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An end to BFF announcements


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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1358294722' post='3077198']
So basically Chax is butthurt itt and burning any bridges he once had with his alliance mates.. Am I reading this right?

Nope, but you're trying and I commend you for that. Again, I'd like to see what I did to cause any of this. My innocence has been proven. I had a 3rd party remote access my computer and verify my logs; the same exact "evidence" that was used to try me. So how, I ask you, have I done anything to deserve having my name drug through the mud the way it has been?

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358294940' post='3077200']

Nope, but you're trying and I commend you for that. Again, I'd like to see what I did to cause any of this. My innocence has been proven. I had a 3rd party remote access my computer and verify my logs; the same exact "evidence" that was used to try me. So how, I ask you, have I done anything to deserve having my name drug through the mud the way it has been?

Wasn't your neutral party one of your friends (Not really neutral if I am being honest) and I don't remember anyone else being shown the logs. Correct me if I am wrong ofc.

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[quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1358286978' post='3077136']
I am nothing if not honest. But I am not sure what that has to do with anything.

D34th is making a prediction which has a very high probability of being wrong - all it takes is Int taking a single bullet for an ally not a member of CnG.

Your prediction is less precise, so will be harder to test. But I dispute your reading of the past and therefore have every reason to doubt your reading of the likely future.
[/quote]Spoken like a true ODNer.

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[quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1358295896' post='3077217']
Of the three ayatollahs in BFF's Neapolitan Council one went to Int, another to Shangri-La, and the third joined FEAR2.0

Fantastic merger guys.

SniperJoe was and still is considered part of our alliance regardless of wherever he may be in Digiterra, since a good chunk of our alliance knows and are friends with him since times before our merger. We did what anyone would do for a close friend and gave him refuge in these dire times from the entire cluster$%&@ that was this mess.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1358288373' post='3077148']
Now if SniperJoe or Chax had sentenced Chax or another founder to ZI for no reason other than to try to appease someone they were sucking up to, you might have a point.

So Kait was a founder of Ragnarok? Interesting...

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1358298852' post='3077262']
So Kait was a founder of Ragnarok? Interesting...
[/quote]No, USMC. Bad, don't bring up old !@#$ where it should stay buried.

Don't make me bury your special stash, because I will!

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358294100' post='3077191']
I've given you plenty of screenshots, allowed an outsider to remotely access my computer, and lack an MO for faking logs. I've said time and time again that spacing in a Facebook message is hardly consistent. Regardless, that's in the past and my own alliance had suspended the trial for a lack of evidence to convict, thus innocence of the accused is the default. And it rather disgusts me that you would push for the public airing of said trial information before the alliance could work things out internally. Some ally you've been.
When your alliance disbands rather than go through a trial, that looks far more like a coverup than innocence. The OWF doesn't act under a presumption of innocence; for some reason you think a guilty trial outcome is the only thing that allows players to call you dirty. When the only "proof" I\we see of innocence is your word that a friend accessed your computer, don't fault us for thinking you are covering your behind.

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[quote name='BKNorton3' timestamp='1358300438' post='3077276']When your alliance disbands rather than go through a trial, that looks far more like a coverup than innocence. The OWF doesn't act under a presumption of innocence; for some reason you think a guilty trial outcome is the only thing that allows players to call you dirty. When the only "proof" I\we see of innocence is your word that a friend accessed your computer, don't fault us for thinking you are covering your behind.[/quote]
Now, to me this sounds like justification for any awful behavior towards another member of this community anyone can imagine, for any excuse anyone can imagine. Then again, this is the OWF, so I don't really know why I expected better.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358294100' post='3077191']
Show me where I disbanded the court and I'll say you're right. I did no such thing.
It is true, he did no such thing. In fact, he skipped out on his trial by claiming the court disbanded, when Boris, SniperJoe, and Minister of Silly Walks, his entire courtroom, were in BFF until the end. Boris skipped out barely 30 minutes before the disbandment went up, but even then, over half of Chax's jurors remained.

When the vast majority of an alliance is so inactive they won't even sign in for military checkups, and about half of those active members (government members, I remind you) flee in turbulent waters, but not before castrating the alliance by suspending one of the top three government officials on false charges, can you really expect things to continue on?
Just because you had no faith in UCN does not mean BFF is the same. I find it laughable that you "disbanded" BFF after a quarter-hour pow-wow with your closest cabinet members, without once bringing the idea up to the alliance. I do not think, rather, I know we have not seen the last of BFF.

Most of those bad leaders have gone on to form FEAR 2.0, chap.
None of those leaders ever had to disband their own alliance, let alone had to do it twice.

But in all seriousness, the collapse of BFF can hardly be seen as my fault. Tell me where I had the power to prevent this, please.
So, you had absolutely no say in the decision to merge with INT, and it was in no way your idea to do so without consulting anyone outside of government (and not even the full remaining government at that)? I'll grant you that it was not likely ALL your fault, but take some credit where credit is due.

I've given you plenty of screenshots, allowed an outsider to remotely access my computer, and lack an MO for faking logs. I've said time and time again that spacing in a Facebook message is hardly consistent. Regardless, that's in the past and my own alliance had suspended the trial for a lack of evidence to convict, thus innocence of the accused is the default. And it rather disgusts me that you would push for the public airing of said trial information before the alliance could work things out internally. Some ally you've been.
The trial was suspended because whoever wrote our charter decided it was brilliant to have only two outcomes to a trial: person stays, or person is exiled. The suspension was only intended to last until we fixed that part of the charter, at which point the trial would have resumed. We did that because, quite frankly, vibi's evidence collected at the time was more substantial than your own, and we did not want to see you receive the full boot. You allowed someone to screen share, but would not allow that someone to post any sort of photographic evidence; we have to take that someone at his word. On Vibi's side, we have photographic evidence of the screen share taking place. Guess what actually would hold up in court?

Edited by thedon125
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[quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1358270449' post='3076981']
the problem is that activity was championed and ministers made promises but nothing happened. and then when everything hit the fan with "chaxgate", the accusers all abdicated and started up an old alliance, while some pinned the blame on me while i was trying to rewrite a very stupid portion of our charter.

This post has been niggling at me and I just realized why. Did that portion of the charter you tried to rewrite [i]as a trial began[/i] have anything to do with the articles related to trials/member removal & processes thereof? Just curious.

Edit: GET OUT OF MY BRAIN CHARLES. TheDon clarifies above & below.

Edited by mythicknight
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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1358301052' post='3077291']

This post has been niggling at me and I just realized why. Did that portion of the charter you tried to rewrite [i]as a trial began[/i] have anything to do with the articles related to trials/member removal & processes thereof? Just curious.
[/quote]Para was only trying to fix the part that said a trial could only end with the expulsion or the total innocence of the accused.

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I love how Kaskus comes in here and makes this thread about their little "crusade", have some goddamned respect fellows. I will enjoy continually beating your nations into the ground. As for BFF, color me surprised, I always thought you guys were on stable footing, thoug ph it appears this is not the case. I hope you and your members find what you're looking for, god knows I understand the feeling of seeing an alliance I love disband.

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[quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1358286978' post='3077136']
I am nothing if not honest. But I am not sure what that has to do with anything.

D34th is making a prediction which has a very high probability of being wrong - all it takes is Int taking a single bullet for an ally not a member of CnG.

Your prediction is less precise, so will be harder to test. But I dispute your reading of the past and therefore have every reason to doubt your reading of the likely future.

All it takes to me become Emperor of NPO is Brehon step out and indicates me as his successor. Just because it can happen doesn't mean it will happen.

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Hope you dont carry on your stupidity in INT.

I have seen alot of alliances take alot of public pressure despite all the internal dramas on top of war and crushing reps at the same time, but never has an alliance of some significance disbanded under OWF pressure, and the name 'blood for friends' just adds on to the comedy.

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358301943' post='3077301']

All it takes to me become Emperor of NPO is Brehon step out and indicates me as his successor. Just because it can happen doesn't mean it will happen.

You also have to be a member of the NPO. if Brehon ever appointed you emperor I would see to it that he was admitted to a locked psych ward, since he would ver obviously have gone insane.

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