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The Seven Kingdoms Announcement

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That's, uh, quite the assertion you've got there.

Good or bad, if something has reason to change and does - then that is good. If there's reason for a change, and you make none, that is not so good. 


The difference between 'moving forward' and 'stagnation'.






(if you think I'm insinuating anything towards the relations specifically between GATO and TSK, then I'm sad to inform you you're mistaken. I know nothing about the 'why' for this, only that it is good they made change rather than none when it was clearly needed.)

Edited by Rayvon
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Try again.

Agreed but that'll never come to fruition. FAN is the only one who did and still does that and it works for them in many ways. People assume their allies and over or under represent who will come to bat for them.

MK tried this until it realized it was treatied to people that would pull the "were friends? But you're not going to win, it's pointless to fight for this" kind of stance. (No that's not a cheap jab at anyone currently in power or any alliances) they started back signing treaties within a month.

There's pros and cons to that kind of system. Personally I'd like to see it in place for everyone. It would stop cowardice from treaty tracking if you will and raiding, but also promote betrayal if your friends are cowards and not willing to go to bat for you. Then again it would also save time from treaties like these that aren't active.

It would kind of support a natural selection sort of situation too. The inactive alliances will not have anyone fight for them.

Tl;dr Tywin picked my brain and got me rambling.

Hey guys, can I post some really large obnoxious Steve Buscemi's quotes!!!??!? Okay!

If you have a problem with what he's posting, use the ignore feature. Otherwise don't try to bandwagon in verbally on a guy who's already being jumped on by a few other people in the thread. That's cowardly and you aren't adding anything of value to the discussion.

In conclusion, I'm glad to see this happen and wish both parties the best in their new paths. Inactive treaties are never good. Edited by Rotavele
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imagine thinking MK cancelling their treaties wasn't just the way they wanted to cancel on a few people


Was Polar the only treaty that wasn't re-signed?

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GOD, and I think STA.


I thought GOD was cancelled before that?  It also allowed them to extricate themselves from C&G without the acrimony usually associated with leaving a bloc.

Edited by Ogaden
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Also NV.

I always forget they were directly tied to NV :|

I thought GOD was cancelled before that?  It also allowed them to extricate themselves from C&G without the acrimony usually associated with leaving a bloc.

Could've been before, but I think it was when everyone was dropped. And yeah, it did help with leaving C&G and forming DH.
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I thought GOD was cancelled before that?  It also allowed them to extricate themselves from C&G without the acrimony usually associated with leaving a bloc.

A quick check with the wiki reveals the following alliances were cancelled (and not re-signed with later): Nueva Vida, Genesis, New Polar Order, Siberian Tiger Alliance, Ronin and Global Order of Darkness.


Here's a link to the original announcement as well: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93121

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A quick check with the wiki reveals the following alliances were cancelled (and not re-signed with later): Nueva Vida, Genesis, New Polar Order, Siberian Tiger Alliance, Ronin and Global Order of Darkness.
Here's a link to the original announcement as well: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93121

+ Ragnarok, given our treaty from memory was one carried over via a Vanguard merger into MK but it was also cut and not resigned in the process.
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imagine thinking MK cancelling their treaties wasn't just the way they wanted to cancel on a few people


So they didnt want to try to be innovative and fail, they didnt have the balls to tell their friends they weren't their friends anymore and dumped their long time friends in their bloc. That's better.



+ Ragnarok, given our treaty from memory was one carried over via a Vanguard merger into MK but it was also cut and not resigned in the process.


Lol what? You must have not been in RoK long then.


Ragnarok had a treaty with MK for ages. I remember when RIA found an MK spy in RIA and SF/CDT began preparing for war with MK (At that time MK had barely any allies and little to no political influence) the treaty with RoK is the only thing that saved them. It was going to be cancelled, but Hoo gave them a chance. RIA also wasn't really a blood thirsty aggressive alliance. I do remember though when MK was fearful of the RIA attack and they came to our boards. Then they became arrogant and poltiical after the Karma War.


I really really would love to have seen the world if SuperFriends/CDT crushed MK back then. That was the first event I ever saw in my CN history and remember it vividly. I remember DontTaseMeBro making a long thread about it in 2008-9 and looking back on it. I wish I could find it to refreshen my memory.


If that war had of happened, MK would have either 1) Never gotten half the political power they did or 2) Would have disbanded at the site of loss. Either way, it would of been awesome.


Though these days there is no doubt MK will downplay the situation and claim they were tuff guys the whole time.

Edited by Rotavele
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