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Champions of war, waged from peace mode


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1340201383' post='2990001']
Cult of Justitia has a private embassy at Sparta? Well, I'll be . . .
Who is the diplomat?

Not quite as witty, but one of the better TWiP clones; coherent writing, screenshot rich, unifying narrative. Needs work in the areas of snappiness/wittiness of analysis, twisting of words, slick header, and handsome host.

I am having a little trouble with the point. The main point of a thread like this is of course to flout your spy, and you did that. But the largest chunk is member banter, which can always be entertaining, but I fail to see how some guys talking about foreign affairs and making poop jokes reflects that Sparta is inept or anything. Is it dumb to think they could get a treaty with Pacifica, Polaris, or anyone else? Maybe, but if you spy on an alliance you're going to find dumb "we should treaty..." posts, and skimming over the Polaris thread, it looks like any discussion of FA with either Order: drama, being used, old grudges, etc.

If the over-arching narrative here is "Sparta: Worse than France" and your proof is an alliance with a responsive econ team, a membership that is interested in FA, and a gov that is trying to stay on top of a dynamic world political situation, then I'm afraid I'm not sold.

zzzptm requested the embassy shortly after he joined you guys.

[quote]Also watch the $%&@ out for Enzos, NG. He’s a veteran with a $%&@load of medals, and he’s not !@#$@#$ around.[/quote]

Damn right. The image you tried posting isn't loading for me. :(

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Sparta reciprocates NG's dislike of them? [i][b]And[/b][/i] they have massive awards in their signatures?!

They truly are terrible people.

[spoiler]Is that how I was supposed to react? I'm not too sure... there doesn't seem to be any cohesive point to this. You might as well have done a logdump from their public channel; saved time and effort. :unsure: [/spoiler]

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1340242326' post='2990872']
I like how Sparta are still under the delusion that they are tough !@#$.

Have you seen dem medals bro? They're obviously exceptional fighters.

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