it gives everyone on Planet Bob a CB for anything any of the did as a prior nation or even what the old \m/ might have done. Now its just because I am a jerk. They will leave this one as well because they pride themselves on being bullies and jerks and again have just given a valid \m/ supported CB to anyone who wants to roll them. So see this has been all about Gramlins. \m/ injecting themselves into the war with Grams and then being unable to come up with a reason leads to only one conclusion, they support Grams and unconditional surrender.

Actually, when you are the one saying "\m/ supports Gramlins and unconditional surrender", then yes you [i]are[/i] the accuser. You are making an accusation, and \m/ disagrees with it. So, the burden of proof still falls on you.

"Why would \m/ choose to make themselves a part of it if they did not support Grams and uncontional surrender?"

Maybe they did it because they rolled some chicken bones on the floor and it spelled out "Attack TBB". The point is that you cannot prove anything by saying "They haven't proven they [i]didn't[/i] do it yet."

"\m/ injecting themselves into the war with Grams and then being unable to come up with a reason leads to only one conclusion, they support Grams and unconditional surrender."

Again with the false dichotomies. This is an invalid statement, because it is [i]not[/i] the only possible conslusion. Also, you're making it sound like you were actually making a meaningful impact on the Gramlins, which is disingenuous at best.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 01:41 PM' timestamp='1273581680' post='2294677']
Why would \m/ choose to make themselves a part of it if they did not support Grams and uncontional surrender?[/quote]

Because you put a huge target sign on yourself that said hit me, and people who don't like you did. Simple really.

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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='11 May 2010 - 11:34 AM' timestamp='1273592051' post='2294750']
Because you put a huge target sign on yourself that said hit me, and people who don't like you did. Simple really.

Now that is just silly. You are telling me you changed your alliance policy, attacked my alliance, continue to divert attention from Gramlins crime of demanding uncontional surrender, used nukes, threatened other alliances for trying to aid me all to just attack a tiny nation, that sat publicly without an AA at pretty much the same size for weeks, and all for making you tear up a couple years ago? Do you expect anyone to believe that your alliance is that pathetic? Do you expect anyone believe that you are foolish enough to publicly act and support attacking an alliance because people don't like you? I mean that would mean have handed out an CB for your entire alliance that you publicly support with your words and your actions. Now I ask you are the people of Planet Bob supposed to believe that \m/ is that stupid? Or does it make more sense that you are supporting Gramlins? So again maybe you should go back, sit down and come up with a better reason then what you have provided. Because otherwise you just placed a huge target on your entire alliance. Not so simple really is it?

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Sigh, Analogy time, You decide to become a crime fighter... but you don't want to join the police so you decide to become a vigilante. As most vigilantes are well funded you decided to acquire large amounts of crime fighting tech. You take this obvious and expensive tech into a dark alley way and attack 3 sleeping vagrants, at the same time some muggers see a guy loaded with tech hanging out in a dark alley way... mug the vigilante and follow the mugging with a beat down. Now that vigilante is saying that the muggers are supporting the Mafia, Yakuza, and Triads.

Now I would like to ask the question again of why are you not ghosting IRON? Why did you decide to go it alone and not allow recruits to join with you in supporting your cause? Was it because you care more about trying to prove that we are "Bullies" than you care about Gremlins? I know your attempting to multi-task now as I said to Methrage when he did the exact same thing with nearly the exact same result, You need to focus and join with others who are making an impact if you wish to show meaningful support, one way or the other.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='09 May 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1273463182' post='2293170']
According to whom?

I'll give peace to him when I decide, not when some made up rule decides.

I raid how I raid. Nobody cares about [b]your[/b].

Usually a raid implies that profit is your motive. If a nation fights back most of that profit is offset by losses. I think that is the logic he was using. I guess a raid would still be profitable if the nation was not fighting back effectively.

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