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Oh, For God's Sake, Neutrality Stands!


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[i][b]A Prose from Stewie of Stewieland, Ambassador and unofficial Vice Roi of the Green Protection Agency[/b][/i]

Where can you go when you see a DoW? 


Close your eyes and I’ll show you. 


Do you feel it? The sand between your toe tips? I do. 


Surprise! You’re on a mountain peak, while I play those sweet sha-la-las you love to hear. 


Nuclear Explosions turn our world upside down. 


I hope you like water, because we’re neck deep in the sweet waters of friendship and trust. 


You see, when you're Neutral like us you can go anywhere.


So Ssshhh, be verry verry qwiet.  We're hunting Lois.


TL;DR: GPA declares neutrality in the current conflict.  To all those involved with the war we wish you luck and most importantly, have fun.



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Congrats, guys! Cool announcement. Flag is nice but not green. Still can't believe Stewie is in GPA. I imagine he must be having a very difficult time of it.

He's currently working on couping it so as to bring it in on Non Grata's side, so I don't believe he is.
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