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UCN Announcement

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If it was just an act of government, and the memberbase wishes to continue being UCN, then they deserve our best wishes in their endeavor. Communities do not end at the whims of a few people.

If on the other hand it was a genuine agreement that was taken by the alliance members as a whole, well, then, sad to see you go UCN.

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TFD also has chosen to protect the UCN AA until further notice. This is completely independent of the other protection notices, and will not be influenced by whether or not they are withdrawn in the future.

We'd like to wish both former UCN members and the ones who still want to stay the best of luck. TFD will be here to help in whatever way is necessary.

:( I wish this didn't have to happen.

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Disbandment should never be imposed on an alliance by its government. Just stand down and let someone else take over if they wish to do so. If this thread is at all accurate then (regardless of whether it was technically legal or not) an extremely poor show by UCN government.

I never really cared one way or another about this alliance but its members (and its protectorate and allies) don't deserve to have something like this dropped on them through the whim of three people.

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I am going to try to clear this up again.
Yesterday morning, three gov members voted to disband UCN. A few people were fine with that, however me and about 15(as of this second) are not to happy. UCN could have maintained it's self before it's disbandment. We did not disband, because there will always be 15-25 people on the AA. UCN might get a lot smaller, drop below a Million NS. But with a little effort, a few years of work, and the support of allies, and friends, we have a good fighting chance. With that being said, we may be disbanded in UCN ex-gov eyes, but we are not in most people's eyes. We will not be disbanded in anyone's eyes soon.

If you have any question, please contact me(Erik) are Joamer on the IRC #UCN.

And thanks to CDT, and all allies for the help through this matter.

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UCN are a great bunch of people. What happened to them reminds me of what happened to my former alliance SSSW18 which makes me sad since it was a painful experience. I wish those who remain luck and they have my support as they try to decide what best to do with their alliance.

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Well this has certainly taken a turn for the unusual. At first I thought the people questioning this announcement had just not gotten the memo yet, but now it seems that this actually was just the unilateral action of a few government members. Clearly, it is not their right to do so. Such a decision can only be made with the consent of the membership. Hopefully UCN can recover from this.

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Quite honestly, if the government disbanded UCN without the members' consent, that government wasn't what is best for UCN, anyway. If there are hard-working, honest people left in UCN, they'll be better off without those who would abandon their duty so easily.

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What a weird topic :blink:

Allience exists, 3 members of gov decide to leave, then tell everyone else in the alliance that the alliance doesn't exist anymore... have I got this right? Why not just say you want to leave and let some f the other members take over control of the alliance, you don't have to shaft everyone there just because you don't want to be in UCN anymore.

and if you are going to disband, then at the very least tell your members before you tell the rest of the CN world, it is only polite, and gives them a chance to find new homes BEFORE they are left to fend for themselves.

Edited by King Phil II
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