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DoW by FTW, CCC, and TPF


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After what has felt like many months, FTW, CCC, and TPF have agreed to this DoW.

We've all worked hard to make it possible. [1]* [2]* [3]*


There was even a failed "Roll Velocity" clause (which had my full backing mind you)..

Without further ado, I allow you to read our DoW (Declaration of WhiteTeamUnity).




White Team Unity Accords



This document hereby establishes a mutual bond of cooperation between the Freehold of the Wolves, the Christian Coalition of Countries, and The Phoenix Federation. It will stand to protect the safety, security, and prosperity of all members on the White team. The Freehold of The Wolves, the Christian Coalition of Countries, and The Phoenix Federation, hereafter referred to as FTW,  CCC, and TPF, or the signatories, shall respect each other’s sovereignty and shall remain independent alliances.

I. White Team Senate

The signatories acknowledge this document as a pledge to attempt to work together on the White team for mutual benefit. Any request by a signatory shall be responded to in a timely fashion.

  • The White team, composed of 5 senate seats, shall be broken down to the following:

    • 1 seat for the Christian Coalition of Countries

    • 1 seat for The Phoenix Federation

    • 3 seats for the Freehold of The Wolves

  • FTW, CCC, & TPF agree that the Senate shall be composed of no more and no less senators for each alliance than stated above.

  • All senators are encouraged, but not required, to discuss team proposals with each other before casting a vote to pass or reject them.


II. Sanctions

All parties agree that they shall not sanction a member of each other’s alliances. If a party wishes to sanction a member or affiliate of the other signatories, the other parties involved must be informed at least 48 hours prior to the sanctioning. Other signatories involved have the power to veto the sanction if they so desire. If the sanction has been vetoed by the other party, the sanction may not be put into place. This power does not apply to sanctions unrelated to other signatories. All parties agree that sanction wars are bad and lead to further conflict, and agree to prohibit the use of sanction wars while this treaty is active. 

III. Aiding

All parties are encouraged, but not required, to partake in economic, military, or technological exchange, as an act of open diplomacy and continued friendship.

IV. Intelligence

All parties are encouraged, but not required, to share intelligence of diplomatic or militaristic action directly affecting other signatories. 

V. Termination

A. Any party may give notice to withdraw from this agreement. Withdrawal will take effect 14 days from the date and time on which an intention to withdraw from the agreement was issued to the signatories' governing bodies.

B. Any Amendment to this treaty may be revoked individually or as part of the Full Treaty between all parties according to these terms.



Freehold of The Wolves:

Canik, Mad King

Taco, Hand of the King

Dark Lord Sauron, Regent

Velocity, Lord of Foreign Affairs

Smitty, Lord of Internal Affairs

Lord Draculea, Lord of Economic Affairs

CodArk2, Lord of Military Affairs


Christian Coalition of Countries:

CCC High Council 

lilweirdward, Chancellor 

Yeshua Solomon 



The Phoenix Federation:

Kapleo, Evil Overlord 

Woryand, Evil Underlord
Mr Motivator, Alliance Administrator

mastabadey, TPF Senator and ‘dude that handles trade circles’

The Inner Circle


[1]* Kapleo mostly told Woryand to solve whatever was being asked about.

[2]* Canik ate the treaty document near the end, he got hungry.

[3]* lilweirdward took about 48 hours to get me his signatures.

Edited by Velocity
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If anyone was curious:

VI. Rolling Velocity

A. Any signatory or member of an alliance that has signed this treaty is eligible to declare war and conduct attacks on VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic (hereby referred to as Velocity), as long as war is declared on the third Tuesday of any given month.    

A. Velocity may conduct attacks in retaliation, with the exceptions of the usage of nuclear weapons and spies on both sides.

B. Velocity may not declare wars on any nation as retaliation for wars declared on him as a result of this clause.

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It is nice to finally see this published. It took a while to get out but I am glad that we finally got it published. I know that the relationship between Freehold of the Wolves and the members of the Cobra Coalition aren't great, we hope that this will help improve relations between our spheres. 

When the idea for this was first brought up, we didn't know how we were going to go about this. I don't believe that this sort of thing has ever been done before in CN. I am glad that we were able to get this out. This, I think, puts the white team back on the map. 

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Usually when I come around these parts I do it to either support an ally or bash on an enemy. In this case I come to thank both CCC and FTW for making this happen.


Canik and the FTW government were most welcoming and understanding about the historic meaning of The Phoenix Federation being in white team. Considering our belligerent past (two wars in less than two years) seemed unlikely something like this would happen, which makes it even more meaningful for me and my people.


I look forward to continue working with you all and hoping that our future is not as bloody as our past has been, and even if it turns bloody again, this treaty should help us coexist with relative stability, even during times of war, though I admit it's a scenario I do not look forward to repeat.


As per LilWeirdWard and CCC, I find myself seeing more common ground with you than I initially thought I would. It has been more than pleasant getting to know your people and I look forward to continue getting to know you all and strengthening our relations. 


The only sad thing about all this was getting the "Roll Velocity" clause out of the treaty lol.


Thanks, everyone, I'm glad we could pull this off!


o/ CCC

o/ FTW

o/ White Team 🤍



Edited by Kapleo
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1 hour ago, Woryand said:

If anyone was curious:

VI. Rolling Velocity

A. Any signatory or member of an alliance that has signed this treaty is eligible to declare war and conduct attacks on VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic (hereby referred to as Velocity), as long as war is declared on the third Tuesday of any given month.    

A. Velocity may conduct attacks in retaliation, with the exceptions of the usage of nuclear weapons and spies on both sides.

B. Velocity may not declare wars on any nation as retaliation for wars declared on him as a result of this clause.


Put this in and I'll join TPF 



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3 hours ago, Kapleo said:

I look forward to continue working with you all and hoping that our future is not as bloody as our past has been, and even if it turns bloody again, this treaty should help us coexist with relative stability, even during times of war, though I admit it's a scenario I do not look forward to repeat.

Well said, and a sentiment shared. :)

When one of our ancestral alliances, the one I hail from, FEAR, was young in a large world it seemed everyone overlooked us. With one exception - The Phoenix Federation, who took us under their wing and encouraged our growth, ensured our protection. In return we fought for TPF in Karma War and we always had a camaraderie between us. TPF's attention for us early on greatly influenced our path for many, many years. Many times we fought alongside each other. So indeed, I understand your historical place in white team and am very happy to see you return, rising from the ashes!

And CCC, you guys have been great to work with. Very glad you accepted our invitation to white team. Even though LLW doesn't think CCC spent much time on white before, if any, it feels like a returning home to me. xD I hope you've found your place here and look forward to many more years working with you!

o/ TPF
o/ CCC
White Team

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On 11/10/2020 at 2:14 AM, Canik said:

Well said, and a sentiment shared. :)

When one of our ancestral alliances, the one I hail from, FEAR, was young in a large world it seemed everyone overlooked us. With one exception - The Phoenix Federation, who took us under their wing and encouraged our growth, ensured our protection. In return we fought for TPF in Karma War and we always had a camaraderie between us. TPF's attention for us early on greatly influenced our path for many, many years. Many times we fought alongside each other. So indeed, I understand your historical place in white team and am very happy to see you return, rising from the ashes!

And CCC, you guys have been great to work with. Very glad you accepted our invitation to white team. Even though LLW doesn't think CCC spent much time on white before, if any, it feels like a returning home to me. xD I hope you've found your place here and look forward to many more years working with you!

o/ TPF
o/ CCC
White Team

FEAR, now there's an alliance I haven't heard of in YEARS.  Old NATO allies.


Glad to be working with our friends in FTW and TPF. Welcome back to white sphere TPF!

o/ FTW

o/ TPF

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On 11/11/2020 at 10:43 PM, AlmightyGrub said:


You having your balls out getting sunburnt is not quite the same thing.  !@#$ alliance is !@#$


Edgy. Critical. We are owned. So glad you came out of your "retirement" for this epic burn. See you in 6 months or whenever CCC does something else that you feel that urge to comment on.

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  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, Libertarian King said:

3 FTW Seats means I could have one later if I wanted. CCC deserves one & TPF probably as well.



Absent a Color Sphere with no sanctions; one where the righteous control it can work.

Sanctions are a function of the world economy designed to bring consequences to those in community that ignore international norms like nuke rogues, or sponsors of terror. Any policy to abolish sanctions can only result in the decline of a sphere. 


I'm sure green team will soon realize such decline if they continue to promote their brand of "free trade" 

Edited by Lucius Optimus
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6 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:

Sanctions are a function of the world economy designed to bring consequences to those in community that ignore international norms like nuke rogues, or sponsors of terror. Any policy to abolish sanctions can only result in the decline of a sphere. 


I'm sure green team will soon realize such decline if they continue to promote their brand of "free trade" 

Please explain further the green team part, thanks.

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