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The Future of the NPO


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What will be of the NPO after this war?

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

Will the NPO disband?

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

Feel free to answer all or some of the questions I post. I might come here and add more questions if I think of something good to ask.

Hopefully, I posted this on the right forum.

“I will rest when I die”

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

Apparently they have a super strong community that will never be lost so nothing different.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?


Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

Probably not.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

Not other than their current war mates.

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?


Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

They have a lot of targets to choose from, pretty much all alliances save Legion.

Will the NPO disband?


Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?


Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?


What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

Currently, no. They are burning what little they have left daily.

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

They will be smaller and isolated.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Most of their policies will be decided for them, there will be a cap on members, tech, nukes, and aid. They will be banned from signing military treaties.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

They will play no role due to lack of military treaties.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

It will be forbidden

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

Only ar protectors/overlords

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

They will be incapable due to restrictions

Will the NPO disband?


Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

There will be a forced change

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

It should be a matter for them alone

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?


Edited by Alterego
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I find it interesting that on the one hand we have someone from Karma saying that the NPO's government would be left intact and that the NPO would largely be the same, and on the other someone given (pseudo/quasi/whatever flies for you) white terms by Karma putting on a pity act about how oppressed the NPO would be. Irony.

EDIT: sam != same

Edited by Teriethien
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Well right now the NPO seems to be determined to make sure it doesn't have a future. But assuming they see sense and stop all this eternal war talk:

What will be of the NPO after this war?

If they surrender right now and take the terms, about 10-12M NS, mostly in the mid tier (20-40k)

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Hopefully they have learnt their lesson about arrogance and aggression, but I think it is unlikely given the decidedly unrepentant posts by many senior Pacificans.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

Depends how far away it is. If they are under terms still, clearly not (to enter would almost certainly violate terms). If not, then they still have enough of a power cluster around them that I'm sure they would like to interfere and impose harsh terms on someone.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

Several alliances still hold treaties with them, and at this point those will probably be maintained. Some ex-Hegemony alliances who left them might change their minds and re-sign.

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

Unlikely, since Karma's main reason for coming together is to defend against the NPO and its political structures and therefore there is very little love for NPO within Karma.

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

On past form, yes, against everyone who fought against them (which is why restrictive terms are being offered).

Will the NPO disband?

Only if they are too stubborn to surrender.

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

Possibly; NPO has been governed by the IOs for Moo's 'reign' so it would be largely cosmetic, but I can see the IOs changing Emperor and selling that as a 'fresh start'.

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

No; with Moo leading it, it is not likely to become a threat too fast.

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

They still have a few allies, and in a few months would be the centre of a mid-strength power cluster (basically NPO, TPF and Purple at the present time). However, they are throwing away goodwill every day that they don't realise they are no longer special.

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

A smaller, but still sanctioned alliance with some influence if nothing else because it is a sanctioned alliance.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Major changes in government leadership. Some significant departures of leading members either from the alliance or from Planet Bob.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

They will be a frontline alliance if the next major war is fought after December (I assume here they get peace soon). If the next war is fought before then, they will be in no real condition to fight and will sit it out.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

NSO, TLC, STA. Read your Planet Bob history as to some of the rationale. If I led NPO however, I would also avoid it. While signing treaties will be a priority once the war is over and terms have expired, Frostbite is a new, likely aggressive bloc in the near future and NPO will be ill placed there. A conservative FA approach, avoid war for a while would be best.

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

If NPO is still around in a year or so, yes. As to who, almost anyone and why...well, Planet Bob creates strange bedfellows, it always has.

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

They are far too busy trying to figure out how to make it to tomorrow to worry about vengeance.

Will the NPO disband?

At this point I'd say it's 50-50. Probably not right away, but if enough leadership departs/loses interest in Planet Bob, then structural collapse of the alliance is entirely possible. Also, there is the possibility that they will never be granted peace, in which case they won't so much disband as slowly dissolve.

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

See above. I won't go so far as to say Moo will depart. Only Moo knows that.

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

Current leadership will be handicapped to be future, but if I were them I'd want to bring NPO in for a landing and at least attempt to organize a gradual transition in power, promoting new people with fresh perspective into positions of power and authority.

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

Of course they do. Any alliance who has over 300 members on Planet Bob is by default an alliance that has political influence.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Heh. Anyone who thinks Frostbite would open its arms to the NPO or that the NPO would want to be tied to us is deluded. Between us we have Polar, which refused to fight for NPO without a legitimate reason by treaty to do so; STA, which chose Polar over the NPO last summer and has been an outspoken critic of the NPO for a long time; NSO, which is led by Ivan and thus the bogeyman to Moo and his IOs and finally we have tLC - led by Sponge who is of course a world-renowned lover of all things Pacific and is held in great respect by Pacificans.

Perhaps, Hal, it is you who should read up on history, and don't gloss over the sections where the signatories of Frostbite have all been deemed enemies of the Pacific at some point or another.

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Coups, new government etc.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

No they will still be rebuilding

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

maybe their old friends like IRON, GGA

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?


Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

Yes, on everyone

Will the NPO disband?

I pray not

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?


Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

Someone new

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

Nope and no

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Any alliance who has over 300 members on Planet Bob is by default an alliance that has political influence.

No, not really. Illuminati was over 300 members, and then there's Unjust War-era TOOL.

And how many members do TDO have again?

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The future of the NPO ultimately lays within the alliance itself. It's up to them to chart the course of their future while considering the circumstances of today and the reasons why the circumstances of today happened. Really, none of us can truly say what the future of the NPO holds, except for those creating the terms of surrender they will receive.

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The future of the NPO ultimately lays within the alliance itself. It's up to them to chart the course of their future while considering the circumstances of today and the reasons why the circumstances of today happened. Really, none of us can truly say what the future of the NPO holds, except for those creating the terms of surrender they will receive.

Yes of course, ultimately this will be the case but I just want to see what the CN community thinks the NPO will do in the future.

The powers might be at the NPO, might take a look at these answers and opinions. It might or might not influence the NPO /shrug.

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

The massive political influence that Pacifica has been able to wield until now will be severely diminished but they will endure.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Probably a careful look over of the foreign affairs direction as well as time spent reorganizing internally to better streamline the alliance.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

I would hazard a "no" on this one with the exception of another power attempting to brand them as being aggressive or otherwise instigating the conflict. Fingers will be pointed at Pacifica, not by Pacifica.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

I'm certain, in the future, Pacifica will find allies once more. Who they will be is anyone's guess.

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

The more appropriate question would be "do you see Pacifica being allied to any of the Karma Coalition?" to which I would give a laugh and a pat on the back. I personally would not be inclined to sign some sort of mutual defense agreement with those who have given my alliance terms of such a ridiculous order. The idea that someone could be trusted to guard your back once they've spent a protracted while destroying both the industrial and political base of Pacifica is difficult to entertain. However, there may be some who break this mold.

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

Everyone seeks vengeance in the Cyberverse, always. If not true vengeance, any action taken by Pacifica against any of the Karma Coalition will be painted as such.

Will the NPO disband?


Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

Some positions have already changed. The unasked question here is "Will Emperor Revenge resign/be forced out?" to which I would guess not.

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

It's not for me to dictate the internal policy of another alliance.

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

They have some. What that is defies being put into a concrete form.

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And how many members do TDO have again?

A lot. And though "political influence" is a bit redundant for a neutral alliance, TDO does have friends so folks should not be messing with them.

As to the questions, I wouldn't wish to speculate but I don't think disbandment is on the cards.

Edited by Working_Class_Ruler
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What will be of the NPO after this war?

They'll probably try to quietly rebuild if they accept terms.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Pick and choose their allies better.

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

It's unlikely unless the war takes a year or so.

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

100% yes. TORN, MK, GR, VE, RoK, the entire CoC and several other KARMA alliances.

Will the NPO disband?

We can always hope.

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

Not likely. Unless there's changes with the IO's.

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

Not really. I'd prefer to see them dead.

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

They're going to struggle greatly, but they're still incredibly powerful despite all the damage they've mantained.

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

Still their but not as powerful

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

Hopefully they will reassess their policies and change for the better. Most likely nothing

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

Maybe. I expect they will have at least 400-600 members so they will still be a powerful alliance

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

Maybe not them but i expect people will be signing treaties with people who they have treaties with them

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

See above answer

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

Yes. Well they have a full plate with all of Karma and multiple old treaty partners.

Will the NPO disband?

Most likely not

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

I doubt it

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?


What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

They will have some by the fact that they will have a large member base still and a veteran military

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What will be of the NPO after this war?

They've been mauled, but the fact is they were so huge before the war that even after it they are still likely to maintain sanction. They won't be a super power anymore, so their influence will be greatly diminished, also their word will be worth little as the GGA/athens crap showed that they will take action on 'tips' from unknown sources before confirming that information.

What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

That depends, if they are smart this will be a lesson, one the rest of us learned long ago, treaties don't necessarily mean friends, and with the prevalence of potentially conflicting treaties on Bob, one good friend is worth a dozen treaties. NPO will have to start treating their allies as friends instead of assets. They will have to put aside the majority of their past and reform their foreign policy. This war shows that bob has little tolerance for back channel bullying and jumped up charges to justify aggressive wars. Especially from the NPO. If they want to launch preemptive strikes in the future they need to make sure the rest of Plant Bob thinks its a valid CB, not just declare that it is. In short NPO will no longer be able to dictate what 'acceptable' actions are in game to others, nor will the double standards. The next time we see 'Spying' as an excuse for war the first question would be "well how would you know?" not "Is it true?"

Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

Again, if they are smart, no. Anybody with the sense of a frog knows you lay low after getting beat up.

Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

There always will be, either those that actually think Pacifica was wronged for whatever reason, and those too new to understand why allying with NPO is a bad idea. Plus CN lives on realpolitik. Sooner or later somebody will feel them out simply while looking for advantage over a rival.

Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

Largely, no, in case you missed the war, most of us think them to be backstabbing bullies who have done despicable things over the years to enemy and ally alike. Of course as I mentioned, realpolitik, ask again around Christmas, things might have changed.

Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)?

The NPO has often and loudly expressed their policy of seeing revenge no matter what, and being willing to wait as long as necessary for it, so I'd say yes. They have admittedly stopped saying such recently (right about the time it was clear they were not going to win, no relation in that timing at all I'm sure). But a few weeks of quiet does not change years of statements.

Will the NPO disband?

Highly doubtful, despite all the whining in the mega thread about how we're killing their alliance, its not that bad. They will be hurting but alliances the NPO has defeated have suffered worse without disbanding.

Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

Couldn't say. I think there should be, the handling of the events leading up to this war, this war, and that mega thread, have all be utterly (udderly?:P) terrible. The NPO boasts a meritocracy, clearly moo is no longer the best man for the job.

Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

I'm of two minds about this, It's always good when your enemies have poor leaders, Then again, I am not that vindicitive, so yes, for the good of the order, they should have a change.

What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

Like I mentioned before, even after getting mauled they will be a force, NPO is down to around 6 million NS right now, but with around 500 nations under 10k NS and nearly 300 of those under 1k NS a concerted rebuild effort will see them shoot back up one the war ends. they will still be a power. they were just that big to begin with. They have not been beaten down to single digit alliance scores like some of their allies we're.

Though I think that in it self will make it harder for the NPO to find real friends. Even if you don't like them, you have to respect that those still standing with the NPO have proven their willingness to fight, no matter what, And they are doing so while the NPO dickers over terms. NPO is happy stalling because they have a solid core of nations hiding in peace mode now, but what the rest of us see is their allies dieing for them while the NPO stalls. If such loyalty as has been displayed by those still fighting next to the NPO is returned with such a complete lack of concern for their allies it will make anyone considering allying with them think long and hard. Pacifica displays only selfishness when it argues over what surrendering does to them when it is not only their fate they are holding up.

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There will be a forced change

Wow, I never knew you could see the future. :o But seriously, stop pretending you actually have a clue as to what you are talking about.

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