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Sovyet Gelibolu

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Everything posted by Sovyet Gelibolu

  1. So that TPF gets spared another four years of bawwing that they got white peace before everyone else on their side again :P In all seriousness, this is good to see.
  2. The word for a two-person leadership is "duumvirate". What you say about the relationship between GenCom and GenSec is true of any Commissar and his or her Secretary. And Azreal's wrong about Secretaries only being empowered by the absence of their Commissars. Do you people know how your alliance works?
  3. Considering these avatars were newly adopted after Opportunity started running his mouth on a topic about which he knows nothing, I appreciate them as...not entirely in earnest. Do you think that's a fair interpretation?
  4. Not dead, merely on life support. There's a certain morbid amusement to be had at watching people compare e-peens.
  5. Read that question again, and you will realize that it answers itself.
  6. Bassman has no place among us either. He doesn't know the secret handshake.
  7. No, no, you simply don't understand. You don't get to make that judgment, because I get to make that judgment. Anarquista, Craig, and I make up the select committee of deciding who gets to be part of the Left. You? Have no place among us.
  8. Fortunately for us, you're not the arbiter of who is a commie and who isn't. DoD isn't.
  9. Presumably Mortal Wombat represents the Bagdolio government? Or perhaps the Yugoslav partisans?
  10. Please don't go quietly into that good night.
  11. Didn't the guardians of justice in the world disband recently?
  12. This war has yet to have an impact on my little corner of the world. Someone feel free to escalate so I can start caring.
  13. Since everyone involved is a commie, I figured it went without saying.
  14. Because Crownguard finally decided to finish the Great Pony Purge while RA2Leader decided to love and tolerate.
  15. It strikes me as odd, and a little bit self-indulgent, to make a full-blown government announcement when all that happened was that we filled a single vacancy. But I've been asked by my Premier to make this announcement, so I'll make it. Here's the most recent government of the Union of Communist Republics. Premier ComradeV [hr] Commissar of Defense RA2Leader Commissar of Finance Comrade Ronjoy Commissar of Foreign Affairs Sovyet Gelibolu Commissar of Internal Affairs Mosin Nagant [hr] Lieutenant Commissar of Defense Killinginnocent Lieutenant Commissar of Finance RedArmy Lieutenant Commissar of Foreign Affairs Comrade Aleksiya Lieutenant Commissar of Internal Affairs Trajanax
  16. I have literally nothing better to do than to hail this announcement. So consider it hailed.
  17. There is one good thing about this announcement: Azreal has finally put an end to the stupidity of announcing the GenSec in the high gov lineup. Let's hope it's the only decision he gets to make this term.
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