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Anyone allied to, in, or supportive of DBDC calling anyone else on the planet out for accepting a rogue is just mind-bogglingly hypocritical. DBDC is an alliance of rogues by every definition that's ever existed on the planet. The AA hoppers that join briefly are also rogues by every definition. No one else can do anything about it, so they get away with it. That's the only difference between them and how most rogues are treated. As for the length of the war, as long as WTF has nations that can hit DBDC nations and keep Cuba staggered for instance, then that's war chest burned with no way to get it back while in nuke anarchy.  

It amazes me when someone who attacks nations on legitimate AA's, nukes them, and then offers peace has the gall to call another nation a nuke rogue. By punishing him for the exact same actions you've undertaken you are essentially indicting yourself.


WTF and CT have every right to keep fighting. Someone has to burn that multi tech.

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What makes you think DBDC didn't take into account WTF's options?
WTF has taken significant damage and simply are not dishing out significant damage in return.  The damage totals are all the more lopsided.  By all means fight as long as you want but there comes a point when you just are not being effective.


Obviously they feel that point has not been crossed.

Surely you aren't naive enough to believe that the stat page matters at all (NS damage). The 'effective damage' is WCs (and tech to a lesser extent), we all know that.
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Schatt,  did you ask World Task Force if you could take some of the posts made on their own forum and transfer them to the OWF or did you just decide to do it on your own?


I realize that you took from a public area on the World Task Force forum.  I'm not suggesting otherwise.  What I want to know is 1) Was World Task Force aware that you planned to screenshot some of the posts made there and post them on the OWF with your comments and 2) if they were aware of this was it because you aked them if you could do so or was it something else.


I just want to know the process (if any) that happened between your signing up on their forum and your above OP being made.

Edited by White Chocolate
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What political capital are they expending?  Do you think it bothers them if the polars, nsos, or mi6s of this world think bad of them?  They are our ally and went to WTF to see if a diplomatic solution could be reached before we decided on a military solution.  They are also not the only allies we have.  Not sure why it needs to be explained, but we fill a very distinct role for our allies.  We wreck the upper tiers of their enemies.  In return, we need assistance in lower tiers.  It is a mutually beneficial relationship.  Do you think that just because we started this war that somehow WTF gets to dictate the ending terms to us?  I suppose that may sound fair in the land of rainbows and bunny rabbits, but it isn't the case in this world.  Do you think we are going to continue watching Noob eat stagger after stagger when the rest of us have no wars left to fight and do nothing about it?  I get that many of you hate us, but are you so blinded by bias its made you stupid as well?


Like I said, keep up the good work ;) 


I'm sure we'll be back around this block again when GPA comes burning down. 

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Schatt,  did you ask World Task Force if you could take some of the posts made on their own forum and transfer them to the OWF or did you just decide to do it on your own?


I realize that you took from a public area on the World Task Force forum.  I'm not suggesting otherwise.  What I want to know is 1) Was World Task Force aware that you planned to screenshot some of the posts made there and post them on the OWF with your comments and 2) if they were aware of this was it because you aked them if you could do so or was it something else.


I just want to know the process (if any) that happened between your signing up on their forum and your above OP being made.


Are you kidding ?? Schatt is this worlds version of Andrew Breitbart and has been so for damn near 7 years, I didn't even want comment in this thread I already know ODN sucks, but as a (OOC) public records researcher for people who are  much more eloquent than I'll ever be out here in the land of the real (/OOC) we get sick to death of the paid opposition trying to change the narrative for the social trending graph's.

So lets review for the informed, we already know ODN's threat of a 1000 nations is laughable, once the going gets tough 3/4 of that alliance will jump into peace mode and remain there till the coast is clear.

"ODN doesn't let allies burn" hahahah  see statement above.

ODN's diplomatic prowess is we'll ... just completely awesome for the drama starved.

The views expressed by this commenter are most likely not those of my alliance, but hey unlike ODN I guarantee they'll have my back on the battlefield
Where it matters !!.

To Atlas and GATO I apologize for calling a duck a duck but there your allies not mine.


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I just want to know the process (if any) that happened between your signing up on their forum and your above OP being made.

Good morning my dear Coco. Here at This Week in Productions we have a time honored process. We find a story, find the hook, work it over while mining and reviewing the shots, and then write it with a brandy in one hand and mouse in the other. Once there's a hook there's really no going back or asking for blessings.
The question here was whether it would be appropriate to interject into ODN's discussions with WTF, and the conclusion we drew was that this is already a public conversation between CNtel and the open nature of the situation and the conversation should be held apart from the diplomacy.
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Are you kidding ?? Schatt is this worlds version of Andrew Breitbart and has been so for damn near 7 years, I didn't even want comment in this thread I already know ODN sucks, but as a (OOC) public records researcher for people who are  much more eloquent than I'll ever be out here in the land of the real (/OOC) we get sick to death of the paid opposition trying to change the narrative for the social trending graph's.

So lets review for the informed, we already know ODN's threat of a 1000 nations is laughable, once the going gets tough 3/4 of that alliance will jump into peace mode and remain there till the coast is clear.

"ODN doesn't let allies burn" hahahah  see statement above.

ODN's diplomatic prowess is well ... just completely awesome for the drama starved.

To be fair, this is less a biased news report and more a confirmation of factual information. ODN was upon the WTF forums delivering not so vieled threats against WTF for continuing to fight against DBDC. While I am a bit surprised at the style of alliance WTF is on their forums, it's quite similar to me to the behavior I have seen in RIA's own embassies, or NG or NSO's. Muzzling their, quite rightly upset members, to achieve a peace that they have no reason to agree to makes little sense. DBDC has a standard procedure for this type of behavior, why act as though WTF is in the wrong for not simply doing exactly what DBDC wants them to?


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I have more casualties then you. Puny God.




You have an older nation than me...

My first global war was PB-Orders in 2011.  All of my 14,543,974 casualties have come in 4 years.

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You guys told me to leave on the 6th, my last post was on the 7th. And peaches posts are almost all made within a 24 hour period. Apparently this thread has emboldened WTF to play the political game and try to spin things the way most alliances do but the fact of the matter is none of us were there for any serious length of time after you told us to leave. 

 My original reply was: "Especially when ODN members kept posting for days after initially threatening war that provoked the replies you have since apparently obliged. And for at least two full days after you yourself said you were taking your leave."


You showed up threatening war? Mar 4 2015

You post saying you were leaving? Mar 7 2015

Peaches last post? Mar 9 2015



What is puzzling is why CT was accepted back onto the WTF AA on 1/31 after going rogue against a SPATR nation and allowed to launch further wars against SPATR while on the WTF AA, in addition to his history of attacks while on the DBDC AA over the past two years. It seems that such behaviour is implicitly endorsed by WTF so long as it serves WTF's interests.


This was covered already. A page or so back. Its not puzzling if you find the reply made addressing it.


What did you do for RIA when we were in WTF's position? I don't recall you offering much assistance in that prolonged conflict, mock me all you'd like for calling DBDC out on their !@#$%^&*, but when someone hits my allies, I actually stand with them.


This has been asked multiple times already, both on our forums and here. I would suggest not holding your breath waiting for it to be addressed.


Schatt,  did you ask World Task Force if you could take some of the posts made on their own forum and transfer them to the OWF or did you just decide to do it on your own?


I realize that you took from a public area on the World Task Force forum.  I'm not suggesting otherwise.  What I want to know is 1) Was World Task Force aware that you planned to screenshot some of the posts made there and post them on the OWF with your comments and 2) if they were aware of this was it because you aked them if you could do so or was it something else.


I just want to know the process (if any) that happened between your signing up on their forum and your above OP being made.


This is why our embassies are public, we have never had anything to hide. It's been done before and we have never cared about anything being shared that an application and a few keystrokes could produce for anyone interested.

Edited by Asa Phillips
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ITT: people that disapprove of DBDC's past behavior continue to disapprove of their actions.  


Not false, but an oversimplification. There are several currents here. Yes, some people are anti-DBDC and will jump on any chance to diss them, JUST LIKE some people are pro-DBDC and do the same for the other side.


If it were only those two sides, there would be no point in this thread, or any other threads. There would be no point in talking, no point in politics, and this would be the most boring and barren world in the multiverse as a result.


Fortunately there is a significant third camp, some of us are capable of more than reflexively backing our 'friends' and attacking our 'enemies' with no regard to facts.


DBDC are my favorite Hegemons since NPO went rancid. I am truly rather fond of them. They do interesting things, and so far they have managed to get in and out of interesting situations quite slickly, something I admire. I'm still hoping they can do the same here.


ODN is an entirely different story.  They've made themselves the butt of the joke and have no one else to blame for that but their own people.  The sheer pompous arrogance they displayed, the ludicrous oversteps, the hilarious bragging about 'facts' that most readers probably didnt even need 2 minutes research to debunk... yeah, they are a joke. And I'm waiting to see if they can't make it even funnier.



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What is puzzling is why CT was accepted back onto the WTF AA on 1/31 after going rogue against a SPATR nation and allowed to launch further wars against SPATR while on the WTF AA, in addition to his history of attacks while on the DBDC AA over the past two years. It seems that such behaviour is implicitly endorsed by WTF so long as it serves WTF's interests.


It's almost like Bones is cooling on the SPATR AA for the past few weeks or so as a member when in reality he's DBDC (something about "once DBDC, always DBDC").  But I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell me why I have it wrong and all those people constantly sending Bones free tech are legitimate nations.


I don't buy any story that has CT going rogue once he joined WTF the first the time and was approved "in game".  DBDC calling CT a rogue is laughable--particularly after all the service he did for them on variety of AAs.  He's many things, some of them bad, some of them worth pursuing ZI or ZT over perhaps, but not a rogue.


When you buy CT you get a bit of a loose canon.  When you are totally outgunned, a loose canon is better than no cannon, particularly a powerful one with a grudge.  As I suggest to someone at NG, of course you'd take him, but from the sidelines, it's easy to be a paragon of principle. 


Anyone allied to, in, or supportive of DBDC calling anyone else on the planet out for accepting a rogue is just mind-bogglingly hypocritical. DBDC is an alliance of rogues by every definition that's ever existed on the planet. The AA hoppers that join briefly are also rogues by every definition. No one else can do anything about it, so they get away with it. That's the only difference between them and how most rogues are treated. As for the length of the war, as long as WTF has nations that can hit DBDC nations and keep Cuba staggered for instance, then that's war chest burned with no way to get it back while in nuke anarchy.  


Interesting analysis though more than one of my allies does not share this point of view.



You have an older nation than me...

My first global war was PB-Orders in 2011.  All of my 14,543,974 casualties have come in 4 years.


5,160,453 Attacking + 9,383,521 Defending = 14,543,974 Casualties


Looks to me like you spend most of your time prancing around on top of the trench hoping to get shot.  I guess that makes you a badass, some would say any idiot can get shot.  Perhaps CT will give us a report on how good you actually are.

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It's almost like Bones is cooling on the SPATR AA for the past few weeks or so as a member when in reality he's DBDC (something about "once DBDC, always DBDC").  But I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell me why I have it wrong and all those people constantly sending Bones free tech are legitimate nations.


I don't buy any story that has CT going rogue once he joined WTF the first the time and was approved "in game".  DBDC calling CT a rogue is laughable--particularly after all the service he did for them on variety of AAs.  He's many things, some of them bad, some of them worth pursuing ZI or ZT over perhaps, but not a rogue.


When you buy CT you get a bit of a loose canon.  When you are totally outgunned, a loose canon is better than no cannon, particularly a powerful one with a grudge.  As I suggest to someone at NG, of course you'd take him, but from the sidelines, it's easy to be a paragon of principle. 



Interesting analysis though more than one of my allies does not share this point of view.



5,160,453 Attacking + 9,383,521 Defending = 14,543,974 Casualties


Looks to me like you spend most of your time prancing around on top of the trench hoping to get shot.  I guess that makes you a badass, some would say any idiot can get shot.  Perhaps CT will give us a report on how good you actually are.


Against NpO/ROK/STA I was dogpiled, during Dave and EQ I was dogpiled.

It's hard to not be permanently on a lower attacking than defending when most of your wars you are fighting tech heavy, infra light nations...

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And yet, you started a multi month war, and could have simply oA chained the entire war you arranged if you had wanted wars that lasted a few weeks, you'd have wars more often it it was ever a fair fight.


What did you do for RIA when we were in WTF's position? I don't recall you offering much assistance in that prolonged conflict, mock me all you'd like for calling DBDC out on their !@#$%^&*, but when someone hits my allies, I actually stand with them.


Its only a multi month war because WTF wants it to be.  You can't complain WTF is at war presently because of DBDC when its WTF who has decided they would rather remain at war with DBDC.  They have had avenues for peace and have rejected them, instead chosing to try to drag the few DBDC nations they can down.  We've seen this done during Eq, during the Gre/IRON wars, and other conflicts so there are strategies to attack strong nations with weaker ones, but that doesn't mean we have to sit back and watch and do nothing. 



It amazes me when someone who attacks nations on legitimate AA's, nukes them, and then offers peace has the gall to call another nation a nuke rogue. By punishing him for the exact same actions you've undertaken you are essentially indicting yourself.


WTF and CT have every right to keep fighting. Someone has to burn that multi tech.


Every alliance in existence has done this during war time.  Is it really all that different when someone doesn't say "I declare war on you for these made up reasons"?  I'm all for more war, but shorter wars.  Has it out on the battlefield,  Old school NSO had the right idea, war for a few weeks than white peace.



Obviously they feel that point has not been crossed.

Surely you aren't naive enough to believe that the stat page matters at all (NS damage). The 'effective damage' is WCs (and tech to a lesser extent), we all know that.


Well obviously not.  Like I said before, they can do whatever they like, they run their own affairs. Just like DBDC choses to raid, WTF can choose to fight DBDC for as long as they want or are able.  But that doesn't mean DBDC has to sit there and do nothing about it.  Obviously WTF considers attacking 2 of the smaller DBDC members worth it to continue the conflict.  And obviously DBDC isn't going to just sit back and do nothing while this happens.



ITT: DBDC uses ODN to attempt to strong arm a neutral AA into submission.


When did WTF become a neutral alliance? 


There is a reason all alliances who play politics have treaties.  WTF has chosen not to have military intaglements and no allies.  Having no allies to come to your aid if you are attacked is a consequence of not having allies.  Its by their own choice, and judging from their behavior they seem fine with fighting this one out.  They aren't the ones whining about this hit, its the standard anti DBDC crew being vocal about their disapproval of it.



Did you even—

You're a chill guy, but this is so dumb as to shock.  This war is less than 2 months old and it's DBDC's ally trying to whiteknight and shorten it with shrill cries of "this is eternal war!"



More wars = less lengthy wars.  I'd rather have numerous wars in a year that last for a few weeks or a month tops rather than have 1 war that lasts 4 months. 

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Against NpO/ROK/STA I was dogpiled, during Dave and EQ I was dogpiled.

It's hard to not be permanently on a lower attacking than defending when most of your wars you are fighting tech heavy, infra light nations...


I will attest to the truth of this statement, as will my nation.


At the risk of over-correcting the oversimplification, the only nations I recall seeing with more attacking than defending casualties are ones that just raid defenseless targets, not the ones that have fought real wars.

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