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A War on Terror: GOP Retaliates in Defense of Neutrality


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I'd like to thank you for actually posting a DoW.  It's a classy thing to do and as a community that runs on annoucements, it's the right thing to do.  No one will fault you for standing up for what you believe in.

I'll go with Steve on this.


I, for one, appreciate alliance announcements of major events and decisions. I won't wish you luck but standing up for what you believe is right is always commendable.

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I respect this, but I think you're going to get ran through here :P


We were never so delusional as to think a war on neutrals would never come. We also never expected we'd ever "win" if the neutrals were attacked. We always knew it would be a bloody fight, and possibly a fight to the last pixel. And tbh, even if we won, we would have won the battle, not the war. Perhaps that's why our numbers are so few.

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This will come as a great surprise to everyone whose reading comprehension level isn't adequate to digest GOP's 2010 announcement where they stated:

This in no way indicates that if a neutral, conservative or green alliance is attacked we will automatically come to their defense. If an alliance is attacked because of mistakes it has made, or because of diplomatic  breakdowns - that's a political matter with which we are not concerned. But if someone decides to attack a neutral alliance, for instance, simply because the attacker feels "there is no place for neutrality in the game" - that is another matter entirely. As previously stated, such an unfounded attack could just as easily be an attack on the GOP. So, we reserve the right to not sit on our thumbs while our way of life is threatened.


So surprise in this matter doesn't make it reasonable to:

  • Hold wrong opinion about GOP policy for three years.
  • Have wrongness of opinion confirmed by events.
  • Congratulate self on effecting 'policy change'.
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Taking it was never part of being neutral, GLuck GOP and take note Jerdge.

Well the GOP's stance isn't new to me and I agree that neutrals don't need to "take it". When they're threatened.

Also please don't make it personally about me. I am the most visible member of the GPA but the Agency isn't just me. At times (or often?) most of the alliance disagrees with me, TBH.
When I seem to be talking for the GPA I am usually just stating things that are, for us, blatanty obvious.
My role as "spokeperson" is not official: I just try to explain things.
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This doesn't sound very neutral to me.

You mistake "neutrality" with "total pacifism". "Total pacifism saves consciences, but never lives". A nation can pretty well declare its neutrality and renounce to war as a mean of agression and growth, but it has still to be prepared for any defensive war which should be necessary to affirm its principles and interests. If our nation, a neutral and peace loving one, see others attacking and warmongering just because their victims are also neutral minded and peaceful, my nation feels itself directly attacked; because after the agressor would have finished with their victims, our nation and other nations like ours will be on their list of future preys.

Edited by Sildavo
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Thank you, GPO!
Your announce has given me a slight hope that, after all, CyberNations could not de damned as a political simulation game, and useless but for warmongering, unconstructive, childish players who think that ruling a country is just commanding over barracks.

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I like this. I get neutrality and all, but it really just seems to make sense in the case of an attack on neutrality. Seriously, yo. Good move. This could be interesting should VE decide to protect them if they're countered or whatever...


I think what MK is doing is interesting and funny.

I think what you guys are doing is right and logical.

I hope everyone has a good time? lol

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DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE is going to be so happy they have targets again.


maybe so, but until they get an ass load of freedom :ehm: , doombird doomcave will never be happy over there.

Edited by Rotavele
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