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Champions of war, waged from peace mode


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Cybernations has been witness to many powerful alliances, so powerful in fact, that they belong in a class all by themselves. And they share many commonalities. Among them, they were the rule breakers, the game changers, and the trendsetters.
These alliances were the political titans of their times. They were the alliances who were lead by those possessing the cunning, and foresight that others have marveled at. They were hated, envied, loved, duplicated but never replicated. These alliances were the military menaces that literally struck fear into their enemies, and even their own allies. They were the economic behemoths that produced a foundation so solid that it seemed unshakeable and impenetrable. In fact, many of these alliances are reminiscent of some of the greatest empires the world has ever seen.

Enter Sparta. Sparta is literally nothing I mentioned above. In fact, it is probably safe to say that France copied them. I beg you, Cybernation, to pity them. Yes, pity France as they will never be able to attain a level of misery on the scale that Sparta has accomplished.

France will never be able to exceed, let alone meet the exemplary track record of Sparta’s fantastically terrible military performance. Their military inferiority begins early in the morning when Spartan commanders take roll call. Spartan soldiers dare not show up late.


Do you see that CN? They have a nuclear emergency strike team that’s able to strike at a moment’s notice. They are even rumored to be able to deploy nuclear weapons before 24 hours during emergency situations.

Spartan leadership has also been able to organize a coalition of other alliances to aid in their global peacekeeping mission. If you wish speak with Sparta and leaders of other coalition members, please, drop them a line in any of these channels. But make sure your uniform is pressed and your boots are polished first.


How does a Spartan economy support such massive military spending you ask? By the very same policies that allowed the U.S. to support their military over the Soviet Union during the cold war. Tech. They are able to harvest large amounts of tech from their tech plantations located around various areas of planet bob.


And further economic incentives


Let us explore another avenue in which Sparta excels. Foreign affairs. Masters of diplomacy. Here are a few alliances that Spartan government considers of so much value, that they have wooed them with private embassies, fancy steak dinners, and cigars and scotch in the gentlemen’s club.


Believe it or not, foreign relations also happens to be a specialty of every member of Sparta.


Beware Non Grata. Sparta’s parched lips would like nothing more than to be quenched by “NGer blood.” That’s right, ready your battalions, Alfonso. Also watch the $%&@ out for Enzos, NG. He’s a veteran with a $%&@load of medals, and he’s not !@#$@#$ around.


TLDR; France, catch the $%&@ up to Sparta.

Oh, and also


Seriously, wtf are you still waiting for Sparta?

Edited by Swamy
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Cult of Justitia has a private embassy at Sparta? Well, I'll be . . .
Who is the diplomat?

Not quite as witty, but one of the better TWiP clones; coherent writing, screenshot rich, unifying narrative. Needs work in the areas of snappiness/wittiness of analysis, twisting of words, slick header, and handsome host.

I am having a little trouble with the point. The main point of a thread like this is of course to flout your spy, and you did that. But the largest chunk is member banter, which can always be entertaining, but I fail to see how some guys talking about foreign affairs and making poop jokes reflects that Sparta is inept or anything. Is it dumb to think they could get a treaty with Pacifica, Polaris, or anyone else? Maybe, but if you spy on an alliance you're going to find dumb "we should treaty..." posts, and skimming over the Polaris thread, it looks like any discussion of FA with either Order: drama, being used, old grudges, etc.

If the over-arching narrative here is "Sparta: Worse than France" and your proof is an alliance with a responsive econ team, a membership that is interested in FA, and a gov that is trying to stay on top of a dynamic world political situation, then I'm afraid I'm not sold.

Edited by Schattenmann
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I mean I laughed pretty hard when the one guy said "but you can't !@#$ a diamond, can you?", but screenies of what seems like a spy who is an average member in an alliance with 100+ members seems pretty lame to me. I was going to give you points just for posting the screenies on the OWF, but then you had to go with a lame peace mode joke for your finale. Ugh, I'm so conflicted. :(

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"We will never abandon our brothers, so enter peace mode!" - King of Sparta

"I told FARK last time that fight of the silent coalition of DH/CnG/PF/DR because they were dangerous and we could not fight those numbers. They ignored me and were rolled in the last conflict." - King Louis the II

"Would it be wrong to suggest that we should add Legion to XX? I think they would be a great addition." - Membership of Sparta

"I say we destroy XX using our military." Alfonso IV

"After a request for my demotion, I became out of the loop. Yet I still know there is no way to beat DH/CnG/PF/DR." - King Louis the II, in response to Adrian.

"DH/CnG/PF/DR will not be together rolling us in the next war." - Adrian, King of Sparta, in response to King Louis the II

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the quotes of 2012.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340202652' post='2990019']
Why the comparison to France, aside from a terrible grasp of modern history?
Because in the past Sparta almost conquered the world numerous times.

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OOC: France managed to rule from the South of the Iberian Peninsula to Moscow. No one has ever replicated that feat. No one. So saying that they "copied Sparta" and they have to work to catch up to Sparta's level is implying that Sparta is one of the greatest military forces ever known.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1340210307' post='2990114']
Everyone should attack Non Grata. Being at war with Non Grata is the hip new fashion accessory of 2012.

I look forward to your allies' declarations at update -1.

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