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Rating Alliances 2.0...now with blocs!


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Siberian Tiger Alliance 5
The Prolific Empire 5
Olympus 5
Poison Clan 5
Colossus 5
Greenland Republic 5
United Purple Nations 2
Hydra 4
Carpe Diem 3
Créole 5
=LOST= 5
Europa 5
Dark Templar 7 (you guys earned some respect for fighting in the war)
Imperial Assault Alliance 8 (what can I say I love you guys, I just wished you'd love me back :( )
The Order of Righteous Nations 3 (ok seriously half these alliances weren't on the original list probably for a reason <_< )
Phoenix Rising 4
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes 0
Invicta 6 (pretty straight forward and ok)
New Sith Order 3 (dear me, it would take a wall of text to explain my disdain for this group)
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 5 (who?)
The Imperial Order 6 (least favorite ally, very disapointed with the thriller incident)
United Blue Directorate 4 (once again wtf? who are these people?)
Gotham 5 + 1 for nanananana BATMAN
SOS Brigade 4 (I like locke but I don't know his group well enough for a higher score)
Nebula-X 4
The Sweet Oblivion 4 (meh)
Union of Integrated National Entities 4
Exodus 5 (I hope you name yourselves after the thrash metal band :smug: )
Molon Labe 4
\m/ 4
Atlantic Sphere Union 4

Complaints and Grievances Union 7 (decent bloc)
Superfriends 4
Synergy 5 (i liked it better till recently)
Doomhouse Accords 2 (pffft right)
Pandora's Box 5 (only bloc worth a damn probably in the damn game you damn fools...damn)
AZTEC 4 (wtf?)
Blood For Friends (seriously who are you people)
Chestnut Accords
Terra Cotta Pact 4 -2 ( it has NSO in it enough said)
Kel-Morian Combine
Victory Not Vengeanc

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Top Posters In This Topic

Siberian Tiger Alliance - 6

The Prolific Empire - 5

Olympus - 5

Poison Clan - 1

Colossus - 5

Greenland Republic - 5

United Purple Nations - 1

Hydra - 4

Carpe Diem - 4

Créole - 5

=LOST= - 6

Europa - 4

Dark Templar - 5

Imperial Assault Alliance - 5

The Order of Righteous Nations - 4

Phoenix Rising - 5

Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 2

Invicta - 0

New Sith Order - 6

North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 3

The Imperial Order - 3

United Blue Directorate - 3

Gotham - 6

SOS Brigade - 3

Nebula-X - 5

The Sweet Oblivion - 2

Union of Integrated National Entities - 5

Exodus - 4

Molon Labe - 5

\m/ - 6

Atlantic Sphere Union - ?

OMFG - 7

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Siberian Tiger Alliance - 6 preachy moralism and faux outrage specialists. Best by far of the direct polar allies.
The Prolific Empire - 5 Stole Sqkura, otherwise, no clue.
Olympus - 5, lose 1 for purple, gain 1 for pansy
Poison Clan - 7, would have been a 4 or 5 a year ago, but after working with them last war, they are pretty good people. Even Zoomx3
Colossus - 5, no clue
Greenland Republic - 4, thought they disbanded >_>
United Purple Nations - 1 Horribad
Hydra - 4, no clue
Carpe Diem - 4, terrible pony images
Créole - 6, no idea who they really are, but a bonus point for stat collecting properly
=LOST= - 5, no idea
Europa - 4, -2 for meh-ness, +1 for Lewis Cowper who is awesome.
Dark Templar - 3, blech
Imperial Assault Alliance - 4, meh
The Order of Righteous Nations - 6, bigwoody
Phoenix Rising - 3, GGA-lite
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes, 5, no clue
Invicta - 1, if I could give negative points, I would. Let me count they ways they suck. Haflinger, SOS Treaty, Jamalamadingdong Protectorate, Haflinger again
New Sith Order - 6, I don't like them, but they aren't average, and that earns them something.
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 2 terrible at war and peace.
The Imperial Order - 3, "we got thriller's back, no wait, no we don't", plus NpO vassal state
United Blue Directorate - 4, didn't realize they still existed.
Gotham - 3, lolCain
SOS Brigade - 1, pedoboos with terrible communications, terrible allies and overall deserving of WAE even more than Legion or Invicta
Nebula-X - 4, who?
The Sweet Oblivion - 6, only because of LOLbowe. Their terrible start still needs to be erased before they move much
Union of Integrated National Entities - 2, vassal
Exodus - 2 - GGA-liteR
Molon Labe - 3, meh
\m/ - 4, better than they used to be, mainly because GOONS took their schtick.
Atlantic Sphere Union - 6, they sell us tech. Can't hate on that
OMFG - 10, Bonus points for Killjoy and Kama and autosave, but they lost 1.5 each for Kage and FoldedPizza

Complaints and Grievances Union - 5 unified-ish
Superfriends - 4 Lost most of it's luster
Synergy - 1 Terribad
Doomhouse Accords - Not a bloc
Pandora's Box - 5 still doesn't seem like a good matching
AZTEC - 4 isn't completely terrible.
Blood For Friends - 1 terrible
Chestnut Accords - 2 Meh
Terra Cotta Pact - 1 Bad
Checkmate - 3 meh.
Kel-Morian Combine - 1 Don't know/care
Poseidon - 1 Probably terrible
Victory Not Vengeance - 1 Don't know/care

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Obligatory 'these are my own opinions, and not those of my alliance' comment. Also, ratings for the original list can be found here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101370&view=findpost&p=2700959

Siberian Tiger Alliance - 5 No strong opinion either way
The Prolific Empire - 4 No real strong opinion here, although the limited interaction I've had in the past with them typically was mildly unpleasant due to general rudeness on behalf of their peeps I was talking to.
Olympus - 5 No real opinion here.
Poison Clan - 3 Got into slapping matches with them constantly back in NOIR, generally because of Citizenkane.
Colossus - 5 A resounding 'meh'
Greenland Republic - 5 Only interaction I've ever had was warring a few back in WotC. Don't really know them beyond that.
United Purple Nations - 3 Bonus points given here for no longer having Peggy Sue.
Hydra - 7 Good group of people here and solid allies.
Carpe Diem - 5 Don't know them that well.
Créole - 5 Saw them start up back when I was in The Liquor Cabinet, but really no significant interaction with them, personally.
=LOST= - 5 Meh. Don't know them.
Europa - 9 Fantastic and fun group, and great allies.
Dark Templar - 8 Good and fun peeps all around. Should have gone jihad against CSN for longer, but meh.
Imperial Assault Alliance - 5 Meh. Don't know them very well.
The Order of Righteous Nations - 6 Generally decent folk.
Phoenix Rising - 5 Meh. Don't know them.
Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes - 3 Try way too hard to be funny.
Invicta - 3 Not a big fan.
New Sith Order - 5 Haven't had much interaction with them, personally.
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 3 Should have rolled tanks against them a few years back when I had the chance, just for grins.
The Imperial Order - 4 Don't know them too well, but the bit with Thriller leaves a pretty nasty welt on their reputation yet.
United Blue Directorate - 4 Don't know very much about them.
Gotham - 3 Helena Cain is why they can't have nice things.
SOS Brigade - 1 Seriously. What the deuce?
Nebula-X - 5 Don't know them very well.
The Sweet Oblivion - 4 Meh.
Union of Integrated National Entities - 3 lolKeve.
Exodus - 6 Only know one or two individuals in there, but don't know as much about the rest of the alliance.
Molon Labe - 5 Quiet, but not bad folk.
\m/ - 4 Meh.
Atlantic Sphere Union - 5 Don't know them very well.
OMFG - 6 Bonus points for Calderone.

Complaints and Grievances Union - 5 Fairly neutral here.
Superfriends - 4 Bonus points for R&R and RIA, but considerable deductions for CSN and GOD.
Synergy - 5 Meh.
Doomhouse Accords - 6 Umbrella and GOONS aren't bad.
Pandora's Box - 5 Like some of those in there, but not very fond of others. Fairly neutral as a result.
AZTEC - 6 Deduction for WAPA.
Blood For Friends - 9 Admittedly biased here (and laughing my backside off about all the 'who?' comments in this thread)
Chestnut Accords - 4 Seems like a bit of a meatshield bloc for one or two of the signatories.
Terra Cotta Pact - 5 Don't know them extremely well.
Checkmate - 5 I like Ronin, but not much interaction with the rest of the bloc.
Kel-Morian Combine - 4 BTA and TCU are meh. I suspect THL is only solid with the other two for about 16 hours at a time.
Poseidon - 5 I like Valhalla, but no real interaction with the others.
Victory Not Vengeance - 5 Haven't interacted with any of them, but I hear good things about WFF.

Also, as a note for the 'who?' crowd in regards to Blood For Friends, it's FEAR, Europa, and Wolfpack.

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Too lazy to rate blocs, plus I'm not sure who's in some of the ones listed to begin with.

Siberian Tiger Alliance - 4. I like Pez.
The Prolific Empire - 5.
Olympus - 5.
Poison Clan - 4. I doubt we'll ever have good relations, not least of which because I doubt anyone cares enough to give it an honest effort.
Colossus - 5.
Greenland Republic - 6. Shamed is cool.
United Purple Nations - 3. Lasted longer than I thought they were going to.
Hydra - 5.
Carpe Diem - 5.
Créole - 5.
=LOST= - 5.
Europa - 5.
Dark Templar - 4. Eh.
Imperial Assault Alliance - 5.
The Order of Righteous Nations - 4. Meh.
Phoenix Rising - 4. Marginally better GGA Redux than the other one.
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 4.
Invicta - 2. It's not good when one of the worst posters to ever grace these boards is your public face. Also NPO asswagon etc.
New Sith Order - 4. Been pretty quiet lately.
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 3.
The Imperial Order - 3.
United Blue Directorate - 4.
Gotham - 5.
SOS Brigade - 6.
Nebula-X - 5.
The Sweet Oblivion - 3. They still exist?
Union of Integrated National Entities - 3.
Exodus - 3.
Molon Labe - 5.
\m/ - 4.
Atlantic Sphere Union - 5.
OMFG - 6. I hear good things.

Edited by Aurion
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Alliances Included in First List:
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 6 (Don't really know them, but they seem cool)
Green Protection Agency - 5
Fark - 9 (One of the best alliances on CN, former SF)
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 3 (Past grievances)
Sparta - 6 (Seem like a fine bunch)
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network - 3 (-2 OsRavan)
The Order Of The Paradox - 5
Umbrella - 8 (Good community)
New Pacific Order - 3 (A mess)
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 2 (Backstabbing, Synergy)
Viridian Entente - 5 (-3 Penkala)
The Democratic Order - 4
New Polar Order - 4 (meh)
FOK - 7 (PB)
R&R - 10 (SF :wub: )
Mushroom Kingdom - 6 (-1 for being moralist, +2 for being in DH)
Nordreich - 4 (Opposing CSN)
LoSS - 5 (Fought well in the war)
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 4 (Meh)
The Legion - 4 (Enemy of a friend)
Valhalla - 2 (Opposes CSN at every turn)
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4 (Meh)
Nueva Vida - 4 (Just dont like you)
The Foreign Division - 5
Federation Of Armed Nations - 7 (VietFAN)
NATO - 3
Global Order of Darkness - 10 (SF :wub: )
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5
Legacy - 10 (One of CSN's best allies)
The Templar Knights - 10 (Another one of CSN's best allies)
The Order Of Light - 5
Asgaard - 4 (Hardcore NOIR)
iFOK - 6
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 10 ( :smug: )
Athens - 4 (Backstabbing)
World Federation - 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 9 (Recent relations)
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance - 3 (fail)
Argent - 5
Guru Order - 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 1 (A few of their members are nut jobs. I also disagree with their morals, their beliefs and their personalities)
Ragnarok - 6 (Although lately they have been troublesome to deal with, there is still some respect remaining)
The Phoenix Federation - 6
Random Insanity Alliance - 10 (SF :wub: )

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 4 (Cowards)
The Prolific Empire - 5
Olympus - 5
Poison Clan - 4 (Trolls)
Colossus - 5
Greenland Republic - 5
United Purple Nations - 5
Hydra - 4 (Dishonourable)
Carpe Diem - 5
Créole - 4
=LOST= - 4
Europa - 7 (Seem like a good alliance)
Dark Templar - 1 (Mass messaging, Going back on their own word, Trying to leave LoSS after 1 week ect.)
Imperial Assault Alliance - 4 (Synergy but they seem like good people)
The Order of Righteous Nations - 0 (The WORST alliance on CN. In it's entire history it has only won a war if at the very least 3 other alliances are helping. Lord Curzon consistently makes straw-man arguments and puts words in other peoples mouths. They are the height of hypocrisy)
Phoenix Rising - 5
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 1 (For the name)
Invicta - 4
New Sith Order - 1 (Whiny moralist !@#$%bags)
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 4 (People they are allied to)
The Imperial Order - 4 (Synergy)
United Blue Directorate - 4
Gotham - 2 (Recruitment methods.....)
SOS Brigade - 6
Nebula-X - 5
The Sweet Oblivion - 5
Union of Integrated National Entities - 5
Exodus - 5
Molon Labe - 2
\m/ - 5
Atlantic Sphere Union - 4
OMFG - 3

Complaints and Grievances Union - 2 (No member alliances that I like)
Superfriends - 10 ( :wub: )
Synergy - 1 (Power based on numbers not development, GATO)
Doomhouse Accords - 8 (GOONS, Umbrella)
Pandora's Box - 9 (VE, GOONS, Umbrella, FOK)
AZTEC - 1 (Not a single good alliance within it's icy recesses)
Blood For Friends - 7
Chestnut Accords - 10 (CRAP=Brilliance)
Terra Cotta Pact - 1 (see AZTEC)
Checkmate - 5 (???)
Kel-Morian Combine - 5 (???)
Poseidon - 1 (???)
Victory Not Vengeance - 5 (???)

Edited by Emperor Smith
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Mostly Harmless Alliance - 4: Bloated alliance who does nothing
Green Protection Agency - 3: Neutral
Fark - 8: Honourable and good fighters
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 4: Ducklol
Sparta - 4: See MHA
World Task Force - 2: Destroy neutral
Optional Defense Network - 0: Optional
The Order Of The Paradox - 0: Emos
Umbrella - 4: Good fighters, but annoying imo
New Pacific Order - 5: meh
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 6: meh
Viridian Entente - 0: Boo
The Democratic Order - 3: Destroy neutral
New Polar Order - 10: Former alliance
FOK - 7: Best PB alliance with iFOK
R&R - 5: meh
Mushroom Kingdom - 3: Someone roll them
Nordreich - 7: Good alliance
LoSS - 4: Boring
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 4: meh
The Legion - 5: meh
Valhalla - 6: Decent for Duckroll
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4: Destroy TSO or something
Nueva Vida - 5: meh
The Foreign Division - 3: Generic Blue alliance who does nothing
Federation Of Armed Nations - 6: Decent
NATO - 2: Get off Blue
Global Order of Darkness - 0: Someone please disband this alliance
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 3: Who?
Legacy - 3: Who?
The Templar Knights - 5: meh
The Order Of Light - 4: Boring
Asgaard - 5: meh
iFOK - 7: Best PB alliance
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 3: Xiph 2.0
Athens - 3: I'm an evil Moralist
World Federation - 4: Who?
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 0: Roll them
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 4: Boring
Global Democratic Alliance - 3: Boring blue alliance
Argent - 6: Decent
Guru Order - 7: Good alliance
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5: meh
Ragnarok - 10: Takes a lot of balls to do what they did
The Phoenix Federation - 3: Judge X
Random Insanity Alliance - 7: Would be 8 if they weren't allied to Xiph and Xiph 2.0

Siberian Tiger Alliance - 9: Evil Moralist scum
The Prolific Empire - 4: Who?
Olympus - 7: Good alliance
Poison Clan - 2: Merge with GOONS or something
Colossus - 3: Who?
Greenland Republic - 4: Tis a shame
United Purple Nations - 6: Better than most think
Hydra - 3: They have that one annoying guy
Carpe Diem - 5: meh
Créole - 7: Solid alliance
=LOST= - 5: Who?
Europa - 4: Who?
Dark Templar - 7: $%&@ Xiph 2.0/GOD 2.0/GOD lackeys/CSN
Imperial Assault Alliance - 8: Honourable alliance
The Order of Righteous Nations - 2: God awful
Phoenix Rising - 3: Who?
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 4: Seem inactive, but were really annoying in 2009
Invicta - 3: Merge with NPO
New Sith Order - 6: Most annoying of the Orders, but loyal
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 2: Disband or merge with NATO/TFD/UBD to create a mega useless Blue alliance. Hope NpO rolls you again
The Imperial Order - 6: Decent
United Blue Directorate - 3: Boo
Gotham - 6: Decent
SOS Brigade - 3: Anime sucks
Nebula-X - 3: Boring
The Sweet Oblivion - 0: Go die. LOL TOP
Union of Integrated National Entities - 6: Decent
Exodus - 5: meh
Molon Labe - 5: meh
\m/ - 3: Disband at this point
Atlantic Sphere Union - 4: Who?
OMFG - 3: Boring

Complaints and Grievances Union - 2: MK lackeys
Superfriends - 6: Best major bloc. Not saying much as a 6. Would be higher without Cult of Xiphosis and GOD 2.0/Xiph 2.0/Cult of Xiphosis 2.0/CSN
Synergy - 7: Decent, but GATO kind of sucks military wise. Overall good alliances
Doomhouse Accords - 0: Will be a glorious day when rolled
Pandora's Box - 0: See Doomhouse
AZTEC - 4: Really annoying
Blood For Friends - 3: Who?
Chestnut Accords - 5: meh
Terra Cotta Pact - 5: meh
Checkmate - 6: meh
Kel-Morian Combine - 1: Terrible fighters
Poseidon - 6: Decent
Victory Not Vengeance - 3: Who?

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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Mostly Harmless Alliance 1 - you appear to want to do something, but you're not taking the lead in any way shape or form.
Green Protection Agency 5 - For the love of god absorb TDO and other !@#$ neutrals like Pax Corvus and GOP.
Fark 3 - You're not completely useless like many large AAs, but your fighting ability is grossly over exaggerated based on stacked fights against IRON.
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7 - You stick to your guns and have helped shape your own area in this world. You've improved considerably since Karma and bipolar showed you at least bring something to this game.
Sparta 5 - You've made a lot of improvements, but you need take a more progressive stance in this world.
World Task Force - You might be the most inactive alliance in this game next to TDO. You've done literally nothing for your entire existence.
Orange Defense Network 7 - solid community and have made large strides into redefining who you are, despite a rocky as !@#$ past.
The Order Of The Paradox 8 - Your past is rocky considering your former self-preservationist nature, but bi-polar redefined who you were. Activity, balls, and a well built alliance make you one of the best and most feared in this game.
Umbrella ally
New Pacific Order 6 - You've got a good community and are needed in this game. Your past is a mix-bag, but is overall a large success. However, your rebuilding from Karma was retarded. There was absolutely no reason to purchase to such large infra levels as you guys were.
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 5 - You've never accomplished much in this game, despite being the oldest alliance.
Viridian Entente ally
The Democratic Order - disband now
New Polar Order 2 - World Police 4 lyfe
FOK ally
R&R 5 - You've never really done much in this game.
Mushroom Kingdom 5 - You've got some good activity and some good guys.
Nordreich 8 - solid alliance.
LoSS 6 - improved their image in my eyes considerably this last war. Well done guys.
Nusantara Elite Warriors 7 - Despite some flaws, very dangerous flaws, I love their style and their dedication.
The Legion 3 - Despite legitimately sucking at most everything, people still join your alliance. Congrats on that
Valhalla 6 - I'm more upset PC and Valhalla didn't end up fighting in this last war. You broke our running streak. I respect your build type and dedication.
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 1 - disband already and put a muzzle on that attention whoring scy
Nueva Vida 2 - Only thing I can really compliment you on is being founded by a 15 year old and actually amounting to something long lasting.
The Foreign Division 6 - Always been the best on the ~otherside~
Federation Of Armed Nations ? - You earn the question mark because I know literally nothing about you guys and have done !@#$ in years.
NATO 1 - nothing worth mentioning about you guys
Global Order of Darkness - 2 dislike your style to just about everything.
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 4 Nothing much to say about you guys, but you've never really done anything worth remembering in a bad way.
Legacy 2 - You're attention whores. Nobody cares that you reached 3 million NS because you exist as a merger that occurred 2 weeks ago and grew maybe 100k NS in that time period.
The Templar Knights 1 Merge into some other maroon AA.
The Order Of Light 4 - I like some people here, I did merge an alliance into you at one point, but your FA has been stagnant for 3 years and you keep driving the stake in your heart each time you fight.
Asgaard - don't know them
iFOK ally
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 2 - As long as you have Liz in government and think you're worth a !@#$ because you stalled a war over the most petty of reasons, you earn just above a 1. Your actual history prior to this recent war gives you +1.
Athens ally
World Federation 5 - Took on NoR all by yourselves. bravo
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism ally
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics 6 - You stood up for NEW, something I wish PC had done as well.
Global Democratic Alliance 1 - disband
Argent 8 - Always been a fan. You guys can bring the heat on a losing or winning side and are definitely nothing to overestimate.
Guru Order - don't know em
Christian Coalition Of Countries 1 - disband
Ragnarok 2 - You guys have never been able to hold yourselves together. Your growth is historically stagnant outside of mergers and whenever Hoo would leave or step down you'd pretty much die. I did enjoy the fight though.
The Phoenix Federation 4 - I like a few of you.
Random Insanity Alliance 5 - Can't say anything bad about you, but can't say anything good either.

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance 2 - Pretty much the mini-world police
The Prolific Empire 6 - you're decent
Olympus 6 - definitely a lot of good fighters in this AA
Poison Clan
Colossus - who?
Greenland Republic 4 - you've been dead for a while
United Purple Nations 1 - disband
Hydra - don't know em
Carpe Diem - disband
Créole 1 - You've done nothing, but send a few guys to FARK to fight those who assisted NEW afaik.
=LOST= 5 - don't know em, but they're proactive with a few of my allies in a good way.
Europa - don't know em
Dark Templar 6 - I'm warming up.
Imperial Assault Alliance 2 - you've always been pretty terrible
The Order of Righteous Nations - 6 bipolar showed they're actually willing to do something
Phoenix Rising disband
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes ally
Invicta 1 disband
New Sith Order 5 - They enjoy themselves and if they're hated they deserve a place in this world
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 1 - disband
The Imperial Order 1 - disband
United Blue Directorate 1 - disband
Gotham 1 - disband
SOS Brigade 1 - Disband
Nebula-X 1 - disband
The Sweet Oblivion 1 - disband
Union of Integrated National Entities 1 -disband
Exodus 1 -disband
Molon Labe 1 - disband
\m/ 1 - disband
Atlantic Sphere Union 1 -disband
OMFG 6 - after a long list of me suggesting disbandments, you're a shining star, but for good reason.

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I only rated alliances I know.

[u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 9. !@#$@#$ awesome in every possible way. I don't care what anyone says, if you actually know MHA as a community, you know they are worthy of this score.

Fark - 9. Also !@#$@#$ awesome. Potent military and hilarious community. They are easily the most well rounded (in a good way) alliance in this game.

Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 8. I don't care if many of them aren't fans of Sparta, I've come to like IRON. They don't screw with people and they are [i]super chill[/i]. Good group.

World Task Force - 6. Quite competent fighters while being a neutral alliance (that's rare). I wish I knew their community though.

Orange Defense Network - 8. Fantastic allies. Ferociously loyal to their friends.

The Order Of The Paradox - 8. I used to not get along with them, but these days I'm actually quite a big fan. Good gov and super chillax members (and a good military too).

Umbrella - 8. I gave a -1 because I'm jealous of their tech. Also, Roq/NFL/Face are awesome.

New Pacific Order - I'm still trying to decide how I really feel on this one. Technically they haven't bothered me since pre-karma, but I'm weary of what would happen should they ever win a war again. I'll go with a 3 for now.

Viridian Entente - 5. Ehhhhh I'm semi undecided on this one, but I'm less positive than I am negative but I'll go neutral anyway.

New Polar Order - 5. Used to be really, really negative, but after resolving some personal issues with them recently it's been raised up to neutral. I'm curious to see what they do post war without being restricted by reps.

R&R - 9. We agree on almost everything all the time. Definitely my favorite non-allied alliance.

Mushroom Kingdom - 4. They had a great opportunity to be awesome, and then they didn't peace NPO. All you had to do was just not be dicks just [i]once[/i], and you could have been great. *le sigh*

The Legion - 2. I still don't like you for your conduct a year ago.

Nueva Vida - 6. It was fun fighting them. The top tier match ups were quite entertaining. It's a shame you didn't let Alex play with magicalbricks though. We had wager pools about how much infra he could strip off in one round.

Global Order of Darkness - 4. People change.

Legacy - 4. Wussies.

Asgaard - 8. They are a lot better allies to us than we deserve. For the true friendship and acceptance they have offered to us, I can't possibly justify a number any lower than this. Truly awesome allies. Also, Thrawn is awesome.

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 4. Also wussies. Damage happens in war, dudes...accept it.

Athens - 9. They've been like family to us for years. I'll never forget that we had to get Tulak drunk to get him to sign the treaty in the first place. I'm sure it was the most worthwhile drinking binge of his life.

Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 5. I'm only neutral because of sardonic.

Guru Order - 7. Very nice fellows.

Ragnarok - 5. Last war was !@#$@#$ weird.

Random Insanity Alliance - 9. See Asgaard. Also, they have the biggest balls out of any alliance in the game. They fought on 3 sides in the same damn war and still came out as one of the most respected alliances in the world.

[u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
Poison Clan - 3. I still don't forgive your members for hitting Fark.

New Sith Order - 1. Being proud of people not being able to stand you isn't worthy of anything higher.

SOS Brigade - 3. I didn't know you before I had to deal with you in a planning channel. In hindsight, I wish it stayed that way.

Exodus - 4. Meh.

Complaints and Grievances Union - 8. ODN and Athens are worth an 8 easily.

Superfriends - 8. All 8 of those points are for R&R and RIA.

Doomhouse Accords - 5. Umbrella's awesome and MK's not-awesome balance each other out.

Pandora's Box - 6. Would be higher if not for PC.

AZTEC - 5. They're alright. Don't really know much about them.

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Decided to go with commentary this go 'round

[u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 3 Haven't done much in a while, the things I remember them doing I never liked
Green Protection Agency - 5 One good neutral, etc.
Fark - 6 Nice people, friends of my friends
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 3 General DR meh
Sparta - 2 Jump in on little people and still get a black eye
World Task Force - 3 I don't think they're technically neutral, but they may as well be
Orange Defense Network - 1 lol
The Order Of The Paradox - 2 lol with some nice nations
Umbrella - 5 Don't really care for their politics, but at least they're not terrible
New Pacific Order - 9 Loved them as long as I can remember
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 4 This war brought their score down a bit for me
Viridian Entente - 3 One of the first alliances I ever observed and started with bad impression, haven't done much to rectify it
The Democratic Order - 3 Neutral that isn't GPA, etc.
New Polar Order - 5 Used to like them, now I don't know what I think
FOK - 4 Some nice people, some not so nice
R&R - 6 No particular experiences, but nothing bad to say and +1 for SF
Mushroom Kingdom - 2 Some good people, but the bad ones just ruin it
Nordreich - 3 Used to like them (OOC: and a lot of the OOC hate they get seems undeserved), but this war changed my opinion
LoSS - 5 Don't really know or care, but some people I respect seem to like them
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5 DF raid was dumb, but at least they know how to have fun
The Legion - 7 Hardly a military powerhouse, but full of some great people
Valhalla - 2 Not had...well, really any experiences with Val ranking above neutral
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4 Random alliance that doesn't do much, have Gopher though
Nueva Vida - 5 Nice people, don't really care
The Foreign Division - 4 Nice people, occasionally annoying
Federation Of Armed Nations - 4 They have a good community, don't care for the politics
NATO - 5 Don't really care much anymore, but having them back in CDT was fun
Global Order of Darkness - 9 Good, consistent allies
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5 Don't really know'em
Legacy - 4 Same
The Templar Knights - 5 Same again
The Order Of Light - 4 Another
Asgaard - 6 I remember a couple of their members from when...I believe it was GLOP disbanding and there was a coup to reform and some bad stuff or whatever. Liked the people I talked to about that
iFOK - 3 Wouldn't have a problem with them if they would just let go of the old grudges
Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations - 6 +1 for SF
Athens - 2 Londo's gone, +1
World Federation - 3 Self-important
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 3 Seem intent on hurting the people I like
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 3 Meh
Global Democratic Alliance - 4 Quiet, but you did something this war I liked
Argent - 3 Janax, DD, -1 each
Guru Order - 2 Were just random small alliance until Bipolar, then you screwed over NATO, I think it was
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5 Don't care, but tempted to +1 just because of everyone elses' silly hate
Ragnarok - 5 Never liked you until recently, but liked you standing by Polar and sad to see you leave SF,
The Phoenix Federation - 5 Quiet, but you have Airikr (or had, he seems to have gone missing :()
Random Insanity Alliance - 9.5 No one can ever be perfect, but you're damn close

[u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 4 Meh
The Prolific Empire - 3 ODN flunkie
Olympus - 2 Lack of tact
Poison Clan - 2 Haven't hesitated to use their political weight to oppose my alliance
Colossus - 5 Meh
Greenland Republic - 4 Inactive
United Purple Nations - 6 I don't think they'll ever get their nations up to snuff, but Altheus in proper charge is very good
Hydra - 2 lol
Carpe Diem - 5 Don't care
Créole - 5 Same
=LOST= - 2 That Stefano fellow needs to get his love affair checked out
Europa - 4 Meh, but Invicta likes you
Dark Templar - 4 More meh
Imperial Assault Alliance - 8 Chimmy :wub: Also my first treaty
The Order of Righteous Nations - 3 Annoying posters
Phoenix Rising - 5 Meh, for great justice
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 4 Just wish that Schro was more your face
Invicta - 9 First real home, awesome people, staunch allies
New Sith Order - 2 Liked you a lot more when Ivan was running it
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 4 Meh
The Imperial Order - 6 Like you and all, but the Thriller thing really didn't help
United Blue Directorate - 3 Meh
Gotham - 5 Don't know much, but RIA protects you
SOS Brigade - 10 Not for perfection, but there's no place I'd rather be
Nebula-X - 3 I liked the old NX, but this one is...eh
The Sweet Oblivion - 3 You still exist?
Union of Integrated National Entities - 3 Meh
Exodus - 6 You're a blank slate for me, despite the GGA label everyone seems eager to apply. +1 for IAA love, wish I could have fought you this war
Molon Labe - 5 Meh
\m/ - 3 Meh
Atlantic Sphere Union - 3 Never liked Burnt
OMFG - 3 You were against inter-purple politics before it was cool. Not knowing PEACE existed when you left Poseidon still makes me laugh

Complaints and Grievances Union - 2 lol
Superfriends - 9 Allied to half of you, like the other half
Synergy - 6 You have IAA and TIO
Doomhouse Accords - 1 Politically opposed to me, annoying
Pandora's Box - 1 Ditto, and have taken actions against my alliance to boot
AZTEC - 5 Nice people, don't care
Blood For Friends - 5 Don't care for you, but people I like do
Chestnut Accords - 6 Seems a bit redundant, but I have a strange love of maroon these days
Terra Cotta Pact - 4 Don't care for you, but at least someone's trying to make workable color politics
Checkmate - 5 You need to act together one of these days
Kel-Morian Combine - 3 Has this ever been activated? Also, lol THL
Poseidon - 3 Dropped a lot in my mind in the past year, you managed to give credibility to the lolpurple sentiments
Victory Not Vengeance - 4 Don't like 2/3 of you, but +1 for Melutar

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Alliances Included in First List:
Mostly Harmless Alliance 7 some cool people
Green Protection Agency 1 boring as hell
Fark 8
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 6
Sparta 5
World Task Force 1
Orange Defense Network 7
The Order Of The Paradox 8
Umbrella 10
New Pacific Order 3
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 3
Viridian Entente 10
The Democratic Order 1
New Polar Order 2
FOK 10
R&R 1 SF
Mushroom Kingdom 8
Nordreich 3
LoSS 2
Nusantara Elite Warriors 2
The Legion 2
Valhalla 5
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 3
Nueva Vida 9
The Foreign Division 2
Federation Of Armed Nations 8
Global Order of Darkness 1 SF
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 6
Legacy 3
The Templar Knights 8
The Order Of Light 5
Asgaard 6
iFOK 5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 1 SF
Athens 3
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism 9
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics 2
Global Democratic Alliance 2
Argent 8
Guru Order 4
Christian Coalition Of Countries 3
Ragnarok 1
The Phoenix Federation 2
Random Insanity Alliance 1 SF

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance 1 Annoying.
Olympus 5
Poison 3
Greenland Republic 5
United Purple Nations 2
Hydra 3
Carpe Diem 5
Créole 5
=LOST= 5
Dark Templar 2
Imperial Assault Alliance 2
The Order of Righteous Nations 8
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes 2
Invicta 1
New Sith Order 1
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 0
The Imperial Order 1
United Blue Directorate 5
SOS Brigade 1
\m/ 2

Complaints and Grievances Union 5
Superfriends 1 -- Bloc is dying a slow, painful, hilarious death.
Synergy 1 -- Despite the above statement, Synergy is still worse off. Pathetic bloc.
Doomhouse Accords -- 5 but it's not really a bloc.
Pandora's Box -- 8
AZTEC -- 8
Chestnut Accords 1 -- Dying alongside SF.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1304027181' post='2701398']
R&R 1 SF
Global Order of Darkness 1 SF
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 1 SF
Random Insanity Alliance 1 SF
Superfriends 1 -- Bloc is dying a slow, painful, hilarious death.
Chestnut Accords 1 -- Dying alongside SF.
LMAO. They must've hurt your feelings :smug:

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Alliances Included in First List:
Mostly Harmless Alliance 9 - Perpetually underrated, being quiet isn't a bad thing, performed well for a 700 member alliance given the logistics involved.
Green Protection Agency -5
Fark -7
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8 - Have managed to break the cycle and are nice people.
Sparta 9 - Strong culture and reliable. One of the best allies you could ask for and our second oldest treaty.
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network 9 - They were willing to put up with a lot of bad feelings in the past and we manage to make something great out of dialogue.
The Order Of The Paradox - 8
New Pacific Order - 5 form a political pole, but too indignant over getting attacked given prior public conduct
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 5 - Too pro-NPO
Viridian Entente 9 - In many ways, this has been one of the most successful relationships in CN despite it being relatively new.
The Democratic Order -5
New Polar Order 5 - Make the game interesting, but manage to make enemies everywhere
FOK - 9, always ready to fight
R&R - 8 Willing to put the pedal to the metal if they feel wronged.
Mushroom Kingdom - 9 meow meow
Nordreich - 7, very impressed by their contributions to the war effort and willingness to take a PR hit
LoSS 4, seem kind of hostile
Nusantara Elite Warriors 4.5, good fighters but messed up badly.
The Legion -3
Valhalla 7 - Good fighters and broke off from their old reputation
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 4 - Needs a lot of improvement
Nueva Vida 6 - would be higher, but siding with STA was a bad move.
The Foreign Division 7 - One of the lesser known good fighting alliances.

Federation Of Armed Nations 8 - Awesome people.
NATO 4 - would be higher except for NPO tie.
Global Order of Darkness 7.5
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 5
Legacy 4
The Templar Knights 4
The Order Of Light 2 - followed TPF once again.
Asgaard 5 - would be higher but seem meh towards us.
iFOK 9 - got assaulted by a giant mass and held up well
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 7
Athens - 7
World Federation 2 - Extremely terrible performance against STA.
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 9
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance -5
Argent 9 - Come through big time.
Guru Order 7 - was impressed by them going to FOK asking to help out.
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
Ragnarok 4 - shouldn't have entered especially after SF had its trajectory planned out
The Phoenix Federation 5 - Managed to lead the NPO side
Random Insanity Alliance 6 - would be higher, but VE cancellation rubbed me the wrong way.

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance 3 - Overly snobby and prone to making enemies.
The Prolific Empire - 7.5 - awesome people
Olympus 6.5 - Get rid of the NPO treaty.
Poison Clan 8.5 - Should be able to rebound.
Colossus 5
Greenland Republic 5
United Purple Nations 4
Hydra 6.5
Carpe Diem 7 - Went in, knew the consequences, didn't whine about it.
Créole 8 - Great people.
=LOST= 8 - Always go to bat for their allies
Europa 7 - Broke with political norms in treatying GOONS
Dark Templar - 5 seem hostile
Imperial Assault Alliance 6 - One of the less antagonistic Polar allies, hopefully can bounce back.
The Order of Righteous Nations 7
Phoenix Rising 4 - Performance in war was lacking
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes 7 - Sometimes go too far, but are reliable
Invicta 3 - No real identity outside of being allied to NPO. Haflinger destroys their PR on a consistent basis.
New Sith Order - 6 solid identity
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 3 - Basically wrecked their alliance for no reason.
The Imperial Order 4- One of the more antagonistic NpO allies, but embassy interactions have been pleasant and the rhetoric has been toned down.
United Blue Directorate - 5
Gotham 5
SOS Brigade 6
Nebula-X 6
The Sweet Oblivion 5
Union of Integrated National Entities - 1
Exodus - 5
Molon Labe - 3 for playing dumb
\m/ - still alive? 4
Atlantic Sphere Union - 6 interactions were pleasant before war, but dropped off significantly
OMFG 7 - Seem cool

Complaints and Grievances Union 8 -
Superfriends 8
Synergy - 4
Doomhouse Accords - not a bloc
Pandora's Box - idk
Blood For Friends -5
Chestnut Accords -5
Terra Cotta Pact 5
Checkmate 5
Kel-Morian Combine - 3
Poseidon - 5 would be higher if not for SNAFU going in for TPF
Victory Not Vengeance - 5

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1304028945' post='2701418']
No. I'm just ready to see them mercy killed.
Thats a nice way to say you flip flop easily and have no issues stabbing your friends in the back when you think its politically safe or "cool". What do the "cool" kids think...Ill say that and be cool too. Bandwagon politics at its finest. :lol1:

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1304028945' post='2701418']
No. I'm just ready to see them mercy killed.

Given your current haunt being tied at the hip to GOD, if SF does get mercy killed, it certainly puts you in an odd situation then.

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I'm leaving out the alliances included in the other thread, but I'll do reasoning for these.

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 6 ** 1, +5 for having balls
The Prolific Empire - 4 ** You seem cool but I view you as essentially "should just merge into ODN"
Olympus - 6 ** Didn't know you before a bunch of Thriller joined you recently, but that gets you a +1 from neutral
Poison Clan - 7 ** Great alliance, -1 because I didn't like what happened with NEW a year ago
Colossus - Who?
Greenland Republic - Who?
United Purple Nations - 3
Hydra - 5 ** Heard good things but barely know you. Seem nice.
Carpe Diem - 6 ** Neutral, +1 for your war flag
Créole - Who?
=LOST= - 5
Europa - 5
Dark Templar - 2 ** Worst posters ever, but +1 because I felt kinda bad for you with the CSN stuff
Imperial Assault Alliance - 3 ** This would be lower but I've heard good things about you from friends.
The Order of Righteous Nations - Don't know enough about you to rate.
Phoenix Rising - 7 ** I don't have any logical reasons for liking you guys so much, I just do.
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 9 ** A+++ would treaty again
Invicta - 4 ** Some of your posters are annoying but I don't have any other personal reasons to dislike you.
New Sith Order - 7 ** One of my favorite alliances not on "this side" of the web.
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 3
The Imperial Order - 1 ** -2 for Synergy, +1 for protecting Thriller, -3 for dropping them and being pansies
United Blue Directorate - Who?
Gotham - 2
SOS Brigade - 3 ** -1 for Arrnea, -2 for other annoying drama, +1 for Locke and a few others
Nebula-X - 1 ** Disband.
The Sweet Oblivion - Who?
Union of Integrated National Entities - 4
Exodus - 3
Molon Labe - Don't know enough about you
\m/ - 2 ** I liked you guys but then most the people I talked to left.
Atlantic Sphere Union - 5 ** Neutral
OMFG - 5 ** Neutral

Complaints and Grievances Union - 3 ** I liked you a lot more a year ago
Superfriends - 4 ** Liked you guys a lot more a year ago, too
Synergy - 1
Doomhouse Accords - 7
Pandora's Box - 8
AZTEC - No opinion
Blood For Friends - No opinion
Chestnut Accords - 8
Terra Cotta Pact - 6
Checkmate - 6
Kel-Morian Combine - Who?
Poseidon - 3
Victory Not Vengeance - 1.5 ** +0.5 for WFF

Edited by Hereno
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I already did the first list in the other thread, so here we go:

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 2, Not sure how an alliance led by Tyga and Pezstar is going to accomplish much besides whining.
The Prolific Empire - 6, You've seemed alright.
Olympus - 5, I think if you separated yourselves from NPO (as it seems like you've wanted to in the past), you'd really step up here.
Poison Clan - 8, good fighters, lose a few points for the instability factor.
Colossus - 4, nothing great about them.
Greenland Republic - 4, improve your activity.
United Purple Nations - 2, Terrible fighters, consistently bleeds NS, would have been a 1, but at least you're saying you're trying to improve!
Hydra - 5, netural.
Carpe Diem - 3, the smartassery of re-entering and playing dumb was pretty idiotic.
Créole - 3, some good people in there, but I see that alliance as a waste of some perfectly good nations.
=LOST= - 6, All things I hear about you guys is pretty good.
Europa - 6, see =LOST=
Dark Templar - 3, myworld is pretty insufferable and one of the more lazier leaders I've ever seen.
Imperial Assault Alliance - 4. You've never been impressive in anything.
The Order of Righteous Nations - 5, I think they're doing a slow turnaround. I miss Bigwoody as a GOONS member though. Seems like power got to his head and he's just obnoxious now.
Phoenix Rising - 2, Your performance this last war was awful, good luck trying to shake off GGA 2.0 now.
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 5, I admire the fighting spirit, but your demeanor is immature.
Invicta - 2, Lord Gobb's quote perfectly describes you, and that's all I will think about anytime I see Invicta. Also, Haflinger.
New Sith Order - 7. Hey! An "other side" alliance that has improved its reputation. Giving a good house for RV, as well as being upfront about how terrible Invicta and Legion are give you bonus points. You're like the GOONS of the other side.
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 2, just waiting for that disbandment.
The Imperial Order - 3, "let's protect Thriller!" "Oh wait all the OWF hates it better stop welp"
United Blue Directorate - 3, Bad OWF posting/
Gotham - 3. You haven't been impressive at all.
SOS Brigade - 2. One day you'll all grow up and realize all that anime you watched was a waste of your time.
Nebula-X - 5. Um no idea.
The Sweet Oblivion - 3. You've gone downhill since Bipolar. I'd expect disbandment at some point in the future.
Union of Integrated National Entities - 2. You still use banks lol
Exodus - 3, admittedly you're not as bad as the other "new GGA" alliance, but still pretty bad.
Molon Labe - 3. Your definition of a rogue is hilariously bad.
\m/ - 2, may as well disband.
Atlantic Sphere Union - 5. Neutral, I guess.
OMFG - 7. Good alliance overall, fun leadership and good nations.

Complaints and Grievances Union - 7. In terms of executing things as a bloc, you're fantastic, however International doesn't seem to fit in with you guys very well.
Superfriends - 7. Having RoK out should improve your unity immensely.
Synergy - 3. I can't think of a good alliance in this bloc.
Doomhouse Accords - it's a 3-way treaty and not a bloc so whatever. I do enjoy reading the comments on it though.
Pandora's Box - 7. Great grouping, but we always have areas of improvement.
AZTEC - 4, besides NV, the rest of the alliances in here have terrible reputations.
Blood For Friends - 5. Could go either way. I'm sure you'll either prove your worth in the future (or go the other way, hopefully the former).
Chestnut Accords - 5. Does chestnut even roll together in decisions anymore?
Terra Cotta Pact - 6. You rolled together, at least.
Checkmate - 4. Three small alliances, the presence of this bloc isn't really anything amazing.
Kel-Morian Combine - 2. Any bloc with THL is pretty much doomed.
Poseidon - 3, you guys really aren't unified.
Victory Not Vengeance - 2, three unheard of alliances. Sorry, not really floating my boat.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1304029086' post='2701420']

Asgaard 5 - would be higher but seem meh towards us.


I think I know what you mean. But basically it is we respect you guys but have differences of opinion on how to operate/where we want to be so we couldn't really justify more of a tie than an ODP, so with NOIR we have it covered.

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