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Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1334452797' post='2953500']
I didn't dump any logs and yes they never threatened to cancel.
Looking back, I see it was actually President Gunn who posted the logs, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110331&view=findpost&p=2952933"]here[/url]. I thought of your name because he was quoting you. My mistake, I apologize.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1334458604' post='2953573']
Disregard Invicta, Legion; acquire CnG.

I'll write something up! :ehm:

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1334459939' post='2953580']
I'll write something up! :ehm:

And thanks to this visit by some very hospitable comrades, who are sitting in my living room right now, I feel very compelled to state that I look forward to your announcement with great enthusiasm.

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1334449938' post='2953452']
Personal note: Regardless of how many times Invicta has "fallen on their sword" for NPO, they're still some of the biggest cowards this planet has ever seen. As a matter of fact, NPO was about the only group they'd go to war for. They're spineless, and NPO can now find more honorable allies.

I'll echo my last post. Invicta was willing and ready to go to war for Europa during the NEW/DF War, it was Pacifica who begging them not to enter. So as for your statement calling Invicta cowards? Please continue to show your ignorance.

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[quote]Personal note: Regardless of how many times Invicta has "fallen on their sword" for NPO, they're still some of the biggest cowards this planet has ever seen. As a matter of fact, NPO was about the only group they'd go to war for. They're spineless, and NPO can now find more honorable allies.[/quote]

That seems a bit harsh. I can tell you we never took any decisions lightly, and more often than not spoke to NPO before we did anything. But again, the tone of personal animosity in that post seems out of all proportion to the perceived wrong.

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;D Congratulations Invicta,

NPO has turned its back on the rest of its world to roll around in the dirt with MK and Co.

Nothing has changed since Karma, and a treaty with Pacifica is only a guaranteed knife in the back.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1334449938' post='2953452']
Alliances are sovereign entities, and all actions have reactions. NPO and Invicta have discussed the proper course of action, and I can tell you, this wasn't sparked by Invicta signing with CSN. This really has been a long time in coming.

Brehon, you remind me more and more of Ivan Moldavi. I like it. Keep it up.


This I can go for, but the rest was just trash from my own experience with Invicta. Best of luck to you all on your future endeavors o/

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1334466616' post='2953631']
;D Congratulations Invicta,

NPO has turned its back on the rest of its world to roll around in the dirt with MK and Co.

Nothing has changed since Karma, and a treaty with Pacifica is only a guaranteed knife in the back.

remember when you were trying to join MK like three months ago

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1334450464' post='2953465']
every ally must even up the war score before cancelling a treaty, got it

That's one thing, but Invicta's case is something entirely different.

It seems like their entire existence has been based on massaging NPO's feet. I like Brehon's explanation of 'pushing them out of the nest', but the timing is awful.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see what path they take from here. Legion has been a joke since the Valhalla splinter (re-ally with ODN! Good Lord). Europa? They have the same vibe that Andromeda gave out - which is far from a compliment.

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[quote name='King Biscuit' timestamp='1334439926' post='2953344']
We are, however, strongly considering coming back to purple.
To be with our #1 fan........
wickedj everyone, give him a hand!
What can i say, your alliance failing so hard amuses me greatly

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1334481381' post='2953684']
Must be a liberating feeling Pacifica :)
For both I say.

They are zigging we are zagging. It was obvious this isn't going to really work for some time, dragging it out of respect for the past just prolonged the drama, which was silly and irrational but only human.

Now both can do their thing, which they obviously want to do. I hardly see an issue, of course though, those that want to verbally attack any of the both sides will always find something to say but that is just background noise here, always present.

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[quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1334468339' post='2953646']
That's one thing, but Invicta's case is something entirely different.

It seems like their entire existence has been based on massaging NPO's feet. I like Brehon's explanation of 'pushing them out of the nest', but the timing is awful.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see what path they take from here. Legion has been a joke since the Valhalla splinter (re-ally with ODN! Good Lord). Europa? They have the same vibe that Andromeda gave out - which is far from a compliment.
And who should be blamed for Invicta choosing to be a masseur? Certainly not NPO. Unless you think Invicta is incapable of making sovereign decisions.

I'm not sure why the timing is awful. Neither Invicta nor any of their allies seem to be in any immediate danger. In terms of the CSN treaty, it makes sense to cancel after the final straw lands.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1334494791' post='2953715']
In terms of the CSN treaty, it makes sense to cancel after the final straw lands.

That treaty we were assured multiple times they were fine with? Yeah, that. :mellow:

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[quote name='Jorost' timestamp='1334456867' post='2953561']
To be honest, I have never understood the general ill will felt towards my alliance, both before, during, and after my time as head of government. I don't know what others saw; what I saw almost without exception were fun, decent, goodhearted, honest, smart (well, okay, not all of them) people, certainly not the type to make enemies. So what was it? Haf? Has he really rubbed that many people the wrong way? I would take issue with that, but whatever. You feel what you feel. What I would say, however, is that Haf is no more an active member of Invicta's government on a day-to-day basis than I am. Which is to say not much. We breeze in from time to time and offer words of advice, but for the most part we are occupied with our own projects. Me as the freewheelin' ex-president of Invicta, him as whatever the Hell it is he does in that godforsaken windswept medieval nightmare of a country. Llonach. How do you even [i]say[/i] that? L - L - phlegm...

Being associated with NPO and Haf I think were the main reasons. I do not think it is a fair assessment.

Invicta is one of the alliance I personally like and hope some day our paths will merge again.

Good luck Invicta. I mean that to the truest sense of the word. /salute

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