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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1312614019' post='2773409']
That's weird, because all throughout the board, I see Fark's name getting brought up by all sorts of people, but not the other way around.

In the NpO-FARK thread, it was claimed by many that FARK avoids the OWF.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312614652' post='2773411']
In the NpO-FARK thread, it was claimed by many that FARK avoids the OWF.

Sure makes you wonder why people shadow-box themselves on the forum then, Fark must really hate them a lot for them for them to be compelled to do that.

/End Hijack.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312527745' post='2772500']
I would simply prefer that lip service not be paid toward the possibility of forgiveness if it isn't realistically available, as it's a concept I take fairly seriously. It's a difficult thing to wrestle with and most people don't do well with it. [/quote]
Did you choke once?

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I didn't not have an ax to grind with my last set of questions, they were just questions.

With a bit of forecasting, what or who do you see as the next big alliance/person.

If you could only sign 1 MDP level treaties who would your alliance sign with?

What do you think about non chaining treaties?

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1312618863' post='2773435']
With a bit of forecasting, what or who do you see as the next big alliance/person.[/quote]

Argent or NV.

[quote]If you could only sign 1 MDP level treaties who would your alliance sign with? [/quote]


[quote]What do you think about non chaining treaties?[/quote]

A good idea but one that's almost never implemented or seriously considered come wars.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312614652' post='2773411']
In the NpO-FARK thread, it was claimed by many that FARK avoids the OWF.

I thought it was common knowledge that FARK members avoid the peanut gallery. I think its rather smart, but I couldn't play the game without all the drama on the OWF.

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Q for all SF members: Do you consider your score with NPO settled?
Q for GOD: What exactly are the reasons for your bad relations with NoR?

[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1312590344' post='2772959']
Which one? Bi Polar or Karma war?
Ramlins vs IRON

Edited by shahenshah
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note: not gov, but hey, i'm special!
[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1312625545' post='2773451']
I thought it was common knowledge that FARK members avoid the peanut gallery. I think its rather smart, but I couldn't play the game without all the drama on the OWF.

completely agree, the drama of the OWF is more enjoyable than 30 seconds of frantic clicking at update, and then waiting all day to possibly rebuy soldiers and thats it.
[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1312625782' post='2773453']
Q for all SF members: Do you consider your score with NPO settled?
SF/C&G certainly accomplished the "goal" of karma of removing NPO as a threat, NPO is never going to be the power they once were, ever again, so I would say yeah.

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Oh hey, check it out. Xiphosis showed up but somehow missed my inquiry. Again. Clearly the question was not asked in a clear enough voice.




This is the third time I've asked you to explain the thought processes (or whatever you choose to call them) that inform your little fantasy world. I expect it will be the third time you'll avoid answering. No worries, though. As long as the thread's open I'll be sure to keep asking until you give an actual response.

I must say that in the meantime your apparent refusal to answer a few very simple questions is earning us a few more friends, although I doubt that anything will draw us closer to our allies than your little stunt with Fark. Nevertheless, there are a number of your former allies (get used to that phrase) who recall your musings on Nordreich, its treachery and its 'stranglehold' on Black. (Sorry to keep using that word, but it's the one [u]you[/u] chose, after all.)

Are you afraid to look even more ridiculous than this thread has already accomplished?

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You know, if this thread was meant to try and dispel the opinions some people feel about the SF, I don't think it was very successful. If anything it seems like the entire point of this thread is to show the entire world that SF and MJ really, [i]really[/i] don't like each other. All well and good. Whatever bad blood there is either has nothing to do with me on an individual basis, or predates my time on Bob. But I can't help but notice what's been said about other members of my Alliance. I really don't care what happened years back, but calling senior figures of an alliance cowards is not a good way to endear yourselves to the rank and file. Mayhap you don't care what the rest of a particular alliance thinks outside their leadership, but you should. After all, leaders can start wars but it always falls on the rest of the crew to carry out the decision.

Edited by Aeros
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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1312627831' post='2773459']
If anything it seems like the entire point of this thread is to show the entire world that SF and MJ really, [i]really[/i] don't like each other.

I don't know about you, but I was quite shocked by this revelation myself :v:

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1312596446' post='2773054']
I find it amusing, to be quite honest. How people let one incident change their entire perception of an alliance is outstanding. We were either unknown or people thought of us as honorable. Then one blip in the radar and we're Public Enemy #1.
It's how you deal with these blips when they inevitably come up that truly dictates how the world perceives you. You allowed loud mouths and bully tactics to run rampant on your end instead of thinking long term or using a level head. And you did this consciously and willingly. That is now your legacy. But I'm glad you're amused by it. So am I.

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New question: During Karma, as part of the peace terms, GOD wanted to disband AB. Nemesis, your ally and war coalition partner, wasn't interested. You then proceeded to cancel your treaty with them, and get RIA to cancel their treaty to, because you could. Now, if this scenario happened again, would you cancel on another of your treaty partners? Or was the Nemesis treaty just expendable?

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1312613797' post='2773408']
Actually, Fark has been the SF alliance we've gotten along with worst for quite some time. As far as we've figured out, Fark partly blames us for them being held down so long in GW2 or something to those effects, IIRC.

There's probably two or three people left in their entire alliance who was around then. Maybe you should ask them.

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[quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1312611935' post='2773387']
There was never another NoWedge either, but we still got Ramirus...

To all alliances:

What are your thoughts on Fark? Do you consider them to still be a part of SF? Do they have any say in what you do as a bloc?
We're still very close, and we'll talk to them about FA on occasion, but ultimately no. People who aren't in the bloc don't get a say in what it does except insofar as we take allied opinions into account when making decisions.

[quote name='BastardofGod' timestamp='1312614610' post='2773410']
Eh none of these alliances have had to deal with being on a losing side of a war but always seem to talk a bunch of !@#$.

To hell with the lot of them. Cept RIA. Good randomly insane people.
This is not actually true. It's been a while, but we have been on the losing side of wars.

[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1312625782' post='2773453']
Q for all SF members: Do you consider your score with NPO settled?
Yeah, what personal issues I had are long passed irrelevant. The only people in NPO who ever did anything to me personally are either no longer in the alliance, or out of government and not really around so far as I can tell.

They're also, quite frankly, not likely to be in a position to come after anybody anytime soon. All things considered, NPO just doesn't really enter onto my radar much anymore unless someone else is bringing then up. Solid alliance, obviously, but I don't think I've ever actually had a personal conversation with anyone currently in charge.

Edited by Delta1212
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[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1312640115' post='2773497']
Which 3 alliances do you believe will have the biggest influence to cause a SF curbstomp in the next war (if it was to happen).
The next war will probably come down to what PB decides to do with itself. I realize. That's not three alliances, but I don't know enough about their internal dynamic to say which three would have the largest impact on that decision, and unless they have a very lopsided internal dialogue, "largest" would be by a negligible amount anyway.

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[quote name='BastardofGod' timestamp='1312614610' post='2773410']
Eh none of these alliances have had to deal with being on a losing side of a war but always seem to talk a bunch of !@#$.

To hell with the lot of them. Cept RIA. Good randomly insane people.

If I'm not mistaken GOD took a pretty hard beating in UJW. All the crap talking about NoR all started from back then. If NoR would have tried to given me those terms I would have hated them forever too. You can probably go read their wiki about it. It's one of the most detailed ones out there.

I think RIA took a beating in UJW too.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1312645424' post='2773531']
If I'm not mistaken GOD took a pretty hard beating in UJW. All the crap talking about NoR all started from back then. If NoR would have tried to given me those terms I would have hated them forever too. You can probably go read their wiki about it. It's one of the most detailed ones out there.

I think RIA took a beating in UJW too.
GWIII as well, along with R&R. And CSN was on the wrong end of 1V-GATO, don't forget.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1312613797' post='2773408']
Actually, Fark has been the SF alliance we've gotten along with worst for quite some time. As far as we've figured out, Fark partly blames us for them being held down so long in GW2 or something to those effects, IIRC.

Sounds like how FARK hated PC (prior to the NEW war) for being some sort of TotalFARK! infested colony. Despite myself assuring them that there were only two ex-TF! in Poison Clan, both of which weren't even from FARK.com

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312645084' post='2773527']
The next war will probably come down to what PB decides to do with itself. I realize. That's not three alliances, but I don't know enough about their internal dynamic to say which three would have the largest impact on that decision, and unless they have a very lopsided internal dialogue, "largest" would be by a negligible amount anyway.

Obviously GOONS does, every other alliance is a puppet state to us.

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