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What is your proudest moment?

Emperor Whimsical

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For me, the proudest moment I have is founding Colossus with some of my closest friends.

Other moments that come close are, being elected to WAPA triumvirate, taking over 1TF and firing my first nuke.

EDIT: Definitely another one would be the treaty signed between WAPA and RoA.

Edited by Burnsey
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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292400302' post='2540087']
Try going for the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Uralica"]whole category[/url]. And the sub-categories, while you're at it.
Yeah, that was what I meant. I felt so proud that I read the whole thing, clicked the link down the bottom and very quickly logged off.

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Karma War. Not knowing in the beginning what the future held for us. We knew if we lost, we would suffer terribly in the aftermath. We swelled with pride when dozens of former Viridians came back home to fight shoulder to shoulder with old friends. Also, watching our low to low-mid tiers get thrashed by Pacifican nukes and still keep fighting and maintaining a steadfast resolve to see the war through. The camaraderie shown by Viridians was something to behold and the banter on our forums between old veterans and new members alike was something I'll always remember.

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Looking back, probably successfully controlling the public/AcTi side of the Stelios affair at midnight after a retartedly drunk LSU game.

Other things include making a sig for Colin40 (largest nation in Viridia), merging GRAN into VE, and being (I think) the only non-MK aligned poster on page 1000 of The Amazing Sanction Race. Starcraft, it was winning a 1v4 on DoW 1939 :)

Airing dirty laundry was fun.

Edited by Teddyyo
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Giving STA white peace in noCB when chefjoe was asking for govt removal/bans and all that mess, and chefjoe getting rather pissed.

Roguing on GGA, wrecking their upper tiers, and getting white peace because they wanted me gone.

Making it into MK's irc topic.


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I think it was a couple years back that chef asked me if I wanted to be a viceroy for another purple alliance (Tempest). I took on the challenge. I liked that I was able to help another group of players keep intact a community that they clearly loved. I did a good job of helping those guys through some rough times while they got resettled. Very pleased over that.

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Not so much a moment, but taking GOONS from a universally reviled alliance by people who thought we were too much like the old GOONS and people who said we weren't enough like the old GOONS to where we are now. My proudest moment will be when we finally get sanctioned.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1292426030' post='2540179']
Not so much a moment, but taking GOONS from a universally reviled alliance by people who thought we were too much like the old GOONS and people who said we weren't enough like the old GOONS to where we are now. My proudest moment will be when we finally get sanctioned.

Indeed I have been impressed. Keep up the good work.

My proudest moment? Getting to 80% warn level in a single thread. Four consecutive posts, iirc. All for a good cause too.

Edit> Now that I think about it, it may have only been 60... /me shrugs.

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Each of the times I realized that I had the respect (sometimes even the "friendship") of so many different characters/players, often from opposing sides.
Some of the people that bless me with their help and recognition are really great and I am of course proud of their consideration.

But I don't want to just boast: I think that I also made several mistakes and because of them I also have some "enemies", some of which are really good people...

(Shame on me then, but nobody's perfect! :) )

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1292426030' post='2540179']Not so much a moment, but taking GOONS from a universally reviled alliance by people who thought we were too much like the old GOONS and people who said we weren't enough like the old GOONS to where we are now.[/quote]
When did that change?... :blink:

[color=grey]j/k! :P [/color]

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I wasn't very aware of the way the treaty web would unfold. All I knew is that the behemoth that is/was NPO was our target and we were supposed to be the ones to fire the first shot. In my mind it was david vs goliath. I honestly had little confidence in our ability to win, but I was prepared to fight until I couldn't fight any more. This was the big moment, right vs wrong, good vs evil, and I had to make a stand. (as you can see I am quite the romantic) That we were actually winning was all the more surprising to me.

That and being in the GPA while it was being pwned. It was a very special kind of interesting to be in an alliance which is facing certain doom, and to do so proudly. I was in no mood to surrender. Being together with a group of people who all face doom was very ... interesting. Fun would be the wrong word, but it did mean a lot to me to be there and just look at my infra burning along with other people who were going through the same thing. (and to laugh at those surrendering. Didn't half of the alliance surrender or something?)

Sorry to NPO for the post. You guys aren't bad, it is just that I was really mad at you guys for what you did to GPA and FAN. You guys aren't as evil as I made you out to be.

This thread is great. It reminds me of how much fun cybernations can be.

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Helping found the CPCN and helping oust the mad Chairman who tried to declare himself dictator-for-life. Those were the days.

Also, the alliance I created passing 1 million Nation Strength (more than once) comes pretty close.

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Decimating The Cartel when they thought they could bully us around because we were a brand new and small alliance without protection. They tech raided OTF Alliance when we had over 100 members but no treaties and refused to pay reparations so we just tore their middle tier to shreds until the top few nations we couldn't reach had to agree peace anyway because of what we were doing to all of their other members ^_^

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