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This Week in Pacifica

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Six wars or six thousand wars, the NPO has been in a state of war for well over a year now, meaning that by Moo's latest decision, everyone who has left during the Vox and FAN conflicts are traitorous scum.
Has no concept, nor wishes to have any concept of the differing stages between Pax Pacifica and Open Warfare in the NPO.

We are not always in one particular stage, even when there are various ongoing conflicts with various nations/alliances.

Had they left in one of the lesser, I would have either wished them well, or told'em not to let the door hit'em in the buttocks.

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Any member leaving an alliance for another alliance is obviously going to upset them - especially if the member is a dedicated, hard-working inhabitant. Lokie, a valued member of the Grämlins, left, we are disappointed but not in NSO nor him, just disappointed we lost a valued contributor. Though NPO is in a state of war, lets not be engulfed by technicality nonsense....Corinan and others were not needed in the Jarhead war and thus shouldn't be attacked. Yes, its policy, but really..it seems some of the NPO members within the logs just want action against former comrades whom no longer have the heart to remain within NPO. I am strictly speaking about the logs supported within the thread and the suggested "Killing the betrayers". If it was a real war where NPOs' existence was threatened, well that'd be a different story.

And by now, people should know I am completely unbiased of parties involved in conflict - I draw a conclusion for what I feel is rational rather than being biased about the parties involved.

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OP is old news. :P

It's a weekly program. Previous Monday through Sunday. The most fresh you're ever going to get is 24 hours old--as in last week when I covered the Jarheads war the Monday after war was declared on Sunday.

Maybe it's just I need to get glasses like I should one of these days. But the text in your screenshots is rather hard to read especially given the skin used. Would it be possible to use a larger font or barring that perhaps use less compression to make it easier to read if you zoom in?

You have to click the images to enlarge them. But, yeah, sometimes they're blurry or whatever--I get what the agents send.

This information is interesting, but it's not exactly damning. People do have opinions. Mine personally entails thinking that nations - especially ones which have explicitly stated that their intent is not to threaten other nations or alliances within the game - should be allowed to do much of what they want; up to and including forming alliances of their own.

Do I have to go over this in every TWiP? Some of these are "just people" most of them are not. The majority of the people quoted are government in some capacity, going all the way up to Imperial Officer.

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I believe you said nobody, you didn't say nobody in the Order =p

Well then, consider my words to go for Pacifica.

Come now, Branimir; you should know that the opinions of one's allies will always reflect on oneself. It was true in WUT and its still true today

The nation leader of our esteemed ally alliance can speak his mind and opinions freely.

He can not though, reflect the BR's opinions, as he is not a member of our BR.

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The 'Open Warfare' tag will come down way before 'months' pass, and then the ever present reality of perpetual warfare in a lesser status will allow us to continue in our day to day affairs (such as resignations from the Order) without such hateful warmongers as myself calling for the blood of deserters :o

I for one think that you should learn to be more respectful of your fellow members, especially ones like Cornian who have served the NPO for a long time. Calling for their blood was downright disgraceful.

As a point of contrast, when GATO was in its third month of a far more serious war and a nation decided to leave us we did not call for their blood. We thanked them for their service and wished them the best of luck in whatever they choose to do.

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Why don't you then intervene, as a concerned Bobian?

8 pages before a "do something about it" post? I believe that's a record?

And I believe what Nintenderek pointed out is fairly true; some of your closest allies seem to believe that Ivan left under bad terms. Now, that certainly does not mean it's the truth (which I tried to point out to Mr. TBB), but it does put a kink in your "everyone knows Ivan left on good terms" comment. I see you addressed it already :P thread moves too fast

Edited by hizzy
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Well, duh. The screenshots of your forums did that, not our propaganda.

As stated, your propaganda does not change my words, and does not go in length to prove how BR is against Ivan Moldavi or perceive him as a treat. Or that it is not aware of the legend that goes with the name.

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Has no concept, nor wishes to have any concept of the differing stages between Pax Pacifica and Open Warfare in the NPO.

We are not always in one particular stage, even when there are various ongoing conflicts with various nations/alliances.

Had they left in one of the lesser, I would have either wished them well, or told'em not to let the door hit'em in the buttocks.

It doesn't get much lesser than this, especially when there's no targets in your range and no risk to your alliance.

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Why don't you then intervene, as a concerned Bobian?

[OOC]Is that what we call ourselves when we're IC? Bobians? We really need a better name.[/OOC]

How exactly do you expect me to intervene? I see something that can be a potential issue, so I'm asking about it, that simple. Though it is obvious that you're implying that I should attack the NPO for having a faulty war policy; the usual "put your infra where your mouth is" tactic. The same tactic that died months ago.

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8 pages before a "do something about it" post? I believe that's a record?

Well, it was brought up in implication, the humanitarian issue of oppressed Pacificans, being your concern as well, or at least of all Bobians.

Only natural step forward is my invitation to do something about it or stop wasting forum space.

And I believe what Nintenderek pointed out is fairly true; some of your closest allies seem to believe that Ivan left under bad terms. Now, that certainly does not mean it's the truth (which I tried to point out to Mr. TBB), but it does put a kink in your "everyone knows Ivan left on good terms" comment.

Everyone in the Order then at least, knows that.

Any more of this nit picking?

Edited by Branimir
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I did not say we didn't; I was just pointing out why his wish of a whole page of screenshots won't be fulfilled ;)

Also, long time no see Mogar.

Not like I can hang out in NPO's private channel :P and I've always found TwiP entertaining, for once Pacifica's enemies are making a continued effort of propaganda, as opposed to during the great wars where we just trolled each other then fought.

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It doesn't get much lesser than this, especially when there's no targets in your range and no risk to your alliance.
Irregardless of the overall situation, the Open Warfare sign was lit... I make no allowances.

They deserted during a time of Open Warfare, nit pick it all you wish... Have fun.

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Well then, consider my words to go for Pacifica.

The nation leader of our esteemed ally alliance can speak his mind and opinions freely.

He can not though, reflect the BR's opinions, as he is not a member of our BR.

/me facepalms.

Because we don't ally with people who have similiar opinions? Come now, while he's not BR, he's a powerful person in an alliance with you. It's only natural people would believe your opinions would be closely matched, it's how we did business back in the day (Rule number 1: Behind closed doors, everything. In public, show nothing but your game face). I can't imagine any of that changing.

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How exactly do you expect me to intervene?

It is not up to me to answer that question, you brought the issue up.

We seem to be intervening pretty well. I mean, your concerned enough about your PR that you keep posting.

As you lead yourself to believe.

What, I can not post now? I like it, thread has a lot of attention is full speed ahead and its fun. You judge my posting as however you like.

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Well, it was brought up in implication, the humanitarian issue of oppressed Pacificans, being your concern as well, or at least of all Bobians.

Only natural step forward is my invitation to do something about it or stop wasting forum space.

Or logic. Or facts.

How about debate?

You can do it! I know you can!

Everyone in the Order then at least, knows that.

Any more of this nit picking?

It's hardly nit picking. It's a very relevant issue that you made a claim about and that he found an error with. A pretty significant error that invalidates what you said.

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By design.

Probably when IRON surrenders to stop the assault on their communications array.

Vox;s allies resorting to cyber terrorism and OOC attacks, arent you guys advising Jarheads? lol, thier bad luck and understandable, since IC actions achieved nothing but entertainment for the bored BOB and being counter-productive to the power-grab goals of Vox.

Your implied threat is duly noted, We understand your frustration and limitations of IC actions. I guess more the frustrations, more better the comics! more the entertainment! Onwards with the weekly circus.

Edited by shahenshah
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Irregardless of the overall situation, the Open Warfare sign was lit... I make no allowances.

They deserted during a time of Open Warfare, nit pick it all you wish... Have fun.

I think what people are questioning is the very fact that the sign was lit. It's not as if NPO was in any danger from all the 100 NS nations, especially taking into account that Jarheads is at war with around half a dozen alliances as well.

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Because we don't ally with people who have similiar opinions? Come now, while he's not BR, he's a powerful person in an alliance with you. It's only natural people would believe your opinions would be closely matched, it's how we did business back in the day (Rule number 1: Behind closed doors, everything. In public, show nothing but your game face). I can't imagine any of that changing.

As I stated, he is under wrong impression that Ivan Moldavi left the Order on bad terms.

We do have similar opinions, similar being key word not identical. Also sometimes, we do not know everything about everything.

He obviously didn't know what I have stated.

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Vox now resorts to cyber terrorism and OOC attacks, understandable, since IC actions achieved nothing but entertainment for the bored BOB and being counter-productive to the power-grab goals of Vox.

Your implied threat is duly noted, We understand your frustration and limitations of IC actions. I guess more the frustrations, more better the comics! more the entertainment!

OOC Um, Im pretty sure his post was IC. /OOC

No where in his post did he state that Vox had anything to do with what happened to IRON. You, in a best case scenario, are grasping at straws on this one.

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Do I have to go over this in every TWiP? Some of these are "just people" most of them are not. The majority of the people quoted are government in some capacity, going all the way up to Imperial Officer.

And? They're still opinions. You can draw parallels between one's opinions and one's actions, certainly, but I never said you could not.

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Well, it was brought up in implication, the humanitarian issue of oppressed Pacificans, being your concern as well, or at least of all Bobians.

Only natural step forward is my invitation to do something about it or stop wasting forum space.

Actually I believe that it was Magnet who brought up a humanitarian issue of it, not hizzy. As for doing something about it, I'd say that the last nine pages have been doing something or other about whatever crisis there may be, though I must doubt that there is some sort of 'humanitarian crisis' going on in the New Pacific Order right now, else something, though God knows what, would be done about it from within Pacifica rather than outwith Pacifica, where you find people complaining about the situation and then being baited into 'doing something about it'.

Additionally, I'd appreciate it if we all quit nitpicking about the whole war desertion thing. In a prolonged war like the one between NPO and Vox or NPO and FAN, I'd say that 'war desertion' is something that cannot truthfully be applied in its usual context. The simple fact that they are engaged in a war at the time does not mean that people leaving the alliance are disloyal to them, as NPO is not in any real danger at that point in time, however if members leave during a major conflict such as Great War III, then that would be war desertion; showing complete disloyalty to your alliance.

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