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From the War Office of Bear Force One

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Incompetent people and organisations regularly blame others and downplay the situation to hide their failures.


Whether or not this applies to the situation, this statement is very true. And if it is an accurate representation...well...whoever said there was no such thing as bad publicity, clearly isn't witnessing this debacle ;)

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How out of touch are you when you dismiss the savage beating the commoner class in polar is getting as "an itch that barely needs scratching" Perhaps thats why you are making no effort to counter us and instead are begging us to buy up when you have many nations in our range.
It was not inevitable that multiple nations escape anarchy withnn the first 3 weeks of this when there are only 13 at the moment. Incompetent people and organisations regularly blame others and downplay the situation to hide their failures.

Given that your group has indicated their intentions of waring for months and then deleting, do you think it wise for Polar to provide you more SDI-less targets than you can declare on? Since you've all bragged about your amazing warchests would you, if on the other side of this conflict, really advocate having 4-6 of your nations nuked and spied regularly instead of 1-3? Keeping you as close to 1v1 seems to be the best thing for Polar's overall health. Since the number of nuke capable nations they have at that size isn't enough to keep you anarchied easily, are you really arguing they'd be better served following your advice than what they're doing now?
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I think all this posturing from Polar is amusing. For now you guys feel confident, but in a couple weeks to a month or so, you'll still be posting like this in public, but internally you'll be stressing out trying to figure out what to do with them.

You're a complete idiot. 

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How out of touch are you when you dismiss the savage beating the commoner class in polar is getting as "an itch that barely needs scratching" Perhaps thats why you are making no effort to counter us and instead are begging us to buy up when you have many nations in our range.


It was not inevitable that multiple nations escape anarchy withnn the first 3 weeks of this when there are only 13 at the moment. Incompetent people and organisations regularly blame others and downplay the situation to hide their failures.

Your problem is that you believe you are a ferocious Pink Elefant with big claws who is tearing apart Polaris and making it bleed to death... and you are fighting the Most Epic War Ever.


But the truth is very different...


You are making by far more noise here than you are making in your Tiny War.


No... you are not into the Most Epic War Ever... you are into a Tiny War and you are not a monster with big claws, you are an itch, a louse, an acari, a moss piglet, a sea monkey™... not a Bear, but a  tiny waterbear... a tiny waterbear shouting "look at me! I'm so fantastic! Hell can freeze and I shall not freeze with it! Behold my superpowers! I am God himself!"... and, well, yeah... your anti-freezing powers are quite amusing... but you are still an acari and not a big concern....


You expect your war to be the Most Epic War Ever... but it's just Baby Stewie having a temper tantrum that will finish when he farts or burps...


A few Waterbear Force tiny nations escaped from nuclear anarchy... why is that? Could it be because the waterbears have anti-nuclear powers like the roaches?

Well... sorry, you aren't roach-size.... you are a tiny insect... a mosquito that escaped from the flyswatter.


Problem is that you expect a big applause and a big medal.... and an honours degree at the University of Epic Wars... but you went there and they laughed at your intentions... and told you: "Hey, waterbear, we don't give honour degrees to insects! I wish you could grow up and be a man, but you can't!".

And then an Australian Spider walked nearby and the Australian Spider ate you.


History is written by the victors, not by the insects.... which is what you and your army of waterbears are.

Edited by zoskia
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Edit: Whoops.

@salsabeast1: Oh really? How is what I said in anyway wrong, or is this one of those, "You're in GOONS, therefor..." type things?

You are wrong that Polar is stressing over anything. BF1 has 13 nations, the largest being 36k NS, with the highest tech at 4.9k. This is free XP raids for Polar, and nothing but. 

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You are wrong that Polar is stressing over anything. BF1 has 13 nations, the largest being 36k NS, with the highest tech at 4.9k. This is free XP raids for Polar, and nothing but.

Re-read my post. You're right that they currently are not, but as you said there are 13 well funded, well equipped nations with nukes, WRCs, etc, and they will take a long time to go away. In the mean time, Polar will have to deal with cries from their noobs who are constantly getting nuked, slow growth thanks to tech sellers getting nuked/tying up slots for war aid, and crappy recruitment because new noobs are very prone to jumping ship when they get nuked within their first couple months of the game and the rest of the alliance goes, "here's an aid package! :D"

Of course having gone through this exact situation makes me the complete idiot who obviously has no idea what I'm talking about. The only difference is Polar probably has a slightly more favorable targets to attacker ratio (i.e. there are more Polar nations per BF1), but that is certainly going to be largely offset by BF1 having even better nations and warchests than what Tetris had to deal with (if you don't believe me, feel free to go ask your allies in Shangri-La, many of them were around during that time). Edited by USMC123
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It appears you've missed out on some basic math alterego, you're practically throwing stupidity around for the masses to receive. Considering we're all bean counters, allow me to count some beans for you.


1. You say you are outright destroying our <10K nations and they're all horrible and should feel bad for being attacked by BF1. We should also feel bad for letting them be attacked.


2. The highest infra count among the nations you have declared upon isn't above 3K. In fact, it's about 2500, with many even below 2K.


3. You can never destroy the full 2.5-3K infra in a single round, no matter how hard you try. HOWEVER, considering how hard you're trying to make us feel bad let's assume that you magically can destroy all the infra down to the last level.


4. With a standard 3BR 5 Factory setup, rebuying 2500 infra from level 1 costs ~30M. Rebuying 2999 infra costs ~43.5M.


5. Most of the nations you attacked have Federal Aid Commissions, allowing them to receive what we like to call MAD MONIEZ. This includes but is not limited to the highest one with 2500 infra.


6. A nation without FAC can receive 30M in a single cycle. A nation with FAC can receive 45M.


In conclusion, you are doing absolutely no damage that can't be rebuilt instantly. Sure there's some discomfort, but our members understand that nations tend to get attacked while at war, and more to the point they understand that we can rebuild them with ease. I have not heard complaints about people saying "oh dear god help me for I am in death". That is also the reason we haven't sent out much aid, because very few have actually requested it. I was under the impression that you were familiar with the concept of not caring about pixels. Is it so impossible for our members to know it too?


I like that you're going out with a bang, and you truly have some strong feelings about the dreaded bean counter folk, but dear god stop spouting your stupid lies that can be deconstructed by anyone that knows how math works.

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I think all this posturing from Polar is amusing. For now you guys feel confident, but in a couple weeks to a month or so, you'll still be posting like this in public, but internally you'll be stressing out trying to figure out what to do with them. Speaking from experience, sub 10k ns nuke rogues with only a couple million in their warchest can last a longggg time and be a massive headache.

It is indeed annoying, but not crippling. I guess it will just force some people to stay active.


There will be a major war eventually and all of these characters will move back to their alliances either during the build up, or during the war itself. Then it will end.


I would say welcome to the fight but you didnt man up, we had to come to you :facepalm:

I think I asked to engage a couple times and got denied. It's not really a big deal, as I figured you'd come anyway. I really don't care to damage my nation, as I have probably lost more infra over time than anyone here. Not to mention, last war I fought multiple ODN nations with 10x my tech, nukes, WRC, etc. I see my nation as an extension of my character and nothing more. The tough talk is pointless, I've fought massive coalitions for 3+ years (NPO for 2, and then the rest of their friends for another year), so go ahead and match that junior. Then we can talk.

Edited by Starfox101
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I don't know why people are making such a big fuss over everything. If you wanted a target WITH a SDI, then why'd you pick the ones WITHOUT an SDI? Once you got out of Anarchy you could choose whoever you wanted to within your range and of course like a coward, you took on the lesser threat and are now puffing your chest out like a big boy.

Then there are the on lookers running their mouths. Shut up and enjoy the show. The only stress we are receiving is the ones that are coming from the OWF by the likes of y'all. So much whining and it ain't even all by the parties involved.

Edit: Grammar, punctuations and all that fine stuff.

Edited by Pacific Fleet
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Ive never seen an alliance make so many excuses as to why its refusing to defend its own members. Ive never seen so many members sit back and do nothing as their alliance mates burn beacuse they are "following orders" Even self styled rebels like starfox are now strictly following orders to avoid getting hurt.





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Ive never seen an alliance make so many excuses as to why its refusing to defend its own members. Ive never seen so many members sit back and do nothing as their alliance mates burn beacuse they are "following orders" Even self styled rebels like starfox are now strictly following orders to avoid getting hurt.


All full members of BF1 been engaged offensively is good enough for me.

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Ive never seen an alliance make so many excuses as to why its refusing to defend its own members. Ive never seen so many members sit back and do nothing as their alliance mates burn beacuse they are "following orders" Even self styled rebels like starfox are now strictly following orders to avoid getting hurt.

Every single member of bf1 has been countered
The only thing we need to do is send in 1 thats one nation to handle you guys ...
As far as taking care of our small tier we are ..the best way to defend them and to take care of them is to aid... that's it so actually the best thing for that small nation was to be attacked for now they will gain xp, move to the top of the list to receive a $#1+ load of cash and get an experience of war ..
So who are you really hurting ?
the top tier is just upset because they don't get to play they have to be spectators .. You really arnt harming Polaris at all
You are helping us train our lower tier...

Also if any nation you attack are complaining then they belong in the GPA , Polaris is a war alliance and our members know to expect war at any time Edited by greco
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Ive never seen an alliance make so many excuses as to why its refusing to defend its own members. Ive never seen so many members sit back and do nothing as their alliance mates burn beacuse they are "following orders" Even self styled rebels like starfox are now strictly following orders to avoid getting hurt.





Are you really this obtuse???


Boy, the little respect I had for you guys just went off the window... just man up, bring your nations where you can have a real fight and stop talking!


Not doing so will earn you another title of sore losers, fearless bully and all around pathetic rogues...


If you really want to have fun... like we do, you know what you have to do... we're waiting.

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The way i see it personally is, the Polar guys im fighting are having fun and so am i!

I offered not to nuke a guy because he had no nukes and the odds were even, and the little guy turned around and said he wants to take nukes for his count!



All this bitching is just ridiculous, we should do what My old alliance(Kaskus) and GOONs did when we fought, Have a go at each other but keep it civil and blow each others crap up!

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The way i see it personally is, the Polar guys im fighting are having fun and so am i!

I offered not to nuke a guy because he had no nukes and the odds were even, and the little guy turned around and said he wants to take nukes for his count!
All this bitching is just ridiculous, we should do what My old alliance(Kaskus) and GOONs did when we fought, Have a go at each other but keep it civil and blow each others crap up!

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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The way i see it personally is, the Polar guys im fighting are having fun and so am i!

I offered not to nuke a guy because he had no nukes and the odds were even, and the little guy turned around and said he wants to take nukes for his count!



All this bitching is just ridiculous, we should do what My old alliance(Kaskus) and GOONs did when we fought, Have a go at each other but keep it civil and blow each others crap up!


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Someone with more time on their hands than I should do a massive data analysis of all the small nations which get into these situations (people nuking them during roguery) and see if there is any correlation with increased retention.


I suspect those who are in the 10k NS range and end up fighting wars like this are more likely to remain in this world over the next year than others who have as their entire CN involvement buying infra and doing tech deals.

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