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The Game Is Up

Kaiser Martens

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(For ambience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YFAecL52MU )

People of the World,
Former friends, former comrades, former enemies,

I have seen much in my time, I have built much, and destroyed even more. I have had the privilege of leading an extraordinary group of people into battles of epic proportions. I have had the privilege of helping create something greater than myself. But above all, I have had the privilege of facing great challenges and opponents: I have had the privilege of bringing much fun and entertainment into the game, by being sometimes hated, sometimes loved, and even, sometimes ignored only to re-surface unexpectedly. I have been sometimes a leader, sometimes a soldier, but almost always an entertainer, if not a target altogether. And I am thankful for it all. The only side effect which I do resent, is allowing my ego to become too bloated for my own good. That ends now, however.

The time has come, to lay down Kaiser Martens to sleep forever. Under a mountain, while ravens watch eternally. So simple it is. My time in this world has gone by, and I now must cast this aside, for various reasons. To some degree, yes, I have become tired of this game. But it is also the truth that I simply have no time, nor any more energy to devote to it. It has been a beautiful story, but all stories have got to end sometime. Writers may know what I mean.

CN has been an enrichening experience. I have learned a lot about others, and about myself. Yet now there are things that I need to learn, that I cannot get here. Plus, either way new schedules would leave no time aside for any further e-pursuits. Though, if you should wish to remain in contact, simply send me a private message. I might give you a mail address. Who knows? Life is long. Things may change again. Sometime.

I'll hit the delete button in some days. I simply found it distasteful to leave with so much as a word to those that gave me so much. I will miss you. But I can tell you: I will never regret departing.

As always,

[i]Deutschland Über Alles[/i]

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I've been kind of expecting this since you quit CNRP, You are certainly someone who has created a unique and interesting IC persona, and this game loses one of the few of those who actually remained, come back and visit sometime Martens, I'm sure most of us will be around for quite a while.

and yes tbm, you beat me because for once I actually read the thread before posting.

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I'll dig up your address and mail you, like five years ago. Though, I am certain your address must of changed between then and now, yes? Although, I am quite certain you must dislike me on some level since I quit Nordreich last year and deleted/re-rolled and joined the Mostly Harmless Alliance (you did say as much in January). However, that aside, you have been a splendid friend these last almost six years, and despite a few things you cost me along the way (I know you remember those things... heh), I have no bad feelings for you.

T'was a pleasure being in Nordreich/Grossdeutches Reich/Norden Verein and again Nordreich with you while you were Kaiser, my mentor and my greatest moment when I left the International Communist Party as their Director of Foreign Relations just to $%&@ things up and roll !@#$ with you. Your time here has been spent well, despite your near non-existent presence for the last year or so.

I'll see you around.


EDIT: Grammar.

Edited by Proest
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[quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1341202326' post='3001556']
Everyone says "good luck" in these threads, making the world out to be a place where you need "good luck" to survive.[/quote]
well for normal people, maybe. but we play cn so.

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