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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307331476' post='2724982']
[color="#0000FF"]Coward? Do you know who you are speaking to? Rebel Virginia, the bravest, most courageous man to have ever graced this world. I well known for my valor, and my quickness to defend the weak and downtrodden. If UINE needs my nation, they need only ask me. But what they need more is my words, for the voices of scoundrels are drowning out the outrage that all of the world feels for this unjust attack.[/color]
I am the most courageous person in the cyberverse, you only throw your 3k ns nation(at best from what i have seen) into the fold, you never appear to ever succeed in getting peace for the downtrodden and the weak, why would you waste your money and NS when you can get them out through diplomatic means? throw 15 million at R&R and i will end this war by myself tomorrow, or is asking for them to simply pay their debts too much to ask?

Edited by Mogar
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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1307341988' post='2725217']
I am the most courageous person in the cyberverse, you only throw your 3k ns nation(at best from what i have seen) into the fold, you never appear to ever succeed in getting peace for the downtrodden and the weak, why would you waste your money and NS when you can get them out through diplomatic means? throw 15 million at R&R and i will end this war by myself tomorrow, or is asking for them to simply pay their debts too much to ask?
If getting peace is as simple as paying the 15m, I'll be surprised if this war lasts past tomorrow.

Good luck and have fun while it lasts to everyone involved I guess.

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Up front I'd like to apologise to my friends in UINE for what I am about to say by way of an apology to RnR and the AiD guys who are the real injured party here. Basically someone needs to eat a little !@#$, and here I believe it is UINE, which is us - which might as well be me.

Like most of UINE I have been largely inactive since the last war when we copped a real hiding. See I got bored because as MoF I found it impossible to get any aid (of any kind be it tech deal, rebuilding aid or whatever) flowing in the alliance at all without getting Keve to personally PM the bank in question for the money. Nothing in UINE works without Keve, so if Keve is on holiday - the bus aint making that next stop. Actually that's unfair. There are a number of things that do work but none of them are positive. Also, please don't discount the fact that I may indeed be grossly incompetant.

So this whole thing is not a surprise to me.

However, I am still a member of UINE and largely they are a nice bunch of guys with cool ideas like 'stick up for your allies' and 'why have a war chest?' and 'let's have a laugh' and 'fight like a man!' and 'nukes are too expensive to shoot!'. Infact if you repeat those statements over and over for a few minutes, you will have a pretty good understanding of what it is like to be in UINE.

Anyway, moving on.

I'd like to apologise to RnR for the inability of UINE to pay the reps. As an individual citizen of planet Bob and a current member of UINE, I am very upset to find that this wrong doing has occured and more upset to find that, by proxy, I have been a part of it. Also I guess I am still MoF at the moment even though I resigned and went inactive weeks ago...but I still have the mask and everything and no one has replaced me, so allow me to add that (incredible) weight to the apology. As MoF I am truly sorry for our inability to get this small amount of money (even though based on our ability to shift aid, it is significant proportionally) to you guys in anything that even remotely resembles a reasonable amount of time.

UINE are not bad guys at all, they are infact almost all awesome guys that mean no harm. They are just mostly inactive guys nowadays that don't pay attention (myself included) and the guys with the ability to pay reps generally either don't care or don't care to listen to aid requests.

So, now while I still retain membership (as I said these guys are quite inactive so I probably have a little while), I feel the desire to repay those within UINE I have potentially insulted and annoyed with my honest and candid post, by offering to accept the burden of these reps soley upon my shoulders in whatever form RnR sees fit.

I have 5 slots free right now and will send an amount you decree starting as soon as I get the communication in either tech or money to your desired targets.

Please allow me to do this small service to UINE by helping to resolve this issue. There is more at stake here than just mere money - that is why I am giving you the reality of the situation as I see it - and I agree you have just cause to feel severely wronged and insulted. Again, my apology for that.

Oh yes and you may have guess I haven't discussed this with anyone at UINE - but tbh I am not convinced they can do any better than what has been done before. Wheras myself, for all my incompetance, political disatrousness and certainly interesting spelling and grammar, I can trust with this simple task.

Edit: Contact info: In Game PM would be good, my deets: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=355468
Edit 2,3,4: copy and paste FAIL, wording FAIL

Edited by MinuteVariance
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329072' post='2724884'][color="#0000FF"]If I didn't know better I would believe that you were attempting to bait Polaris into another curbstomp. Tell me, sir, how much convincing did it take from TOP to get you to act on this excuse of yours?[/color][/quote]

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329072' post='2724884'][color="#0000FF"]
If this is not an attempt to bait Polaris into yet another war then my name is Sally.
[/color][/quote]o nice edit, Sally

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[quote name='MinuteVariance' timestamp='1307352976' post='2725286']
Up front I'd like to apologise to my friends in UINE for what I am about to say by way of an apology to RnR...snip

I think this man deserves an award, personally. Keve on the other hand, deserves to burn.

Edited by Balder
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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1307341988' post='2725217']
I am the most courageous person in the cyberverse, you only throw your 3k ns nation(at best from what i have seen) into the fold, you never appear to ever succeed in getting peace for the downtrodden and the weak, why would you waste your money and NS when you can get them out through diplomatic means? throw 15 million at R&R and i will end this war by myself tomorrow, or is asking for them to simply pay their debts too much to ask?
[color="#0000FF"]You are but an insignificant whelp next to me. Do not dare compare yourself to the illustrious Rebel Virginia. My greatness is without equal and my accomplishments are many, whereas you are a laughingstock. Where have I succeeded in seeing justice? Everywhere, on a large enough time line. Rebel Virginia is a prudent man, and does not rush forth into defeat. Rather our hero waits patiently, and triumphs when it is least expected.

As for ending this, I have already made the offer to pay off the remainder of UINE's debts. The fact that RnR refuses to acknowledge me is only further proof that they have no intent to release UINE from this torment. No, they will keep this up for months, maybe even years, until Polaris has no choice but to defend their wayward ally. Then the trap is sprung and TOP will be upon them, and they will push for both eternal war and outrageous reparations. If this is not so then I truly am Sally.[/color]

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307326245' post='2724777']
This amazes and disappoints me.

Keve had an agreement with AID and because he's 20 hours late and without even checking if there's a reason you declare war?
4340 hrs by my count but thats conservative estimate

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1307341430' post='2725207']
How long does R&R expect to continue the war? One round? Two?

What sort of peace are you looking to get here? I would just finish the war and declare white peace (it's what we've done before), but I would understand if you still want the final 18M.

I realize that normally this sort of knowledge would be held back for negotiation purposes, but there isn't really much to negotiate here. R&R can end the war pretty much whenever you want, and can likely get any reasonable terms that you want out of it, so might as well just lay it out there and assuage our curiosity.

You are right usually things like this will be withheld from the public. But i see no reason to hide my thoughts about this. We already briefly talked with MajorLu from UINE yesterday and today we'll start peacetalks. Unlike some people think we have no desire to draw in any of UINE's allies, we tried to pull NpO into the talks at a very early stage to avoid this months ago. We also don't have any desire to make their members suffer longer then need be, so this can probably be resolved within less then a week.

UINE is too small and war damaged to send over any reps that would truly help R&R, on top of that we have no desire to enrich ourselves here, however, we do not wish to go through this entire process again in a few months, nor do we wish another alliance (perhaps someone who can't push back) to go through this. Or even have the members of UINE face another attack over similar reasons.

Over the last few months there where several key moments where everything that happened from the day they attacked AiD till today could have been avoided. We'll be looking at these moments and set terms to prevent the same thing from happening again, with the intend of making life a little better for all.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1307334914' post='2725059']
You coming here to talk !@#$ about *ANYONE* is freaking hilarious considering how bad you and your alliance are,.

btw, when you gunna live up to those threats and roll Avalon? i got a bet w/ xoin that he could wreck your entire AA by himself
He's good at making promises, sadly enough he doesn't have a spine to backup anything of it.

Here have a checklist.
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] ZI'ng me
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Learned lessons from the Thriller-AcTi war
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Made it self a respectable alliance
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] An epic rebuilding phase
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Get a forum
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Register a IRC channel
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Get a active IRC channel
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Get a government
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Get spies, warchests, wonders and everything else war related.
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/checkbox.PNG[/img] Making all of the above a top priority.
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/Checkbox_true.png[/img] Get me sanctioned on the wrong color.

Edited by xoindotnler
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[quote name='MinuteVariance' timestamp='1307352976' post='2725286']

Please allow me to do this small service to UINE by helping to resolve this issue. There is more at stake here than just mere money - that is why I am giving you the reality of the situation as I see it - and I agree you have just cause to feel severely wronged and insulted. Again, my apology for that.

Oh yes and you may have guess I haven't discussed this with anyone at UINE - but tbh I am not convinced they can do any better than what has been done before. Wheras myself, for all my incompetance, political disatrousness and certainly interesting spelling and grammar, I can trust with this simple task.

Edit: Contact info: In Game PM would be good, my deets: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=355468
Edit 2,3,4: copy and paste FAIL, wording FAIL

I support MinuteVariance in this and also offer my free aid slots to help pay this debt as quickly as possible from my personal funds.
I also recently resigned as Minister from the Government at UINE but agree wholeheartedly with everything MV has stated.
Tell me where to send the aid and it will be done - MV you don't need to pay this yourself m8.

I see this as cut and dry. The government was unaware of this agreement. For this tiny amount of reps it is hardly worth a war. Or this much brain time. Keve hasn't been online in ages so I am guessing RL commitments have taken priority. So please contact me and tell me where to send the aid my nation ID is :

I am also acting outwith the UINE on this matter. I have no authorisation or orders to do such. I apologise to the members of the UINE for acting without their approval. I am speaking to RnR on behalf of reason and await them to respond with the coordinates of the aid to be sent. If this truly isn't a tech raid I would be expecting messages today at some point.

Former Minister of Growth (UINE) Reghar73 (Zeman)

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Well honestly, It was pretty dumb to not pay an amount as little as that. Ive paid atleast 36m in scammed tech deals.

Well, now I guess that 36m is going to cost you a WHOLE lot more in damage. Sad to see this for you, UINE.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307359238' post='2725317']
[color="#0000FF"]You are but an insignificant whelp next to me. Do not dare compare yourself to the illustrious Rebel Virginia. My greatness is without equal and my accomplishments are many, whereas you are a laughingstock. Where have I succeeded in seeing justice? Everywhere, on a large enough time line. Rebel Virginia is a prudent man, and does not rush forth into defeat. Rather our hero waits patiently, and triumphs when it is least expected.

As for ending this, I have already made the offer to pay off the remainder of UINE's debts. The fact that RnR refuses to acknowledge me is only further proof that they have no intent to release UINE from this torment. No, they will keep this up for months, maybe even years, until Polaris has no choice but to defend their wayward ally. Then the trap is sprung and TOP will be upon them, and they will push for both eternal war and outrageous reparations. If this is not so then I truly am Sally.[/color]

Sally Virginia. I like it.

Honestly I don't think anybody expects Polar to defend its ally. That and this just seems like a bit of heavy motivation for UINE to get its govt in order.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1307367356' post='2725353']
If it helps resolve the conflict, i can have 18 million sent to a 6 nations of R&R's [or their protectorate's] choice [3 million each] once my slots clear up, [48 hrs].

Thanks but the UINE government is quite easily able to cover the reps now that we know they are owed. Appreciate the offer tho :)

All we need is a place to send them. We can clear this today if this is given.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1307367172' post='2725351']
Well honestly, It was pretty dumb to not pay an amount as little as that. Ive paid atleast 36m in scammed tech deals.

Well, now I guess that 36m is going to cost you a WHOLE lot more in damage. Sad to see this for you, UINE.

Agreed - However you can only repay a debt you know about. Which we will now do.

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