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No, and I doubt we ever will. I have, however, seen enough out of the rest of your membership and government to find your alliance without a doubt annoying. Jumping up and down and shouting that you're innovative does not make you so ... it just makes you a laughing stock.

Also, you're a blowhard and your response was predictable ... now aren't we both content? ;)

I wish you spend this time on a DoW instead of whining. Please just declare on the NSO already. It'd be fun.

I saw maybe one post with someone who liked Rok better without hoo. And the rest were Pacifican.

I liked RoK before Hoo came back. So it's hardly exclusive to NPO members.

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I liked RoK before Hoo came back. So it's hardly exclusive to NPO members.

I love Polar, despite them being blue. Why can't you follow my example and look past the dislike of just one single thing?

"You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one"

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4 = neutral

TOP - 3, they can be arrogant at times, though they certainly play the game well

MHA - 3, don't do much for me

Sparta - 3, don't do much for me

NpO - 8, good group of people there

IRON - 2, we've had our differences

ODN - 10, of course

FARK - 5, seem a fun bunch, though I don't know them that well

GPA - 1, their playing style does not mesh with mine

NPO - 4, we'll see how much they've changed (this would have been much lower a while ago)

FOK - 5, they're good to work with

MK - 8, the better cheaters

WTF - 1, see GPA

TOOL - 4

TDO - 1, see GPA

VE - 2, we've had our issues

Legion - 2, some things never change

RoK - 4

GATO - 8, they receive a lot of unnecessary hate

CSN - 4

Athens - 6, seem a solid bunch

Gremlins - 3, good alliance, some people in there that bother me

MCXA - 2, don't do much for me

UPN - 5, some changes there and I don't really know them anymore

RIA - 3, not a fan

STA - 6, they've been pleasant to deal with

Invicta - 1, hehehe

RnR - 7, good bunch

MASH - 4

NADC - 4

WAPA - 4

NV - 4, Hizzy makes me laugh, Nelchael's pretty cool from what I remember

NSO - 4, they certainly have stones, but are too arrogant for my tastes

NEW - 4

MA - 3, they strike me as a follower

Umbrella - 2, I have trouble liking alliances that seem to hate mine, especially when they talk out of their @#$% and speak with authority on matters which they have no knowledge of (would otherwise be a 4)

FAN - 9, fantastic alliance 0, boo FAN. Seriously though, that's a 9.

LoSS - 4

TSO - 1, circumstances of formation and betrayal and the like

NATO - 4

Nordreich - 2, their theme is wildly incompatible with my own views

GR - 8, good allies and some great people there

Vanguard 9, fantastic all across the board

GOD - 2, not impressed by some of their moves

FoB - 5, seem a solid bunch from what limited exposure I've had

PC - 2, not impressed by some of their moves

Valhalla - 3, pretty meh

GGA - 6, get a lot of flak that they don't deserve (of late)

TPF - 3, would have been lower had they not gutted it out in Karma

Edited by Style #386
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I've had time to reflect, so I've updated everything with honest commentary. I will admit to not knowing everything - hell, who does know everything? - but this is how I really feel.

TOP 6 - they're alright. I don't know much about them tbh, but what I have seen has been good.

MHA 3 - didn't like how they handled Karma War

Sparta 6 - pretty awesome opponents - even though I never fought against them personally, I heard a lot of good about these guys from those who did.

NpO 10 - umm, I'm ex-CCC. You do the math, Einstein. In all seriousness, these guys taught CCC how to fight. Incredibly tenacious, generous, and downright awesome people.

IRON 9 - great peoplez.

ODN 4 - ups: Cata, Wacky Karma, Joracy. Downs: their indecision as to which side they're gonna support.

FARK 5 - balances out in the end. Sometimes they make me laugh my $@! off, sometimes they make me scratch my head. Fireguy is pretty epic.

GPA 5 - they're neutrals I know jack squat about except that KeyStroke and SWK were once members.

NPO 4 - I like some members, but the relationship with TOOL didn't work out in the end.

FOK 7 - love me some Dutchies. FOK are epic.

MK 4 - I don't give a hoot what they think about my alliance. They still have my respect from WotC. Solid military alliance, and they have Magical Trevor and Drai.

WTF 1 - this one's solely based on in-game. Their upper end is better than TOOL's, but they have way too many 4-figures or lower NS people. Plus I seem to recall them letting in mellonhead after he was booted from RoK, before him being straightened out.

TOOL - not going to vote for my own alliance as that really isn't fair.

TDO 2 - nyeh, wasn't a fan of how they handled the NSO ordeal. I like Rabidman, though.

VE 5 - thought this through more. Hey, at least they honoured their promise to protect NPO post-Karma War, and were the proponents of ZIPP, which still has my signature on it from when I was CCC.

Legion 4 - They've redeemed themselves in my eyes from when they took on )): Barrak )):

RoK 7 - Three words. Alfred. Von. Tirpitz. (The rest of them are pretty awesome too.)

GATO 8 - anyone who can straighten mellonhead out after three or four other alliances couldn't has my eternal respect. Also, after the crap they've been through, they're still standing. Also :awesome:.

CSN 7 - +2 for 1V-GATO war. WickedJ's pretty funny too.

Athens 3 - The Menotah incident soured me on some of their members.

Gremlins 6 - Don't know much about them. Salmacis was a member of theirs so they can't be THAT bad. Also Ramirus Maximus is the only person to truly hand me my $@! in IRC trivia.

MCXA 5 - most of what I didn't like about them left to form TSO. Plus, love me some Gopherbashi. :awesome: Don't know much of them beyond him.

UPN 5 - I know jack all about them.

RIA 5 - too lulzy for me to handle diploing to them, but I still respect them considerably.

STA 10 - too much epic for me to describe, with too many epic people for me to list. Almost on par with Polar. Only difference is the lack of a treaty with a certain Christian alliance.

Invicta 6 - I like 'em even though I don't always agree with them.

RnR 5 - I know jack all about them.

MASH 5 - I know jack all about them.

NADC 5 - I know jack all about them.

WAPA 8 - WAPA YA BASS! I go to these guys when I wanna talk footy.

NV 8 - Haven't forgotten your tenacity from WotC. You guys rock.

NSO 5 - I like some of your members, although I don't always agree with your way of doing things. It balances out in the end.

NEW 10 - these guys are scary good at war. And they're pretty nice guys too. o/ (Even if I don't like tech raiding.)

MA 5 - I know jack all about them since Kait left. Although they were pretty easy to work with during the rogue incident I had to sort out with them. I think that was during Pintelhos Disco's insubordinate roguery that got him booted from TOOL.

Umbrella 5 - Don't know too much. Seen some good, some bad.

FAN 6 - mpol is bad-$@!. And after what FAN has been through, to be back in the top 40 so quickly is enough reason for my respect. o/

LoSS 5 - I know very little about them. Elishia is a 10 though :wub:

TSO 1 - don't even get me started.

NATO 4 - they wouldn't talk much to me when I was diplo there. Ah well, they have Fuhrer now. So it's all good.

Nordreich 5 - I know jack all about them.

GR 10 - First alliance to sign more than a PIAT with CCC. Plus they're pretty funneh for the most part.

Vanguard 9 - I would recommend being a diplo to these guys. Few alliances are as enjoyable. Plus Rafa has proven to be a very sensible individual time and time again.

GOD 6 - A balance of not always agreeing with them with liking some of their members. Xiph, DS, and Aurion are pretty epic. They're epic at war too. Trust me, I got my head handed to me by them in WotC.

FoB 5 - really don't know anything about them.

PC 2 - don't like their tech-raiding policy.

Valhalla 5 - another balance job. Plus Kryievla... :wub:

GGA 3 - they're trying to improve. Gotta give 'em credit for that.

TPF 10 - I don't care what people on the other side think of them. They've been awesome allies to TOOL. I have disagreed with them in the past, but that's been put in the past.

Unlisted alliances:

TTK - 6. Classy and merciful opponents in WotC, and generally decent people.

TFD - 7. I like 'em. Especially GearHead, who goes WAY back with me.

FEAR - 9. To my shame, I don't know as much about them as I should, but they're great allies to have.

WF - 3 )): NEO MONES )):

IAA - 8. Chim and Laura. 'Nuff said. Also probably my favourite "resurrected" alliance.

CCC - 11. These guys legitimately try to be as honourable as possible, and know how to show mercy as well. Plus they were my first alliance and they're my favourite treaty partner, bar none. Love you guys.

AGW Overlords - 1. Seriously, slowest alliance evar. (OOC: in SE, anyway) Don't bother asking them for an embassy because it will literally take months before you get one.

The Brigade - 8. Respectful opponents, even more respectful treaty partners. Adrian :awesome:

TSI - 10. Too many epic people to not rate them a 10.

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Umbrella - 2, I have trouble liking alliances that seem to hate mine, especially when they talk out of their @#$% and speak with authority on matters which they have no knowledge of (would otherwise be a 4)

You can just go ahead and reference me if you want :>

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You can just go ahead and reference me if you want :>

Well that wouldn't be fair. There were a handful of you (Essenia was actually most noteworthy; something to the effect of "will always be optional"). Roquentin was notable in not giving us a 2 or lower. I just don't think ya'll know us that well these days.

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Umbrella - 2, I have trouble liking alliances that seem to hate mine, especially when they talk out of their @#$% and speak with authority on matters which they have no knowledge of (would otherwise be a 4)

I don't hate yours. When you get a reputation that's rather hard to shake off, the people that don't know you well will generally go with their preconceived notions. I personally haven't doubted ODN's convictions since pre-Karma as I was aware of the risks you were willing to take.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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It still cracks me up hearing Pacifican nations complaining about the reps they accepted... It never gets old

Wow... apparently any mentioning of reps in a negative manner is now considered "complaining". What really cracks me up is how desperate you are to score points with the cool kids, so desperate that you're willing to jump on any statement referring to reps badly - such as a side conversation explaining one of my answers to this thread - as complaining. :rolleyes:

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I don't hate yours. When you get a reputation that's rather hard to shake off, the people that don't know you well will generally go with their preconceived notions. I personally haven't doubted ODN's convictions since pre-Karma as I was aware of the risks you were willing to take.

I noted that you rated us higher. :P At any rate, yeah. It looks like we're just going to have to wait until the next war to shake the less adamant trolls. That doesn't mean I won't bite back before then, though.

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I have a spreadsheet with all the ratings in it. I'll put some data up when we get some more ratings.

Edit: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tgG...amp;output=html

Looks good, but I think that a ranking of the averages would be convenient (though not necessary because you can look through and figure it out) and it would also be good to show the amount of people voting from the different alliances (could possibly help show trends).

... all this from someone who is not even ranking. lol Seriously, don't know enough alliances to bother. I am working on familiarizing myself with more people and alliances. Hit me up on IRC if you want to chat. lol I am not a dating site, but may talk with you based on 25 points of compatibility. Free query weekend starts now.

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It still cracks me up that even after being on the winning side, some people still like to bear the cross.

They're too ignorant to bother getting out of the imprisoned mindset that they were in for so long. Pacifica will always be the Great Satan to some. Accept this and even learn to embrace it and you'll be fine.

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Sparta 5

NpO 6







MK 8




VE 4

Legion 2

RoK 7


CSN Not gonna put anything since that would be biased :P

Athens 7

Gremlins 6





Invicta 1

RnR 7




NV 5



MA 9

Umbrella 5


LoSS 4



Nordreich 3

GR 7

Vanguard 5


FoB 5

PC 5

Valhalla 5



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Thanks to Azaghul for the spreadsheet. Good read.

Also, is anyone else using these ratings to update spreadsheet predictions about who's on which side in the Next Big War?

Here's Himynamistan's opinion of the various world alliances, with a 5 being neutral, less than 5 unfavorable and more than 5 favorable...

TOP - 5

MHA - 7: forgave reps to us in NV and I had fun spamming a bit on your forums.

Sparta - 7

NpO - 10: Proud to bleed with them and for them

IRON - 7: also forgave reps to us in NV... took a bunch of nukes from them, but I know it wasn't personal.

ODN - 5

FARK - 7: doin it rite!

GPA - 5: they're neutral, so I am too.

NPO - 1: I don't see them changing directions. They will continue to be a threat to free thought and free expression.

FOK - 7

MK - 10: Best darn plumbers on the planet.

WTF - 5

TOOL - 6: Heard good things about you guys.

TDO - 5

VE - 10: They're treaty partners for a reason.

Legion - 6: Also heard good things about you guys.

RoK - 5, but it's because the bad got balanced out with the good.

GATO - 6: Also also heard good things about you guys.

CSN - 7

Athens - 7

Gremlins - 8

MCXA - 7: Not gonna hate on past misdeeds, because the current crew are some good guys. They held together in Karma, and I respect that.

UPN - 5

RIA - 6

STA - 10: Notice a pattern here with NV treaty partners? We only sign with the cool kids.

Invicta - 6: In spite of disagreements, we still respect them.

RnR - 5

MASH - 5

NADC - 5

WAPA - 6


NSO - 6

NEW - 5

MA - 5

Umbrella - 5: Like RoK, got a mixed bag here.

FAN - 9: When there are only 200 nations left in CN, 150 of them will be FAN.

LoSS - 7

TSO - 4: Would be lower, but if MCXA says they have no bad blood, that's good enough for me. Somewhat.

NATO - 4

Nordreich - 10: This is not your father's Nordreich.

GR - 10: Love the NAAC 3.1 Service Pack 5.

Vanguard - 10: Thanks for letting us have Spoof back!

GOD - 4

FoB - 5

PC - 5: Another mixed bag, not an "I don't know about these guys" 5.

Valhalla - 4, but getting better.

GGA - 6: They're making an honest effort to do better, and I respect that.

TPF - 6: This is a hard six to give. (pun intended only in retrospect) I have to respect the way they fought as hard as they did.

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It still cracks me up hearing Pacifican nations complaining about the reps they accepted... It never gets old

I didn't see it as complaining Heracles. I also remember quite well a lot of posts being made over three years, being less than happy with the reps Pacifica and Company gave out. If we are going to public lavish in the unhappiness of reps handed out by Pacificans, then we must also enjoy the tears of those who complained when Pacifica was handing them out and they accepted.

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I wish you spend this time on a DoW instead of whining. Please just declare on the NSO already. It'd be fun.

I liked RoK before Hoo came back. So it's hardly exclusive to NPO members.

Well, ally of mine, it is usually poor form to declare on an ally of an ally simply for being annoying. If, however, said ally wishes to attack an ally of ours again now that I am back ... maybe then you can witness the fun that you speak of.

And since we are all giving opinions here, I was ecstatic to see that you re-joined Polar while I was away. You were great for NpO/RoK relations previously and I look forward to working with you now that we are allies.

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Well, ally of mine, it is usually poor form to declare on an ally of an ally simply for being annoying. If, however, said ally wishes to attack an ally of ours again now that I am back ... maybe then you can witness the fun that you speak of.

And since we are all giving opinions here, I was ecstatic to see that you re-joined Polar while I was away. You were great for NpO/RoK relations previously and I look forward to working with you now that we are allies.

Picking fights with the ally of an ally for the sake of satisfying one's own ego is hardly appropriate, either.

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Picking fights with the ally of an ally for the sake of satisfying one's own ego is hardly appropriate, either.

I didn't pick a fight with you, I just said I found you annoying. That is no worse than what one of yours said in this very thread. I in fact walked away from this thread due to having a mutual ally.

I have been in their position before and it's not a fun place to be.

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Well, ally of mine, it is usually poor form to declare on an ally of an ally simply for being annoying. If, however, said ally wishes to attack an ally of ours again now that I am back ... maybe then you can witness the fun that you speak of.

Are you talking about RAD? Well, its good to know that RoK has balls now that you're back, as you have so kindly stated. And no, I don't really wish to get into the details of that war as we're not changing any of our minds. I am simply pointing out my admiration of your much improved testicular fortitude.

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Looks good, but I think that a ranking of the averages would be convenient (though not necessary because you can look through and figure it out) and it would also be good to show the amount of people voting from the different alliances (could possibly help show trends).

... all this from someone who is not even ranking. lol Seriously, don't know enough alliances to bother. I am working on familiarizing myself with more people and alliances. Hit me up on IRC if you want to chat. lol I am not a dating site, but may talk with you based on 25 points of compatibility. Free query weekend starts now.

Hey, MK was scored average 6.66 coincidence? I think not.

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