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Imperial Ascension


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[center]Rulers of the Cyberverse,[/center]

[center]The Imperial Order has been pretty busy recently. We have a new Charter and some new government members, we also have become slightly Democratic (not that Democratic GATO).[/center]

[center]First off check our new Charter out:[/center]

[center][color=#666666][font=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][i][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#000000]Charter of Imperia[/color][/size][/font][/i][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[right][color=#666666][font=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][i][font=book antiqua][color=#000000]Written by Scorponok and edited by Klinker, Archduke and Charles Stuart.[/color][/font][/i][/size][/font][/color][/right]

[color=#666666][font=book antiqua][size=3][i][size=3][color=#000000][b]Preamble[/b][/color][/size]

[color=#000000]We, the members of The Imperial Order, forming a community of friends who serve to better ourselves and our comrades; consciously upholding the values of freedom and camaraderie; seeking peace and prosperity while providing for the defense of our community; and standing together as one, today and forevermore; do hereby ratify this the Charter of The Imperial Order as our Supreme Law and Code; swearing our loyalty to this Order.[/color]

[size=3][b][color=#000000][b]Section I: Government Structure[/b][/color][/b][/size]

[color=#000000]The Imperial Government shall consist of the Imperial High Commander, the Security Council, and the Ministerial Council, as described herein.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article I: The Imperial High Commander[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]The Imperial High Commander shall act as the head of state and head of government. The Imperial High Commander is the face of the Order and law of the Order, the symbol of its unity, and the guarantee of its sovereignty and independence. The Imperial High Commander serves until deletion, resignation, or dismissal. The Imperial High Commander holds absolute authority in the Imperial Order, subject to the legislation contained within this Charter. The Imperial High Commander’s approval must be sought before any motion or proposal becomes law.[/color]

[color=#000000]Dismissal of the Imperial High Commander can only be carried out with the support of a member of the Security Council, 3 members of the Ministerial Council, and a minimum of two-thirds of the membership who vote in approval for such a dismissal over a 72 hour time period. During such a period the Imperial High Commander's powers will be devolved to the Security Council.[/color]

[color=#000000]If there is no Imperial High Commander, an Imperial High Commander shall be elected by popular vote over 72 hours from members of the Councils who wish to stand, in a vote administered by the Councils or their representatives.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article II: The Security Council[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]The Security Council shall consist of the Internal Commander and External Commander, who will act as the guardians of the Order to all domestic and foreign threats. They serve Imperia and her members, and report only to the Imperial High Commander. In the absence of the Imperial High Commander, the Security Council shall act as head of state and head of government until the return of the Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[color=#000000]The Security Council shall be appointed by the Imperial High Commander. Dismissal of a member of the security council can only be carried out by the order of the Imperial High Commander[/color]

[color=#000000]External Commander[/color]

[color=#000000]The External Commander shall act as a deputy and adviser to the Imperial High Commander, serving as an overseer to the security and laws of the Order and holds executive power over the foreign policies of the Order. The External Commander shall serve until death, resignation or dismissal by the Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[color=#000000]Internal Commander[/color]

[color=#000000]The Internal Commander shall act as a deputy and adviser to the Imperial High Commander, serving as an overseer to the financial and internal well being of the Order and holds executive power over the internal policies of the Order. The Internal Commander shall serve until death, resignation or dismissal by the Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article III: The Ministerial Council[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]The Ministerial Council shall consist of Imperial Officers. There shall be established the position of Imperial Officer to preside over the departments. Each Imperial Officer acts as head or joint heads of their department, being the highest ranking government member only reporting to the Security Council and Imperial High Commander. The Imperial Officers serve until death, resignation or dismissal by the Security Council or Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[color=#000000]Imperial Officers shall be appointed by the Imperial High Commander unless both members of the Security Council object, and can be dismissed at any time by the Imperial High Commander. Alternatively an Imperial Officer can be dismissed with the support of a unanimous decision within the security council.[/color]

[color=#000000]Foreign Affairs[/color]

[color=#000000]It is the role of the IOFA(s) to forward Imperia’s political position and ensure satisfactory diplomatic communications with all allies of the Order. The IOFA(s) may propose a review of a treaty or draft, but such a review can only be approved by a vote of majority within the Ministerial and Security Consul, with the final approval being vested within the authority of the Imperial High Commander. The IOFA(s) can promote or dismiss any of the staff within the Department of Foreign Affairs. The IOFA(s)’ decision can be vetoed by the SecCouncil or Imperial High Commander.[/color]


[color=#000000]It is the role of the IOD(s) to ensure that Imperia’s military is of an efficient nature and that all rogue and raiding incidents are dealt with swiftly and in a diplomatic manner. The IOD(s) can promote or dismiss any of the staff within the Department of War and Defense. The IOD(s)’ decision can be vetoed by the SecCouncil or Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[color=#000000]Internal Affairs[/color]

[color=#000000]It is the role of the IOIA(s) to establish guidelines for entry and departure from TIO, to maintain the operation and functionality of an academy, to ensure all of Imperia's nations are in an efficient manner with the assistance of the IOD(s), and ensure our Media and Communication departments are working efficiently. The IOIA(s) can promote or dismiss any of the staff within the Department of Internal Affairs. The IOIA(s)’ decision can be vetoed by the SecCouncil or Imperial High Commander.[/color]


[color=#000000]The Imperial Officer(s) of Finance is the head of the financial department. It is the role of the IOF(s) to ensure all of TIOs nations are in the best condition with the assistant of the IOD(s). The IOF(s) can promote or dismiss any of the staff within the Department of Finance. The IOF(s)’ decision can be vetoed by the SecCouncil or Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article IV: Imperial Council[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]The Imperial Council shall be made up of ex-government members. These councillors shall not hold any official power over the members of TIO. Instead they shall offer their advice to the current government. Members of the Imperial Council shall be appointed and removed at the discretion of the Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article V: The Judicator[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]The Judicator shall embody the Judiciary of The Imperial Order. The Judiciary shall have the sole authority to interpret all TIO legislation and conventions, and shall be required to consider investigating any judicial questions put to him by the Imperial High Commander, Councils, or TIO members. The Judiciary shall have the duty and the sole authority to rule any action or inaction investigated as legal or illegal in accordance with TIO legislation. All matters related to the considering of such cases must be made public unless the Judiciary feels doing so would imperil the safety of The Imperial Order, and all verdicts must be made public. The Judiciary may at any point demand that any government information relating to a matter under consideration be presented to the Judiciary.[/color]

[color=#000000]The Judiciary shall be required to publicly submit to the Imperial High Commander any number of enabling legislative motions that the Judiciary considers important to streamline the function of the government and to underwrite case law. The Imperial High Commander shall automatically propose any such submissions as a government motion in accordance with Section III.[/color]

[color=#000000]The Judicator shall be elected every three months from amongst the Imperial Body. Each member who wishes may cast a vote for anyone who declares their candidacy, and the candidate who achieves the majority of the vote shall be proclaimed the Judicator. Such a vote shall be administered by the Imperial High Commander or by the Security Council in the IHC’s stead. The Judicator can only be removed by the Imperial High Commander.[/color]

[size=3][b][color=#000000][b]Section II: Defense and War[/b][/color][/b][/size]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article I[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]All Offensive Military Action by members, lacking authority and approval to do, (Declaration of War or the use of Spy Operations) is prohibited unless permission is granted by the Imperial Officer(s) of Defence, the Security Council or Imperial High Commander. This does not include Global War or Alliance war, addressed below.[/color]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article II[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]A declaration of wars and activation of treaty responsibilities shall require the assent of the Imperial High Commander along with the Security Council.[/color]

[size=3][b][color=#000000][b]Section III: Amendments[/b][/color][/b][/size]

[b][color=#666666][b]Article I[/b][/color][/b]

[color=#000000]Any member of the Imperial Order may suggest amendment of this Charter to the Imperial Government; however, only a member of the Councils or the Imperial High Commander may propose an amendment as a formal proposal. The proposal will be put to a referendum and final vote of the alliance membership, to be held for a minimum of 72 hours administered by the Councils or their representatives. With a successful majority vote by the alliance membership, the amendment proposal must then be approved by the Imperial High Commander.[/color]


[size=2][color=#000000]Scorponok of Dead Space, Imperial High Commander[/color][/size][/i][/size][/font][/color]


[left]Believe me this Charter is hell of a lot shorter than our previous one and clarifies a few decision making processes in TIO. It also adds an Imperial Council and Imperial Judicator to our government. To make sure we as a government aren't being total assfarts and running around with our assets hanging loose. It took us weeks to decide on new names for the government positions, but after we couldn't reach a majority consensus we just stuck with the old names. [/left]

[left]Secondly a few Imperials have climbed up the food chain.[/left]

[left]Klinker takes over from Galvatron to act as Internal Commander, where Moufassa takes his place as Imperial Officer of Internal Affairs. I would like to thank Galvatron for all the hardwork he has given Imperia over the last several months and wish him well IRL.[/left]

[left]Partisan ascended to the rank of Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs (this is your first point of contact in regards to complaints and issues).[/left]

[left]Now we had our first election since our first year of inception, this election was definitely not corrupt and in no way was a sham. But regardless of the processes, I can announce that [s]Scorponok[/s] The Archduke has taken the position of Imperial Judicator. May his justice be swift.[/left]

[left]I also have the honour of selecting the first Imperial Council; Galvatron, Kahlan Rahl, Narcicyst and Charles Stuart. May they represent Imperia well.[/left]

[left]With all that heres our full government lineup:[/left]

[center][color=#0000ff][b]Imperial High Commander[/b]; Scorponok[/color][/center]
[center][color=#b22222][b]External Commander;[/b] Stagger Lee[/color][/center]
[center][color=#b22222][b]Internal Commander;[/b] Klinker[/color][/center]
[center][color=#006400][b]Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs[/b]; Partisan[/color][/center]
[center][color=#006400][b]Imperial Officer of Internal Affairs[/b]; Moufassa[/color][/center]
[center][color=#006400][b]Imperial Officer of Finance[/b]; htmlmaster[/color][/center]
[center][color=#006400][b]Imperial Officer of Defense[/b]; Apocalypsse[/color][/center]

[center][color=#ff8c00][b]Imperial Judicator;[/b] The Archduke[/color][/center]
[center][color=#ff8c00][b]Imperial Council[/b]; Galvatron, Kahlan Rahl, Narcicyst, Charles Stuart[/color][/center]

[center]Our forums: www.cn-tio.com[/center]
[center]Our IRC: #TIO[/center]

[left]tl;dr new gov, new charter, elections were held, TIO is not corrupt.[/left]

Edited by Scorponok
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[quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1354543096' post='3059978']... we also have become slightly Democratic (not that Democratic GATO).
Closer.... closer...

Also, I still maintain my claims to the[size=1][size=3][size=5][size=4] title and position of Official Spokesperson of TIO, which as bestowed upon me [size=1](which may or may not have been done legally, and may or may not be an official or even existent position).[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]

o/ TIO, you guys rock

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[quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1354543096' post='3059978']
[center]I would like to thank Galvatron for all the hardwork he has given Imperia over the last several months[/center]

I lol'd

Also, terrible Charter. You should feel bad :|

Edited by MitchellBade
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Good to finally see this up and running. Good luck to the newly promoted and such.
[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1354559263' post='3060039']
Can't speak to the others, but congratulations Klinker.
Can't or won't? [/Archer]

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