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An Announcement from TLR and NPO

Voodoo Nova

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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316557920' post='2804741']
Why would I be angry? I don't even understand you people.

Also I don't know what the deal with that aid is, but I accepted before I read the note so I'll be sending it back in 10 days.
So what you're saying is that you're reneging on the tech deal that you just accepted?

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1316553563' post='2804665']
I know she is the core behind what is not acceptable in the NPO. Top of that list is how we handle ourselves and our allies.

I know what you meant to say. I'm not sure you said it.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1316556102' post='2804709']
I find it hilarious that some people still hate NPO this much from CnG. My God you've done far worse to them the past two and a half years than you ever experienced at their hands.


[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316556747' post='2804721']
You aren't alone. All that has changed is the willingness of the NPO to be used, and the willingness of others to use the NPO. In a years time or so the NPO will be back to its previous pariah status and everyone will suddenly remember their myriad of past crimes. I guess that makes you a forward thinker!

I have, as you can well imagine, been observing the development of the TLR/NPO relationship quite closely. I've been surprised to see little evidence that either side is using the other. You may be right, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316560698' post='2804809']
This is not the proper place for such an inane discussion. Check your nation.
I merely asked for clarification of one of your posts. Here. On the public boards. Seems like a swell place to have an altogether important discussion.

I'm looking at my nation and all I see is that I ought to pay my bills.

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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1316556269' post='2804712']
Well I don't like to get involved in things like this since I am not involved, but this needs mentioning. Two Wars have been fought against NPO. Karma, and this most recent one where they got curb stomped. That hardly equates to multiple wars of abuse, and the alliances that were forced off of bob.

The only alliance left who may possibly have any beef with NPO would be FAN imo and even that's sketchy after the multi-month CBless war they just finished against NPO a few months ago. Otherwise they've taken far worse than they ever dished out and chose to stick around through it all and not disband. Step back and realize that NPO has been out of power basically since OoO was dissolved in 2008. Once that happened the Karma dominoes started falling. Since early 2009 they've been politically isolated, and rolled in massive nuclear wars unlike anything ever witnessed. Oh and forced to pay the largest reps in history for a year. There are nations on Bob that are nearly 1000 days old who never witnessed NPO being anything less than a pariah and a punching bag.

I actually give major hats off to TLR and NPO for doing this. The same old same old gets extremely boring and this is a grudge that should be moved past.

To those complaining the most, find some new way to define your reason for being on Bob. If NPO has still dominated your existence after the past 2.5 years of them being beaten and isolated, that's more your issue than anything they've done.

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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316556747' post='2804721']
You aren't alone. All that has changed is the willingness of the NPO to be used, and the willingness of others to use the NPO. In a years time or so the NPO will be back to its previous pariah status and everyone will suddenly remember their myriad of past crimes. I guess that makes you a forward thinker!

You have accused the NPO of selling its pride and here stating a willingness to be used. What you fail to grasp is the NPO has taken accountability for its actions. In this accountability and communication relationships have been forged. If you cannot understand this you are proving why I am glad I am Pacifica and you are not my Emperor as short sightedness and snide comments offer nothing for the future. We all know there is (or was) tension between Polaris and Remnants, the fact the NPO didn't agree with your version or view of it doesn't mean you nor Polaris should start flinging crap. In one year, we shall see about who the pariah isn't, who is good for their word, solid in their actions and dedicated to their members and allies. Better bet on blue and black or consider your money lost.

As for the comments about Mary, I stated an Emperor certainly has more ability to go with their beliefs than a Regent or and IO. If you don't understand that, I guess we can start there. Gah yeah I did word that poorly at best. What I was saying was Mary has taken many things that were acceptable for the NPO in the past and said they are not acceptable and we will not be doing them.

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1316561437' post='2804830']
As for the comments about Mary, I stated an Emperor certainly has more ability to go with their beliefs than a Regent or and IO.[/quote]

A Regent or an IO always has the ability to do what they feel is right. Only Pacifican drones, thoroughly reprogrammed in the NPO cage, would believe otherwise. You can argue that Mary has had a change of heart, but saying that she was just following orders in the past and if she could would have done otherwise is a harsh indictment against her character. Plenty of high-ranking NPO officials stood up for what they believed in and got kicked out and persecuted for it. If Mary believed what the NPO was doing was wrong and not only refused to speak out but facilitated it in her position as an IO, then she is a coward.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1316562738' post='2804862']
Your fixation with NpO was duly noted.

Your fixation with myself [b]has been[/b] duly noted. If you decide not to take advice freely given then so be it.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1316562905' post='2804865']
Your fixation with myself [b]has been[/b] duly noted. If you decide not to take advice freely given then so be it.

You need to worry about your own alliance before start to point fingers, the fact that you don't, only make your posts be hilariously ironic as I said in the other thread.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1316556102' post='2804709']
I find it hilarious that some people still hate NPO this much from CnG. My God you've done far worse to them the past two and a half years than you ever experienced at their hands.
Haha what?

I mean I'm not here to trash the treaty or take a side other than backing up my good friends/allies in TLR, but to say that losing two wars is equal to what Pacifica's victims suffered is pretty hilarious.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1316563393' post='2804874']
You need to worry about your own alliance before start to point fingers, the fact that you don't, only make your posts be hilariously ironic as I said in the other thread.

No need to worry about NSO, things are going just fine. I bet you wish you could say the same for Polar but it is what it is I guess.

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There are IO's that leave (just as there are members that leave) when they don't agree anymore. Then there are those that decide to stay and ride it out, fighting and making changes when they can with the belief in the end they can change the alliance for the better.

Those of us still around believe we can work together and make the changes. We have always believed it and we continue to fight for it. If you just leave... then you are the coward without any need for further discussion.

Edit for clarification: You = proverbial you, not Sal directly.

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1316556102' post='2804709']
I find it hilarious that some people still hate NPO this much from CnG. My God you've done far worse to them the past two and a half years than you ever experienced at their hands.

There will always be people in this game that hate NPO. They're just that kind of polarizing alliance with that kind of history. You may not think it's rational, but there's not a whole lot you can do about it. "Tough !@#$%*^" as they say.

Also, the "you've done far worse" claim is pretty rich. C&G has fought ONE war against NPO in the last 2.5 years. One war in 2.5 years is not even close to the kind of stuff NPO was dishing out in it's heyday. Not that it's relevant any more, all of this stuff is in the past. Hence the treaty. Derp.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1316549260' post='2804625']
I find Ventus' impossibly stretch rhetoric and unquestioning deference to authority not in keeping with the CnG heritage of TLR and more like the mouth-breathing parrots the NPO used to send out here to argue their indefensible positions.

Look at what you've become CnG! :o

:lol1: You've got to be joking! Not keeping with the CnG heritage? Did you not read the discussions on the TLR forums or CnG forums? We've been over this many times and even those that are against this treaty can't argue that it does in fact stick with our heritage. CnG is a suicide pact that was originally meant to destroy NPO. It accomplished that. However that is only a shell of what CnG believes. CnG believes in second chances, it was CnG that allowed ODN to be transformed ODN from the "Optional Defense Network" into one of the most trustworthy alliances on Bob!

If anything it's cowards like you that ruin CnG. You refuse to change the world like CnG was made to do. You refuse to give alliances second chances in tradition with CnG. You bail on your alliance at the first disagreement with it, your argument was "No pixels will be lost defending NPO." even though it is an optional treaty meaning you probably will not be defending Pacifica. I would advise you to stop posting such rubbish, you had plenty of chances to voice your opinion and you refused. Sour grapes.

Edited by Ventus
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[quote name='Ventus' timestamp='1316566138' post='2804921']
CnG believes in second chances, it was CnG that transformed ODN from the "Optional Defense Network" into one of the most trustworthy alliances on Bob!


I am sure you meant this as a compliment. I hope so anyway :awesome:

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Blacky' timestamp='1316554678' post='2804681']
ODN reworked their image but they put in work. I don't think the NPO has either changed their attitude or their image. Unlike you (by your own admission), I have grounds to base my opinions of the NPO ranging from this thread, to a few days and weeks ago. All inclusive, I have no reason to believe they've changed for the better, however I hold no ill-will towards you believing they have. Also, the idea that I haven't spoken to NPO since the Karma war is untrue.
I invite you to ask ODN what they think about us. I believe what you find won't conform to the entirety of your expectations.

[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1316555158' post='2804688']
This conversation is really funny. Am I the only one who was apart of C&G that still doesn't like NPO? I mean, no offense Pacifica, but where's the fun in changing a rivalry that works? It just works better this way for the both of us I think.
[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1316556826' post='2804723']
At this point, past crimes aside, I don't understand it because the last thing this world needs is to lose another one of its strongest, and last, real rivalries.
Well Stumpy, I'll agree to hate you with a passion if you agree to sell me tech. *Hat tip to Ardus for the idea*

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1316561435' post='2804829']
The only alliance left who may possibly have any beef with NPO would be FAN imo and even that's sketchy after the multi-month CBless war they just finished against NPO a few months ago. Otherwise they've taken far worse than they ever dished out and chose to stick around through it all and not disband. Step back and realize that NPO has been out of power basically since OoO was dissolved in 2008. Once that happened the Karma dominoes started falling. Since early 2009 they've been politically isolated, and rolled in massive nuclear wars unlike anything ever witnessed. Oh and forced to pay the largest reps in history for a year. [b]There are nations on Bob that are nearly 1000 days old who never witnessed NPO being anything less than a pariah and a punching bag.[/b]

I actually give major hats off to TLR and NPO for doing this. The same old same old gets extremely boring and this is a grudge that should be moved past.

To those complaining the most, find some new way to define your reason for being on Bob. If NPO has still dominated your existence after the past 2.5 years of them being beaten and isolated, that's more your issue than anything they've done.
Wow. I hadn't thought of things quite like that, but well said.

Edit: stuff

Edited by bakamitai
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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1316557920' post='2804741']
Also I don't know what the deal with that aid is, but I accepted before I read the note so I'll be sending it back in 10 days.

How could you both not know what the deal with the aid is? But then know because you read a pm, and so you've decided to give such aid back in 10 days?

Wouldn't you now know what the deal is, but you simply don't like or agree with the deal?

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1316563834' post='2804882']
There are IO's that leave (just as there are members that leave) when they don't agree anymore. Then there are those that decide to stay and ride it out, fighting and making changes when they can with the belief in the end they can change the alliance for the better.

Those of us still around believe we can work together and make the changes. We have always believed it and we continue to fight for it. If you just leave... then you are the coward without any need for further discussion.

Edit for clarification: You = proverbial you, not Sal directly.
Man, you really need to start proofreading your posts or something. Just in the last few pages I've seen multiple posts that are easily misinterpreted. Unless you meant to say that anyone who leaves their alliance is a coward.

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[quote name='Wyrmon' timestamp='1316553793' post='2804668']
I look forward to when we finally print our "What Would Londo Do" bracelets.

Why settle for bracelets when you can wear thongs?



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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1316562791' post='2804863']
A Regent or an IO always has the ability to do what they feel is right. Only Pacifican drones, thoroughly reprogrammed in the NPO cage, would believe otherwise.

My brainwash microchip is running low on batteries :mellow:
IOs, do something!

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