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LSF Apology to IRON


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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1340211236' post='2990132']
In a weird way, I almost agree with this. What were you guys expecting to happen when you tried to bully an alliance full of anarchists who had already picked a fight with another alliance more than twice their size? Resisting coercion and such is kind of our MO, and realistically, we've barely any open slots left for you to even take. Instead of attempting to in any way be diplomatic, your alliance gave us short deadlines at gunpoint that screwed with our democratic processes and refused to budge in negotiations even an inch. That you think we'd be totally fine with that, be cooperative and not take any shots at IRON is almost as ridiculous as being so mad about the original incident in the first place. The only reason anyone was in favor of giving you anything apart from an apology (which, if IRON only wanted a private apology from Optimistic would have been a completely reasonable demand to make, as I'm sure he didn't mean to offend anyone and would have gladly given it) was because we were looking out for our allies and didn't want to cause another incident when we already had our hands full. If anyone in IRON is displeased at the outcome of this situation, you've really only yourselves to blame.

Anarchists with democratic processes?

Jun 18 16:43:51 <&Optimistic[LSF]> I hate you MCRABT[IR0N]
Jun 18 16:43:55 <&Optimistic[LSF]> I hope you die.


After reading what happened, and this topic. I would push that big red button.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1340211791' post='2990140']
Anarchists with democratic processes?


After reading what happened, and this topic. I would push that big red button.

Stop being dumb.
He was talking to MCARBT[IR0N](me) not MCRABT[IRON].

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1340211791' post='2990140']
Anarchists with democratic processes?


After reading what happened, and this topic. I would push that big red button.
Take a look in the Alliance forums. LOL LSF you poor anarchist.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1340212117' post='2990154']
Take a look in the Alliance forums. LOL LSF you poor anarchist.

Bahaha just as I posted, well done IRON.

Space, it's still implied. If I was him I would still be offended by the action.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1340211791' post='2990140']
Anarchists with democratic processes?
Anything that LSF does as an alliance (IE sanctioned act/deed) is voted on by every LSF member, a fact that consistently seems to fly over people's head on this because they simply don't have a traditional government.

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[quote name='Daisy Mae Mac' timestamp='1340192835' post='2989940']
Thanks MCRABT.

I'm sorry to hear that this happened to IRON. It's disappointing that LSF decided to go after you guys in a really underhanded way.

the LSF didn't decide on this

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And now like in the Hal thread I have to point out that Mogar's opinions are his own and do not represent RIA etc etc.

Also technically Mogar left RIA he only came back for the war, so he's sort of a free-agent here

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1340215186' post='2990277']
And now like in the Hal thread I have to point out that Mogar's opinions are his own and do not represent RIA etc etc.

Also technically Mogar left RIA he only came back for the war, so he's sort of a free-agent here
no, you must pay for his actions

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Wow. I hadn't read this until IRON DoW'ed you. Sabcat you really are an awful leader. This "apology" was one of the most ridiculous I've ever seen. You probably deserve to lose all your allies over this retardation.

With that said, maybe SF/XX will think can win on their fronts ( :lol1: ) and come out of coward mode for a little while. So if it achieves that, then thanks!

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1340215706' post='2990293']
Wow. I hadn't read this until IRON DoW'ed you. Sabcat you really are an awful leader. This "apology" was one of the most ridiculous I've ever seen. You probably deserve to lose all your allies over this retardation.

With that said, maybe SF/XX will think can win on their fronts ( :lol1: ) and come out of coward mode for a little while. So if it achieves that, then thanks!
you are ignorant, there are no leaders

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[quote name='Anarquista' timestamp='1340215855' post='2990299']
you are ignorant, there are no leaders

Apparently not. This seems to be one of the most obvious facets about LSF right now.

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[quote name='Anarquista' timestamp='1340214141' post='2990246']
the LSF didn't decide on this

I thought one of the terms was that the LSF and not an individual would post the apology. So clearly that must mean that the LSF chose to post an apology of which the first letters of each sentence state "$%&@ IRON in the ass".

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1340211544' post='2990137']
DR is and always has been ready to go at the drop of a dime. Your analysis is wrong Mogar.
Not doubting your military prowess, I've worked closely with the majority of your alliances at one point or another, both BAPS and Valhalla were close allies when I was in TPF, I'm sure you've kept the bar at the same height it was back the, my point was that your internal workings are more likely a priority than this drama.

[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1340215186' post='2990277']
And now like in the Hal thread I have to point out that Mogar's opinions are his own and do not represent RIA etc etc.

Also technically Mogar left RIA he only came back for the war, so he's sort of a free-agent here
I just really really really like wars, and I intentionally have stayed out of RIA gov, specifically because I am a unique and special snowflake and have my own opinions.
cuz $%&@ it, You Only Live Once
[quote name='Anarquista' timestamp='1340215512' post='2990287']
no, you must pay for his actions
I'd leave the AA and take all the political BS that came with it, I've done one man AAs during global conflicts at least 4 times I can think of, I don't mind being by myself.

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[quote name='Exige' timestamp='1340216199' post='2990311']
I thought one of the terms was that the LSF and not an individual would post the apology. So clearly that must mean that the LSF chose to post an apology of which the first letters of each sentence state "$%&@ IRON in the ass".
circular reasoning

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[quote name='kingzog' timestamp='1340209945' post='2990105']
Oh trust me, it hasn't gone unnoticed. LSF's attack on Nordreich is viewed by many as a war-by-proxy of INT[/quote]

Those who hold this view are giving LSF too much credit and INT too little.

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1340216369' post='2990319']
Hereno, I used to like you :( [/quote]

Wait, what happened? Too many threads without enough private forum screenshots? :/

It's okay, I too am quite disappointed in myself in that regard.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1340146859' post='2989297']
An Apology from the Libertarian Socialist Federation

[u][b]F[/b][/u]irst and foremost, it is important to get out of the way that the LSF are truly sorry for our actions towards IRON as of late. [u][b]U[/b][/u]nderstandbly, MCRABT and others in his alliance got quite mad at us when Optimistic got high and impersonated him on IRC as a joke, and then later when Spacemonkey, myself, and the rest of us made fun of him when he went into #LSF because we thought he was being stupid. [u][b]C[/b][/u]onsequently, it is only proper that we offer our deepest apologies for offending the sensibilities of IRON. [u][b]K[/b][/u]een on further fixing the relationship, the LSF have agreed with all of IRON's demands, which include expulsion of Optimistic and payment of token reps of 200 tech.
I[/b][/u] personally feel that that was way too much, but, it just goes to show how willing LSF are to atone for our mistakes that we have agreed to all of IRON's demands under the threat of filling the 10 slots or so we have left that haven't been filled by NoR. [b]R[/b]ight now, it is important for the LSF to maintain good public relations during these turbulant times for our alliance. [u][b]O[/b][/u]n this occasion, I would like to take the opportunity to invite IRON and any other alliance to come and chill with us on IRC and get to know us. [u][b]N[/b][/u]ot to be undone by NG's awesome Schrodinger's box announcement, our token physicist comrade, Pacifist Ninja, has decided to explain Quantum superposition to the rest of the community.

[u][b]I[/b][/u]n my first introductory quantum mechanics class I learned something that gave me a day long sense of euphoria. [b]N[/b]early 100 years ago there was this issue: electrons in an atom behaving the way normal, "classical" particles do, should spiral and fall to the center of the atom. [u][b]T[/b][/u]his troubling issue was solved if you "quantized" the "energy levels" of electrons, or in layman's terms, if electrons could only be in certain positions within the atom and never in between like a planet revolving around it's star. [u][b]H[/b][/u]owever, there was no theoretical reason for this to occur, until one brilliant man, Louis deBroglie posed a theory for his thesis. [u][b]E[/b][/u] ssentially, the theory states that if you look at electrons not as particles, but as waves, we can see that the result is this "quantization of energy" levels, or orbitals. [u][b]A[/b][/u] way to visualize this is to think of a lake in which you drop two pebbles, and watch how the ripples form in the lake. [u][b]S[/b][/u]ee how at certain points there are peaks both upward and downward? [u][b]S[/b][/u]uch a simple concept leads us directly to our desired orbitals: with the correct distribution of waves, they peak upward where the orbital is, and peak downward every where else.
[/quote]I am amazed that you caught that Unkajo. this was a more well thought out apology than I first thought, so good job LSF...

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[quote name='Matt Miller' timestamp='1340204967' post='2990049']
but what do you expect from a bunch of petulant children playing at being "anarchists?" :)

Because "Stop copying me!" is a mature and reasonable reason to go to war.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1340223943' post='2990461']
Because "Stop copying me!" is a mature and reasonable reason to go to war.
stop copies me.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1340223943' post='2990461']
Because "Stop copying me!" is a mature and reasonable reason to go to war.
Beside the fact that that isn't even the real reason, it is infinitely more mature and reasonable and far less abhorrent than going to war against somebody because [ooc]"they're all nazis and racist"[/ooc]- an act which you shamelessly cheered for from the sidelines.

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