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A Recognition of Hostility

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1295352681' post='2581133']
Oh look children, its that keyboard with the idiot hanging onto it.
reminder that you're describing a post that could have come unironically from any one of your friends as idiotic

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295352585' post='2581132']
You should have something of your own to add to it, yes. Otherwise you're literally trying to argue by numbers.

to my understanding were supposed to argue in circles on the owf until a thread gets locked and then get back to fighting and hating each other or watching. rules mustve changed since i started posting :awesome:

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295352757' post='2581137']
You keep bringing this up, but to be fair, if someone linked me screenshots that didn't work, no matter the context, I would ask them to reupload them (even if I planned to immediately turn them over to the relevant authorities) so that I would have proof of what was in them.
That story only works out if he had actually gone to VE with them. (spoiler: he didn't)

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295352862' post='2581143']That story only works out if he had actually gone to VE with them. (spoiler: he didn't)[/quote]
He [b]did[/b] try.
Unfortunately, someone had already tipped off Impero (I can only imagine it was Lennox) and Impero wasn't going to listen to reason with a war to plan, was he?

[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1295352864' post='2581144']can people agree with the following statement:

"Receiving something unsolicited is different from soliciting something and then receiving it"?[/quote]
Yes. We do however reserve the right to disagree with the assertion that the presented actions of Dajobo constitute "soliciting something".

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[quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1295352715' post='2581135']
not exactly alike but similar. spying is spying. you cant claim what ov did wasnt spying like what dajobo did. then theres the fact that he didnt actually tell him to spy ve specifically or for any good reason. that and the info was old and warchest info isnt exactly all important

i just wonder why if ve thinks warchest info is so important they keep it open to the general public.. its amazingly dumb of one to say that its uber sekret but still leave it open for anyone to take
An orange is a fruit. An apple is a fruit. They're both identical!

The ov gov showed no intent on sending anyone anywhere or even any interest in the screens provided. NpO told the spy where to go and get the information. They're not the same even if you prefer to call both spying.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295349360' post='2581093']
Suggesting that an alliance is worth spying on is different from telling someone to spy on them.
Close perhaps, but still two different acts.
"I'm not telling you to spy on anybody, but if I was, which I'm not OK, but if I was, then instead of telling you to just go and do it I'm going to give you two specific alliances that it would be beneficial to spy on, but I'm not suggesting that you spy on them in any way, but if I was, then those two would be the most beneficial, and even though I'm not telling you to spy on anyone, let alone the two alliances I just mentioned, if you did then make sure I can see the screenshots you bring back, even though I'm not interested in your spying and didn't ask you to spy, because if you did hypothetically spy on someone, whether it be the two alliances that I mentioned or someone else, even though those two alliances would be the best ones to spy on, then even though I didn't ask you to spy I'd still hypothetically want to see what you came up with, even though I didn't ask you to spy and certainly didn't ask you to spy on anyone specific even though I told you not to bother with the alliance you wanted to spy on and gave you two alternatives that would be more beneficial. Hypothetically."

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295353137' post='2581149']
The ov gov showed no intent on sending anyone anywhere or even any [b]interest in the screens provided[/b]. NpO told the spy where to go and get the information. They're not the same even if you prefer to call both spying.

Once again, you people should really maintain consistency. Don't make me post the same logs twice in a row.

Do your homework you damn amateurs.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295353137' post='2581149']
An orange is a fruit. An apple is a fruit. They're both identical!

The ov gov showed no intent on sending anyone anywhere or even any interest in the screens provided. NpO told the spy where to go and get the information. They're not the same even if you prefer to call both spying.

You know, its possible to be perceived as 'sending a spy' without intending to do so.

Either way, that aspect of the argument is rather irrelevant to the war, its not like VE spent days trying to figure out how to fix that problem as they schemed ways to set up Polaris, and at the end of the day using that defense does little to address the claims of VE having double-standards.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1295353781' post='2581156']
Once again, you people should really maintain consistency. Don't make me post the same logs twice in a row.

Do your homework you damn amateurs.
I never claimed the thank you was incriminating and neither do I think what seth said after receiving the screens is. It's probably what anyone would have said no matter what they thought of the screens. Sorry to confuse you by having independent thoughts instead of a party line though. We could still learn alot from NPO.

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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1295331956' post='2580454']
Well, even if the global war-ming was man made it looks like the Polar bears are still going extinct.

Sweet the first threat of perma-war or forced disbandment, since well before Karma, you know that war your alliance fought so hard to have so that things like these would be a beast of the fast? I guess this is the first peace of evidence that you're slowly falling down the same road that Pacifica walked.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295354324' post='2581164']
I never claimed the thank you was incriminating and neither do I think what seth said after receiving the screens is. It's probably what anyone would have said no matter what they thought of the screens. Sorry to confuse you by having independent thoughts instead of a party line though. We could still learn alot from NPO.

If you are going to use expressing interest as an argument, you leave yourself vulnerable to someone pointing out that expressing a desire to protect intelligence with one's life is at the very least an equal, if not more so, show of support and interest.

As for your implicit little jab at the NPO and "party lines", that is entirely uncalled for, and in such a situation smells as nothing more than a red herring to divert the argument. But of course, if you want to go after my alliance for no reason whatsoever, you are free to do so.

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I don't really see a smoking gun from VE or exonerating evidence from Polar, but the complete role-reversal by VE from the Karma War is ridiculous to say the least.

Still, happy warring everyone.

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[quote name='Rugby' timestamp='1295356539' post='2581201']
I don't really see a smoking gun from TOP or exonerating evidence from Polar, but the complete role-reversal by VE from the Karma War is ridiculous to say the least.

Still, happy warring everyone.

TOP did not get spied...nor are they attacking Polar..why would they need a smoking gun?

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1295355723' post='2581191']o/ Polaris![/quote]
So if you're so willing to hail, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=70]maybe you're willing to do something about it[/url]? Too bad about that VEto, eh? <_<

[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1295355777' post='2581192']Nice sig! :unsure:[/quote]
I concur. The irony is delicious.

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