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Are these the Logs you're looking for?


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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1318269584' post='2822322']
So incompetent we had a general plan for the whole war laid out before these logs even took place?

Yeah !@#$ changes and various people have issues so certain things change. I definitely wouldn't call that incompetent though.

If I can elaborate a little, my specific point about incompetence referred to non-Tetris alliances backing out of said plan at a most inconvenient timeframe. I won't go into specifics because the issues themselves are long gone, but needless to say it wasn't some sort of stroke of masterful planning... let's say that the less strategic-minded members of the channel were pretty damn successful at !@#$@#$ things up.

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1318260575' post='2822252']
If the screenshots Hereno posted on OWF were a valid CB (also considering their content), wouldn't this be even a greater one? Now, at this point the logs are incredibly out of date and totally irrelevant, but he did the act AND posted.

Now perhaps I'm just a little uninformed since I didn't look into the CB much after realizing everyone involved were asshats anyways and didn't really care, but from what I understood the matter at hand was that Tetris had a spy with a great deal of access to the Legion forums, not so much the content leaked. Aggravated, of course, by the fact that the leaks were with the sole purpose of hurting Legion's image (why anyone pre-war would think their image needed hurting is beyond me).

In this case, you have one set of logs with very little in terms of actual important content (as in the Tetris case) but coming from a source invited into your coalition channel for under two hours and only being able to access this little convo.

See the difference?

Now, there's always the possibility that I made some assumptions, presumptions, or leaps of logical faith in my knowledge of the two events. But even then, you're all still asshats so, eh. -_-

Edited by Lord Cyvole
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[quote name='Lord Cyvole' timestamp='1318273299' post='2822362']
Now perhaps I'm just a little uninformed since I didn't look into the CB much after realizing everyone involved were asshats anyways and didn't really care, but from what I understood the matter at hand was that Tetris had a spy with a great deal of access to the Legion forums, not so much the content leaked. Aggravated, of course, by the fact that the leaks were with the sole purpose of hurting Legion's image (why anyone pre-war would think their image needed hurting is beyond me).

In this case, you have one set of logs with very little in terms of actual important content (as in the Tetris case) but coming from a source invited into your coalition channel for under two hours and only being able to access this little convo.

See the difference?

Now, there's always the possibility that I made some assumptions, presumptions, or leaps of logical faith in my knowledge of the two events. But even then, you're all still asshats so, eh. -_-

You're missing that the CB Legion used was that Hereno posted those screenshots on OWF. We were not spying on Legion, Hereno just posted screenshots he received. In addition, what he did post had no content, much like these logs. Now, while the posting of them was an attempt to hurt Legion's image, is this not the same thing? Not only this, but he actually did the spying.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318269785' post='2822324']
[color="#0000FF"]Well, why did you let a prominent ex-Legion member and vocal critic of the war into the channel? I really do not care if LSF is allied to NsO. For the love of God consider who you let into a channel before you start accusing people of "spying." You let him in for crying out loud.[/color]

Alright, I think it's time I stepped into this channel and set the record straight.

At the time, LSF was in the channel because they're allies of NsO. I'm friends with most LSF members, and trust quite a few of them, and they asked if Sabcat could be their backup man in the channel. Me, trusting their judgement, goes "sure, why not", and lets him in as their number two. Less than an hour later, I get queries from the same guys about Sabcat being a possible/probable security issue, and I kick/ban him immediately. Previously to this, I had no idea who Sabcat even was, and nobody in the channel seemed to know either.

Later, we find the dumped logs and relayed that betrayal of trust to LSF, which I assume is why he's now on the Legion AA. It was a one-time incident which will not be duplicated in the future. I consider him less of a "spy" and more of a "traitor who betrayed the trust of his own alliance and their ally", and his making of this thread only further proves that he belongs in the Legion. Remember, this all happened literally hours after the original DoW, and nothing of significance was taken or "exposed". All that's really happened here is further discrediting of Sabcat, and a big headache for myself.

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[quote name='T.Hubb' timestamp='1318278400' post='2822399']
Now that was a roomful of strategists of the highest order.

Also, you're chan name isn't cute or funny. It's pretty disgusting. :((
Oh great, here comes the fake moral outrage.

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