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BAPS response to UPN

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='11 June 2010 - 12:51 PM' timestamp='1276285889' post='2333543']

while i think the ending was rude (I love Legion to death and Legionnaires are always welcome to chat with me :wub:) I think that LF is right on this. This situation could have been handled better if Legion had mediated and it probably would have mended a lot of fences within both alliances.

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='11 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276291404' post='2333754']
Right. I had it estimated at closer to $2.5B for a month of full-on war. Ain't no thing. I'd take ANY wager you want to make.

Edit - Grammar

It won't cost anything close to that for a 30 day war. 2.5 billion is over 80 million dollars a day. I fought for 60+ days, 1 v 3, was nuked 44 times, rebought troops, infra, air force etc during Karma and it cost around 700 million dollars total for the entire war.

Once the infra is gone the bills are next to nothing. You can rebuy from 0 infra to 1000 for 3 million bucks. 4 million for a couple of nukes a day. 5 million per day on air force if you rebuy 100 planes every day. Naval costs are high but you won't be able to rebuy once the infra is gone, so that goes away.

Any way you shake it, it's not going to continually cost more than 80 million per day.

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The smack talk from Tecumseh is interesting.

The fight is against BAPS, but in order for the nearest BAPS nation to fight him, the BAPS guy would have to buy over 4,000 levels of infra.

That's a billion dollars. Completely draining any warchest he might have had after the long war he has already fought.

You say you'll sell down to 110k, but admittedly that costs you nothing.

Nice smack talk.

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I don't know why people are so worried about UPN not having the gumption to fight. According to their [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=United%20Purple%20Nations&anyallexact=exact]current war screens[/url], at least 10 alliances have nations with wars declared on them by UPN members. Apparently, if their members can start tech raids against sanctioned alliances, they should be able to handle any war thrown their way.

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[quote name='Atlashill' date='11 June 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1276293929' post='2333861']
I don't know why people are so worried about UPN not having the gumption to fight.

But AH, the only ones worried about UPN's 'gumption' is UPN ;)

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='11 June 2010 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1276291157' post='2333738']
I'm not sure what UPN's [b]"cowardice"[/b][u][/u] has to do with me being 80K NS above any BAPS nation.

Nation Name: Inner Shermania
Alliance Seniority: 5/8/2007 5:26:09 PM [b](1,130 Days)[/b]
Nation Created: 5/8/2007 5:26:09 PM [b](1,130 days old)[/b]
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 162,299 Attacking + 238,293 Defending = [color="#FF0000"]400,592 Casualties[/color]

I think that answers that. :lol1:

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='11 June 2010 - 05:27 PM' timestamp='1276291618' post='2333764']
Man, BAPS sure gets prickly when they're on the wrong end of the "tough guy" talk.

I still think BAPS and Co. comes through. I'd put my confidence level at 90%.

Let this be a lesson to YOUR alliance. Don't offer up a conflict if you don't have the kahones to follow up on it when the alliance accepts. You sitting in here calling BAPS cowards in the face of the facts is quite hilarious.

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Congratulations BAPS.

UPN, I still think you could've turned this around into a PR victory and shed off the paper tiger image as you are v. capable of giving BAPS a decent fight.

Instead, its a PR disaster, seldom have alliances lost without a fight.

Edited by shahenshah
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OK .. Now that this has got to this point .. Explain to me how this helps Purple Unity? Oh yeah Thanks for the heads up and talking with the other members of PEACE before going foward with this idea seeing how it affects all of us. I guess I should have figured it out on my own .

o/Purple Unity .... yeah right ....

o/ _____ just put your alliance name there becouse that is all you are thinking about anyway.

You ever wonder why Purple gets messed with all of the time ? Why we lost the last 2 WARS? I would take a wild guess it is stuff like this .

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[quote name='D34th' date='10 June 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1276204656' post='2332079']
UPN has an great advantage what would be unfair unless BAPS are amazing super ultra warriors.
They probably gave PC more of a fight then Polaris did. Even though they have like 10K land >.>

[quote name='shavar' date='11 June 2010 - 05:50 PM' timestamp='1276303819' post='2334110']
OK .. Now that this has got to this point .. Explain to me how this helps Purple Unity? Oh yeah Thanks for the heads up and talking with the other members of PEACE before going foward with this idea seeing how it affects all of us. I guess I should have figured it out on my own .

o/Purple Unity .... yeah right ....

o/ _____ just put your alliance name there becouse that is all you are thinking about anyway.

You ever wonder why Purple gets messed with all of the time ? Why we lost the last 2 WARS? I would take a wild guess it is stuff like this .

No good sir. Its just because purple is bad. Thats about it.

Edited by Duckz3
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[quote name='Duckz3' date='11 June 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1276304054' post='2334114']
They probably gave PC more of a fight then Polaris did. Even though they have like 10K land >.>

No good sir. Its just because purple is bad. Thats about it.

Yes I have been very BAD ... Shame on me.

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[quote name='shavar' date='11 June 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1276304253' post='2334121']
Yes I have been very BAD ... Shame on me.
No, Bad as in full of fail... The point still stands. BAPS probably could give UPN quite a run for a good amount of time.

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[quote name='Duckz3' date='11 June 2010 - 08:00 PM' timestamp='1276304439' post='2334127']
No, Bad as in full of fail...

Ahhh Full of Fail .. Hmm I normally call it something else. Dont judge us all by the actions of a few. I promise we can be really good at being Bad if given the chance ;)

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[quote name='shavar' date='11 June 2010 - 06:04 PM' timestamp='1276304672' post='2334132']
Ahhh Full of Fail .. Hmm I normally call it something else. Dont judge us all by the actions of a few. I promise we can be really good at being Bad if given the chance ;)
Well, If I where to look at about 90% of any purple alliances stat's I would be like Lol. When I looked up NAC's I was like "LOLOLOL"

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[quote name='shavar' date='12 June 2010 - 01:50 AM' timestamp='1276303819' post='2334110']
You ever wonder why Purple gets messed with all of the time ? Why we lost the last 2 WARS? I would take a wild guess it is stuff like this .

No, we lost the last two wars due to having an abundance of alliances like UPN who could be rolled by people 1/3 their size without much effort.

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='11 June 2010 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1276291157' post='2333738']
I'm not sure what UPN's "cowardice" has to do with me being 80K NS above any BAPS nation. As I see it, that's the "main roadbloack."

My solution to this "roadblock" are a combination of shedding 40K NS and fighting a preliminary round of wars against as many larger nations as BAPS can round up -- surely there are gads of BAPS allies/UPN-haters itching for the chance.

Like I said, I'm confident that BAPS will come through with a solid line-up. I'd almost bet on it. Should be fun.
I wouldnt be bragging about this. You have 400K Causalities. Any true War fighter only has 3 things to be proud of.


So basically your proving UPN is bad...

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='12 June 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1276305242' post='2334153']
But, as you keep reminding us, UPN wasn't in the last war!

Seeing as you can't read and comprehend in the first pass, I will restate that I used UPN as a comparative, and I didn't in any way suggest their involvement.

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[quote name='NationRuler' date='10 June 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1276222969' post='2332581']
No, he's saying that UPN is not being generous in offering to "even it", in fact, they are protecting themselves from the beating they would take otherwise.

then he went the wrong way in doing so. if you have 20 v 20 of the same types of nations (i.e. same NS range) then if BAPS are so friggin badass, they would stop those 20 UPN nations with ease. it would not matter if all their alliance or a fraction of their alliance were involved.

ya'll stating that UPN has those higher upper NS nations than BAPS does, does not stop being true if only part of BAPS are in or all of BAPS are in... so it is really just stupid to think that BAPS is doing anything other than attempting to not accept the challenge that UPN threw down by trying to make it seem like UPN is running scared.

this whole thread is just really stupid and unnecessary. i don't much like UPN as they did leave allies out to dry when they could (should) have fought but i don't much like BAPS either and this thread and all the arrogance being spewed forth is pretty much why.

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[quote name='Duckz3' date='12 June 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1276305353' post='2334154']
I wouldnt be bragging about this. You have 400K Causalities. Any true War fighter only has 3 things to be proud of.


So basically your proving UPN is bad...

Strike the first two. Raiders might have the land, and anyone can buy loads of tech.

Only casualties show if you've really been fighting actual wars. As a matter of fact, if you've been in any prolonged war/nuke fests you are less likely to have a ton of land and tech.

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LMAO. So, the response to my challenge is, umm, you only have 400,000 casulties? LMAO. If BAPS and their allies weren't giant vaginas, maybe I could get more. Nut up. Offer issued. BAPS cowarding out.

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[quote name='Duckz3' date='11 June 2010 - 08:06 PM' timestamp='1276304782' post='2334135']
Well, If I where to look at about 90% of any purple alliances stat's I would be like Lol. When I looked up NAC's I was like "LOLOLOL"

You made me smile , at least we was noticed :) and for the record if you knew us you would know the stats mean very little, I assume when we grow it might become a factor.

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