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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307328212' post='2724855']
What a load of hot rot. We agreed they screwed up and if you recall we also agreed Keve needed to pay reps, Keve also agreed. The payment was held of due to a global war so it hasn't been all that time waiting. Keve was a away in RL until recently and when he return he made arrangements which all parties were fine with. 11 days ago he paid half of it and his slots have only cleared yesterday.

You know as well as I do that all you needed to do was wait for him to be on an you had the last payment done.

Yes I think that fact it wasn't paid already is pathetic but this DoW is even more so, given he's 20 hours late on the last round of payments.

So, Dajobo--#2 in the Polar government hierarchy--states his belief that Polaris's allies in UINE are being wrongfully attacked by another alliance, yet he says nothing about taking action on UINE's behalf; instead, he merely whines about what he feels is an unwarranted military action against a defense-level treaty partner of his alliance.

Polaris: faithful when convenient! What is it you guys always say about your scabs or whatever?

Edited by Crymson
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I really don't understand Dajobo's post, quoted above. The DoW wasn't simply for making one payment late. It was for the entire chain of bullcrap they put R&R through. He broke deal after deal, and when he broke (YES, 20 hours late is BREAKING A DEAL) this last one, R&R said 'funk it.... we're attacking'.

I'm not going to sit here and call Polaris cowards for not defending UINE on the battlefield, but to say one thing ('R&R is a bunch of jerks!') and do another ('We're not going to attack R&R!') is a tough thing to witness in a well established government.

Edit: The circumstances of a global war are moot. You can still send aid while at war, and UINE should consider themselves lucky action wasn't taken sooner. Seriously, all they needed was 12 aid slots. They should have been able to handle it.

Edited by Lukapaka
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Crymson you seriously are a stupid man if you think we aren't doing anything to help UINE. Sure we could go to war and make this expand dragging in a stack of alliances and turning it into a damaging war lasting weeks, or in this case we can deal with R&R with no friction and co-operation from both parties making sure this whole matter is dealt with swiftly and without all of UINE's nations being trashed. It pretty obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that working with R&R to sort this quickly is acting in our allies best interest.

I stated frustration, because I know so many individuals and alliances who would have paid the money straight up to save a needless war and that still frustrates me. I implored Keve two weeks ago to get his alliance to help pay and he was adamant this was his bill and he wouldn't burden them with it. I also stressed to him in the strongest possible terms the importance of not screwing it up.

R&R ran out of patience and I'm disappointed but I am certainly not angry with them. Is that clear enough for you?

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307398519' post='2725676']
Crymson you seriously are a stupid man if you think we aren't doing anything to help UINE. [b]Sure we could go to war and make this expand dragging in a stack of alliances and turning it into a damaging war lasting weeks[/b], or in this case we can deal with R&R with no friction and co-operation from both parties making sure this whole matter is dealt with swiftly and without all of UINE's nations being trashed. It pretty obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that working with R&R to sort this quickly is acting in our allies best interest.

I stated frustration, because I know so many individuals and alliances who would have paid the money straight up to save a needless war and that still frustrates me. I implored Keve two weeks ago to get his alliance to help pay and he was adamant this was his bill and he wouldn't burden them with it. I also stressed to him in the strongest possible terms the importance of not screwing it up.

R&R ran out of patience and I'm disappointed but I am certainly not angry with them. Is that clear enough for you?

I'm sorry but I'm quite sure RnR would come out relatively unscratched while you and your allies would be obliterated quite rapidly.

Edited by kriekfreak
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1307398850' post='2725682']
I'm sorry but I'm quite sure RnR would come out relatively unscratched while you and your allies would be obliterated quite rapidly.

LMAO you should do stand up, you'll bring the house down

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[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1307399526' post='2725693']
LMAO you should do stand up, you'll bring the house down

Given who R&R have alongside them, it would be comedy for anybody to try and enter in defence of UINE tbh.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1307398850' post='2725682']
I'm sorry but I'm quite sure RnR would come out relatively unscratched while you and your allies would be obliterated quite rapidly.

Exactly. And I believe that fact is central to Polar's decision to be unusually docile in their response to the affair.

[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1307399526' post='2725693']
LMAO you should do stand up, you'll bring the house down

I don't see how what he said could be called inaccurate even in the least bit.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1307399526' post='2725693']
LMAO you should do stand up, you'll bring the house down
Ha. You know what's funny? That what he stated wasn't inaccurate at all.

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Well, this is one of the most clear cut CB's I've seen in a long time.

Sounds like things are moving along in back channels, and thats good. It sucks when a situation goes for this long and the one person that says he's taking care of isn't.

Hope things work out, good luck R&R and hope that UINE has learned a valuable lesson about activity and making sure that when you sign surrender terms agreeing to pay reps within a specified timeframe that they will make sure to comply with them in the future.

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307398519' post='2725676']
Crymson you seriously are a stupid man if you think we aren't doing anything to help UINE. Sure we could go to war and make this expand dragging in a stack of alliances and turning it into a damaging war lasting weeks, or in this case we can deal with R&R with no friction and co-operation from both parties making sure this whole matter is dealt with swiftly and without all of UINE's nations being trashed. It pretty obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that working with R&R to sort this quickly is acting in our allies best interest.

I stated frustration, because I know so many individuals and alliances who would have paid the money straight up to save a needless war and that still frustrates me. I implored Keve two weeks ago to get his alliance to help pay and he was adamant this was his bill and he wouldn't burden them with it. I also stressed to him in the strongest possible terms the importance of not screwing it up.

R&R ran out of patience and I'm disappointed but I am certainly not angry with them. Is that clear enough for you?

UINE screwed up - simples.

We are negotiating to sort this and will.

We do not expect or want any of our friends to step in - this is our mess.

We respect the fact that there was an issue an it is being dealt with.

The money should have been and will be sent over now the current Gov has the info that it is owed in the first place.

The UINE does not blame RnR or AiD for losing patience. I think we would have too.

This will be resolved and all the bickering and mindless jibes can stop this is between AiD, RnR and the UINE

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1307405407' post='2725777']
Well, this is one of the most clear cut CB's I've seen in a long time.

Sounds like things are moving along in back channels, and thats good. It sucks when a situation goes for this long and the one person that says he's taking care of isn't.

Hope things work out, good luck R&R and hope that UINE has learned a valuable lesson about activity and making sure that when you sign surrender terms agreeing to pay reps within a specified timeframe that they will make sure to comply with them in the future.

Remember that RL gets in the way sometimes.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1307396734' post='2725641']
So, Dajobo--#2 in the Polar government hierarchy--states his belief that Polaris's allies in UINE are being wrongfully attacked by another alliance, yet he says nothing about taking action on UINE's behalf; instead, he merely whines about what he feels is an unwarranted military action against a defense-level treaty partner of his alliance.

Polaris: faithful when convenient! What is it you guys always say about your scabs or whatever?

Very unfair comments - The UINE has no need for Polaris to step in - it is our mess. Polaris are excellent allies and have always been there for us. So no whining has partaken. The conflict is unfortunate, however not totally undeserved. Stop trying to pick fights with something that is nothing to do with you.

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[quote name='REGHAR73' timestamp='1307406048' post='2725787']
Remember that RL gets in the way sometimes.
Sure, but that is precisely why there is typically a chain of command (a 2nd, 3rd, 4th person in charge) so that if one person is unable to do their duties, or will not have a lot of time to work on their duties, they should delegate their responsibilities to those who will have the time.

Like I said, I hope the lesson here is not lost on anyone, because it will help in the future. Having just 1 person who can solve issues is one way to fail, one person usually cannot do it all on their own which is what the rest of the government positions are usually there for, to help the leader(s) delegate where needed.

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[quote name='REGHAR73' timestamp='1307405963' post='2725785']
UINE screwed up - simples.

We are negotiating to sort this and will.

We do not expect or want any of our friends to step in - this is our mess.

We respect the fact that there was an issue an it is being dealt with.

The money should have been and will be sent over now the current Gov has the info that it is owed in the first place.

The UINE does not blame RnR or AiD for losing patience. I think we would have too.

This will be resolved and all the bickering and mindless jibes can stop this is between AiD, RnR and the UINE

This seems very reasonable...

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1307435506' post='2725976']
You are retired. Come back, the shuffleboard is waiting.

Be nice. It's not even his turn yet. I'm up next.

And, go RnR, doing what is necessary, from all appearances.

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307398519' post='2725676']
Crymson you seriously are a stupid man if you think we aren't doing anything to help UINE. Sure we could go to war and make this expand dragging in a stack of alliances and turning it into a damaging war lasting weeks, or in this case we can deal with R&R with no friction and co-operation from both parties making sure this whole matter is dealt with swiftly and without all of UINE's nations being trashed. It pretty obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that working with R&R to sort this quickly is acting in our allies best interest.

I stated frustration, because I know so many individuals and alliances who would have paid the money straight up to save a needless war and that still frustrates me. I implored Keve two weeks ago to get his alliance to help pay and he was adamant this was his bill and he wouldn't burden them with it. I also stressed to him in the strongest possible terms the importance of not screwing it up.

R&R ran out of patience and I'm disappointed but I am certainly not angry with them. Is that clear enough for you?

What would you have done in R&R's shoes? (I'm not making a dig or anything, I'm just curious)

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