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Sovyet Gelibolu

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Everything posted by Sovyet Gelibolu

  1. [quote name='thedon125' timestamp='1358243744' post='3076811'] Int was a much closer ally to BFF than Deinohouse. We had a thriving and ongoing member exchange program with INT at the time of merger, so for many, it was not much change at all. [/quote] You're sweet. [quote name='Crownguard' timestamp='1358243752' post='3076812'] I default to the man who more or less oversaw writing our Constitution. Thank you SG. [/quote] I've got the OWF covered, man. Get some sleep. You've been wanting to for hours.
  2. [quote name='AmbroseIV' timestamp='1358242444' post='3076800']I'm sure it was all above board and fine. That said, you're not engaged in any hostilities and I don't see the overall threat to INT's existence — you know your charter better than I do... but it seemed to imply there was a reason you couldn't leave things in the hands of your membership and that's why I asked, that's all. [/quote] At the time the vote to activate the War Council[sup]1[/sup] took place, we had all taken it for granted that we would shortly be engaged in a war, a war nobody had foreseen, whose preparation needed to be rapid, and whose outcome (including terms) would have been entirely out of our hands. Events have since outmoded that assumption, but given the craziness of the past few days, I think the retaining the emergency government that the War Council represents is not unwarranted. [sup]1[/sup]This is, technically speaking, a misnomer.
  3. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1358241224' post='3076795'] Best of luck to everybody. [/quote] Thanks, and same to you.
  4. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1358240735' post='3076775'] So in effect, you rushed a War Council vote through to approve annexing BFF before it could handle it's own business and roast Chax for his !@#$%^&*. NoR's laughing in it's grave. [/quote] So perceptive you are.
  5. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1358239892' post='3076756'] Given all that took place I wouldn't be surprised alot of the NS heading FEAR's way. [/quote] I just hope our comrades are happy wherever they end up.
  6. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1358239616' post='3076747'] Haha, is this what they did? [/quote] Why would we continue a trial that's already been closed?
  7. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1358214544' post='3076498']That Chax is being the bigger man is a credit to him. That 2 allied leaders have publicly pissed on him, while BFF is spitting out the line that he will get a "fair trial"... is a damn shame. Deep down, you know it. Because of where you are, you cant admit it. I understand.[/quote] Eh, Momentum posted precipitously, that's all. He's been under a great deal of stress lately, for obvious reasons. INT has no agenda in internal BFF politics, and will cooperate fully with BFF's investigation and Che's defense should either need any information from us that they don't already have.
  8. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1357999913' post='3075391']Ha! That's pretty funny. This just goes to show how half-assed your FA is. You drop someone who signs with us (even though we never cause any trouble) and yet you go sign a treaty with a bat !@#$ crazy AA. As far as SOS, you never gave two !@#$% about them and left them out to dry when we were the only ones who were willing to stick our necks out for them, so whether you canceled the treaty sooner or not is irrelevant since you would have never honored it in the first place. [/quote] Please. SOS wouldn't have been around to sign with you if it hadn't been for us "sticking our necks out" for them for their entire existence up to that point. They would have been rolled into the ground by a certain alliance if that certain alliance had not wanted to avoid antagonizing us and one of our allies at the time, and we took our licks for it in the form of squandered political capital and a busted relationship that persists to this day. For you signing with SOS may have been the first hookup with a future partner. For us, it was the last blow we'd take from our abuser. I can't speak to the circumstances of our signing with NEW since, like Crownguard, I wasn't playing at the time it was signed. I was on a longterm (I had thought permanent) hiatus from CN. I think this incident, coupled with the fact that I've never once talked to a NEW member despite hanging out in #indo for months, illustrates who wasn't communicating with whom, and thus who did not care about whom.
  9. [quote name='ckmanero' timestamp='1357969087' post='3075291'] What could INT possibly have to be happy about? [/quote] Life is beautiful. We try to enjoy it. Don't you?
  10. Jeez. I've been reading this thread since it had three pages, and you people have managed to keep it two pages ahead of the page I was on since then. Good job.
  11. [quote name='Master Hakai' timestamp='1355798027' post='3065222'] Are you literally going to nuke vultures? [/quote] So many vultures. You have no idea. Buzzards too.
  12. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1355113346' post='3062303'] even if they were promised that you had their back! [/quote] Not sure what you're alluding to here
  13. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1355111230' post='3062290']I'd rather lose with my honor than sell out my friends for a victory.[/quote] Someone who doesn't consider your position in their actions and spitefully tries to get you rolled once it's clear that it doesn't align with theirs is not your friend.
  14. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1355095886' post='3062226'] I actually have no idea where you're going with this. :| [/quote] In my estimation, there was no time during which INT was a cool alliance or contained cool people. You must, therefore, have been having a bit of fun at our expense when you said we were sometimes cool. Clear?
  15. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1355075188' post='3062134'] Don't disband. I love you guys. :< Also, congratulations my old friends. [/quote] You tell me to disband my alliance, I disband my alliance. You tell me not to disband my alliance, I don't know what to do... [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1355090705' post='3062197'] Oh and hi int, you guys are cool too sometimes. [/quote] Speaking of snark...
  16. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1355069478' post='3062116'] The fact that you think that is a refutation of my snark is sooooo amusing. [/quote] The fact that both you and pwnage (and apparently me) think snark needs refuting is amusing.
  17. INT's 25th Central Committee, becoming the villains since December 2012.
  18. [quote name='leongsh' timestamp='1354840394' post='3061237']Looks like CnG's efforts to screw all calculations and inject uncertainty is working.[/quote] Nah. It's more sure than ever that we're opportunistic turncoats. Or that we're idiots who don't understand the consequences of our actions. Or masterful manipulators. Or genocidal baby-eaters. Or... Yeah, I guess there's some confusion after all. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1354842539' post='3061256']Congrats to our allies in INT and and dear friends in IRON.[/quote] Thanks! It means a lot.
  19. [quote name='Devilyn Caster' timestamp='1354827456' post='3061159']Wat no seriously what are you talking about[/quote] Well, either we're planning to become evil manipulative puppetmasters, or we're still the same spineless lapdogs we've always been. It's quite simple, really.
  20. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1354802883' post='3061039']Everyone missed a golden opportunity by not making this the treaty name.[/quote] "The IRON Curtain Accords" was the treaty name in the draft, and it was the name to which INT's Congress agreed. As far as I'm concerned, it's the one true name.
  21. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1354672422' post='3060439'] I have no opinion on what is being discussed here, but I do want to say I hate how all of you guys think everyone is out to get you whenever anything goes down. Yeah, yeah, DH is such a victim with hordes of people trying to discredit them. It's not like they've been in power for years or anything, or have 30 allies. Boo hoo. Quit playing the victim card. [/quote] Aww, do we have to? It's morbidly satisfying.
  22. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1354669573' post='3060413'] I dunno, I'm pretty amused. [/quote] Yeah, it is pretty laughable.
  23. EDIT: ninja'd by someone who did the research. That's a decent question.
  24. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1354303411' post='3058625'] Wasn't Hooligans trying to join CnG for quite some while? [/quote] You do Hooligans a disservice. Who in their right mind would want to associate with the pit of congealed blood, lymph, CSF, and puss that is C&G?
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