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Oh gees, I was going to applaud the ballsy (though unnecessary and unhelpful) move to involve yourself in this situation, but perhaps just diplomatic support would have been best? Hopefully FIRE can sort out their internal issues long enough to actually assist their Protectorate.

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Sooo where’s the attempt to help solve this issue?

I do apologize for forgetting our conversation last night [ooc] I’ve been really sick so some things that happened in the last few days are kind of blurry. That’s no excuse I still do apologize for forgetting that. [/ooc], even if that conversation had nothing to do with a possible resolution to this.

I’ve been available to talk all day to someone about making this better and again, as of this post, no contact.

The only contact I’ve gotten has been a “we don’t like it” tone where there is no attempt to solve this solution.

And yes the BTA is well aware of many people calling for war over this. And apparently that is the direction you seem to be taking this CJ. BTA has no want for war and is more than willing to work something out. Are you?

Neither side desires a war over this issue.

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This really has nothing to do with the Karma coalition. Are you saying we are at fault for inter alliance drama that has happened for forever?

For one, I'm not saying there is any fault at all here.

Secondly, FIRE wouldn't exist if not for Karma.

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The only contact I’ve gotten has been a “we don’t like it” tone where there is no attempt to solve this solution.

And do they need to attempt to solve it? They said they don't like it, they informed you ahead of time, and you went ahead with it anyway. There has been no attempt to solve this by either side here, and instead of trying to at least make some sort of compromise you completely blow off their feelings. That you were told twice that this would not be taken kindly and you go ahead without any sort of "well maybe if I did this instead" shows a lack of respect for TAB's feelings and that you try to make TAB out as some sort of bully shows that you aren't going to try to 'solve' this.

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Bandwagoning doesn't always have to be related to the winning side. It can just as much be related to the losing side.

You need to read this blog.

It's like Carter is actually Ephriam Grey reincarnated.

I was thinking more AllenKalashnikov.

Considering some of those that would be pulled in are still engaged in what some would consider a Great War, I am not sure it would be all that honorable of some of the greater alliances that are taking interest in this to take it to such a level.

Hey, I'm sure an arrangement could be achieved to get around that fact. ;)

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A good example of how to take a simmering diplomatic incident and throw petrol all over it. This really smacks of Carter using the weight of the allies FIRE has managed to secure to back up unnecessary and aggressive posturing. While those alliances will protect you in the short term from the trouble you are attempting to stir up, I don't advise conducting your diplomacy in this fashion. Most alliances don't like their smaller allies throwing their weight about and putting them at risk.

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Thank you Karma. Without you this and many other incidents like it that are surely to come, would not have been possible. Thank you so very, very much.

What do you expect? People have their new freedoms and they are stretching their wings. Of course that means a few pairs of wings are going to bump into each other as idea's people have wanted to make reality conflict with the ideas of others but that is what this world is about. I would rather see this myself then having all idea's be squashed and/or run through the same people to make sure it is ok.

Nah, i do not think that is a correct assessment.

Well, FIRE surely would not be on Red if it wasn't for Karma so their name would likely be different and it is even highly possible that the alliance would not have been formed by the people it was formed by if there was not a feeling of independence sweeping the world caused by this latest Great War.

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A good example of how to take a simmering diplomatic incident and throw petrol all over it. This really smacks of Carter using the weight of the allies FIRE has managed to secure to back up unnecessary and aggressive posturing. While those alliances will protect you in the short term from the trouble you are attempting to stir up, I don't advise conducting your diplomacy in this fashion. Most alliances don't like their smaller allies throwing their weight about and putting them at risk.

Or at least getting a heads up, but hey, he didn't tell his own government, why tell his allies?

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A good example of how to take a simmering diplomatic incident and throw petrol all over it. This really smacks of Carter using the weight of the allies FIRE has managed to secure to back up unnecessary and aggressive posturing. While those alliances will protect you in the short term from the trouble you are attempting to stir up, I don't advise conducting your diplomacy in this fashion. Most alliances don't like their smaller allies throwing their weight about and putting them at risk.
Or at least getting a heads up, but hey, he didn't tell his own government, why tell his allies?

Not the first time he's done things of this nature to make things difficult for his own gov, so this really doesn't surprise me all that much.


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