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Most Disappointing Player or Alliance


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It is simply impossible to be all things to all people, all the time.

Much to learn you still have.

Oh and...Sponge had every intention of driving \m/ into peace Mode or the grave. Don't kid yourself that the b.s. terms he offered us were anything but a final one of slavery or death. All his actions prior to and subsequent to that evening proved that out over and over again.

Saying it over and over makes it true!

Christ, he even let go of his NAAC grudge. Get over yourselves already; you didn't matter enough to occupy that special place in his cold, black heart.

Also I'm peeved that the only mention I get is from Fallen_Fail.

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It is a meaningless status to us; to be honest, it's more of a pain than anything due to all the attention it generates toward us. In contrast to previous holders of the spot, we are not at all geared towards holding it. It pains me that assumptions are drawn that our foreign policy is at all influenced by the desire to do so.

You take that back! I don't even know you anymore :(

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Attaining the #1 spot in nation strength was never a focus of ours, and it was as much a surprise to us as anyone that we ended up in it.

Don't play coy, you knew by the end of the war it was going to be TOP of top. :P (pun is very much intended)

Most disappointing player...Gonna have to go with my old friend Anarien. Had a lot of potential, but pissed it all away.

Most disappointing alliance... Don't really have one.

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IRON really. They waited till the end of GWIII to join up with whomever the victor was going to be then latched on to its head for survival for the years following. I honestly expected them to be leaders, but all I've ever seen them as since then has been followers.

Edit: doitzel, because sponge's goal throughout that whole war wasn't to make NAAC disband, right? :rolleyes:

Edited by WarriorConcept
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Most disappointing alliance: Sparta. This is not meant in a mean-spirited way but rather that I had such high hopes for them. I was a Spartan for over a year and the constitutional reforms of GtG promised to bring Sparta into a new golden age. Unfortunately, I feel like Sparta under-whelmed in the Karma war and then people grabbed ahold of that and ran with it. As a reaction, I feel that Sparta got defensive and somewhat paranoid (to be fair many alliances were like this following the conclusion of the Karma war). I eventually left mostly out of friendship for Heracles and Ender (which is funny because they are now gone) but also because I realized that many of my criticisms against those boxed-in fools in Pacifica who knew nothing outside of their own forums could be levelled against many Spartans as well. I still find Sparta very isolated in the sense that they only show up en masse to beat threads to death and you rarely see individuals actively contributing to political discussions outside of the party line. That's a shame. I always got along with Sethly though I get the impression that many I left back in Sparta are mistrustful of me and I can understand that. At the end of the day the purges of Sparta I thought would renew its membership levels and eliminate the plague of inactivity (which I myself suffered by times). I dreamed of an alliance of a few hundred rather than twice that, but after the purges we still seemed as huge and directionless as before and I longed for a more personal touch.

I am glad to see Lyc and Pearl back at it, and it seems that you've had some new recruits over the past while that show great promise. I also can sense from the change in many members' attitudes towards Sparta in recent threads that your private FA attempts are being successful. I still have hope that Sparta will come into its own with its new constitution and that may already be happening but it's simply too early to tell from the outside. Even as I was on my way out I was confident that Sparta's military prowess was greatly under-estimated and I am sure with Lyc back and Hyp in charge that Sparta will surprise people whenever their next conflict rolls around. People need to understand that there is a continuum between Hope and Disappointment, and so to say that you have been disappointed is a complicated compliment in many ways at least in this case.

Most disappointing player: Electron Sponge. I am coming at this from the total opposite side of things than others who have mentioned this. I find his history disappointing but my reasons are more personal. I think people gave ES more credit for many of his posts than was due, but he was a mature poster in public most of the time. He conveyed level-headedness and a willingness to see both sides. Why he proved to be my biggest disappointment is that in private he often is a completely different person. Much less reasonable and way more hot-headed. To say that he was conceited would be a massive understatement. Anyway, it was just sad because it was a moment wherein I realized just how double-sided many 'luminaries' of this community are (it has not been the last of such revelations sadly).

I will follow up my gripes against ES with compliments to STA. While I still think Tyga is somewhat over-rated as a poster, I can see where that comes from. My praise lightly sails over Tyga's head and lands squarely on the ample sense of Bzelger and Pezstar. Dealing with these folks, even on an antagonistic basis, was more enjoyable than I could have imagined. This is an alliance that I can honestly say is more concerned with dignity than ego at the end of the day. I would like to believe there are many alliances like that out there, but STA is one of the few to have proven it to me. I should also mention how nice Ragashingo is. Sorry about that, Ragashingo, I nearly forgot to mention you. Skippy's alright too. Ok, done.

I just figured that in a thread that so readily lends itself to negativity I would try to bring a slightly different approach and lighten things up a bit. Also, I tend to write long-winded rants that only cease when I am foaming at the mouth and falling over backwards. In conclusion:


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Most disappointing player: Talker Ninja.

He first showed up as a very talented player, he seemed smart, well intentioned and willing to make what was right for ODN. He had a meteoric ascension through our ranks. Then, when the time to make decisions came, he showed his true self. In the end, all he was good at was...... talking. He really is very eloquent, excels in self promotion and know how to make grand discourses in order to gather support for his cause. But when it comes to actually doing something, he does what servers his interests better and leave everyone who trusted him behind to clean up his mess.

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NEW - Allowed TPF to push them around and remained loyal to them when TPF finally got it's $@! handed to them for all their shenanigans, despite many warnings about what would inevitably come. It's endearing, but it's also incredibly disappointing, and they have so much more potential than simply being another TPF ally that got wiped out because TPF fails at diplomacy, war and pretty much every other aspect of this game.

How, exactly did TPF push NEW around?

You are disappointed in loyalty? Friendship perhaps?

......or is it just loyalty, in the face of overwhelming odds, that disappoints you?

Do you really think NEW cared about warnings that TPF could be on the losing side of a conflict?

Another TPF ally that got wiped out? NEW seems to be anything but wiped out, thriving, growing, enjoying themselves....wiped out? What?

I understand this is all about perception and opinion, but you seem to have no clue as to the relationship TPF and NEW hold. +1 for clueless consistency.

Have you actually ever had a conversation with a member of NEW?

TPF for surrendering so early in the UjW. REALLY, TPF? The excuse you used was pretty lame, too. Deciding before the war even kicked off to surrender is a lame move.

I agree. Leaving so early was disappointing, for us as well....as for the latter part of your statement, blah, blah, blah...

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Edit: doitzel, because sponge's goal throughout that whole war wasn't to make NAAC disband, right? :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure he admitted it was, actually, which lends even more credibility to his denial that he had any long-term intentions for \m/. Like anyone of reasonable intelligence -- and I think we can all at least agree that sponge was mighty cunning -- his reactions were calculated to attain the maximum benefit from the reactions of others. He wanted the war to continue and so offered terms that he knew would never be accepted. This is pretty standard practice (hello?? Karma to NPO??); the primary difference is that most alliances offered such terms actually continue to fight.

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Most disappointing alliance: Sparta. This is not meant in a mean-spirited way but rather that I had such high hopes for them. I was a Spartan for over a year and the constitutional reforms of GtG promised to bring Sparta into a new golden age. Unfortunately, I feel like Sparta under-whelmed in the Karma war and then people grabbed ahold of that and ran with it. As a reaction, I feel that Sparta got defensive and somewhat paranoid (to be fair many alliances were like this following the conclusion of the Karma war). I eventually left mostly out of friendship for Heracles and Ender (which is funny because they are now gone) but also because I realized that many of my criticisms against those boxed-in fools in Pacifica who knew nothing outside of their own forums could be levelled against many Spartans as well. I still find Sparta very isolated in the sense that they only show up en masse to beat threads to death and you rarely see individuals actively contributing to political discussions outside of the party line. That's a shame. I always got along with Sethly though I get the impression that many I left back in Sparta are mistrustful of me and I can understand that. At the end of the day the purges of Sparta I thought would renew its membership levels and eliminate the plague of inactivity (which I myself suffered by times). I dreamed of an alliance of a few hundred rather than twice that, but after the purges we still seemed as huge and directionless as before and I longed for a more personal touch.

I am glad to see Lyc and Pearl back at it, and it seems that you've had some new recruits over the past while that show great promise. I also can sense from the change in many members' attitudes towards Sparta in recent threads that your private FA attempts are being successful. I still have hope that Sparta will come into its own with its new constitution and that may already be happening but it's simply too early to tell from the outside. Even as I was on my way out I was confident that Sparta's military prowess was greatly under-estimated and I am sure with Lyc back and Hyp in charge that Sparta will surprise people whenever their next conflict rolls around. People need to understand that there is a continuum between Hope and Disappointment, and so to say that you have been disappointed is a complicated compliment in many ways at least in this case.

tl;dr :wub:

Alliance: TOP - I really liked them for my entire CN career until the run up to Karma. I still like them, but they disappointed the hell out of me.

Person: Shinpah - He never joined Sparta )):

Edited by Trinite
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Ivan sucks. I mean he's been back what, 10 months now? And all he's produced is the fastest growing alliance ever and the youngest alliance in the sanction race. Lame.

The only way you could say Ivan is disappointing is if you have completely unrealistic expectations of what one person can do in this game.

Ivan's awesome. In fact, the only way he could be more awesome is if he somehow became me, and I don't see that happening. Still, pretty awesome.

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Ivan sucks. I mean he's been back what, 10 months now? And all he's produced is the fastest growing alliance ever and the youngest alliance in the sanction race. Lame.

The only way you could say Ivan is disappointing is if you have completely unrealistic expectations of what one person can do in this game.

Ivan's awesome. In fact, the only way he could be more awesome is if he somehow became me, and I don't see that happening. Still, pretty awesome.

I've seen your skills.....there are zombies who are better than you :P

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Attaining the #1 spot in nation strength was never a focus of ours, and it was as much a surprise to us as anyone that we ended up in it.

It is a meaningless status to us; to be honest, it's more of a pain than anything due to all the attention it generates toward us. In contrast to previous holders of the spot, we are not at all geared towards holding it. It pains me that assumptions are drawn that our foreign policy is at all influenced by the desire to do so.

Oh no do doubt you aren't at obsessed with holding on to the #1 position as NPO appeared to, but I'd like to see you use this opportunity to make something out of it.

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Serious question to those saying Archon and/or MK is disappointing: what did you expect from us? What were you waiting for?

Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

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Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

Hmm, I tend to think MK have got the balance between "srs bzns" and "lulz" about right.

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