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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to the Body Republic of the Order

Delivered on Friday, this 28th Day of August, in the 2009th Year of Our Lord before the Assembled BODY REPUBLIC on the 6th Anniversary of the August Revolution.


"I have never seen a greater monster or miracle in the world than myself."

-Michel de Montaigne


My Imperial Officers, Councilors, and Members of the Body Republic - Comrades all:

When we liberated The Pacific six years ago, a small band of August Revolutionaries took the stage of history and, with the eyes of the assembled world upon them, started a bold experiment that continues to this day. On this very day, six years ago, the New Pacific Order was born unto the flames of revolution and the struggles of war. We marched into the world, bearing nothing more than hopeful ideals and ambitious plans. Today, we remain far stronger than anyone else could have expected; the flame of the Revolution has never died, even in its most tremulous and endangered moments.

While the Order of today looks much different from the Order of then, our ideals have remained constant. The Order has always sought to provide Peace, Strength, and Prosperity to its people. Sometimes this is done through defense of sovereignty, other times through defense of friends. Sometimes this is done through securing victory, and other times through securing a concord at great cost.

Pacifica, for these long six years, has been chasing these ideals through several emperors, several forms of government, and several citizens, all with the eyes of the world upon her. In our pursuit of Peace, Strength, and Prosperity, we have tried to be just, we have tried to be true, and we have tried to be fair.

I state that we have accomplished great things, and we have accomplished terrible things. While sometimes we miss the mark of our code, I state that it is better to have a code difficult to adhere to than to have no code at all. Indeed, the protocols and standards pioneered by Pacificans are still the standard by which the world operates, and while we may not be the top alliance as scored by almighty Admin, our impact can not be denied.

Though out this last year, I have learned many things. One is that just as we are capable of great accomplishments, we are capable of great mistakes. As such, I pray we all learn from them; I know I have. And as such, I hereby rededicate my alliance to our founding ideals of Peace, Strength, and Prosperity. I rededicate my alliance to achieving these ideals with a sense of justice, trueness and fairness.

Let the People's Government focus not on the business of those outside our sphere, but upon our own task at hand: rebuilding the Order into a shining City on a Hill.

My fellow Pacificans, these shall be our tasks for our next year:

• The Pacifican community will embrace the values of discipline and respect; respect to each other, the chain of command, and the community at large. Emperor, Officer, Councilor and Member must know that we serve the Order, not ourselves. None of us are entitled to our positions; no member is better than another, and no member is without worth. We are all expendable, and should act with the the appropriate humbleness that is becoming a servant of our Order.

• The People's Government will ensure all reparations are paid in a timely matter and ensure that no Pacifican violates the instrument of surrender.

• The People's Government will rebuild the New Pacific Order into a top-teir sanctioned alliance.

• The People's Government will work with Red Team alliances for the economic security of the Pacifican People on the Red Team Trading Sphere.

• The People's Government will continue to provide for the creation and dissemination of Pacifican Culture, Art, Literature, and Media.

• The People's Government will continue to grow our community and ensure the personal and professional development of all our members.

• The People's Government will avoid the entangling affairs of the continentals and their incomprehensible and meaningless scraps of paper.

• My Regent, Mary, Queen of Pacificans, looks forward to hosting the Fantabulous Ball.

• Other measures will be laid before you.

The Revolution is far from over; that only ends when the Order ends itself.

Today, let us remind ourselves again what we stand for. Remember the ideals that were birthed alongside the Order, remember Franco and all his actions that led to our glorious position today. Remember the iron courage of our people, the unyielding resolve towards our flag, the uncompromising resilience towards our ideals and mission.

Above all, remember what we stand for. Never must we falter in faith towards the Order and the Revolution, for that is the only reason we exist and, by our lives, must always protect.

Let this Celebration also be a time of reflection: why we are here, who we are here and, above all, what we can do here. Always remember: give to Pacifica, and she shall give in return.

Forward Pacifica. Long live the Revolution.

My Officers, Councilors, and Members of the Body Republic:

I pray that the blessing of Almighty Admin may rest upon your counsels.

Emperor Revenge

Divine Bovine Overlord

New Pacific Order

Moo-cows with guns

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By the power vested in me as Imperial Clerk, I hereby declare open the Feast of Pacific Revolution. This is a time of celebration and self-reflection as we count down the five days that will mark the six year anniversary of the New Pacific Order. All non-essential government offices shall be closed as the New Pacific Order and Body Republic participates in the eternal revolution by ensuring our institutions can fulfill our tasks for the coming year.

First, however, is a celebration of our Order which is occurring at #royalpacificball on the Coldfront server. As a goodwill gesture to our last official treaty partner, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, there will be an election for the King and Queen of the ball, which will take place later in the evening. To cut down on electoral fraud which runs rampant in democracies, the ball will be set to invite only during that time.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to expand on a particular initiative proposed by the People's Government:

[ooc]When I joined the Order six years ago, I was Majoring in Geology and a bit aimless. Today, I'm an Urban Planner who, with five other planners, are responsible for the air quality of over 1 million people. My time in the Order taught me humor, wit, writing, organizational skills, effective organizational structures, management skills, the flying turn-over (thanks Ivan), sales, how to move ideas up the chain of command and how to implement them (not to mention managing the media).

With many MMORPGs, sometimes people play out of either obligation or fear that if they leave, the time spent here is wasted. My time at the Order was not wasted, but was invested in helping me become who I am. At the Order, I want it to be the job of every Imperial Officer, Commander, Councilor and Department Head to develop not only an alliance, but to develop people.[/ooc]

Let the Feast Begin!

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The Pacifican community will embrace the values of discipline and respect; respect to each other, the chain of command, and the community at large. Emperor, Officer, Councilor and Member must know that we serve the Order, not ourselves. None of us are entitled to our positions; no member is better than another, and no member is without worth. We are all expendable, and should act with the the appropriate humbleness that is becoming a servant of our Order.

I'll believe it when I see it.

See you next year.

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