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Unknown Smurf

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Morgaine he does not see the fellow members of their coalition as comrades. He has a class superiority complex and feels that all members of the low tier are inferior and exist only to serve his ego and his lust for violence. It is the halmark of the parasite mentality.


The only thing that is more dangerous than being the opponents of such people is being their friends.

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Posts calling for the next "game changer" have existed since I first started playing long ago ... and the individuals that you referenced were active at the time. lol

In fairness, Smurf tries really hard to play game changer every year or so.
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I am only speaking from my own experience, but the outer ring of the coalition attacking us does not seem to have much heart in this. They do not seem to be particularly well-trained, either. I think that they were promised something positive from declaring war on us, that we would be easy prey who would be ripe for the pickings. That is not been the case nor shall it be so long as these attacks continue.

I have no idea what you mean by "outer ring of the coalition", however;

- Nobody has been promised anything
- If alliances don't want to participate, then they shouldn't, and wouldn't, and nor would I care if they didn't
- How "well trained" people are, as always, depends on the circumstances, the alliance, the individual experience, etc - it cannot be so broadly generalised about as you would proclaim

It is a pity how badly you have exploited your comrades in this way.

As per above, nobody is being exploited.

New hatreds are being sown due to offenses that will be long remembered.

Way too serious, take a chill pill.
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Both sides are losing assets. New hatreds are being sown due to offenses that will be long remembered. Weaknesses are being exposed. So is the deficiency in character that would impel people to start a conflict under these circumstances.


I don't know of any hatreds being sown

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I have no idea what you mean by "outer ring of the coalition


Oh, please. Do not pretend ignorance. It is the alliances that have been sent in to suffer the losses in the lower tiers where yours has very little representation.



- Nobody has been promised anything
- If alliances don't want to participate, then they shouldn't, and wouldn't, and nor would I care if they didn't
- How "well trained" people are, as always, depends on the circumstances, the alliance, the individual experience, etc - it cannot be so broadly generalised about as you would proclaim


I can only go by what is being experienced in actual combat and what others in our alliance are reporting with respect to what they are encountering from the aforementioned alliances that obviously had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Spying away cruise missiles? Having 30 bombers? Declaring war and then not fighting at all? 

These are not isolated instances concerning those sent in to fight alongside you. It is embarrassing how inept and unmotivated many of them are. You people are experienced and had to have known to expect this from your allies, but you sent them in anyway just to take up war slots. So I do indeed maintain that they have been exploited.


Are one of the objectives of this war that you are supposed to be seen as "badass"? The fact that through what I still maintain had to be manipulation you got a dozen alliances to join you in piling on to ours, makes your lot cowards. Showing the world that you felt the need to get so much help by calling in so many pawns is a back-handed expression of respect towards New Polar Order.


Way too serious, take a chill pill.



Way too frivolous, stop pretending that this is all a big joke. People are being victimized, not the least of whom are your own allies.



I don't know of any hatreds being sown


Where have you been this past couple of months? People having what has taken months and even years to build destroyed because some low-lifes with nothing positive to offer this world wanted to use the bodies and property of others as a means to momentarily break boredom that itself is due to a conspicuous emptiness in values and character? That in your eyes should merit no animosity?
Which alliance are you in again? 

I'm growing a strong hatred of OWF debates on DBDC. That's one, at least.



Your disapproval of people having the temerity of not keeping silent in the face of themselves and their allies being subject to violence for absurd and nihilistic reasons is noted and summarily dismissed. 

Edited by Morgaine
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I can only go by what is being experienced in actual combat and what others in our alliance are reporting with respect to what they are encountering from the aforementioned alliances that obviously had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Spying away cruise missiles? Having 30 bombers? Declaring war and then not fighting at all? 

These are not isolated instances concerning those sent in to fight alongside you. It is embarrassing how inept and unmotivated many of them are. You people are experienced and had to have known to expect this from your allies, but you sent them in anyway just to take up war slots. So I do indeed maintain that they have been exploited.


Those exact things were also done by people we fought from your side. Does that mean that your coalition is now inept, unmotivated and poorly trained, or does it just mean that some people in all corners of this world, regardless of alliance, don't pay attention?

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So much emotional projection and over generalization and double talk from Polaris all of a sudden. It's really quite disappointing.

On one hand DBDC is a fringe alliance with no impact on the world at large, just pillaging friends and enemies alike with no structure or experience in politics (at the leadership level of course). Then when it suits the argument, DBDC becomes this devilish, scheming Titan that manipulates every facet of every alliance connected to it, bending them to its will through coercion and threat, effectively making things so unlivable we get quotes about how our friends live on their knees.

Do you not see how ridiculous you all sound?

If I had to play psychiatrist here, I would say there's a strong resentment of the way DBDC is portrayed within the confines of Polaris walls, and, fueled by constant misinformation, speculation and defeat, there is a sense that you are somehow justified in slandering us in every possible way publicly.

If DBDC hadn't approached our friends about signing treaties with us (which is almost entirely instigated by DBDC, not out of some perceived fear), I would actually be concerned about overreaction to these hyperbolic stances. But we built all of our relationships on trust and respect and a sense of brotherhood, the cornerstones of DBDC values.

These petty grievances, largely unfounded, disappoint me more than incite me, and have me shaking my head in dismay at what must be going in internally for the new polar order right now. DBDC is the least of your problems right now.

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Oh, please. Do not pretend ignorance. It is the alliances that have been sent in to suffer the losses in the lower tiers where yours has very little representation.


The lower tier always gets hit hard at the end of a war. It's a reality  that every alliance has had to address in every war. It's not as if this is some special circumstance.



I can only go by what is being experienced in actual combat and what others in our alliance are reporting with respect to what they are encountering from the aforementioned alliances that obviously had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Spying away cruise missiles? Having 30 bombers? Declaring war and then not fighting at all? 


It's the lower tier; expecting more from nations who have probably never seen a fight before is beyond stupid.

These are not isolated instances concerning those sent in to fight alongside you. It is embarrassing how inept and unmotivated many of them are. You people are experienced and had to have known to expect this from your allies, but you sent them in anyway just to take up war slots. So I do indeed maintain that they have been exploited.


There will always be groups of people in alliances who didn't want to get involved in a drawn out war. It happens, and it sucks, but it is what it is.


Are one of the objectives of this war that you are supposed to be seen as "badass"? The fact that through what I still maintain had to be manipulation you got a dozen alliances to join you in piling on to ours, makes your lot cowards. Showing the world that you felt the need to get so much help by calling in so many pawns is a back-handed expression of respect towards New Polar Order.


The objective of this war was to start one when Polar and company would not. We were bored and we wanted a global war.



Way too frivolous, stop pretending that this is all a big joke. People are being victimized, not the least of whom are your own allies.


Bad propaganda.



Where have you been this past couple of months? People having what has taken months and even years to build destroyed because some low-lifes with nothing positive to offer this world wanted to use the bodies and property of others as a means to momentarily break boredom that itself is due to a conspicuous emptiness in values and character? That in your eyes should merit no animosity?
You need a break form CN
Edited by Gh0s7
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On one hand DBDC is a fringe alliance with no impact on the world at large, just pillaging friends and enemies alike with no structure or experience in politics (at the leadership level of course). Then when it suits the argument, DBDC becomes this devilish, scheming Titan that manipulates every facet of every alliance connected to it, bending them to its will through coercion and threat, effectively making things so unlivable we get quotes about how our friends live on their knees.

Do you not see how ridiculous you all sound?


Fringe? No, sad to say, those like your alliance are now the rule rather than the exception. Many dozens of alliances and thousands of nations who would rather operate differently than war being the entire point of being here and the only source of interest are long gone and will never come back.

Considering the attitudes of our present adversaries and comparing them with what we faced while in NONE and the LoFN, I recall some similarities:


The aggressors at that time repeatedly expressed the complaint that nations not being in an alliance banding together and organizing mutual defense impinged upon the sovereignty of those who expected to get away scot-free when attacking someone who did nothing to them, then stealing what someone else produced. By the victims fighting back and making their wars of aggression un-profitable, that was unfair in their eyes. So we were hunted down and driven off the Planet altogether. Hundreds of nations, many of which belonging to dear friends i will never see again. I still loathe those who are responsible for this atrocity. 


Now we have entire coalitions of alliances that essentially do the same thing and say that anyone who would criticize or analyze the implications of what they are doing are also attempting to "dictate" to them how they should conduct themselves in the world.


in both of these cases, what is actually happening is that people who have nothing to contribute in the political arena are using violence on a massive scale to force those who wish to conduct their affairs in a different way to either tolerate being attacked all of the time, be subjugated in some way or to quit the Planet altogether. 

There might be independent nations, small alliances and even sizable coalitions that might want to have the bulk of their time and efforts spent in the social and political arenas, having debates, enjoying complex controversies concerning international policy, even religion and ideology. War for them would be something that would happen from time to time, but not ALL of the time.

However, all of these people instead are deprived of THEIR choice by being forced to deal with people like our present attackers. Why cannot they find those who share similar interests here go off and bash each other and leave those who would rather do otherwise alone?

Nay, they specifically target those who do not want to do things their way and punish them for it, even if they are minding their own business and bothering the aggressors not.

It is akin to a group of criminals who go 'round with sticks beating up anyone they might encounter on the street (excepting of course, anyone who might be stronger than they), crying foul when they fight back and scoffing that they lack a sense of humour for daring to criticize this.

Edited by Morgaine
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So much emotional projection and over generalization and double talk from Polaris all of a sudden. It's really quite disappointing.

We have chosen not to gag our members for some some now and if you can't see that individuals are affected and have their own opinions you're being deliberately blind.
Some of these members opinions I strongly agree on, some I don't. Either way we're all well served by understanding and respecting the feelings and reasons for the said feeling by the people who express them.
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Let me emphasize what our Emperor said. I am a foot-soldier with no rank and am only speaking for myself. When I refer to Polaris, I am talking about my observation of our esprit and resolve to resist a gaggle of bullies who would use force to bend us to their will. Or perhaps a group of sociopathic nihilists who destroy for the fun of it and care nothing about how this might affect everyone else as they create a world that suits their needs.


And so I say this to their allies:


Take a look at the CB in the Wiki: "To incite a global war" To what end? They are not saying and that should tell you something.


They and their mind-numbed sycophants are saying that they are being "utilitarian" but there has to be some ultimate reason -- if they are capable of reason. It is possible that their intention is to undermine the alliance system as a whole in a divide-and-conquer strategy. They have built up their upper tier and if there are no alliances to challenge them, then can form temporary coalitions of alliances they care nothing about to use as pawns in the pursuit of neutralizing alliances that would offer resistance to their long-term goals [such as Polaris].


Then they will inevitably turn on their former allies in their quest to create a world in which everyone is scattered like herds of impala and they can then rove through the savannah like wolves and raid at their pleasure. There are certainly not enough non-aligned left to raid, so the rest of us are going to be put in that status for their amusement.


Fewer and fewer of us are going to want to be in a world divided between the sheep and the wolves so more will leave. Maybe that is what they want; perhaps they want to see if they can keep whittling down the population until all there is left is them. Then there will be a final conflict in which they turn on each other.


Then, like the locusts they are, they will move on and find some other Planet to destroy.


Regardless of what their ultimate objective is, make no mistake: These people are a cancer and should be treated as such. They cannot be trusted as allies. They will use you and then throw you away when you are no longer needed. Then they will start raiding YOU.


You are fighting the wrong enemy. Your real enemy is the bloodthirsty criminal who is egging you on to bleed on their behalf.

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Where have you been this past couple of months? People having what has taken months and even years to build destroyed because some low-lifes with nothing positive to offer this world wanted to use the bodies and property of others as a means to momentarily break boredom that itself is due to a conspicuous emptiness in values and character? That in your eyes should merit no animosity?
Which alliance are you in again? 

Im in Polar and I have been at war, I don't know of many people sowing seeds of hatred, we shall rebuild what we lost its that simple 

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We have chosen not to gag our members for some some now and if you can't see that individuals are affected and have their own opinions you're being deliberately blind.
Some of these members opinions I strongly agree on, some I don't. Either way we're all well served by understanding and respecting the feelings and reasons for the said feeling by the people who express them.

We can all see what's being stated.  There's nothing wrong with having fervent opinions and a set of values you defend, but the vitriol here is so unnecessary.  With a dwindling member base I feel remorseful for ignoring people, but there is a distinct disconnection with reality I haven't seen since we fought GOP.  Neither Polaris nor DBDC is completely evil or completely righteous, and really neither should be throwing stones from what anyone could consider glass houses.  There just seems to be some Kool-aid being consumed and it's becoming increasingly hard to tell exactly what Polaris actually stands for these days.


You may say that they are just members, but they impact the public image of your AA, just as my own mates do.  While their hyperbole may not be in line with what you or your cabinet might think, they tarnish the reputation all the same.  Now, whether you care about that at this point.. that's your deal.

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Neither Polaris nor DBDC is completely evil or completely righteous, and really neither should be throwing stones from what anyone could consider glass houses. 

When Polaris destroys several hundred billion dongs worth of NS for no reason other than boredom, you can make that statement, until then you're merely attempting to paint them as "just as bad", when anyone with the ability to read history can easily disprove such a statement.

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I'm not stating we are pure Cuba or indeed that you are evil. I'm stating individuals are affected in different ways and agreeing or disagreeing with that (by either of us) doesn't make their feelings on the matter become "double talk", even if they don't all agree with each other or myself.

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We can all see what's being stated.  There's nothing wrong with having fervent opinions and a set of values you defend, but the vitriol here is so unnecessary.


You don't like vitriol? How about not starting wars for reasons you refuse to give. All we have to go by is "To incite a global war" as stated in the Wiki. You have the opportunity to change that and state your intentions, but instead all we can do is speculate. My speculation is based upon experience and the history of what has happened when wars like this were started in the past: Many nations left Planet Bob for good, people who are inclined toward other aspects other than war were driven off. Then finally, the aggressor coalition turned on its own member alliances.


When I see this happening again -- only worse, because at least before the aggressors at least made an attempt at a pretense of CB -- I am alarmed enough to start posting again, because what you are doing and why is a threat to us all, friend and foe alike.


Congratulations, you have succeeded in invoking walford into the OWF. Did you miss me?


 With a dwindling member base I feel remorseful for ignoring people, but there is a distinct disconnection with reality I haven't seen since we fought GOP.  Neither Polaris nor DBDC is completely evil or completely righteous, and really neither should be throwing stones from what anyone could consider glass houses.  There just seems to be some Kool-aid being consumed and it's becoming increasingly hard to tell exactly what Polaris actually stands for these days.



This I take as fear of exposure of you for what you are. You want me and others to be shut up before others start to question your motives and objectives. As I said before, you certainly aren't stating them.


Who are you to talk about glass houses? There you are, the leader of an aggressive alliance that is attacking us offering "helpful" advice to our leader because you care? What do you take us for? The fact is, you attacked us and this is not the first time.



You may say that they are just members, but they impact the public image of your AA, just as my own mates do.  While their hyperbole may not be in line with what you or your cabinet might think, they tarnish the reputation all the same.  Now, whether you care about that at this point.. that's your deal.



Who are you to admonish anyone about reputation? Weren't there promises on your end of no further raiding? Didn't raids take place anyway after these promises? Didn't you blame these on some errant rogues within your own coalition, but still defended their unprovoked aggression anyway? Your actions most definitely speak louder than your words.


And my interpretation of that is that your word means nothing.


You want what you started to stop? That is completely in you hands.

Edited by Walford
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There just seems to be some Kool-aid being consumed and it's becoming increasingly hard to tell exactly what Polaris actually stands for these days.

Honestly man it doesn't take a rocket scientist. I don't understand the DBDC agenda of playing off their actions, and trying to convince people to not be angry about it.


If you aren't angry, what's the point?

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