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Reformation of TBBAF and DoW

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[quote]That's if we keep being jerks and acting like clowns. Tech raiding a rogue is hardly a major PR disaster. Attacking a 30+ man alliance was and that's why we don't do that anymore. [/quote]

Right... so then it went down to what? 20? So much better....

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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Stupidity is rampant on Bob these days. The actions of \w/ continue to contribute to this mentality. The children are trying to take over and have done a fairly decent job of keeping the adults at bay. I wonder how much longer that will continue...

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WOO!! WOO!! Round of applause for \m/!! WOO!! WOO!! They went down to 15!! WOO!! Sir, I would like to give you a congratulatory handshake and all of \m/ for decreasing that number down to 15! *crowd cheers in joy*

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' date='10 May 2010 - 08:31 AM' timestamp='1273498300' post='2293521']
I think \m/ is what you would call someone Techoholic, someone who has the urge to raid for tech on a consistent bases. Then again we could call them Hyper Techoholics as well.

I'm a hyper-techoholic, ask emperormarx. I was bugging him for like two hours last night because I wanted to pillage things.

I got what I wanted :smug:

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 07:51 AM' timestamp='1273492278' post='2293467']
Well I have to say this has been going even better then I planned. Gramlins has had only one ally come to its defense and thats \m/. Gramlins contunues to demand unconditional surrender, continues to fall apart and the forces against them have regained the momentum they were in danger of losing. \m/ has also more than played the role I assigned to them. Its not often you get to kill two birds with one stone and one tiny little nation. Sadly one alliance proved a little to smart to take the bait. GOONS I am sorry I did not give you enough credit I was warned you might be to smart for this. Oh well I suppose 3 birds is to much to ask for.

So yes if you were wondering why my one man alliance was formed instead of just joining IRON it was because certain people wanted to have some big ammo to use on others down the road. This proved to be the best bet. Get at Grams and a lure in the dummies. Thats why I did not start off with a protectorate and thats why I did not allow anyone else to join, sorry guys. And now we have all seen \m/ for what they are. Bullies who cried for a year about how they were treated and yet when given the slightest power they delcare they decide what makes and alliance and declare war in support of the thing everyone on Planet Bob is against, Unconditional Surrender. They have doomed themselves through there own words and actions just as Gramlins have. By now they know they have been played, they know they are doomed and you can expect their actions to be one of small child acting out for time they have left. And next time their very words and actions will be trotted out everytime they cry about how unfair it all is.

Gramlins and \m/ you stand side by side at war for your common cause, stupidity. \m/ and Gramlins you have just been served. Thank you for your cooperation.

Accept the consequences of your actions and stop crying.

Delusions of grandeur much? :smug:

Edited by Biazt
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='10 May 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1273512507' post='2293721']
That's if we keep being jerks and acting like clowns. Tech raiding a rogue is hardly a major PR disaster. Attacking a 30+ man alliance was and that's why we don't do that anymore.

honestly, the only issue i have actually ever had with this whole thing was that Caliph stated the reason for hitting TBB was he was a rogue. since \m/ has absolutely nothing to do with Gremlins in any way shape or form, there would be no reason for \m/ to get involved. i don't really care if you tech raid TBB, that would be his fault for going at it alone instead of simply joining IRON or DAWN.

if ya'll would stop with the tossing around of rogue as a reason for your wars against TBB, then i will gladly leave.

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='10 May 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1273523852' post='2293869']
Woah, I am seriously having a case of deja vu here. Didn't someone already do this?

That would be methrage, and ironically enough this has pretty much turned out the same way. Just waiting for tbb to declare war on goons now.

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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='10 May 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1273523978' post='2293872']
That would be methrage, and ironically enough this has pretty much turned out the same way. Just waiting for tbb to declare war on goons now.
Hold on let me find a micro alliance to DoW.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 May 2010 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1273523465' post='2293867']
honestly, the only issue i have actually ever had with this whole thing was that Caliph stated the reason for hitting TBB was he was a rogue. since \m/ has absolutely nothing to do with Gremlins in any way shape or form, there would be no reason for \m/ to get involved. i don't really care if you tech raid TBB, that would be his fault for going at it alone instead of simply joining IRON or DAWN.

if ya'll would stop with the tossing around of rogue as a reason for your wars against TBB, then i will gladly leave.
[color="#0000FF"]This man echoes my motives here as well, as I have already mentioned. Those who toss around false motives tend to be hypocrites and must be exposed. I certainly would hate for that to be the case here.[/color]

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='10 May 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1273523852' post='2293869']
Woah, I am seriously having a case of deja vu here. Didn't someone already do this?
Lets see
1.) single nation claiming to be an alliance check
2.) delusions of grandeur check
3.) RV posts and uninformed comments from the peanut gallery check
4.) Lengthy debate on sanctions as a weapon nope
5.) \m/ rebels join TBBAF and stage a coup Nope still the similarities are somewhat similar
Oh yeah, I recall us Raiding that rouge and it not being a international matter at that time, same scenario here different outcry.

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[quote name='Supreme Emperor Daeg' date='10 May 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1273528623' post='2293945']
5.) \m/ rebels join TBBAF and stage a coup Nope still the similarities are somewhat similar


Why, oh why didn't you guys try this? :(
It's most entertaining.

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[quote name='nippy' date='10 May 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1273531991' post='2294039']
Why, oh why didn't you guys try this? :(
It's most entertaining.

That would require way too much :effort:, even if the result was more tears.

You have to keep a good effort:tears ratio.

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[quote name='Biazt' date='10 May 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1273521296' post='2293838']
Accept the consequences of your actions and stop crying.

Delusions of grandeur much? :smug:

No. You see I am not claiming I made \m/ do this to themselves. I did not make them say and do things that will be used against them later. I do not claim to be making \m/ do stupid things. I did not make \m/ go to war to support Gramlins and Unconditonal Surrender terms. I do not claim to be making them look like idiots. That have done that themselves. Was I pretty sure they would do something like this? Oh yeah. But never at this level of stupid. I also thought you all would come and I still think you might of if you had not seen it blow up in \m/ face.

But in the end this has nothing to with \m/ they were just a little extra something to toss in if they were dumb enough to fall for it. They are nothing but a side show. They will keep on screaming and crying here because they know they just did something real stupid. The more they post the more you know they are desperate to try and salvage this. Its like watching lemmings jump off a cliff. They just can not help themselves. And when their time comes they will have to have this shoved in their faces over and over again. Thats not my fault. I did not make them do it, I just gave them the opportunity. They did it of their own free will. Unprovoked. Nobody, not even me could trick an alliance into acting this stupid.

This does however have to with Gramlins. They will not be allowed to demand unconditional surrender. This is not a precedent that will be allowed to be set no matter how hard they and \m/ fight for it. Two alliances both short sighted, poorly led, and desperate to show the world how strong they are now fight on the same side. And now they both make desperate aurguments to support what they are doing side by side with threats to destroy and then in the same breath claims they just don't care what anyone thinks. Its is interesting just how much these to alliances have in common.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 04:29 PM' timestamp='1273534139' post='2294091']
I did not make \m/ go to war [b]to support Gramlins and Unconditonal Surrender terms[/b].
You keep saying this over and over and over (and over), but I haven't seen a shred of reason that would make me believe it is true. What, other than the fact that \m/ has tech raided you, proves your claim?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='10 May 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1273518533' post='2293813']
It was always 15.

I really don't think I have to bring up past history, but that statement is completely wrong and you know it.

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='10 May 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1273534912' post='2294107']
You keep saying this over and over and over (and over), but I haven't seen a shred of reason that would make me believe it is true. What, other than the fact that \m/ has tech raided you, proves your claim?

Well its really very simple. \m/ changed their alliances policy to go to war with my alliance. You can clearly see it is not a tech raid. Unless you think tech raids are conduted with nukes against nations with no tech. You can read \m/'s own words. They are going to destroy me, aiding me is an act of war. They have from the moment of my DoE and DoW on Gramlins attempted to remove attention from Gramlins by yelling, screaming and crying at every chance. Now I ask you does that sound like just a tech raid? You know it is not and so does eveyone else. By their desperate attempts to hault my actions against Gramlins they have made it very clear they support them. Their feeble attempts to claim they do not come off as desperate. I do not expect them to man up to it but, its pretty clear what they stand for and support.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 May 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1273500898' post='2293551']
SF- you basically act like RV, Walford, AUT, and Penkala all in one. A self-styled martyr and self-proclaimed hero as well as a loud-mouthed braggart with little else to really back yourself up.

the fact that you had to come in here and post that you nuked TBB shows the last part quite well.
Self-proclaimed? :smug:

Also, I posted that in regards to the quoted comment. Also, if I were on your side you'd be praising me right now. I've seen you do it numerous times before. So, just be quiet.

[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 May 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1273500898' post='2293551']
really? considering Polaris lost how much NS during the \m/ portion of the war? \m/ stood tall only because of the stupidity of TIFDTT. if not for that utter failure of a move, i doubt \m/ would be talkin like this at all. the fact that you honestly think \m/ did such a great job in that war that you came out of it as you did shows either ignorance towards the pre-emptive attack or simply sheer stupidity. \m/ should in all honesty, praise TIFDTT and thank them greatly for saving \m/'s worthless hide.
They lost multiple millions of NS and were at the top of the most lost NS list for the entire war. Did you forget that or just think we forgot?

[quote name='RustyNail' date='10 May 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1273513920' post='2293742']
Stupidity is rampant on Bob these days. The actions of \w/ continue to contribute to this mentality. The children are trying to take over and have done a fairly decent job of keeping the adults at bay. I wonder how much longer that will continue...
If the kids are so stupid why did you lose in the first place? Not to mention, a second time...

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='10 May 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1273527455' post='2293918']
[color="#0000FF"]This man echoes my motives here as well, as I have already mentioned. Those who toss around false motives tend to be hypocrites and must be exposed. I certainly would hate for that to be the case here.[/color]
RV, it's already been stated by me and acknowledged by yourself that it IS a tech raid. You keep jumping back to that in an attempt to make an argument when all you need to do is read.

Why you and Doch can't seem to grasp that I've stated it's a tech raid simply amazes me.

[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 12:29 AM' timestamp='1273534139' post='2294091']
No. You see I am not claiming I made \m/ do this to themselves. I did not make them say and do things that will be used against them later. I do not claim to be making \m/ do stupid things. I did not make \m/ go to war to support Gramlins and Unconditonal Surrender terms. I do not claim to be making them look like idiots. That have done that themselves. Was I pretty sure they would do something like this? Oh yeah. But never at this level of stupid. I also thought you all would come and I still think you might of if you had not seen it blow up in \m/ face.

But in the end this has nothing to with \m/ they were just a little extra something to toss in if they were dumb enough to fall for it. They are nothing but a side show. They will keep on screaming and crying here because they know they just did something real stupid. The more they post the more you know they are desperate to try and salvage this. Its like watching lemmings jump off a cliff. They just can not help themselves. And when their time comes they will have to have this shoved in their faces over and over again. Thats not my fault. I did not make them do it, I just gave them the opportunity. They did it of their own free will. Unprovoked. Nobody, not even me could trick an alliance into acting this stupid.

This does however have to with Gramlins. They will not be allowed to demand unconditional surrender. This is not a precedent that will be allowed to be set no matter how hard they and \m/ fight for it. Two alliances both short sighted, poorly led, and desperate to show the world how strong they are now fight on the same side. And now they both make desperate aurguments to support what they are doing side by side with threats to destroy and then in the same breath claims they just don't care what anyone thinks. Its is interesting just how much these to alliances have in common.

Edited by Starfox101
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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1273540502' post='2294231']

Much like Gramlins will do when I am done with them, I see you have given up. Not that I blame you. I am sure you and Gramlins wish this would all just go away and everyone would just forget. And once again you are both wishing in vain.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 02:27 AM' timestamp='1273541257' post='2294249']
Much like Gramlins will do when I am done with them, I see you have given up. Not that I blame you. I am sure you and Gramlins wish this would all just go away and everyone would just forget. And once again you are both wishing in vain.
You're delusional. I really don't care at all about this, it's not as if we've gotten negative PR. We've even gotten a few recruits and plenty of people thanking us. It's been a good situation overall.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1273541257' post='2294249']
Much like Gramlins will do when I am done with them, I see you have given up. Not that I blame you. I am sure you and Gramlins wish this would all just go away and everyone would just forget. And once again you are both wishing in vain.
Contrary to what they teach in the Land of the North, saying something all the time does not make it true.

You keep trying to say this, but you don't present any facts, you just say "i'm right i'm right look at me I'm here look at me WAIT FOLKS LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I NEED THE ATTENTION"

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