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3 hours ago, KVaT said:

As someone fairly new to the game (roughly 1 year) I find this all comical at best.


I’ve spent the past year exchanging tech for money, logging in almost daily to make a few clicks and then log out. I’ve been waiting for something interesting to happen and it looks like it finally has…


I’ve played many different games over the years and I’ve been involved in games similar to CN since 2002. When I first created my nation I noticed immediately how stagnant this game looks, it was easy to tell that an alliance (New Pacific Order) has clearly run away with the game.


I understand that there is obviously a lot of history here, a fair portion of you have built relationships that have spanned 15+ years.


My question to you all is this - 

Once this large scale war is over, what is going to change, what will be altered to make CN a “new” more interesting environment ?


From an outsiders perspective, I don’t see any change coming. It seems New Pacific Order has allies running to its aid whenever it feels threatened. Sure, they could roll any alliance on their own, probably 2-3 alliances with ease.


At one point do people log in and dare to be different?

At one point do other alliances say enough is enough?


Throw the treaties out the window, shake the game up and return everyone to a more engaging & level playing field.


I don’t know all the history to this game, I’ve certainly spent a fair amount of time reading up on it though and it seems it’s been quite the ride.


I commend who started this war, clearly they knew it would gain traction on a much larger scale. 

I know my opinion means jack sh!t but I find it laughable to see these other large alliances running to the aid of the largest (by far) alliance in the game.


This seems like it was an opportunity, I’m sure some of these alliances could’ve chosen a side…a side that would “reset” the game to an extent. Instead it seems like they chose complacency.


My apologies for the wall of text, enjoy the wars, this is just a newb rambling on…





First welcome. It's great to see new people getting involved and excited about the world. If you need honest advice or assistance, many on both sides are happy to offer it.


The more polarizing questions you ask are nearly impossible to answer without knowing the future. I can only speak for myself and my alliance, The Freehold of the Wolves. 


Our reason for the war outside the fun and propaganda is to move the needle in the direction of some resemblance of interesting. In that respect we're celebrating victory and will continue to do so as more wars post and members enter and engage in the public forum. 


From a military hardware standpoint we're unlikely to win. When the war is done Pacifica will be number one, their allies Iron number two, and still further Claws number 3. In time FTW will rebuild and this war will be a setback. One we celebrate the joy of fighting with our friends in CCC, NATO, NG and others.


The treaty web will reform, as it always does. And we'll set out a new Foreign Affairs policy designed to as any other alliance still living does, to win.


The world use to flow, like the seasons. Some at top and then they'd lose. And new would rise up. That stopped when the real leaders left and we became fearful and lazy. 


That's why we're fighting now. For a chance to rise. For a chance to dethrone the seat of power. And to hold it against the next challenger. To end the stagnation and begin to grow again. 


I hope this help.



Joseph M. Black 

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37 minutes ago, Suyash Adhikari said:

Nothing, this game is long dead. Find another one. Only active natsims out there nowadays is Politics & War and Nation States, try those instead. The former is more like Cyber Nations but is "alive" with competition, there is no dominant AA, while the latter is more Roleplay though has certain mechanical components and is also alive with no dominant Region.

As for CN, no player nor alliance killed this game. This game was long in decline before Oculus was formed. The Admin killed the game with his inactivity.

Our side has many reasons for fighting but THIS type of thinking I and some others fight against.

If you think this game is long dead, Suyash, then GET LOST!

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5 hours ago, Kapleo said:

Always someone else's fault, isn't it, Kerschbs?


The amount of alliances that were supposed to be on your side could have made that difference. Alliances which all wanted a piece/chunk of Doom. Polar and IRON alone would have added more than two hundred nations to your side. Heavy hitting nations. The Boognish alliances at their peak would have been another two/three hundred nations to your side.


Not to mention the alliances that left your allies merely because of their association with NG. You guys managed to make enemies with natural allies and instead of owning up to at least some of the blame, you burned any and all bridges and salted the earth, Polar being the last example. Outcome? Now they all fight along Doom. Congratulations.  Had NG kept their mouths shut for old friendships/good deeds sake, maybe this thread would only be about IRON.


Credit where credit is due. Mad respect for still going ahead with it, but it could have been better. It could have been winnable. Now it's just a suicide charge. No different from what Boognish used to do.


Many of the people you now fight or simply watch you burn from the sidelines were willing to fight and die by your side for a change. Time to look within, Krabs. You point one finger while the remaining three are pointing at your people.


So yeah, cheers! To Non Grata and what could have been! 🍻 


BRB sellin my freedom to NPO and/or CLAWS.


Yeah, that'll show NG and CCC!

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1 hour ago, Suyash Adhikari said:

Make Me.🥱

So you admit you have no love for Bob. No ambition here other than to grief others and make sure that since you're not enjoying it no one else does either. You are an excellent representation of your side. Thank you for your honesty.

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9 hours ago, DeathAdder said:

DBDC themselves had said if the war had been directed solely at them for their open declaration, instead of including smaller alliances in their sphere (who were/still are outnumbered massively in the bottom tiers), they never would have allowed Pacifica to get involved. Would've been damn fine with me!


Well I mean I didn't realize DBDC were pulling the Emperors strings like that, considering how much I like DBDC, that actually makes me like NPO a little bit more, thanks for the intel!!


Also as to your comment on being betrayed by your oldest MDoAP partner, I think precedent here on planet bob would indicate the betrayal is on your end.  There has been alot of times over the years that someone wouldn't trigger an intel clause in advance of a war because of all the conflicting intel treaties that would trigger AND a whole lot of times where an ally would hit another ally's ODP partner.


What's unique about this particular war is having someone drop an MDoAP and then immediately declare war on their former ally based on the triggering of either an oA clause (DT) or an oD clause (DBDC).


You might fool the few people who joined the world relatively recently, but anyone who has been around awhile knows what you did, and you know what you did.

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1 hour ago, berbers said:

What's unique about this particular war is having someone drop an MDoAP and then immediately declare war on their former ally based on the triggering of either an oA clause (DT) or an oD clause 

I've been saying polar is trash and not to trust them forever.  Even while we were allied to them

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2 hours ago, berbers said:

You might fool the few people who joined the world relatively recently, but anyone who has been around awhile knows what you did, and you know what you did.


Yes. I dropped a trash alliance as did everyone else tied to you.


Next, please.

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14 hours ago, kerschbs said:

Did you Polar to stupid to read?

This made me laugh I remember when this happened.  Dear god Im old.

12 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


It will never change, Kerschbs. I fought and spent years of my life and time trying to help this World change, and all I got for it was repeated slaps in the face from those I called my allies.


Bob deserves the long-death that has been coming to it for over a decade.

First time ive ever agreed with you

1 hour ago, 603Redneck said:

I've been saying polar is trash and not to trust them forever.  Even while we were allied to them

who in the $%&@ woke you up?


I dont even know polars leadership anymore who are those guys.  My casualty rating is falling can someone please come help me out with that.  Let this planet burn.  Let us break the chains of the web and insert some fun in to this dull world.  Lastly finally I get too make IRON and NPO GLOW.  


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Here we are, in the closing leg of CN, and Polaris is making an epic last minute run for the title of WAE.  It could have been GATO, it could have been CLAWS, it could have been any other number of alliances, but instead, it is Polaris making a late break for the all time title.  It is an impressive effort.

I'd like to pre-emptively declare them the winner of the title, in fact, as it is not clear that there is enough time in this world for anyone to catch up to the mark they're setting.  So congrats to the all time WAE, Polaris!  I hope it was worth the spreadsheet numbers to throw friends under the bus.


Edited by HeroofTime55
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On 7/6/2022 at 5:33 PM, Emperor Jason said:



The New Polar Order declares war on Non Grata and Christian Coalition of Countries in defense of our friend and ally, New Pacific Order.



Buuyo, Emperor
Emperor Jason, Regent
tenbob, Minister of Peace
JayMillz, Minister of Plenty
Tharu, Minister of Love

JadenStar10, Deputy Minister of Truth

Needs more Road Rash in it!!! o/ NpO o/ IRON Godspeed defeating the PM coalition 🐉🚀👁👁

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On 7/7/2022 at 5:19 AM, Canik said:

So you admit you have no love for Bob. No ambition here other than to grief others and make sure that since you're not enjoying it no one else does either. You are an excellent representation of your side. Thank you for your honesty.

Those who deny Planet Bobs decline for the past decade+ are in for a rough time as Bob continues shrinking and their communities get snuffed out.

Edited by Suyash Adhikari
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5 hours ago, Suyash Adhikari said:

Those who deny Planet Bobs decline for the past decade+ are in for a rough time as Bob continues shrinking and their communities get snuffed out.

You're an idiot and you're not helping. Go away. Staying with that attitude is absolutely pathetic. How incredibly sad you have nothing better to do than to grief others and try to stop any new or remaining rulers from enjoying this world.


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6 minutes ago, Canik said:

You're an idiot and you're not helping. Go away. Staying with that attitude is absolutely pathetic. How incredibly sad you have nothing better to do than to grief others and try to stop any new or remaining players from enjoying this world.

You're blind if you think Bob can ever return to 40k-45k nations ever again with its' God making no changes to the Planet. Its called being realistic, because at the trajectory of nations disappearing in this game, most alliances who have not  explored other worlds will have their memberships shrink... and shrink... and shrink... until they remain as obsolete, inactive, and dead alliances (As we see nowadays), or they get snuffed out (as most have at this point). It is what it is, you can deny it, remain stubborn, and watch as the tides of change overcome you... or you can accept it, ride those tides, and lead your community to a better place, where it can grow in a world that offers more opportunities and where its gods do not neglect the planet. Either way, C'est la vie, friend. Continue to remain delusional to this planet's collapse. No one is stopping anyone from enjoying this world, most nations that did exist do not "enjoy" this world anymore and have left this world by now, I may enjoy certain parts of it, thats why I have not left similar to rulers who have, however, I am also not going to pull some mental gymnastics in order to deny this planet's decline, I remain realistic, and I hope you come to your senses as well Canik. Planet Bob will never return to its peak, ever. Move on to other new alien worlds.

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Planet Bob?  I know not of this 'Bob' you speak of. 


In the month of August 2008 (two years after it was established) Vijar was ranked 30 of 30635 nations.


I vaguely recall there were perhaps 50,000 plus nations prior to this.  The world I call Digiterra will never see the same again.

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22 minutes ago, Suyash Adhikari said:

You're blind if you think Bob can ever return to 40k-45k nations ever again with its' God making no changes to the Planet. Its called being realistic, because at the trajectory of nations disappearing in this game, most alliances who have not  explored other worlds will have their memberships shrink... and shrink... and shrink... until they remain as obsolete, inactive, and dead alliances (As we see nowadays), or they get snuffed out (as most have at this point). It is what it is, you can deny it, remain stubborn, and watch as the tides of change overcome you... or you can accept it, ride those tides, and lead your community to a better place, where it can grow in a world that offers more opportunities and where its gods do not neglect the planet. Either way, C'est la vie, friend. Continue to remain delusional to this planet's collapse. No one is stopping anyone from enjoying this world, most nations that did exist do not "enjoy" this world anymore and have left this world by now, I may enjoy certain parts of it, thats why I have not left similar to rulers who have, however, I am also not going to pull some mental gymnastics in order to deny this planet's decline, I remain realistic, and I hope you come to your senses as well Canik. Planet Bob will never return to its peak, ever. Move on to other new alien worlds.


Congrats on proving his point.

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5 hours ago, Canik said:

You're an idiot and you're not helping. Go away. Staying with that attitude is absolutely pathetic. How incredibly sad you have nothing better to do than to grief others and try to stop any new or remaining rulers from enjoying this world.



I've heard folks in your coalition brag about how, once they have been soundly defeated on the battlefield by our side, they will be small enough to target and harass new nations (with no wonders, small cash reserves, no daily login bonus, etc.) So please, spare me the righteous indignation about 'try[ing] to stop any new or remaining rules from enjoying this world.'

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