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Of Polar's lower tier. Regardless of whether you consider the damage meaningful or not, the damage exists.


His point was that only NG could fight, and that obviously is not the case given most are out damaging Polar.

My point... or actually my comment... was that NG is good fighting wars, whilst other Alliances on that "side" are laughable and able to do really weird things like air attacks with 50 bombers or launching a nuke and target LAND.

Even the GPA could teach some of those Alliances a lesson about how to fight wars!  :awesome: 


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Even the GPA could teach some of those Alliances a lesson about how to fight wars!  :awesome:



See, not all the people dog piling you are actually dog piling you. So you may be outnumbered, but what are the real numbers here? Let's get some honest figures here, I want this done by the book. detective.gif

Edited by Ovidsidios
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I don't remember Polar being such crybabies.  All this talk about people coming for Polar, blah blah, look at our scars, blah blah.


Carly Simon called and wanted you to know this war isn't about you.  The last war that was about you was in 2011, the Grudge War.

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I don't remember Polar being such crybabies.  All this talk about people coming for Polar, blah blah, look at our scars, blah blah.


Carly Simon called and wanted you to know this war isn't about you.  The last war that was about you was in 2011, the Grudge War.


I don't believe for a second that you don't understand "see my scars and behold my commitment" is a statement on loyalty, tenacity, and resolve in the face of punishment.  It isn't stated as a complaint; far to the contrary it's usually stated as a battle cry.  Is this an attempt to use a de-facto appeal-to-authority/popularity fallacy in the minds of potential supporters based upon your extreme NS and the intense amount of bootlickers DBDC has, to try to subvert one of our slogans?  If it is, try harder next time.  Or have I seriously misjudged your understanding of a phrase that's been in the game for years?


And tell Carly Simon to look up "Disorder War".  Maybe you could even say that suggestion was yours, and then charge her an extortive amount of tech for it.

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These people literally have no concept of honor, sacrifice and courage. To them, this is all just a series of mathematical calculations, of making whatever decision is best in a material sense. They dont understand concepts like alliance loyalty and unity because they have no culture. They are simply number-crunchers who are used to bullying a few nations hundreds of thousands of nation strength lower, or perhaps they are just nerds seeking revenge who were bullied in whatever school their nation ruler attended. They are usurpers and backstabbers, not warriors, and they have no idea how to win a war.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Are you that dense?  You guys started disorder.  I was commenting on ALL the posts about how Polar continues to be the target EVERY war by each polar simpleton that wanders into this thread.


Are you so dense that you forgot the declaration on DBDC tech purveyors already?  It was explicitly stated that we expected to find ourselves in a large amount of alliance wars when we hit your toadies.  This isn't something unexpected in the slightest.  What did we do?  We did it anyway.  The vast majority of complaining I've seen has come from your underlings.  Don't worry, we'll thrash some spinal cords into them for you to make your job of teaching them to stop whining a bit easier.

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I don't remember Polar being such crybabies.  All this talk about people coming for Polar, blah blah, look at our scars, blah blah.
Carly Simon called and wanted you to know this war isn't about you.  The last war that was about you was in 2011, the Grudge War.

Who is Carly Simon?
Also yay rampant destruction! :D I am thoroughly enjoying the battle thusfar, cheers to Casualty offerings for Almighty Admin :]
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I don't remember Polar being such crybabies.  All this talk about people coming for Polar, blah blah, look at our scars, blah blah.


Carly Simon called and wanted you to know this war isn't about you.  The last war that was about you was in 2011, the Grudge War.


Carly Simon?  Really?  Last time she was relevant in Lawyeria was in 1972.  If I call someone, I prefer to call the band Nazareth and share some Hair of the Dog.


Back on point:

I don't remember seeing any cry babies, just folks dishing out apt criticism of you and your ilk in this war.  You know, smack talking--the kind that happens in every single freakin' war by every party.


Also, as for this war not being about Polar--maybe you should have consulted with NPO before they posted their declaration, in which they went to war against our allies but focused their rhetoric on Polar.  


You're just having a bad day because there will be no more Polar bears for you to play with up north in the highest tiers.  I'm so sorry for you.  Please tell me where I can sent my condolences.

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Are you so dense that you forgot the declaration on DBDC tech purveyors already?

Seeing as how you're not really able to enforce it, you can forgive them for forgetting about it.


These people literally have no concept of honor, sacrifice and courage. To them, this is all just a series of mathematical calculations, of making whatever decision is best in a material sense. They dont understand concepts like alliance loyalty and unity because they have no culture. They are simply number-crunchers who are used to bullying a few nations hundreds of thousands of nation strength lower, or perhaps they are just nerds seeking revenge who were bullied in whatever school their nation ruler attended. They are usurpers and backstabbers, not warriors, and they have no idea how to win a war.

What's it like to be wrong about literally everything?

Edited by Sardonic
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No hard to out damage us tbh, we are fighting a very defensive war, seriously outnumbered and out gunned.  There is no magic to this clicking thing that people do, you simply select the option and click.  I am glad you are having fun.  I am sure the tenth time you roll the same people for the same reason will be the one that makes you feel adequate.



Poor Grub

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No hard to out damage us tbh, we are fighting a very defensive war, seriously outnumbered and out gunned.  There is no magic to this clicking thing that people do, you simply select the option and click.  I am glad you are having fun.  I am sure the tenth time you roll the same people for the same reason will be the one that makes you feel adequate.


It is amazing just how little truth underlies the truthiness of this statement. I mean, it sounds reasonable if you don't really think about it. However, let's look at the wars Polar has fought, to see how true it actually is:


  • This ongoing war. I'll grant you that you are losing this one.
  • Disorder. In case you don't remember, Polar started that wars, and enforced terms at the end of it. I don't think you can by any stretch call that Polar being rolled. Also, I count three alliances that were on your side that have already entered on the opposite side this war. Are you certain that the sides of war never change?
  • Equilibrium. Not only was Polar on the winning side for this war, you were even on the same side as a bunch of the alliances you are currently being attacked by. Remind me again how Polar has always fought the same alliances?
  • I'll grant you that you were rolled in Grudge. However, that war was started by two alliances who aren't involved in this war yet, and one of them is currently allied to you. Are you certain that Polar has been getting constantly rolled by the same people?
  • PB-NpO is a rather good example for your case. That, I will grant you. Perhaps you got so beaten up then that it turned into ten curbstomps in a row in your memory?
  • Bipolar. As I recall this war, you were on the winning side. I think you'll recall this war, too, if you think really hard about it.
  • Digging really far back, there's also the so-called Karma War, in which there was indeed an npo getting rolled. Unfortunately, that was the NPO, not the NpO. All the evidence I can find points to the NpO in fact being on the winning side of this war, too.
  • Going back to WotC, a large majority of alliances involved do not exist, but yes, Polar did lose. Is this the ghost that haunts you so?

I won't bother to go back before then, because it is ancient, and Polar did not lose any war before then other than the very first Great War, which is going back a bit far even for Polar memories.


In summary, these "ten rollings by the same people on Polar" are in fact a total of four lost wars in Polar history. One of which happened in mid-2006, one of which happened in 2008, one of which happened in 2011, and the most recent Polar surrender was in early 2012. The common denominators between the opposing sides are scarce. A paranoid mind might say that they were all for the same reason, but most won't believe that.


Grub, are you really sure that Polar has been rolled ten times? You've barely fought ten major wars.

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I don't remember Polar being such crybabies.  All this talk about people coming for Polar, blah blah, look at our scars, blah blah.
Carly Simon called and wanted you to know this war isn't about you.  The last war that was about you was in 2011, the Grudge War.

You're so vain
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No hard to out damage us tbh, we are fighting a very defensive war, seriously outnumbered and out gunned.  There is no magic to this clicking thing that people do, you simply select the option and click.  I am glad you are having fun.  I am sure the tenth time you roll the same people for the same reason will be the one that makes you feel adequate.



DS initially declared against Invicta, on our own, and were out numbered 2 to 1. Not the same odds, but we still out damaged them. Then Polar declared on us(We appreciate the compliment even if the only reason you hit us was to get more support from the DBDC haters), and we still kept fighting. And still out damaged all wars even before everyone else came in.



Grub, are you really sure that Polar has been rolled ten times? You've barely fought ten major wars.


I think Lincoln would be appropriate here,


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

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Oh dear, some very dense people bite down hard on hyperbole, nothing ever changes.  Here is a hint, this isn't the tenth time and nothing like that was asserted about this war, perhaps next time I will pick a much larger number so it doesn't confuse the morons who populate Bob but love to salivate on the literal meaning of every word without any comprehension of a concept beyond the end of their appendage.  Seriously, stop trying so hard to win points, no one from my side cares, and no one from your side understands.

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Oh dear, some very dense people bite down hard on hyperbole, nothing ever changes.  Here is a hint, this isn't the tenth time and nothing like that was asserted about this war, perhaps next time I will pick a much larger number so it doesn't confuse the morons who populate Bob but love to salivate on the literal meaning of every word without any comprehension of a concept beyond the end of their appendage.  Seriously, stop trying so hard to win points, no one from my side cares, and no one from your side understands.

Exactly no one gives a flying fuck how many times so and so have been rolled. So really get your head out your ass and stop implying such. Saxasm had a good point you mentioned ten rollings in x amount of global wars I don't really see that. He replied in a calm and collected manner to be honest a lot better then I am but I am fed up of the bullshit. You know as much as I know wars happen on bob because there is no other reason then they happen. It may result in NPOsphere being rolled, or NpOsphere being rolled or even AZTECsphere being rolled it's just the way of the world. Stop pretending you are so hard done by getting rolled all the time because news flash you aren't. Edited by Alexio15
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Exactly no one gives a flying $%&@ how many times so and so have been rolled. So really get your head out your ass and stop implying such. Saxasm had a good point you mentioned ten rollings in x amount of global wars I don't really see that. He replied in a calm and collected manner to be honest a lot better then I am but I am fed up of the !@#$%^&*. You know as much as I know wars happen on bob because there is no other reason then they happen. It may result in NPOsphere being rolled, or NpOsphere being rolled or even AZTECsphere being rolled it's just the way of the world. Stop pretending you are so hard done by getting rolled all the time because news flash you aren't.


welp..someone's drunk.

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